! 1 1 1 1¥_ finanrial b^ rontrb INCLUDING 6ank & Quotation Section Railway & Industrial Section Electric Railway Section Railway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section State and City SecdoD VOL. 112. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1921 NO. 2904 Week ending February 12. ghe ©hromclje Clearings i or PUHLIrtHKO WKKKLY Inc. I 1921. 1920. DiX. I 1919. 1918. Terms of Subscription- Payable in Advance for One Year JIO 00 Chicago -I9.4I For Six Months 6 00 . 399.814,817, 564,837,3391 460,268,453 428,171,747 <'lnclnuatl 42,642,189 58,889 —27.6; 54.357,474 42,382.76 ,s Buropean aub»crlptlon (tncludlug postage) . 13 .50 J215' Cleveland 89.706.243 »6,512.742| —6.1 80.186.964 65,775.172 European Subscription six mouths (Including postage) 7 75 Detroit 68.000.000 98.382,358 —30,9 58.280,406 41,765,438 Oanadlan Subscription (Including puat-age) 11 50 Milwaukee 30,146,256 32.179,885] —6.3 29,988^81 27.471,644 NOTICE—On iiccouat of the fluctuatlous In the rucea of eichange, reinlt- Indianapolis 11,607,000 17,806,000 —34,8 12.383,000 13,903,000 tiiQces for European subscriptions and advertisements must be made In C^olumbua 10,593,500 14,114,300 —24.9 1 1 ,707,300 9.412,800 New York funds. 'role<lo 10,500.000 12„594,618 -16.0 10,033,369 9,226,039 Subscription includa following Supplements— Peoria 3,226,923 5,121,613 —37,0 4,945,430 4.400,685 Bank and Quotation (monthly) Railway & Indcstbial (semt-annually) C.riuid Rapids.. 3,8.19,870 0.399,889 —40.6 4,158,535 4,687.969 Railwat Barninqs (monthly) Blbctric Railwat (semi-annually) Dayton 3,767,658 4,168,432 —9.6 3,694,507 2.829,522 Stati and Oitt (Beml-aDnually) Bankbbs' Oontbntion (yearly) Kvansville 3,126,644 •5,415,9241 —42.3 3,653.177 3.296,961 Springfield. 111.. 2,01 7,588 2,288.921 —11.8 2,395,356 1.983,442 Terms of Advertising l^.xington 1,900,000 4,000,000 —52.5 3,000.000 1,726,378 Transient display matter per agate line 45 cents Fori Wayne 1,645,708 1,961,611. — I6J 1,131,924 1,041,704 Ckmtract and Card rates On request Youngstown 3.477,918 4,891.708 —28.9 3.716,099 6.377,627 Obicaoo OrriCB— 19 South La Salle Street, Telephone State 5594. Rock ford 1,647,844 2,321, .594 —29.0 1,852,641 1 ,650,352 London OFricD— Edwards & Smith, 1 Drapers' Gardens, B. O. Bloomlngton 1,058,643 1,659,028, —36.2 1,344,586 1,4,53,018 Qulncy 1,300.000 1,958.130 —.33.6 1,408,149 1.287,761 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, Publishers, Akron 6,580,000 9,623,000 —31.8 7.221,000 4,869,000 Front. Pina and Depeyster Street*, New York- Canton 2,552,865 5,600,995 —54.4 2.229,374 2,741,585 Springfield, Ohio 975,263 1,657,184 —41.2 1,179,057 1,031,669 Decatur 976,731 1,497,395 —34.8 981.483 1,002,351 South Bend 1 ,250,000 1,400,000 — 10.7 1 ,097,079 1,007,686 Published every Saturday morning B. Presi- by WILLIAM DANA COMPANY. Mansfield 1,111,050 1,056,447( + 5.2 1,043,564 773,806 Jacob .; dent, Selbert Ji Vice-President, Arnold G. Dana: Business Manager, William Danville 606,384 643,509 —5.8 616,805 526,000 D. Rlggs: Secretary, Herbert D. Selbert. Addresses o all. Office o' the Company. Jacksonville, 111. 258,972 431,580 —40.1 440,194 451.244 Lima 785,700 1,146,612, —ai.5 882,193 660,017 Ann Arbor 432,690 445,208 —2.8 262,083 327,696 CLEARING HOUSE RETURNS Lansing 1,400 000 1,593,8271 —12.2 841,940 799,779 Owensboro 585,695 1,084.568 —46.0 1 ,508,936 1,383,919 The following table, made up by telegraph, &c.. Indicates that the total bank Adrian 162,478 325,019, —50:0 74,588 73.719 olearlngs of all the clearing houses of the United States for the week ending to-day have been $7,402,517,480, against 55,419,151,216 last week and $8,593,479,928 Total Mid.West 707,696,535 961,007,6511 —20.3 766,884,177 683,390.146 the corresponding week last year. San Francisco 106,800,000 134,541,979 20.6 107,346,458 94,629,677 Clearings—Returns by Telegraph. Per Los Angeles 62,400,000 65,729,0001 -6.1 33,079.000 28,893,000 Week ending February 19. 1921. 1920. Cera. Seattle 20,507,943 36,989,.521 9 28.412,244 24,398,496 Portland 22,632.886 30,000,001 —24.5 26,243,977 19,878,165 New York... $3,463,111,663 $3,852,589,535 — 10.1 Salt Lake City.. 11,000.000 -13.780.000 —20.2 13,000,000 11,196,063 Chicago 500.724,551 561,070,506 —10.7 Spokane 9,000.000 11,604,479, —22.4 7,220,353 7,002,430 Philadelphia 387,865,281 421,172,682 —7 9 T.icoma 2 900 000 4,800,088 —39.6 4.210,142 3,775,48r. Boston . 224,892.370 320,630.884 —29.9 Oakland 7.502,974 9,665,578 —22.4 7.139,548 5,480,458 Kansas City 127.926,677 211,274,401 —39.5 Sacramento 6,071,049 4,462,612 + 36.1 3,373,293 3,193,783 St. Louis 103.180.071 155,852,304 —33.8 San Diego 2,402,428 3,224,313 —23.4 2,463,400 2,231,385 San Francisco. 125,000.000 144,386,026 — 13.4 Fresno 6,543.069 3,813,027 + 71.6 2,131,663 3,175.679 Pittsburgh 137.351.987 152,076.617 —9.7 Stockton 4,634,000 4,860.100 —4.6 1,449.969 1.922,510 Detroit - 77.259,469 115,000.000 —32 8 San Jose 1,321,2.59 2,077,067 —36.4 866,560 917,813 Baltimore .. 64,210,137 72,179.581 — 11.0 Pasadena 2,715,042 2,087,2681 +30.1 1,,160,974 1,201.280 New Orleans 43,161.702 62,809,129 —31.3 Yakima 929,184 1,307,0421 —28.9 826,839 711,726 Reno 600 000 777,490' —22.8 612,477 643,584 Eleven cities. 5 days $5,254,683,908 $6,069,041,665 —134 Long Beach 2,732,297 2,867 ,684| —4.7 1.164,848 1,030,936 Other cities, 5 days 982,414,298 1,200,076,043 -18-1 Santa Barbara 776,610 Not Included Id total Total Pacific. 275,?53 .{29 332,587,148 —17.4 24L30lT535 210,182.466 Total all cities, 5 days $6,237,098,206 $7,269,117,708 —14.2 .\ll cities, I day 1,165,419,274 1.324,362,220 —12.0 Kansas City 144,153.721 232,041,931 —37.9 177,713.877 186,599,658 Mlnneapolla 42,349,255 39,120,668 + 8.3 27,805. 2S1 27,794.783 Total all cities for week $7,402,517,480 $8,593,479,928 —13.9 Omalia 29 721 293 51,266,159 —42.0 46.781. Uk, 44,618,799 St. Paul.. 25,636,695 18.027 248 + 41.6 13,623,622 12,946.731 The full details of the week covered by the above wilJ be given next Saturday . We cannot fuml'sh them to-day, clearings being made up by the clearing houses Denver 14,071,855 20,733,452 —32.1 16,364,504 19,202,880 at noon on Saturday, and hence In the above the last day of the week has to be in St. Joseph 11,278,883 17,247,746 —34.6 17,198.079 17,385,811 oil cases estimated, as wp go to press Friday night. DCS Moines 7,031,5991 10,817,52: —S6.0 8.125.362 7,118.499 SI0U.X Detailed figures tor the week ending F -b. I- show: City 4,5g4,875 9,725,281 —62.9 9,234,905 7,679,489 Duluth 4,933,075 6,303,40?, -21.7 4,939,936, 3,583,246 Wichita 10,775,605 14,763,2711 - 7.0 10,460,232 7,643,188 Week ending February 12. Lincoln 2,728,4431 5,247,616 —..1.0 3,673.592 4,032,149 Clearings at— Topeka 3,309.466; 3,128.529 + 5.8 3,007,505 2,917.610 Inc. or Cedar Raplda 1,800.000, 2,472,730 —27.2 1,793,868 1,740,842 1921. 1920. Dec. 1919. 1918. Colorado Springs 825,2541 1,193.952 —30.8 752,186 756,493 Pueblo 865.149 839,940 + 1.8 734,5:J3 699,818 $ $ % S Fargo 1,700,000 2,178,380 —22.0 2,169.818 1,414,438 New York 2,764.792,302 4,177 ,390,727 —33.8 3, 128,964 129 2 725,787,757 Fremont 461,617 559.224 — I7.5I 501,658 895,649 Philadelphia 809,567,,171 387 819,228 —20.2 338,563 ,536 300,384.031 Waterloo 1,476,330 1.801,743 —l&Jil 1,360,222 1 ,950,767 Pittsburgh 116,187,,167 137 ,455,898 —15.6 110,496 126 61,431,645 Helena 2,474.874 1,640,410 +60.8' 1,811,840 1,492,319 Baltimore 72,189,,187 76 054,131 —5.1 73,681 892 36,903,153 Billings 736,424 1,256 ..320 —41.4! 1,012,404 896,386 Buffalo..
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