9796 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 16, 2005 passed a Defense Authorization bill that pro- DEMOCRACY AND DR–CAFTA Today, Nicaragua’s democracy faces a new vided a $40 per month calling program to set of threats. Yesterday’s enemies of democ- these soldiers. And our military hospitals have racy used pure military force. Today’s en- HON. DAVID DREIER emies of democracy have evolved and refined created adhoc programs, largely based on pri- OF CALIFORNIA their techniques. Today’s enemies of democ- vately donated calling cards, to ensure that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES racy leave the outside facade of democratic hospitalized troops can call home as well. Monday, May 16, 2005 institutions intact, while at the same time they hollow out these institutions from the In order to strengthen and expand these ef- Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to inside, leaving nothing but the hollow shell. forts, I have introduced the bipartisan ‘‘Troops highlight the importance that the Dominican Unfortunately, this is exactly what the en- Phone Home Free Extension’’ Act (H.R. Republic—Central America Free Trade Agree- emies of democracy are attempting to do in 2366). This legislation would extend the calling ment will have on stabilizing the democracies Nicaragua. As many of you who are fol- program until the end of operations in Iraq and lowing events in Nicaragua know, democracy of the participating nations. While we have wit- is under a direct threat. The assault is being Afghanistan. My bill would also extend the nessed firsthand the benefits than free trade led by what the Economist magazine called program to future contingency operations to has on emerging democracies, no one is in a an ‘‘unholy alliance’’ of the extreme left, led ensure that our troops do not have to wait for better position to describe the benefits than by Daniel Ortega, and of the extreme right the legislative process to catch up with their President Enrique Bolanos of Nicaragua. His led by ex-President Arnoldo Aleman who is phone call needs. Finally, the ‘‘Troops Phone country continues to face serious challenges currently serving a 20-year prison sentence. Home Free Extension’’ Act would extend the to democratic reform, yet he is unwavering in Together these two party bosses, or cau- dillos, as we say in Spanish, are attempting monthly calling card program to the wounded his commitment to DR–CAFTA because he to dismantle some of democracy’s most sa- to ensure that the Federal government will knows it will lead to further democratic cred principles—principles such as checks provide the phone benefit if private donations progress. and balances and the independence of the ju- are insufficient. Last week, President Bolanos gave an ad- diciary—principles without which no democ- dress at the Nicaraguan Embassy here in the racy can be called a democracy. I invite you join me in fighting to maintain United States where he presented Senator When the military dictatorship was ended the morale of our troops, support our military RICHARD LUGAR and Ambassador Jeane Kirk- and freedom was restored to our country in families and give our soldiers the benefits that patrick with the Order of Ruben Dario, the 1991, many believed that progress towards they have earned through their sacrifice and building fully functioning democratic insti- highest honor of Nicaragua. I am including his tutions would be linear, that is to say for- courage. Please join me in co-sponsoring the remarks in the RECORD to reiterate to my col- ‘‘Troops Phone Home Free Extension’’ Act! ever upward on a steady course. This has not leagues that this trade agreement is about far been the case, however. And once again those more than trade. who value democracy and believe in democ- f SPEECH BY H.E. PRESIDENT ENRIQUE BOLANOS racy for Nicaragua are being called to the EMBASSY OF NICARAGUA—MAY 13, 2005 ramparts to defend it. HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS My administration will never cease to OF NANCY PHILLIPS, IMPACT Distinguished Guests and Dear Friends: I fight for the independence of the judiciary, am in the United States this week with my will never cease to fight for the separation of CENTER SCHOOL TEACHER OF fellow Central American Presidents. To- THE YEAR powers, will never cease to fight against cor- gether, we are here as the singular voice of ruption by government officials. And my ad- Central America bringing a crucial message ministration will fight on every front: we to the United States Congress. That message will rally Nicaraguan people who crave de- HON. HENRY CUELLAR is as simple as it is important: pass the Cen- mocracy and functioning democratic institu- tral American—Dominican Republic Free tions; we will fight to enforce the ruling of OF TEXAS Trade Agreement and pass it as quickly as the Central American Court of Justice which IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES possible. in a historic decision on March 29, 2005 ruled There is a common misunderstanding against the attempts of the Nicaraguan Na- Monday, May 16, 2005 about DR–CAFTA in the United States. The tional Assembly to strip the Presidency of misunderstanding is that DR-CAFTA is pri- its powers and declared it a violation of the Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- marily about trade. Yes, it is true that DR– principle of separation of powers. And we nize the contributions of Nancy Phillips, Impact CAFTA will bring very important trade and will fight if necessary in the Organization of economic benefits to both the United States Center School Teacher of the Year. American States with its wonderful and pow- and to the nations of Central America and erful Democratic Charter. And we will fight Nancy’s interest in teaching stemmed from the Caribbean. This is an undeniable fact. with the help of the many friends of Nica- her ‘‘lifelong love affair’’ with the language But to truly understand DR–CAFTA, you ragua that are here tonight who have sup- arts. Following a Bachelor’s degree, a teach- have to get underneath the surface and see ported the cause of freedom. what DR–CAFTA is really about. In its cen- Finally, I would like to point out, only ing certificate in English and two subsequent tral core, DR–CAFTA is really about ‘‘de- Master’s degrees, she dove into a teaching eleven days ago, on May 1st at the May Day mocracy.’’ It is about rewarding a region ceremonies in Havana, Cuba, Daniel Ortega career that has continued for the past 25 who has fought so hard to build their demo- was hugging the dictator Fidel Castro and years. cratic institutions and increase the security calling the United States ‘‘an enemy of hu- of the region. manity.’’ This would be a scene intimately Nancy Phillips teaches English at an alter- Democracy has made very important gains native school, where students are sent be- familiar to both of our honorees here tonight in Central America in the last 15 years. But from their days of defending democracy in cause of past drug use or violent histories. many of those gains are not irreversible. As the 1980s. All of which proves that the price She teaches grades six to twelve, and is chal- we have seen recently in some of the coun- of liberty is eternal vigilance, and with the lenged to stretch her creative capabilities and tries of South America, some people are be- help of all our friends here tonight, together management skills every time she walks into ginning to question whether democracy and we will meet the new challenges with the the classroom. free markets can solve their country’s prob- same courage and resolution that was lems. But they are wrong. This well-nego- brought to the earlier challenges to democ- Nancy does her best to lead her students tiated free trade agreement will consolidate racy in Nicaragua in the past. gently towards the good things they can find the democratic gains and ensure that the re- f in books, describing herself as a ‘‘combination gion does not back slide into the insecurity tight rope walker and ring master.’’ She is and violence of previous decades. DR–CAFTA A TRIBUTE TO LANCE BRET binds the United States and Central America TAYLOR humble, and acknowledges that when she not only economically, but more impor- stays late at work or comes in during the tantly, democratically. DR–CAFTA should weekend, she is not alone. be seen for what it really is: a chance to lock HON. DUNCAN HUNTER I am honored to recognize Nancy Phillips, in the democratic future for Central America OF CALIFORNIA with all economic and security benefits that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Impact Center School Teacher of the year. implies for the United States. I want all Monday, May 16, 2005 Through her drive and consistent hard work, Americans, particularly members of Con- she is able to set her students on track for gress, to understand that CAFTA is a democ- Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to whatever challenges the future may bring. racy issue more than a trade issue. honor and pay tribute to a constituent of mine, VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:03 Feb 01, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK7\NO_SSN\E16MY5.REC E16MY5 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 16, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 9797 Lance Bret Taylor of Spring Valley, California. bills will complete the job and restore all the waiian Islands National Marine Refuge Act of On April 6, 2005, Lance was traveling on a benefits that were rescinded by Congress.
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