![Official Gazette](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
lilr mmy-^m ':Vi^i'.s;.,K ';',(. i;V:'!';'i;r(:.^i'i':. &l(i/''l i OFFICIAL GAZETTE. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, THE GOVEENMEST OK 1885. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF miTHTrrn K 11^' THl' \ jAUjumij A:w u k Mjii 1 1 Uj 1/ I SENATE AND HOUSE COMMITTEES. COMMISSION AND CLERICAL REGISTER, AND STATE HOUSE DIRECTORY. COMPILED FROM THE OFFICE OF SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. BOSTON : WRKiHT & POITER PRINTING COMPANY, SxATE PRINTERS, 1 8 Post Office Square. 1885. i NOTE. The following compilation has been hastily arranged for present use. It will, however, in its present form, prove a much=needed and valuable guide, and furnish the basis for a more extended and thoroughly revised record. We acknowledge, *with pleasure, the courtesy of the execu= tive and clerical officials in the different departments, and the Boston Journal for biographical sketches specially reported for its cohnnns. GEO. F. ANDREWS. CONTENTS. Autobiography . ' Executive " Kepresentative " Senatorial Adjutant-deneral . Attorney Auditor .... Advertising Board of Agriculture Civil Service ( 'ommission Commonwealth Building Committee Rooms . District Police Harbor Commissioners Health, Board of . Department of House Committees Insurance Commissioners In-door Poor . Inspector of Charities Joint Standing Committees Labor, Statistics of . Legislative Documents Library . Out-door Poor Post ( )ffice Prison Commissioners Provincial Records Public Documents . Reporters Railroad Commissioners Savings Banks Sergeant-at-Arms Secretary of State . Senate Committees Staff State Aid " Department . " House Treasurer Tax Commissioner Topographical Survey Telegraph Commottttiealtlj of Illa0$afl|tt0ftt0< THE GOVERNMENT OF 1885. BIOGRAPHICAL AND POLITICAL SKETCHES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENTS. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. position, and he enters upon a second term with a hearty indorsement of popular aj provai. Governor. l<ieuteiiant Onvernor. HIS IIONOB t>LIVEK AMES HIS EXCELLENCY GEORGE UEXTEK KOEINSON of Easton has lield the office of Lieutenant Gov- enters for a second term upon tlio hignest ernor two terms. He is a native of the town nliice In the Coninionwealth. A resident of wliere his residence is and was born Feb. 21. Cliicopee, he was born in Lexington, Mass., Feb- 1831. His education was received in the public ruary "JO, 1834, and prepared !!or college in the schools, the Leicester Academy and Brown Uni- Hopkins Classical Scliooi, Cam bridge. Jle was versity. He was trained as a practical mechanic j^radnated at Harvard L'niversitv iii IS.'iJ. and in the faciory of his father, the late Hon. Oakes accepting the position of Principal of the High Ames, to whose large manufacturing and railroad School in Chicopee, remained in tl)ai insiitution interests he and his brothers succeeded. Hi these nine years, retiring in 1805. He was adniilied to concerns he is still interested. Prior to the war the Bar in CaniHridge in 18<;(). and eniereo.u of the Kebellion he was an oflicer in the State once UDon the practice of his profession. In militia. He was on the School Committee in 187-t he represented Chicopee in tlie House of Easton a number of years and was a member of Keoresentatives, and two years later he was a the State Senate in 1880 and 1881. member ot the State Senate. In both branches Secretary of the Conimoniveitlth. of the i^egislature he displayed niarKeu ability, and his qualities as a legislator were recognized Hon. Henky Bailey Peiiue of Abington has been Secretary of in 187G by his election to represent the tlien iheCommonwcallli since 187tl, Eleventh District in Congress. Prompt and regu- and has been an efficient and popular official. lar in his attendance to the duties ol his position He was born in Duxbury. ]\Iass.. Aug. G, 1841, he distinguished himself by his ability to grasp received his education 111 the public schools and in cjuickly the merits of (lUestioiis at issue a mercantileacademy, and in 18(>] enlisted in by his broad and honest aims, and by the Twenty-third Massachusetts Begiment, with the excellent judgment he displayed wnich lie served during the war of the Kebellion. in being speech and action. A vven-intorined par- mustered out as a Captain. He was Adju- tant al of liamentarian, he was regarded as an authorjty in <ienei the Departnunt of Massachusetts, that direction, was one of the best )>residiug <i. A. R.. from 1870 to 187G and.has held the oi- tices otticers in Congress, and in the 1^'orty-fifth. Kortj'^ of Commissioner tor the Care of Disabled Soldiers and Secretary sixth and Forty-seventh Congresses, of v\ Inch lie and Treasurer of that was a member, he exertetl a strong and useful Commiiision. inlluence. After the reilistrictlng of tlie State In Treasurer and Receiver Oei.er;iI. 1882 he was elected fnun the new Twelfth Dis- Hon. Daniel Angell Gleason ot jMedford trict, but before the orfaniZMtion of the Forty- becomes Treasurer and Receiver (General for a eighth Congress he was elected (iovernor. He liftli term, and under the law will he ineligible lor took his seat in Congress, nevertheless, to assist re-election for another term. He has had a large in the organization of the House, resigning in experience in the Xieasurv. having held the office oroer to enter upon the duties of the Chief Magis of Deputy Tax comnnssioner from 18G4 until he of iracy tlie Coramonwealtli. <;ov. JJobinsi>ii"s assumed his present i osition in 188t). Mr. (Jlea- first year in this oflice was markeii by a dignilied son was burn in \\ orcesler. Mass., May t), 1836, and able discharge ot all liic reaiiiremeiiis of the and was graduated at Harvard University in 1856. He siuUied law hi Pennsylvauia. where lie tively identified with the Republican party a was admittea to tlie Bar, and subsequently re- number of years, has been Secretary of the ite- suined his studies in tliis State, being admitted to publican State Central Committee several years, the Barin 18G1. and was on the staff of Governor Long during tue entire period of the latter's incumbeucy of the i>f Account*. AiKl'tui- office of Governor. In 1883 he was a member of Hon. Chaklks K. Ladu o£ Spriugfleld entered the Council. upon the office of Auditor in 187U, having been District Ao. 6. HoN. ABRAHAM B. Coffin of resisr- appointed to All the vacancy caused by the Winchester is a lawyer and is a native of Gilead, ualion of Hon. Julius L. Clarke. He was elected Me., where he was born March 31, 1831. After for the following: year ana has been re-elected preparatory studies in BhiUins Academy, An- each year since. Born in Tolland, Conn., April 9, dover, he entered Dartmcuth College, and was 1822, he has had a long and varied public experi- graduated in 1856. He has been a member of ence, having been Keirister of f^robaie and Treas- the School Committee and of the Board of Healtli of both urer for Hampden county, a member ill Winchester, was a member of the House in branches of the Springlield City Council, a mem- 1875, when he held the Chairmanship of the Coni- ber of the House of Kepresentatatives in 1853 niiitee on Elections, and was a State Senator in and 1854, a Senator in 180'J and 1870, and again 1877 and 1878, serving each year on the Judi- a member of the House in 1879. ciary Committee and as Chairman of the Coni- Attorney General. iiiiliee on Taxation. Hon. Edgak jay Sherman of Lawrence be- Jisirict Ao. 7. Hon, Henry Clay Greele^^ comes Attorney General for a third term. He of Clinton is a dry goods dealer, was born in Hud- was horn in Weatherslield, \'t., Nov. 28. 1834, son, N. H., and received an academical education. and studied in ihe Wesleyan Seminary and under He has held the positions of Town ClerK, Select- private tutors, lie enlisted m the Union Army man and member of the School Committee, nas as a private and attained ihe rank of Captain, re- been a Trustee and Treasurer of the Lancaster in- ceiviiiE also a brevet promotion as Major. From dustrial School for Girls, and was a member of the 1867 to 1870 he was Adjutant General and Chief Senate in 1870 and 1871. of Division Staff in the State militia, with the JJistrict Ao. 8. HuN. Zenas Crane, Jk., of Dal- rank of Colonel. He has held the office of llegis- ton is a paper manulacturer, and was born in the ter m Bankruincy under the United States Gov- town of his present resiueiice Dec. 6, 1840. He ernment, was a member of the House in 1805 received his education in the Wesleyan Institute, and 18G6, and from 1868 to December 20, 1882, Wilbraham. In 1871 he was a member of the he held the office of District Attorney for the House, and last year he served a first term in the Eastern District, resigning it on account of his Council. election as Attorney General. RECAPITULATION*. Councilors- Politically the Council is almost unanimous, District Ko. 1. Hon. Jonathan Boukne of there being only one Democratic member against New Bedford was born in Sandwich, Mass., three last year. Four of last year's members. In- March 25, 1811, and was educalea in the local cluding Mr. Butler, who was elected last year to scnools. He is a merchant, has been a member fill a vacancy, are returned, and Mr. Haskell, who of the New Bedlord Board of Aldermen and was was a Councilor in 1883, is also a member a member of the Council last year. again. Tiiere are therefore only three new mem- Jiistriit ^^'. 2. Hon. Wakken E. Locke of bers, and of these two have been members of the Norwood is a railroad agent, was born in Lex- Legislature.
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