Documentof The WorldBank FOROFFICIAL USE ONLY 1-Al Z;P3 8 il Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 6668-BR Public Disclosure Authorized STAFF APPRAISALREPORT BRAZIL NORTHEASTRURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM NORTHEASTRURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - ALAGOAS Public Disclosure Authorized May 26, .987 Public Disclosure Authorized ProjectsDepartment Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office This documentbs a restricted distributionand may be used by recipientsonly in the performanceof their officia duties. Its otents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. CURRENCYEQUIVALENTS CurrencyUnit - Cruzado(Cz$) US$1.00 Cz$ 14.20 1/ US$1.00 - Cz$ 31.00 2/ Cz$ 1.00 US$0.0323 WEIGHTSAND MEASURES The metric system is used throughoutthe report. FISCALYEARS Government of Brazil = January 1 to December 31 Northeast Rural DevelopmentProgram April 1 to March 31 Project = April 1 to March 31 1/ Exchangerate at time of appraisal(December 1986). TI Exchangerate as of May 20, 1987. FOXOFF IAUL UW ONLY GLOSSARYOF ACRONYMS BNDES BancoNacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social (NationalBank for Economicand SocialDevelopment) CEASA-AL Centralde Abastecimentoda AlagoasS.A. (CentralMarketing Organization of Alagoas) CEPA-AL FundacaoEstadual de PlanejamentoAgricola de Alagoas (StateFoundation for AgriculturalPlanning Alagoas) CIDAL Companhiade DesenvolvimentoAgropecuaria de Alagoas (StateCompany for AgriculturalDevelopment-Alagoas) CODEVASF Companhiade Desenvolvimentodo Vale do Sao Francisco (Sao FranciscoRiver ValleyDevelopment Company) CPATSA Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuaria do Tropico Semi-Arido (Center of Agricultural Research for the Semi-Arid Tropics) EDRN-AL Empresade RecursosNaturais do Estadode Alagoas (StateCompany for Developmentof NaturalResources) EMATER-AL Empresade AssistenciaTecnica e ExtensaoRural de Alagoas (StateTechnical Assistance and RuralExtension Company) ENERAPA EmpresaBrasileira de PesquisaAgropecuaria (BrazilianAgricultural Research Company) EMBRATER EmpresaBrasileira de AssistenciaTecnica e ExtensaoRural (BrazilianTechnical Assistance and Rural Extension Company) EPEAL Empresade PesquisaAgropecuaria do Estadode AlagoasS.A. (AlagoasAgricultural Research Company) FIBGE FundacaoInstituto Brasileiro de Geografiae Estatistica (BrazilianInstitute of Geographyand Statistics) FINSOCIAL Fundo de InvestimentoSocial (SocialInvestment Fund) IC ComissaoInterministerial Para o Nordeste (InterministerialCommission for the Northeast) ICM ImpostoSobre a Circulacaode Mercadorias (ValueAdded Tax on ProductCirculation) INCRA InstitutoNacional de Colonizacsoe ReformaAgraria (NationalInstitute for Colonizationand Agrarian Reform) Thb documenthas a restricteddistdbution a may beused by rcipientsonly in the performance oftheir offki duties, Itscontents may not otheebo be discloed without World Bank authworlon. INTERAL Institutode Terra do Estadode Alagoas (AlagoasState Land Institute) MINTER Ministeriodo Interior (Ministryof the Interior) MIRAD Ministerlode ReformaAgraria e DesenvolvimentoAgricola (Ministryof AgrarianReform and Development) NRDP NortheastRural DevelopmentProgram LDP (LocalDevelopment Project) POLONORDESTE Programade Desenvolvimentode Areas Integradasdo Nordeste (DevelopmentProgram for IntegratedAreas of the Northeast) PROHIDRO Programade RecursosHidricos (WaterResources Program) RDC Conselhode DesenvolvimentoRural Regional (RegionalRural DevelopmentCouncil) SCC (StateCoordinating Commission) SERTANEJO ProgramaEspecial de Apoio do Desenvolvimentoda Regiao Semi-Aridado Nordaste (SpecialProgram of Supportfor the Developmentof the Semi-AridRegion of the Northeast) SIMA Sistemade Informacaode MercadoAgricola (AgriculturalMarketing and InformationSystem) SRDC ConselhoEstadual de DesenvolvimentoRural (StateRural DevelopmentCouncil) SUDENE Superintendenciade Desenvolvimentodo X^rdeste (Superintendencyfor the Developmentfor the Northeast) SSRC (Supportto Small Rural Communities) BRAZIL NORTHEASTRURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM NORTHEASTRURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - ALAGOAS Table of Contents Page I. LCANAND PROJECT SUMMARY 1 II. THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR .................................. 3 Agriculturein the NationalEconomy 3 The RuralNortheast ................. *... 3 GovernmentDevelopment Strategy for the Rural Northeast ........ ............. 4 Experiencewith Past Bank Lending 4 The State of Alagoas.........o................... 5 Locationand NaturalFeatures 5 Economicand SocialConditions 6 Land Use, Tenureand Production 6 AgriculturalServices 6 Rural Developmentin Alagoas 6 III. THE PROJECT .... 7 Rationalefor Bank Involvementand Origin 7 ProjectArea 7 ProjectObjectives and Description 8 WaterResource Development 8 AgriculturalResearch and Basic Seed Production 8 RuralExtension 9 Rural InvestmentCredit ........................ 9 MarketingServices ............... 10 Supportto Small Rural Communities 10 ProjectAdministration and Training 11 Land TenureImprovement 11 ProjectOrganization and Implementationo......... 11 Federaland RegionalLevels 11 State and Local Levels 12 Annual Planningand Budgetinge................. 12 Accountsand Auditing 12 OperatingAgreements 13 Monitoringand Evaluation 13 ProjectCost 13 FinancingPlan ........... o 13 Procurement 14 Disbursements 15 ProjectBenefits and Justification.. *............. 15 Production,Benefits and Farm Incomes 15 Cost Recoveryand Fiscal Impact o.......oo...... 16 EconomicAnalysis .............. o...........-. 16 ProjectRisks 16 This report is based on theefindings of an appraisalmission which visited Brazil during necember 1986. The mission comprised Messrs. H. von Pogrell (m4ea4^" 1ao A- -- Al i_] x__s " -^s Table of Contents(Continued) Page IV. SUMMARYOF AGREEMENTSREACHED AND RECOMMENDATION..... ...... 17 ANNEX 1 - PROJECTDESCRIPTION AND DETAILEDFEATURES.*..****.. **** 20 Table 1.1 Structureof Land Holdingsin the ProjectArea Table 1.2 Evolutionof State AgriculturalProduction.. 26 Table 1.3 ProjectPriority Areas and Beneficiary Distribution.*000****oe* *........ e e.....27 Table 1.4 List of Municipalitiesin the ProjectArea.... 29 Table 1.5 AnnualCost Phasingof ProjectActivities..... 30 Table 1.6 EstimatedSchedule of Bank Disbursements......*31 Table 1.7 Allocationof Loan Proceeds*..................32 Table 1.8 FinancingPlan................................ 33 ANNEX 2 - PROJECTORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT..................... 34 Table 2.1 List of Executingand CollaboratingAgencies.. 37 Chart 1 ProjectCoordination and ManagementChart..... 38 Chart 2 ImplementationSchedule....................... 39 ANNEX 3 - FINANCIALAND ECONOMICBENEFITS ........................ 40 Table 3.1 Total AnnualArea, MarketableProduction and Value of Major Crops and Livestock............42 Table 3.2 Characteristicsof IllustrativeFarm Models Used in Financialand EconomicAnalyses....... 43 Table 3.3 EstimatedYields and Areas of Major Crops at Farm Level.................................44 Table 3.4 EconomicAnalysis............................ 48 Table 3.5 PrincipalPrices Used for Financial and EconomicAnalyses.....................e .. 49 Table 3.6 ProjectSensitivity Analysis ..... 50 ANNEX 4 - DOCUMENTSAVAILABLE IN THE PROJECTFILE................. 51 Maps: IBRD 18686-R- Yearly Land AdjudicationOperati-ns IBRD 20354 - ProjectArea IBRD 20397 - AgriculturalPotential Defined by DependableRainfall BRAZIL NORTHEASTRURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM NORTHEASTRURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ALAGOAS DRAFTSTAFF APPRAISALREPORT I. LOANAND PROJECT SUMMARY Borrower: FederativeRepublic of Brazil Executing The State Foundationfor AgriculturalPlanning (CEPA-AL) Agency:, linked to Secretariat of Agriculture of the State of Alagoas. Amount: US$42.0million equivalent. Terms: Repayablein 15 years on a fixed amortizationschedule, including3 years of grace,at the Bank'sstandard variable interestrate. Beneficiaries: Some 32,400low-income families operating farms of up to 50 ha in 49 municipalities(100'ha in the eleven municipalitiesin the driestareas) of the State of Alagoaswould be directbeneficiaries of farm improvement components. An estimatedadditional 7,600 familieswould also benefitfrom the supportto small rural communities. Project Description: The proposedproiect is one of a seriesof projectswithin the new NortheastRural DevelopmentProgram (NRDP). The projectobjectives are to: (a) increaseagricultural productionand productivity;(b) generateincome and employmentopportunities for low-incomerural families; (c) promote water resource development and technology generationand diffusionto decreasesmall farmers' vulnerabilityto recurringdroughts and pest outbreaks; (d) increasecommunity participation in all phases of the developmentprocess; and (e) strengthenthe State of Alagoas'capacity to provideefficient agricultural servicesto small farmers. In order to meet its objectives,the projectwould supportwater resource developmentfor agriculturaland domesticuse, agriculturalresearch, agricultural extension, rural iestment credit,marketing services, funding for communitysubprojects and projectadministration and training. Risks: Projectrisks include:(a) insecureland tenure; (b) inefficientdelivery of projectservices; (c) lack of sufficientinteriustitutional cooperation; (d) recurring droughts and pest outbreaks (boll weevil) on the major cash crop, cotton; and (e) delays and shortfalls in counterpart funding and credit. The project has been designed so as to minimise these risks* Progress will be closely followed up by Bank staff through review of annual - 2 - operatingplans and improvedsupervision, monitoring and evaluation.Implementation of the NortheastRegion
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