http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 275 ) GENERAL INDEX. B Abbott, Archbishop, and inquiry for Bagnacavallo, Church of, 86. silver font at Canterbury, 105. Baker, Samuel, 118, 119. Abraham, Reginald, 139. Baldwin Brown, Professor, on Lydd Accounts of the K.A.S. for 1929, Saxon Basilica, etc., 72, 75, 84, lii-lv. 86, 87. Aelfled of Dover and the Priory, 242. Baleys, John, 55. Aehus Lampridius, 192. Balsam, Dom. Alan, 48, 50. Aethelbert of Kent, grant to St. Bamford, Roger, 23. Mary's, Lyminge, 87. Banaster, William, 60. Agar, 3Mr., 129. Barbor, Martin, 49. Aglionby, Dean, 101. Bargrave, Dean, 94, 98,115,118, 119; Aix, the tapestries at, 100. John, 124. Aldey, Edward, 120, 136. Barker, William, 23, 120, 136; Aldington Church and Lenten veil, Joan, 45 ; Roger, 51. 232. Barley, John, 23. Aldington Font, by V. J. Torr, 223. Barlo>ve, Thomas, 23. (With Illustration.) Barming, Thomas, 38. Allen, J. Romilly, and the art of Barnager, Thomas, 48. mosaic, 191. Barnard, Bishop, consecration of, Alluvium deposits in Romney Marsh, 127. 263. Barnard, Mr. E. A. B., and the pre- Alphanus, Chamberlain to Pope servation of ancient documents, li. Calixtus II, 193. Barton, Dom. William, 42 ; John, Amherst, Richard, Sergeant at Law 42. 173, 175 ; Elizabeth, 173. Barton-on-Humber Church, 84, 86. Amos, Mr. E. G. J., and Dover Basilica, Saxon, at Lydd, 72. (Illus- excavations, xlix., 236. tration, 77, 78), at Porta Maggiore, Amys, Henry, 50. 73. Anderson, John, 52. Baskevild, Thomas, 51. Andrew, William, 44, 47. Bayhall, Pembury, by Mrs. R. Maseall Animal Symbolism in Bcclesiastical Curteis, and Lady Hawley, with a Architecture, by E. P. Evans, 212. Note on Dame Dorothy Selby and Anselm, St., 128. the Gunpowder Plot, by Sir Edward Aosta Cathedral, Janus at, 199. Harrison, with illustrations, 173-6. Appledore Church and Home's Place, Beadle, John, 23. Appledore, 266. Bebill, John, 51. Archceological Journal, 225, 252. Becket, Archbishop, and Suffragan Archaeological Societies, Annual Bishops' Consecration, 101, 102, Congress of, 1. 125, 128, 129 ; refuge at St. Archdeacon of Canterbury reproved Bertin, 195 ; translation, 198; by Archbishop Laud, 98, 111, 112. shrine, 215. Arnold, W. T., The Roman System of Bedyll, Edmund, 37. Provincial Administration, 154. " Beeds " and girdles, bequests of, Arras Museum with mosaic of Bishop 40. Erumaldus, 193. Beer taken by Cinque Ports bailiffs Assheton, Thomas, 43. to Yarmouth, 28. Atkinson, Mr., 137. Bees bequeathed, 42. Aucher, John, 120, 121, 124, 136. Belcanqual, Dean, 138. Austyn, Thomas., 38. Belke, William, 120, 121, 136. 276 GENERAL INDEX. Bell Harry steeple, Canterbury, Bromet, Dr., 194. repair of, 103, 133. Bromfield, William, 41. Benbrick, John, 22 ; Edward, 23. Bronze objects found at Otford Benevolence to resist Scots, 99, 115. (illustration), 169. Bennet Laurence, 43, 54, 55. Brook Church, 271. Bernard, St., of Clairvaux, and Brookland Church described, 265. grotesque figures, 211. Brookland Church Tower tradition, Bertha, Queen, 76. 71 ; Twelfth Century font, 199- Bertin, St., and Canterbury, 194, 206, 265. 195. Broomey (or Broomhey) Farm, Cool- Bery, John a, 40. ing, xlviii. Best, John, 39. Browne, John, 174; Charles, 174; Bestiaries and their origin, 211. Elizabeth, 175. Biscopeswic, Lydd, 88, 89. Browninge, William, 22. Bishops, rights of the church of Brownrigg, Bishop, 126. Canterbury concerning consecra- Brytonton, Henry de, 46. tion of, 101, 122, 124, 127, 129. Bugge, Thomas, 46. Bisshope, Henry, 41. Bullar, John, 50. Bix, John, 41, 54. Burgherd of Otford, 147. Black Book of the Cinque Ports, 21. Burvill, James, rector of Ham, " Blaspheming trooper " in pulpit, petition of, 136. 137. Butler, Robert, 22 ; John, 41; Blechinden, Dr., 119. William, 55. Bleching, 88. Butt, William, 48. Bleringham, Church of, 197n. Byng, George, 22. Boarhunt Church, 84, 86. Bysshop, William, 22. Bodiham, Dom. John, 46. Byxe, John, 55. Book of Notte (Romney Records), 1. Byzantium as original source of Bosham Church, 84. mosaics, 190. Bott, John, 38. Boundary Marks at Ightham, 180- 187. C Bounds of Ightham Parish, a Record of 1805, by Sir Edward Harrison, Cade, Jack, Proclamation of Pardon 179-187. (missing document), 4 Boweden, John, 40, 52. Campnes, Richard, 53. Box, Mr. E. G., and discoveries at Candos, Thomas, 60. Otford, xlviii. Canterbury Cathedral Precincts, en- Boys, Richard, 23. croachments in, 107. Bradford-on-Avon Church, 86. Canterbury histories and the Canter- Bray, Dr., 119. bury Roundels, 216, 217, 218, 220, Bredgar Vicarage, 48n. 221. Brent, Sir Nathaniel, Vicar-general, Canterbury Records destroyed by fire, and aids for repairs to St. Paul's, 130. 105. Casaubon, Meric, 118, 119, 120, 124, Brett, John, 23, 35; Stephen, 22. 136. Brian, Thomas, 23. Castillon, John, 120, 124, 136. Bridges, Ancient, of the South of Castor Ware at Otford, 164. England, by E. Jervoise, reviewed, Chalice at St. Mary-in-the-Marsh, 246. 261. Briham, Jeremiah, 23. Chalice Brass Indents at Whitstable, Brinsop, Hereford, and Zodiacal etc., 234-5. signs, 206. Chalke Wills, Two, by Aymer British Museum and Sittingbourne Vallance, 67-60. Mammoth, 229. Challock Church, 266. Brixworth Church compared with Chalton, Dom. Walter, 51. Lydd, 74. Chantrey Perpetual at Sittingbourne, Brooklehurst, Rev. G. and Mersham " if the law permit it," 39. Brasses, 235. Charleloke, Alice, Roger, 49. GENERAL INDEX. 277 Charles I and proxy installation of Court Lodge, Godmersham, 270. Dr. Turner as Dean of Canter- Cranbrook Church Inventory, 231. bury, 118. Cranwell, John, 40, 56. Charlys, Stephen, 60. Cresfeld, Hugh, 44. Cheriton, late-Saxon Church, 86. Crippis, Marget, 59; Thomas Cheyney, John, 38, 48. (Crippe), 59. Chiddingstone, Records at, 147. Crispe, Sir Henry, and Stonar, 26 ; Chilham Castle, 268. John, Arthur, 66. Choir Eund, Canterbury, increase of, Cromer, Sir William, 37, 52; John, 97. 41. Christ Church, Canterbury and Marsh Crompe, — 23. fisher folk, 73 ; quarrel with Dover Cromwell's order against sequestered Priory, 242. men, 138. Christian Symbolism, by Allen, 206, Crowche, Clement, 53. 207n. Cryppes, Walter, 51. Churchwardens' Accounts at Hoo, Curate's precarious £20 per annum, 246. 135. Cinque Ports, Domesday, 4, 14 ; Curteis, Mrs. R. Mascall, and Lady Charters of, 4, 19 ; Records of, Hawley, on Bayhall, Pembury, 18-36 ; Banner of, 19, 37 ; arms 173-6. of (illustration), 20 ; books, papers Curzon, Lord, 26. and documents, 21-26; Lord Cuthbert, Archbishop, Abbot of Warden's Banner (illustration), 27. Lyminge, 88. Clarke, William, 23. Clergy, harsh treatment of, under Commonwealth, 103. D Cnut and manor of Thanet, 226. Cobbe, Richard, 131. Dart and Canterbury Roundels, 216. Cobb, Mr. E. F., and Roohester Davis, Dr. Randall, and West Hythe Cathedral, 1. Church, 1. Cobb, Rev. T. and Ightham bounds, Davis, Sir E., and Chilham Castle, 181. 269. Cobham, Lord (Sir W. Brooke) and Deerhurst Priory Church, 79, 80. the Cinque Ports, 26. Degon, Richard, 52. Cock, Dr. P. W., and Hasted Denewey, William, 50. Memorial, xlv; Marsh oratories, Denge Marsh, 88, 90, 92. 73n; and Appledore, 266. Dering, Richard, and Canterbury Coekram, Richard, 23. Tapestry, 100. Coins, Roman, found at Otford, 168. Desiderius, Abbot of Monte Cassino, Colepeper Eamily and Bayhall, 190. Pembury, 173. Dey, John, 44. Collins, Canon P. H., 84. Didsburye, William, 22. Collins, Rev. A. H., on Stourmouth Digges, Sir Dudley, and Chilham Church, 141-6 (illustrations). Castle, 268. Colonsack, Richard, 40. Diocletian, Emperor, 164, 155. Colonsale, Robert, 40. Divinity Lecturer at Canterbury, Conway, Sir Martin, and the Society's 110. work, xliv. Dodde, David, 65. Cooke, Robert, 54. Domneva Ermenburgha, Abbess, Coombe, Thomas atte, 46. 226. Cooper, Rev. R. G. and St. Mary Donnington, Otford, 148. Magdalene, Canterbury, 1. Dorset, Earl of, 26, 173. Corbeil, Archbishop, and Dover Doubleday, Mr. L., and Mammoth Priory, 240. remains at Sittingbourne, 229. Cornwall, James, 133. Dover Priory, by C. R. Haines, Cosmati mosaics, 191. reviewed, 240. Cotyng, Robert, 38, 48, 49, 60. Dover, Roman tiles at, xlix; Coulton, Dr., Life in the Middle Chancery Court of, 6, 11. Ages, 232. Drake, Mr., and Stourmouth, 146. 278 GENERA] INDEX. Druce, Mr. G. C, and fantastic Evans, E. P., Animal Symbolism in figures in Church Architecture, Ecclesiastical Architecture, 212. 212, 221. Evernden, Francis, 22. Dufferin, Lord, 26. Eversfleld, Mrs., 179. Duffield, Mr. F. H., and St. Paul's Ewing, JMr. Guy, Death of, xiiii. Cray Church, and Orpington Excavations Branch of K.S.A., Cottages, xlix. Report by Mr. Erwood, xlvi. Dukden, John, 48. Excursions, Summer and Autumn, Dukeson, Dr., 137. xlv, 255, 266. Du Moulin, Peter, 120, 124, 136. Duncan, Mr. Leland, the late, and F All Hallows, Hoo, 245. Dunck, John, 23. Fair held in Canterbury Churchyard, Dungeness, 89, 90, 92. 97, 107. Dusshare, William, 48. Fawcon, Richard, 45. Dymchurch, Romano-British Pottery Financial troubles of Dean and at, 89, 263; Lydd Church, 66; Chapter of Canterbury, 100, 119. Sea Wall, 262, 264. Finch, Robert, 55. Finglesham, Excavations at, xlv, 255. E Finn, Mr. Arthur, Death of, xiiii, 262 ; Lydd Church, 72. Eadbald, King of Kent, and Dover Fisher's History of Rochester, 234. Priory, 241. Flagons found at Otford (Illustra- Eadbert, King of Kent, 88. tion), 166. Eanswith, Abbess of Folkestone, Fletcher, Sir Banister, 192n. 242. Font given by Dr. Warner to Canter- Earthworks at Mangravet Wood, bury, and its fencing, 123. near Maidstone, xlvi. Font, silver, for Royal Christenings, Easter Sepulchre at New Romney, 105. 259 ; at Challock, 267. Fonts in Kent, of 12th or early 13th Eaton, Nicholas, 23. Century, 223. Edolphe, Thomas, 22. Foord, Thomas, 23. Education of Testator's son till 21 Formulare Anglicanum, by Thomas ("to learn his descant and play at Madox, 57. the organs "), 64. Porstall, Henry, 23. Edward the Confessor's tomb and Fossil Elephants, etc., in Kent and mosaics, 191. Essex, 230. Egbert of Kent, 91. Foule, John, 47, 51 ; Thomas, 51.
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