At G/,eas,on Cutting Tools, WE'RE TAKING PLATING IPlating Bath CIRCLE 110 GleasonCuttjng Toolsfa.cUity, Loves Park, IL. Our Loves Parle grinding' wheel plating facility is ,one,of the war/d's most advanced. Here's the alternative . ouree you've always wanted for ,.. your CBN and diamond grinding wheels. OUf plating facility now gives us the capability to produce a fun line of high-precision bevel and cylindrical electro-plated Ini.WgI'.mIftI I.' .. metal-bonded, single-layer, _ .._51 TaItIW'.IOI~""----,to 0011 replatable CBN and 2AS3" _ '. • diamond grinding wheeJs IUlln1l1l _ ..... QM. _. hrlll_Z·1 for use with any modem --T-.ProIl. --I!;....PI!I" ..r '"IIf.'ItI CNC profile grinding, gear --T~1In ~~ "2-"-0" ..... 1 20.:12'1 honing, grinding ".....IIIIIIII oCt'iODI'" -,-Jlctidil 22iM!iO"' or gear ---~rDIII'" JitdM 2215217 [22.'MO"I22.111O") Qra.nI"'" n ..,. TT 0 mt" Ie.!nOr 10 !I3&n machine. Higher stock removal rates, lower cost-per Typlcall grInding wheell customer' lest workpiece, longer wheel life, coupon Inspection report. and more consistent quality are the result We also offer fast turn-around and short delivery times from a stock wheel blank inventory in a variety of configurations and sizes. Get quick rum-around on stripping and replating services too. Hall 2 Stand C 10 Gleason Cutti 9 Tools CORPORATION t-....I ....... II I 1351 Windsor Road Phone: 815-877-8900 Beeth #132 ;[II 1]11 • I II. Loves Park, Il6H11 USA Fax: 815-8n·0264 Website: www.gleason.com IE-Mail:gctcCgleason.tom THE LATEST INNOVATION .IN HOSSING. SUPERIOR QUAliTY, SERVICE AND DEliVERY. The Journal of Gear Manufacturillg FEATURES What "Ease-oH" Shows about Bev,el and IHypoid Gears A follow-up to the fundamentals article in the Jan.lFeb. issue 18 Q&A: Hlidden Runout? Technical editor Robert E. Smith answers this issue's inspection-related question " 2'4 F,ac'eIGears: ,An Interesting A'itemative for Special ,Ap,pl!ications __ Calculation, production and use " , " "' 21' Gear Expo, Show Coverage , 35 M'useums, Casiinas and Motown _ The Detroit out ide Cobo Center , ,,, 31 The "Unofficiali" Guide 10 Gear Ex:po 2001 Look here for map and booth listings " ".." " " " 43 1irivia 'Cha,llenges Test your knowledge of Detroit and Gear Expo ".." 58 35 Gear Educat,ion at Gear IEx:po AGMA's fall technicalmeeting, AGMA and SME seminarsat Gear Expo " 60 p'roduct Plreview __ Special advertising section featuring products from Gear Expo exhibitors 62 DEPARTMENTS Publisher's Page 'Gone Fishin· ".".."."".."" ,.." " " " " " ".9 IRevolutions A new bevel gear cutting machine, a fulJ-load planetary test stand. and shaper research" ".." '13 Iindustry News What,' happening in 'the gear industry " "..".." " 66 tetters to the Editor Re ponses to recently publi hed information 68 Technical Calendar Don't miss 'these important upcoming events "...'701 IProduct INews __ The latest products for the gear industry 12. ILiterature Mart _ Free brochures and catalogs from our advertisers 1'4 Advertiser l'ndex,Reader R'8sponse 8& Subscri,Ption Cards _ New fax. forms for sub cribing or getting info on ads and articles " .15 Classifieds, _ Services, Help Wanted and!more " " " " " " " n' Addendum _ Puzzling Together A Gear Pioneer "" " , 80 EDITORIAL Publisher & Editor-in-ChieF Michael Goldstein Managjng Editor William R. Stou Associ.ate Editor Joseph L. Hazelton Editorial ConsuJtant Paul R. Goldstein Teehnlcal Editors Robert Errichclle Don McVitLic Robert E. Smith Dan Thurman ART Art Director Jean Bartz ADVERTISING Advertising Manager Patricia Flam Advertising Coord.inator Deborah Liban CIR.CULAnON Circul.atJon Coordinator Dina Kraus INTERNET Web Developer Dan MacKenzie Gear Industry Home Page'I'M Sales V,ISIT US AT GEAR EXPO IBOOTH #-372. CIRCLE 1.84 Patricia Flam David Tomalis powertransmission.com 1 M Sales Emily C. Frankenberger RANDAll PUBLISHING STAFF 'resident Michael Goldstein Vice President Richard Goldstein Controller Michael Grafman WANTED? Accounting Mary Lou Napadow Phcne: 847-437-6604 E-mail: [email protected] MORE ACCURACY Web: www.geartechnology.com www·PQwertn.lllsmission.com MORE EXPANSION BPAIlltERldTlOlW. MORE VERSATILITY W LONGER LIFE VOL. 18. iNO. 5 GEAR rtcm OLOGY, Tho Journal of ,G.... MOJlur •.cf,rnna (ISSN 0743-6&58) i< pubhshed bimomh- Iy by Randull Publishing, lnc.. 1425 Lunt Aven ue, P.O_ AND LESS COST? B"" 1426. ali. Grove VlU.ge. lL 60001. (847) 437-«>04- Cover price $S.OO us. Periodical p"Slage paid .1 Ar~ng"'n Heights, IL. end al additional mailing office. I Rundall !'uhil'brng mak es evcry offotl 10 ensure rlJOIthe precesses described in GEAR TECIINOLOGY ccnforru THE ANSWER FOR 150 YEARS. to sound engineering prurticc. Neither the autbors ncr the publisher enn be held Iespon~ihre for injunes sustained ! while full owing Lbo£'procedures described. Pesunaster- Send O<!<trc,,, chang .. 10 GEAR Tr;CH~OLOOY. Th. L'eCOUNT, Inc. Journal of Gear Manufacturing. ]425 tunl A,,,nue. P.O. Box ]426. Elk Grove Village. [L. tiOOO7. OContents ""PY- 12 Dewitt lOr. • PO ,Box '950- White River ,J'ct,vr 050011U.S.A. righltd by RANDALL PUBLISHING. INC. 2001. No part of this publication may be reproduced or tmnsmined Tid: 1(800) 642-67113 Dr '(802) 296-22001. Fax: ,18021296-'1i843 ,E-mail: [email protected] in any form Dr by lIJly means, clecuome or mechanical, including pborocopying, recording. or by any informatien Website: http://www.lecount.com!includes product specificationsl storage and retneval system. without pcrmi-eicn III writ- ing from the publisher. Contents or-ads arc subject to Publisher's app"'''1. VI'SIT liS AT GEAR ,EXPO BOOTH #143. CIRCLE 142 4 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2001 • GEAR TECHNOLOGY· www.lleartecnnology.com • www.powerfran.smlssJOn.co'm NACHi N~CHI MACHINING TECHNOII.OGY CO. Globol_ Expertise For All Applications..,,---..... with csntlnued lead ershi p ..... Broaches C0fI'I'Bl111Onal Combining over 1!40 years of process, Gullet machine, and tool experience enables SpmJ1Q Ids SpIJne Nacl1i Mac:hining Technology Ca. to BJmdSphne Full-Form maintain industry leadership by providing Tr!fISIOf/ed customers with the "best practices" Draw Bai manufacturing solutions. Pol Fir Tree ShaVIng Cutlers Let us help you with all of your Broaching, Roll DIes Hobs Gear Shaving:, Hobbing, !Rolling, Gear Honing., Stiaper Curlers Roll ForminQ Racks and Tool Sharpening needs .. HoneS' Burnishing Tools .NACHIII MlACHIININ:GiJieCHN:OLOGIY CO. 17500 Twenty-Three Mile Road. Macomb, Michigan 48044·1103 PhOne: (586)-263-0100 Fax (586) 263·4571 'loWlY nachrrntc com CIRCLIE 11'4 TH E N EW COM PACT Introducing the alii new NILES ZE 630. Simple to operate,affordable to own. Come see the latest addttlon of KAPP machi ne technology at the AG MA Gear Expo Iin Detroit October 7-10, booth 244. CLASS FROM NILES KAPP Technologies' 2870 Wilderness Place· Boulder, CO 80301, U.S.A. Phone +1 (303)938-9737' Fax +1 (303)4471131 . www.kapp-usa.com OIlRPP CIRCLE 194 ., Crowl] hobbing for noise reduction and misalignment. compensation. • Hard hobblng with carbide hobs after hea I treat as a substitute for gear grinding. • CNC bobbing and shaping aUgJlment programs for v.arying teeth and pitches. • Robbing.2 tooth & greater helical pinions. • Special forms, :high helix worms and camshafts. • Precision analytical gear il1.Spection. • Hob sharpening, Forest City Gear ... the most modern fme and medium pitch gear job shop In the world. m.62HI.68 H715 Main Street Fax: 815-623-6620 P. O. Box 80 Toll Free: s66.f1H-n68 ROSf)oe.IL 6107,·0080 We u-etcome 01'" competitors!' ________ PU!BLISH!ER'S IPAGE _ e Fishin' -Back After Gear Expo It's: summerl:lme' In the Igear Industryl ..Out my window, I see blue skJes, green gril~s ,and frees swaying 111the w.illd. [11the background, Ihear erlckets chlrplngl" Ilwish [ dldn'Ilhear theml, ,of course. The fa.et that IIIe,anjust means euergthlng else' is too, quiet. maybe eueryolle"'s a.1the beach, iQI' on uacation, or Igone fishl'ng" lihere'sjUst not ,iI lot hilppeningto get ,elcitedl ilbout. !When times Iget stowl, IIIoften liry to look alt economic Ind'lcalors" Industry ~rends and other factors to help you try to antl'clpale what to expect from the commgl--~--mon --:----th-- s.-8--1th- u e -I-d'--to-sn_lteL L a--'_fe q,u--iettoo- __" . Thecy haue' norh-I--__ ng--·m net,o 'san ~ th'ls ssmmer, forlu~ately, Iwe haue Gear IU;PO 101look forward to~ I'm hO,plngto see many of you there', Ilooklngl et the e.xclting new products that I'ue hear,d will be althe show (see page'13:for an example from Gleasonihat I think makes Ule show worth go ng to]I" So this: lyear,l'm not going to try to Iprognosticat,e" I think. I'll Just padl my bags, head ofHo, Gear Expo. ,ilndlleauethe crlck.ets totMlr song. maybe' when I get ba.ck, there'll be somethlng,tol talk ,about Michael Goldstein, Publisher and Editor-in- hief ...........po.... rlr.nsmi.uiol'l.com • iwwW.gSB.tBcllll0/ogy.com • GEA'R TECHNOLOGY' SEPTEMBER In the beginning was the The wheel, invented in pre-historic times, gears are a pre-requisite of today's mobility. represented a tremendous step forward The ultimate competence in gear cutting in transportation technology. The gear, technology iiscombined within Sigma Pool', invented in pre-christian times, represented providing the industry worldwide with highly another tremendous step forward in power sophisticated gear production machinery. transmission technology. Both wheels and Sigma makes the world go round! heel ... but man needed' more Liebherr Gear Technology Co. 1465 Woodland Drive Saline. Michigan 48176-1259 Phone 734-429-7225 The pool partners Fax 734-429-2294 Klingelnberg, Hueckeswagen / Germany info@ lgt.lie bhe rr.co m Liebherr, Kempten/Germany www.sigma-pool.com POOL and Oerlikon, Zuerich / Switzerland Gear Expo 2001, Detroit CIRCLE 1,611 Booth 11548 'Quieter Gears.
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