.- Rhode Island Jewish Noah's Ark CHILDREN'S PAGE HERALD See Pages 10 & 11 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXlV, NUMBER 1 KISLEV 11, 5754 / THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1993 35c PER COPY Friedman Now Offers to Buy Jewish Home by Anne S. Davidson Island Jewish community," the fer," he told the Herald. Herald Ed itor Herald has learned. The petition But the plaintiffs' lawyers New York nursing home was submitted toSuperior Court maintain that the offer would owner Jack Friedman, now Judge Richard J. Israel Tuesday satisfy both parties in the law· known throughout Rhode as part of what the plaintiffs ca ll suit, fulfilling the plaintiffs' wish Island's Jewish community as a proposed settlement in the to preserve the home's 81·year· the man w ho o ffered to run the lawsuit against the home. old mission and the defendants' Jewish Home for the Aged, has However, MartinM. Temkin, desire to sell the home while,at submitted an offer to buy the a lawyer for the Jewish Home, the same time, increasing its facility fo r $5.S million and run called the document "bizarre." endowment. This money could it as a kosher Jewish facility "It's difficult to say what they then be used "to fund the acti vi· "consistent with the spiritual want. But it's certainly nothing ties and programs o f the home," and social needs of the Rhode that resembles a settlement of· they write. "We figure that if we give (Martin Temkin) an offer that Marders Lauded by Community he ca n' t refuse, maybe every· by Taylor Holland the synagogue, said , "Chaim body would be better o ff," said Herald Reporter Marder is a person w ho com· z. Hershel Smith, one of the Sunday was a special lllght bines wisdom with thecompas· plaintiffs' lawyers. fo r Rabbi Chaim Marder and sion of a teacher." Lawyers for the plaintiffs his wife, Suzie Marder, as they Both the Marders' fathers called Temkin last week to dis· were honored at Congregation spoke of their dedication to thei r cuss the proposal, but an Oct. 27 Beth Sho lom - Sons of Zion, family and to their community court order stipulates that any where Rabbi Marder has served and congregation. negotiations regarding the the congregation fo r four years. Friends o f Rabbi Marder's faci lity'ssalestopuntilhemakes The rabbi a nd his wife were fromhistimeat rabbinicalschool a ruling. lauded throughout the evening made the trip from New York.as "II would be an act of bad by members of the local com· did the siblings of the honorees. faith on the home's part, in view munity and mentors from the Also attending the event was ofthecontractualarrangemenlS past as a crowd of a few hun· Rabbi Avi Weiss, of the Hebrew previously made, to negotiate One Step at a Time dred looked o n. Institute in Riverdale, N.Y. with another party," Temkin Providence Mayor Vincent Rabbi Marder served as assis· wrote in a letter to lawyer Tho· President Bill Clinto n and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Cianci Jr. sent a representative !ant rabbi under Rabbi Weiss. mas W. Pearlman, who repre-­ Rabin leave an Oval Office meeting heading toward an East to award the couple with ci ta· Ra bbi Marder was very sents four former residents of Room press conference recently. "We must not allow the tions for their service to the com· humble in his acceptance of the lhe home in the lawsuit. opponents of that agreement to derail the new progress that munity and thanked them for praise and said he felt uncom· Temkin is referring lo the of· this year has brought," Clinton said. In his remarks, Rabin told their dedication and values. fortable at the podium fo r the fe r from Antonio L. Giordano, the president, "I return home stronger in many aspects, more Steve Schechter, president of first time. (Continued on Pagl' 18) confident in our ability to reach peace." Inside Israel with Chamish by Alison Smith Israelis with the current peace Herald Reporter program. Chamish said Rabin A talk by Barry Chamish Nov. has sunk drastically in the polls, 18 at the Brown Faculty Club and ii has been common know!· stirred up strong emotions and edge for 20years that Rabin had reactions. The speech, spon· a severe substance abuse prob· sored by the World Affairs [em. One of the recent political Council of Rhode Island, could slogans was, "We want a sober very well have been titled "ls· government, not a drunk." raet as Seen by Chamish" be· He suggested that anyone cause that's what it was- a no· who watched Rabin's recent ap· holds-barred view of w ha t's pearance on the McNeil Lehrer wrong with modern Israel by an program must have wondered investigative reporter. about him after hearing Rabin's Cha mis h was born in slurred speech, and trying to Winnepeg, went to Jerusalem makesenseout of his responses. during the Yorn Kippur War, Chamish believes that and sta yed . He and hiswifeand Rabin's personal problems and twochildrcn li ve in a small town hi s deep involvement with the outside of Jerusalem. I lis part· Iran Contra Aff,1ir and other ner,Joel Bainerman,and hepulr unsavory deals while he was lis h a monthly investigative defense minister from 1984 to newsletter called lllsidl' lsrad, 1990 make him "ulnerable to a nd between them they ha vC' pressure from the U.S. govern· written many arti cles for presli · ment and others like Pl'res, a nd gious publications and several that the current peace process books. did not originotc wi th Norway, Reading Pays The first thing he want<.>d to but inourownslatedepartment, and that it hos been pushed hard I lame! and Norman Sali:man count the receipls from the Sunday morning school book fair get across that evening was th.it Prime Minh.tcr Yitzhak Rabin 1s by the United States si n~ 1ls at Temple Tora I Yisrael. 1/trold ,mo,ot,y ,.,,so,r Smith goi ng against the wi ll of most (Contmu<.>d on Page 20) -------- 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1993 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE R.I. Lung Association Offers the New England Children's Fun Pass ~~s~ Rhode Island Lung Associa­ shire and Vermont have to tion has teamed up with Lung offer, including Black Moun­ /!jNEWS~ Associations throughout New tain, Loon Mountain, Mt. t-z-:i England to produce the New Sunapee, Pats Peak, Stowe c:::> BRIEFS England Children's Fun Pass. Mountain, and Sugarbush. ~ Lung Association friends can Visit museums, zoos, aquar­ A Winter Clothing Drive, support local lung health pro­ iums, and playlands of all sponsored by Lincoln grams and services for children types, including Connecticut's School at 301 Butler Ave., and adults while taki ng ad­ Mystic Seaport, Vermont's vantage of great children's dis­ Santa's Land, U.S.A. and Shel­ will start on Dec. 1 and counts at fun area attractions. burne Museum, and Maine's end on Dec. 15. Delivery The Rhode Island Fun Pass Palace Playland and Yo rk's to the Joslin Community includes 145 coupons for free Wild Kingdom. Center wilt take place on children's admissions at local Worth more than $1,000, the Dec.17.Al!kindsofwarm attractions li ke Roger Williams Fun Pass is priced at $15; how­ clothing are needed, es­ Advocates for the Elderly Zoo, Providence College and ever, "smart shoppers" can pecially winter coats; ca ll 331-9696. The Governor's Justice Commission and the Rhode Island UR I games, The Enchanted save even more on the pass by Cri me Prevention Officers Association present a n award re­ Forest, and all kinds of museums reserving theirs now at a dis­ cently to the Commission for the Care and Safety of the Elderl y and amusements, as well as count price of $ 13 for one or Scienterrific, a workshop at the Statehouse. The commission initiated the first senior top-notch attractions in the $25 fo r two. This offer is only on magnetism, will take advocate program in the United States. Each city /town police other five New England states good through Dec. 25. placeDec.3,from 9:30a.m. department in the slate has designated a person on the force (most offers are for children 12 Call the Lung Associa tion at to 1:30 p.m. at the lo serve as an advocate for elderl y persons. Seen here (from and younger). 421-6487 now for more infor­ Children's MusO?um of left ) a re Anna Tucker, chairwoman for the Commission for the The pass offers 38 attractions mation or to order by phone. Rhode Island in Paw­ Care a nd Safety of the Elderly; Loriann Agag, Governor's in nearby Massachusetts alone, tucket. Each participant Justice Commissio n; Suzette Gebhard, executive director for all accessible with significant wi ll make their own star the Governor's Commission; Denise E. Owens, Narragansett savings. Skii ng families will Sailors Group magnet for the refrigera­ Police Depart ment, president of the Rhode Island Crime enjoy free admissions to many tor; same day registration Prevention Officers Association. PhctobyManeCostabile-Boscia of the best slopes New Hamp- Seeks Members is required; call 726-2591 The U.S. Navy Cruiser at8:30a.m. to register and Sailors Association is now for fee information. actively seeking new members to swell its ranks. A Home and Hearth Tour Attention Herald readers and advertisers! Membership is open to all on Dec.4 from 10a.m.
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