Mr. aad Mia. F raak V. WdUaaH MeatkaM of Boaa Onaipany K a gj aad Mr. aad MM. AtOur Wood- a t tba South Man'chaataf ilta dapait-1 .KWrcogNai TOWN brHUa lai/o latuiaad ftoai a M b at naant win maet at tbair beadquar-i ad to riaiiie thin period, and aU m- motor vaMela tha only teams In tka state not ra- violnUCM with more oonoara than porting, a ooavtctioa In thair m- *------• — ^ ttroagkdut tka South. tan teidght St 7:SO aad go to t wThMad npa Invited to. Inks tfi tha COftTSMORERKD) during tha pMcadlag year. tM • «r th* Tka aaajiw ^ a t tka_______ tiBM_____ —^ koam at wnilam Hiimphray, JA. a | o m ^ wMcb wm ba Jtivaa a t tha spaetivs oourte. AU tour are oom- apai^ la Florida, abara tbajr Ma^M uetmthesdatI Tka report ooveia county totata parativrty amhU .communities al: m m com art tt— o f tim formar inambar .at tba company, i TJC. C A. Ika first period wm ba aad town totnla. WUU3gtea, a.*.- lOrdwoCBadltela ft Bilfliiftv oft looftl poopio Mr. M thair lavaeta. Hia fuaainij Frtdmr avaung, ManA 8, at 7 DiAOroVlOUTIONS though , roads through thair hrsM WUHaaM’ pataata. Mr. aad aari Wocli air IVainins s» i Perseii- irmoek, eOiar partoda Saturday tord, SooCMad and Bathlabam waca do carry comSderabla tralDc. w o n o a BraliMrd FIm * Ckatoe WIlManu, focatarly of Budi' wm ba held Saturday morning and] ■i|M at • o'dbd^ tba company- arlU ba rapraaanted by Be DioeMsel at He aftemoou aad Saturday evening. ---------- thair pai--------- Tka couraa wm be wan worth-nt- ad ■ ■Mbita e t tb» m « h - kuBM Ja St. Ckiod.' TbajT callad o a a ddagaboa a t tha funaraL of Mrs. J. 8 . Jfcoim . f ^ V .MANCHESTER A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM > to attMid. teadiag. CiSficliM* Ilim f 193C.li-1 Mra. Sftaraol Dftit at ^wm^wmwww,CraatTlaw, aaar VOL. LVL.no . 109 tka Alahaata Haa aad awtorad to The Mancbeater OM Scout C ^ - lenraaoM^I MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. P^BRUil^T 8. 1937 Mm J. F. Buotoir i Naw Oilaaaa bafora atartiac Koith- l ^ t e moUtM* maetliig cnualkrSJiM—Im (TWBLVB'^^PAGES) PRICE THEBE Weebaghdow nu, ward. UIPIRE l l i u r DOYLE TJiajday, F eb m a^ «, a t 3 F e lM lUSSNEIU. 1 0 ATTEND gr ddoliw aiMtlng at .ftc thft lioflM oft iB (^t Owwwifi iimar IDmball. - ''Sprlagfltld, Hoaa Ooaqpaay SMFJ>.. DEAD m m iD iA N n c JD». J J . Browh, 36 Haary atraat. ASCUSSUniSWED Ctitt PrcuMeC. wtu bold a apa^^ maatlag at ita The work of tba training and par- MASONIC BAU haadnuarUra on tfcbool atraat a t 7 _ — aoonU aammlttee wU] be rttaniaard MIDWEST FACES TENSION EASES — I4M7 F airw a .at ■eteet o'eiodi tonight. naycd With» Manchester toy Mrs. Jqbn Relnartn, cbnirmaa. Bor. J. StEsrt NhOI to Pfirffins Tks annual raport of tbasuspaa- Sem i •Annual Cledrdnie tM koew fM m Ooaaeeticut Ool* Later B onne Umpire— Fig­ Tka Girl Scout L aa^ra aasocln- N bdftee CercBMoy st Sim- Mon aaetion of the State dapart- IS HELD AGAIN F. D. R’S COURT PLAN mant of Motor Vablelaa to the Oom- FACTS OF HUGE ; Jl»» loodon. for a-fow tfaja Mamorial Tampla Pytblaa Sla^ ured in Disputed Play. tijm wm meat Wednesday avanlng sU t, !N. j ,, 'VitaioiTow A fter- AS FLINT SEES tka mld>year wrandnaMoa taio announoaa a pubUe aetbaok a t tba borne of Mis. U T. Wood «f ■Mfotomsr wM-raloaaad today. The party tor TueadOy avanlng a t 6:16 36 Robert Rond. I t wm taka tba comparativa sumniaiy for itSS and fat Odd Fellowa hall. Mra. Ralan Jamas Doyle, known in the b i ^ tonn of a VaMatiaa party. Kra. 1388, Shown an Iaerws4' of 8.344 INCHENEYHALL RECOVERY TASK Stuart NaUl. Mra; ocnvlctioas,' a kwa of altbty-ain la Furnishings N O FO RCETRe t Oonapany No. | of tha South Heoiy ia chairman a t tba commlt- ball arotld of SO years ago m "Flag" Wood wm ba aaalatad ^ Mrs. Carl Neill and their muigbter, Mlaa Caro- ^aatar Sra, departm iant---- taa In cbaiga, and ttaay will award H. Paterson and Mlaa Emily Klaa- Um Nam arm go tO Summit, N. J. “oUed, an Increnaa of | 61,- STIRS TEMPEST; CAME i a t 6:10 thia morning lo caab piiaea to tha winaera and aerra Doyle, died at tba home of bM niaca, tomorrow tor- the wadding n t Cal­ ^ . 8 1 In oflidnai fiaas levied rasolt- liftirlf 2<M CoHples Attdid lah a ehlmiiey ‘ Sra at 173 rafredimeata aftar tba gamaa. Mrs. Herman CaJderedo of SIS Troop 8 of the Porter atraat vary church of Mlaa M i^tia Bah- mg—after deducting yandtted pm> Shoes Now Going On l QeuhUp Legiou Atticldiig Skeriff Defers Service of 1 MalnOtraet.' Maaafleld ayenus, WiUimantlc, yes­ school, formerly eaptainad by Mias manii. daughter of Mr. and M n. Hone of fines—In s net incraaaa ia dollar panaltias-of 347B60EI and an Tomorrow Ovaning a program of terday. Ha w m > 6 0 years of age and Emily Smith, la baifiy hi naad of a Arthur J. Rahmann, to Malcolm ' 26di Amftal Afair* Maiy Titaiic Job; EHent of Ibe captain. If tbare la any young wo­ JamtosonOileUof Chlcagn,llL MUp Incraaaa of 148,683.66 in eoate col- Eriction Writs and Opiih I^CkarlaaS.. _ House win show motloa motion pictnrsB will: be abown ia the WM a bricklayer and plasterer by lacted. AS A GREAT SURPRIS and idata Ua asperiencM banquet baU of the TJd.Cji. for the trade, before lU health compelled man, new to Mancbeater perbqia Kahmann BM a claasmata of Mlia The Motor VAicIe DSpartmaat P it of Toim Goestf P m - 9 at trip to Europe orer tba members. The yrindpal fllM will him to giro up arork. who bM had exparfanoe In Scout > 5Sl -•* W«M®rtay OoUege, and Afo. no^Bam ase StiB Befoid m Grows H u t Detroit I routs at tile regular weakly I be one loaned through tba courtMy Mr. Doyle entered the baseball work, or anyona alae who woUd Uka Cdm attended AnnapoUa Naval racelvad only mniit abstraete nrhea - a , at t ^ KiWMiia dub at the Of tba Woman’* Christian Temper­ to try the captaincy. Mra. John Ac^my. and Is at presMt Nsw oenvletlona. have bban aaeurad, plctuie la MnncbasUi ia 180S when Toffc rapresantativa of MaMhaii ot;DeicriptMMi of Gowns. Gnessiiig; U. S. to Hdp. Discuss Preddent’s M essage PresideifsPreposal to LCA. Monday noOa. Tba . at- ance Unlen. Other abort Sima will be caine bine aad asked to. be al­ Bcinarte would be glad to boar Hanoe, the above -eompartaon can­ INC. Piriey WiB End Strike. ,__ ja pilha aHn be fumUhcd be.abown. from them. ' A immpaay. Mlaa Nam wUI not abow the Ineraaae la nrraate or lowed to play la tba outllalp against m maid of honor at Uia caianmny. IP- , D.G1T Moors. Am. announced - yesterday, tba CMSS praaented. Presumably this i orgaiize M dary Forgat-ma-not Circle of Junior a Winatad team, that w m jpMylng is to ba parfomad by Baetor must have .bean In proportion ctea I’lfaariy 300 couple* attended the By XSBOdATBD PRB88 Mancbeater on the old Mount Nebo Girt Scout' Mothm and Daughter Flint- Mich., Feb. X—(AP)—■foa- . Jaanle Oook of East MIddia King's Daughtaia will bold its ftouads. He had been a member ot banquet arm be held Thuraday, Feb­ the courta are displaying 'a maikad lani MaaonliB bol. bald again ^ The gigantic teak a t rehabilitation '*'* and bar daughter, Mra; , monthly meeting tomorrow after­ ruary 38 In the banquet baU of tba 'In historic Chmey hall last night —for aurpaaaing the aftermath at •ton that has gripped the city of Debates; RepikGcait noon at the home at Luclla Niles, 17 tl 1 Winsted team and had been re­ Flint for tbe peat five days appear­ I Hayden Mm left for Flor- leased by Bm Mackey, the catcher South Methodist church; 'nie guaat ^^irt given^ under the niiapleea of the Baa. Francisco Earthquake and 1 wbara ttiey plan to spend two LiUay street.. PUth Stevenaoa will ed to be easlag today as tbe )>•: and manager of the team. Ha wm speaker wUI be Mrs. F. Glvme Pray , Manchester Lodge, No. 78, A. F. ftra in 1606—forged ahead with gaoize to O ppoir for the moat p u t in “*St. taka Charge a t tba meetiag'aad a of Amherst, Maaa., who la a very In­ Uef spread that there would be no Valentine social will follow. given the poeitlon and did a g i ^ and -A. M. Gueate were preeent a t quickening pace to^ay through tfis teresting speaker and active In Girl forcible ejection of tbe att-d^wn Job. Judge H. C. Bowers pltctaad the jdanebastet'a premier social function flood-ravaged Ohio RlVey V all^. They Term pie's society at .the Chapman Court, Order o< Amar- game and Mancbeater won. 'Scout work In bar borne atate. Federal arul atate offldals counted attikera In two Oenoral Motets .___ jran church .will aatb membem*" “are ‘ reminded■ ‘ that tile Dojie mayed bSaebaU with tba Mlaa Thelma Trott, national train­ Spring Magic For yte Winterinter iBkies from Hartford and othac nearby cit­ the coat in fabuloua mllUona. plaate. rneethw this eveaiag wtu begin Winimaatle team for a few years ing advisor, arm be In Manchester. ies and towns as weU as from aov- Although there was no aanouaoa- ; tonigtat a t 8 ,o'clock.
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