University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-5-1912 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-05-1912 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-05-1912." (1912). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/2409 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUQUEKCMJJE SCORNING JOURNAL. THIRTY-FOURT- H YEAR. VOL CXXXIV, No. C3. By Mali, SO Cents ft Month! Kindle Cnirlt, s Cents. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, .WEDNESDAY, JUNE .51912,. Ily Carrier, CO Cent a Montli. iuu mi uinuno neat, was passea ' proselyting. by other do the The next a vote of 22 to 2. part la to ATTEMPT Senate - of tha combat therefore, SENATE'S Bill 114, amending- the law RIOTS BREAK OUT BARROW'S DEFENSE COMMITTEE HAS be CAMPA HARASSES In regard pass- the national committee. to garnishments, was "The committee will hold Us ses- ed by a vote of 23 to 1. day to day continuously House sions from Bill 77. makir.g on appropri- from 10 o'clock tn tho morning until ation for the gauging of streams, was TO FORCE FUll S BELGIUM OfJ DEPENDS ARRANGEMENTS 4 or 6 o'clock tn the afternoon with- REAR GUARD OF passed by a vote of 19 to 4. UPON f out Interruption, even for lunch, Senate Concurrent Resolution No. which will be served In an adjoining 2, providing for the creation of a tax ' room to a few at a time as desired, IOrJ commission to be composed of Charlei RE-ELECT- so that the presentation of a contest Hln-kl- e, THE ; IS Springer, S. B. Davis, Jr., J.' F, RECENT DISCREDITING ALL MADE AT may go right along and be within F EDEHALSNEAR Gregory Pago and II. M. Dough- reach of a vote at any moment." erty, brought on a fight. Senator ' Barth opened, the resolution in the xo QCAirrona kngagfd UNSUCCESSFUL shape in which it was offered on the ELECTIONS FRAL'KU CHICAGO FOH KVMI 4'ONVETIOX. T O i ground that It took away from the Washington, June 4. D. B. Ather-to- n, governor the right to make appoint- secretary and treasurer of 1'ie Na- ments. He offered an amendment tional Republican League, today de providing that the governor shall ap nied that the First Regiment armory) Democrats Oppose Taking of point thj members of the commission, Clerical Party, Won Favoring Charge Made, that Samuel Should Roosevelt Delegate from In Chicago had been engaged tor a, Rebel Commander Captures but his amendment was tabled and rump republican convention, I Ballot by Making Motion to the resolution was adopted by a voto Use of Public Funds to Sup-po- rt Gompers Furnijshed Money Nebraska be Seated It Is Pro- Five Trainloads of Provisions 19 to 6. of Am- Adjourn, But Fail and Take The senate then adjourned until 10 Church Schools with Which to bribe Jurors posed to Make Rosewater and Several Cars of . BIG BATTLESHIP IS in Proceeding, o'clock tomorrow morning. Throughout Kingdom, Purposes, Chairman. munition. Part The House. and for Other The morning session of the house was taken up in consideration of the TOGA WEARER FAILS TO county salaries bill. Mr. Blanchard PECULIAR PLURAL BANK CASHIER COLONEL EXPECTED BADLY DAMAGED SCOUTS SENT OUT wanted the senate bill be consider- PARTY STRENGTH to VOTING SYSTEM ON STAND TO LEAD FIGHT TO OBSERVE FLANKS POLL ed, and etated that in his opinion un- WITNESS less the house took up that bill tht-r-e would be no county salaries bill pass- Lines Up Fifteen of Seventeen ed at this session. He was voted down, Socialists and Liberals Want! States Frank, Morrison Kept Convention Faces Greatest Orozco Proposes to Dislodge however, and the house bill was t.'ik-e- n Method of Suffrage Abolished Pol- Force from Republicans, While McCoy up instead, a number of amend- Five Accounts One of Which Tangle Ever Known to Maderista Casas , and Sulzer Cast Compliment- ments submitted by the c by Which Certain Persons Was "Special No, 5" for Mc itics; Root Contest Probably Grandes; Americans Work were adopted. Most of these amend Arkansas, on Trial Trip, Runs ary Preference. ments provided for a reduction In sal Cast Three Ballots, Namara Trial Expenses, Tell Story of Outcome, Machine Guns, aries, and the total amount by which Aground in Bush Channel the salaries of county officers through- (gpaclil IHffpatrh to the Morals Journal.) out the state was reduced by these (By Horning Journal Special Leaned Wire.) By Morn In Journal ssse'al Tease Wlr r Unniu Jnnnui Bpsalal tsasst Wtre.1 Entrance to Penobscot Bay,' ggnta Fe, N. M.. June 4. The first amendments Is something like $75,000 Brussels, June 4. Belgium is In a Loa Angeles, ;June 4. That Chicago, June 4. Preparation!) move on the senatorial checkerboard a year. The principal reductions were state of eruption on account of the would trace to the McNamara defense were completed tonight for the meet- Injuring Bottom. General Paaeual Orozco, chief was made in the senate at noon to- made In the office of sheriff, the sal recent elections and rioting through- fund of the American Federation of ing of the republican national com- of the revolution In northern day, when Senator Holt made a mo- aries of officer being lower than out the country that has taken on a Labor the money alleged to have been mittee Thursday morning. Br MenahM Journal Metal lasses Wre.1 Mexico, today formally sanction- that 4. When the tion, which was duly put and carried, is provided in bill. As revolutionary character. Many per- used by Bert Franklin to bribe Jurors The committee facea a tangle such Washington, June ed an attack; on Mexico City by the senate naval Inspoctlon board arrived nt to go into the election of a United amended the bill was passed by a sons have been killed or wounded In In the McNamara trhil, was the as as probably never faced the commit- Emlllano Zapata, rebel leader tn port, Me., night to conduct Za- (States senator to succeed Senator A! vote of 41 to 6. various cities and a large number of sertlon made today' the prosecution tee ot a national party on the eve of Rock last the south. An emissary from official trial of the big battleship by bert B. Fall. On the vote which fol Tha Baca salary bill divides the reserves have been called to the colors. in the case of Clarence S. Harrow, the a convention. the pata was today informed Agitation In Is Arkansas, they found that when pass would permit the lowed Senator Fall received IS votes, twenty-si- x counties of New Mexico the Industrial centers Chicago lawyer or, trial accused of The right of newly elected commit- Orozco that he Increasing. Every brings news open ing through the Bush channel entrance on Mexican capital Felix Martir.ee, S; Lieutenant-Gove- r- into four classes, having hour having bribed Juror George N. Lock teemen to seats; the question of attack the those an as to Bay eunduy arternoon, nor d Baca, 2. and II. B. Fergusson, sessed valuation of $3,500,000 of fresh protests by the laboring class- wood. To substantiate this assertion hearings for the more than two hun- Penobscot provided the southern leader and had touched the bot foreigners Summers Eurkhart, B. F. Pankey and more; those having $2,500,000; those es against the government victories, the prosecution placet on the witness dred delegate contests; the prospect the Arkansas would not molest and are ....... 1 Cil.lk..? .. Y. I .. V. tom. situation. W. H. Andrews, 1 each. having $1,600,000 and those having The conservative elements tflUUU 11.tr 11.l, XIMIICI Qi ill of a fight to the finish on the selec- could dominate the , envoy Everything quietly, less. Is on alarmed over the tendencies of the Kationai j fan or waanmgion, u. u. tion of Senator Root for temporary Captain Fetchteler,' president of the The sending of the to was done decor The classification based reported to the navy de oualy and with little show of opposi the assessment for 1911. but on De clvlo guard to make common cause Mr. Flather was called to the stand chairman, and the belief that Colonel trial board, Orosco confirms earlier claims This, however, partment today that the ship struck ot in tion. When the hour of 11:30 arrived, cemer 1, 1913, the classification shall with the rioters. is after the cross examination of Bert Roosevelt and his associates will the rebels the north that only In instances, rocks about one-quart- er of tne way they are acting In unison with Lieutenant-Govern- be on the 1913 assessment and be re isolated Brussels H. Franklin, which had assumed sen carry Into the convention their fight de Baca called bow on lefthond against Presi- the senate to classified each year, the traveling aud being a case In point where the guard satlonal aspects, had been tempor for the seats of their contesting dele- back from the the those in the south order, but at the time Ids, tha turn of the bilge Madero. the republican members were in cau- itor to make the classification. today held a sympathetic celebration arily discontinued pntll tomorrow gates, are some of the problems en Just under dent Sheriffs in the four respective class before the monument of Francisco morning at the request of the defense, grossing the attention of Chairman and again close to the keel.
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