TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 - Minutes Page 2-11 General Sessions/Meeting for Worship in which Business is Conducted: Representative Gathering Section 2 - Reports Leadership Team Reports 12-15 Lead Superintendent 15-16 Executive Superintendent 17-19 Director of Student Ministries 20-21 Director of Support Ministries 21-22 Director of Leadership Development 22-23 Director of Multiplication Ministries Board and Ministry Team Reports 24-25 Elders 25-27 Home Missions 27-28 Mission Mobilizers 28-29 Camp Quaker Haven 29 Stewards 29-31 Barclay College 31-32 Coalition for Hispanic Ministries 32-33 Everence 33-36 Friends University 36-37 Friends Women Fellowship 37-39 Kaleo Academy 39-40 Kickapoo Friends Center 40-42 Multiplication Catalyst Ministries 43 Wichita Friends School 43-49 Evangelical Friends Mission 50-51 Evangelical Friends Church Intermational Financial and Statistical Reports 52-53 Statistical Report 54-59 EFC-MAYM Unified Budget 60-61 EFC-MAYM Balance Sheet 62-65 Camp Quaker Haven Budget 66 Camp Quaker Haven Balance Sheet 67 Attendance Comparison Chart for 2019 70 EFC-MAYM Areas Section 3 - Directory and Lists 71-72 EFC-MAYM Officers, Boards & Area Superintendents 73-75 Associated Boards and Organizations 75 Local Church Representatives 76-77 Recorded Ministers 78-89 Local Church Directory 90-92 Mission and Vision Statements 93-112 Address Directory 113 Directory of Affiliated Organization 114-115 EFC-MAYM 2021 Upcoming Events 116 Ministry Center Staff Directory Minutes General Sessions EFC-MAYM Ministry Team Leader Gathering Via Zoom Friday, July 24, 2020 5:30 p.m. PRESENT: David Bailey, Robyn Burns, David Byrne, David Crisp, Manny Garcia, Diana Hoover, Dave Kingrey, Julie Kinser, Jeff Linville, Randy Little- field, Dennis McDowell, Mike Neifert, Jesse Penna, John Penrose, Diana Roe, Jenna Schmidt, Thayne Thompson, Jared Warner, Wanda Warner, David Wil- liams, Brad Wood, Lois Carr – Recording Clerk. Thayne Thompson opened the time with prayer. David Williams expressed his thanks for the leaders in EFC-MAYM and his thankfulness for Zoom and other technology that enables meeting online for Ministry Conference. Time was provided for others in the meeting to express their thanks and to offer concerns for prayer. Diana Hoover led the group in prayer for those concerns: the challenges facing our Congolese churches, the loss of loved ones for several in the meeting, a pastor’s wife’s surgery, the In- ternational Multiplication Conference set for November 11-13 online, Friends Women’s Retreat scheduled for September 18-20, the beginning of school for Barclay College and Friends University. Time was spent in discussion of details of the Ministry Conference and the ways different events would be accomplished electronically. David Williams asked those present to remember to pray for the conference speaker and the theme of hospitality. He gave a personal example of a recent encounter and urged us to be aware of people along the way, to allow space for a Spirit-led capacity to notice people and offer some meaning for their lives. The session closed with a responsive prayer. Opening Session Hosted from Northridge Friends Church Via Live Stream Friday, July 24, 2020, 7:00 p.m. The worship music team from Northridge opened the session with the song Great Is Thy Faithfulness. David Williams and Thayne Thompson welcomed Ministry Conference partic- ipants. Thayne prayed for God’s guiding presence throughout the conference. He introduced the conference guest speaker, Dan Kimball, who is speaking from his home in Santa Cruz, California. His topic for the opening session is “They Like Jesus But Not the Church: Barriers to Hospitality.” 2 Dan Kimball gave a personal illustration of the way in which he encountered loving hospitality that helped him trust Jesus. He gave an overview of the chang- es that have occurred in society’s view of the church over the past 30 years. He pointed out today’s slow erosion of faith, a general lack of teaching on basic doc- trines of faith and apologetics, and the rise of biblical illiteracy in teenagers. He reminded us that God’s truth remains true in every generation. Dan Kimball’s presentation was followed by an interactive question and answer time. Thayne Thompson closed the session in prayer. Morning Session Hosted from Northridge Friends Church Via Live Stream Saturday, July 25, 2020, 9:00 a.m. After a worship music opening, Thayne Thompson and David Williams greeted the conference participants and Thayne prayed. Jesse Penna introduced a video on Student Ministries, highlighting events from the past year. Dan Kimball spoke, continuing the theme of hospitality and addressing the bridg- es to hospitality. He urged us to view our local community as a mission field in the same way we do other countries: • What would your quarterly mission report say? • When is the last time you socialized with someone who isn’t a Christian? • Think like a missionary and train the church to as well. • Normal relationships build trust. • When trust is there, questions will come. • Create a culture of question asking. Dan Kimball closed the session by praying for the Ministry Conference and at- tendees. Representative Gathering Electronic meeting via Zoom Saturday, July 25, 2020, 3:00 p.m. The representatives who attended: Alva Darin Kearns Argonia Bob Randall Bethel Julie Kinser Booker Wava Maier 3 Chandler Sam Brixey Communitas Carrie Corliss Derby Lorna Long Fowler Dennis McDowell Gardner Betty Frazier Glen Elder Rick Gruwell Haviland Glenn Leppert Hutchinson Anna Cyr Independence Betty Jean Penrose Mt. Ayr Deb McReynolds Northbranch Wanda Warner Northridge Manny Garcia Northshore Robyn Burns Oklahoma City Nick Shaffer Plains Donna Powell Pratt Linda Carpenter Rose Hill David Crisp, Cathy Rucas Spring Grove J.C. James Springfield Trish Edwards-Konic Stanwood Nancy Smelser Timber Creek Dianna Whiteman Tonganoxie Susan Rose University Patty Savely Willowcreek Anne Fraser RP1 Presiding Clerk Diana Hoover welcomed the representatives. Diana Roe opened the meeting with prayer. Lois Carr read the opening minute. Evangeli- cal Friends Church-Mid America Yearly Meeting (EFC-MAYM) convenes in its 149th annual representative session, held online on Saturday, July 25, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. RP2 David Crisp led in prayer and then read the names from the Memorial Bulletin to call to remembrance those Friends who have left us through death this past year: Arkansas City: Walter “Bud” Lawrence Bayshore: Mary Ellen Chapman, Lily Mae Karber, Laverne Black Booker: James Campbell, Harold Schoenhals, Leslie Custer Chandler: Bruce Newby Emporia: Nellie Owens Gardner: Marjorie Jones Glen Elder: Mary Boehner Harrison Dillon Haviland: Dixie Lee Woodard, Duane Larsh, Carla Woods Hesper: Betty Mason, Melanie Custard Lone Star Community: Ira Lee Shaffer Northbranch: LaVae Glover, Lonnie Buckley Oklahoma City: Hope Shaffer Plains: Rick Littlefield 4 Pratt: Marie Bryant, Verlene Rasmussen, Harold Starkey, Kathleen Tresner Stanwood: Marvin Torneden, Robert Ryan University: Betty Bales, Valerie Guilliams, Scott Snyder, Viola Teubner, Da- vid Benji, Pearl Cole, Clarence Walz Wyandotte: Dorothy Hinshaw, Diana Wilkinson RP3 Diana Hoover read a letter from University Friends Church stating their deci- sion to retain affiliation with Great Plains Yearly Meeting, a member of Friends United Meeting (FUM) and to resign their affiliation with Evangelical Friends Church - Mid America Yearly Meeting, a member of Evangelical Friends Church - North America (EFC-NA). That letter is reprinted here. June 11, 2020 Dear Friends: We are writing to let you know that the status of University Friends Church in relation to Evangelical Friends Church-Mid America Yearly Meeting (EFC- MAYM) has changed. As of July 25, 2020, we will no longer be affiliated with Mid America Yearly Meeting. We also want to provide some context for that change, beginning with a look at our history. Kansas (now EFC-MA) Yearly Meeting was set off from Indiana Yearly Meet- ing in 1872, and Kansas Yearly Meeting was a part of Five Years Meeting when the latter organization was formed in 1902. Nebraska Yearly Meeting was established in 1908, also part of Five Years Meeting. In 1937, Kansas Yearly Meeting left Five Years Meeting and later became part of what is now Evangelical Friends Church International. Nebraska (now Great Plains) Yearly Meeting has remained with Five Years Meeting (now Friends United Meet- ing). The first worship service of what was to become University Friends was held in October of 1898 and University Friends Monthly Meeting was established in 1899, as a part of Kansas Yearly Meeting. For a number of years, we met on the campus of Friends University. With funds that included support from Kansas Yearly Meeting and Quaker Women, we erected a new building, dedicated in October 1926, just blocks from campus. From then on, for the next forty-two years, Kansas Yearly Meet- ing held its annual sessions in that building. In the late 1960s, University Friends Meeting joined what was then Nebraska (now Great Plains) Yearly Meeting. This affiliation was recommended by Richard Newby, our pastor at that time, and it was welcomed as reflecting the close ties many in our church had with folks in Friends United Meeting. Since then, University Friends has had dual affiliation, formally connected to 5 and accepted by the two yearly meetings. We have enjoyed thinking of our- selves as a bridge between these bodies of Friends, and we have seen our dual affiliation as an expression of our commitment to diversity and a reflection of the diversity of our own Meeting. More recently, we have increased our partic- ipation in Great Plains Yearly Meeting and Friends United Meeting, while we have continued to embrace our connections to EFC-MAYM, support its minis- tries, and participate in its programs. In January of 2018, the Executive Council of Evangelical Friends Church North America affirmed a statement on marriage and sexuality that says, “… marriage is a God-ordained, covenant relationship between a biologically born male and a biologically born female” (letter from David O.
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