Page 257 TITLE 19—CUSTOMS DUTIES § 1581 lows: ‘‘The cartage of merchandise entered for ware- (d) Penalty for failure to stop at command house shall be done by cartmen to be appointed and li- censed by the appropriate customs officer and who Any vessel or vehicle which, at any authorized shall give a bond in a penal sum to be fixed by such cus- place, is directed to come to a stop by any offi- toms officer, for the protection of the Government cer of the customs, or is directed to come to a against any loss of, or damage to, such merchandise stop by signal made by any vessel employed in while being so carted.’’ the service of the customs and displaying proper 1970—Pub. L. 91–271 substituted references to appro- insignia, shall come to a stop, and upon failure priate customs officer of customs officer for references to comply a vessel or vehicle so directed to come to collector of customs or collector wherever appear- to a stop shall become subject to pursuit and the ing. master, owner, operator, or person in charge EFFECTIVE DATE OF 1970 AMENDMENT thereof shall be liable to a penalty of not more For effective date of amendment by Pub. L. 91–271, than $5,000 nor less than $1,000. see section 203 of Pub. L. 91–271, set out as a note under (e) Seizure of vessel or merchandise section 1500 of this title. If upon the examination of any vessel or vehi- TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS cle it shall appear that a breach of the laws of For transfer of functions, personnel, assets, and li- the United States is being or has been commit- abilities of the United States Customs Service of the ted so as to render such vessel or vehicle, or the Department of the Treasury, including functions of the merchandise, or any part thereof, on board of, or Secretary of the Treasury relating thereto, to the Sec- brought into the United States by, such vessel retary of Homeland Security, and for treatment of re- or vehicle, liable to forfeiture or to secure any lated references, see sections 203(1), 551(d), 552(d), and fine or penalty, the same shall be seized and any 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of Novem- person who has engaged in such breach shall be ber 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section arrested. 542 of Title 6. For establishment of U.S. Customs and (f) Duty of customs officers to seize vessel Border Protection in the Department of Homeland Se- curity, treated as if included in Pub. L. 107–296 as of It shall be the duty of the several officers of Nov. 25, 2002, see section 211 of Title 6, as amended gen- the customs to seize and secure any vessel, vehi- erally by Pub. L. 114–125, and section 802(b) of Pub. L. cle, or merchandise which shall become liable to 114–125, set out as a note under section 211 of Title 6. seizure, and to arrest any person who shall be- come liable to arrest, by virtue of any law re- PART V—ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS specting the revenue, as well without as within § 1581. Boarding vessels their respective districts, and to use all nec- essary force to seize or arrest the same. (a) Customs officers (g) Vessels deemed employed within United Any officer of the customs may at any time go States on board of any vessel or vehicle at any place in the United States or within the customs waters Any vessel, within or without the customs wa- or, as he may be authorized, within a customs- ters, from which any merchandise is being, or enforcement area established under the Anti- has been, unlawfully introduced into the United Smuggling Act [19 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.], or at any States by means of any boat belonging to, or other authorized place, without as well as with- owned, controlled, or managed in common with, in his district, and examine the manifest and said vessel, shall be deemed to be employed other documents and papers and examine, in- within the United States and, as such, subject to spect, and search the vessel or vehicle and every the provisions of this section. part thereof and any person, trunk, package, or (h) Application of section to treaties of United cargo on board, and to this end may hail and States stop such vessel or vehicle, and use all necessary The provisions of this section shall not be con- force to compel compliance. strued to authorize or require any officer of the (b) Officers of Department of the Treasury United States to enforce any law of the United Officers of the Department of the Treasury States upon the high seas upon a foreign vessel and other persons authorized by such depart- in contravention of any treaty with a foreign ment may go on board of any vessel at any place government enabling or permitting the authori- in the United States or within the customs wa- ties of the United States to board, examine, ters and hail, stop, and board such vessel in the search, seize, or otherwise to enforce upon said enforcement of the navigation laws and arrest vessel upon the high seas the laws of the United or, in case of escape or attempted escape, pursue States except as such authorities are or may and arrest any person engaged in the breach or otherwise be enabled or permitted under special violation of the navigation laws. arrangement with such foreign government. (c) Penalty for presenting forged, altered, or (June 17, 1930, ch. 497, title IV, § 581, 46 Stat. 747; false documents Aug. 5, 1935, ch. 438, title II, § 203, 49 Stat. 521; Any master of a vessel being examined as 1946 Reorg. Plan No. 3, §§ 101–104, eff. July 16, herein provided, who presents any forged, al- 1946, 11 F.R. 7875, 60 Stat. 1097; Sept. 1, 1954, ch. tered, or false document or paper to the examin- 1213, title V, § 504, 68 Stat. 1141.) ing officer, knowing the same to be forged, al- REFERENCES IN TEXT tered, or false and without revealing the fact The Anti-Smuggling Act, referred to in subsec. (a), is shall, in addition to any forfeiture to which in act Aug. 5, 1935, ch. 438, 49 Stat. 517, which is classified consequence the vessel may be subject, be liable principally to chapter 5 (§ 1701 et seq.) of this title. For to a fine of not more than $5,000 nor less than complete classification of this Act to the Code, see sec- $500. tion 1711 of this title and Tables. § 1582 TITLE 19—CUSTOMS DUTIES Page 258 For definition of officer of the customs used in text, rant, mail of domestic origin transmitted for see section 1401 of this title. export by the United States Postal Service PRIOR PROVISIONS and foreign mail transiting the United States that is being imported or exported by the Provisions similar to those in this section were con- United States Postal Service. tained in act Sept. 21, 1922, ch. 356, title IV, § 581, 42 Stat. 979. That section was superseded by section 581 of (2) Provisions of law described act June 17, 1930, comprising this section, and repealed The provisions of law described in this para- by section 651(a)(1) of the 1930 act. graph are the following: Prior provisions dealing with the subject matter of (A) Section 5316 of title 31 (relating to re- this section were contained in R.S. § 3059, conferring powers similar in most respects to those conferred by ports on exporting and importing monetary this section, so far as it relates to vessels, on any offi- instruments). cer of the customs, including inspectors and occasional (B) Sections 1461, 1463, 1465, and 1466, and inspectors, or of a revenue cutter, or authorized agent chapter 110 of title 18 (relating to obscenity of the Treasury Department, or other persons specially and child pornography). appointed in writing; section 3060, requiring appoint- (C) Section 953 of title 21 (relating to ex- ments under the preceding section to be filed in the portation of controlled substances). custom house; section 3067, authorizing collectors, etc., (D) The Export Administration Act of 1979 and officers of revenue cutters to go on board vessels in 1 port or within four leagues of the coast, for the purpose (50 U.S.C. App. 2401 et seq.). of demanding manifests, and examining and searching (E) Section 2778 of title 22. vessels; and section 3069, relative to noting and sealing, (F) The International Emergency Eco- if necessary, packages found separate from the residue nomic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.). of the cargo. All of these sections were repealed by act (b) Search of mail not sealed against inspection Sept. 21, 1922, ch. 356, title IV, § 642, 42 Stat. 989. and other mail AMENDMENTS Mail not sealed against inspection under the 1954—Subsec. (d). Act Sept. 1, 1954, provided a penalty postal laws and regulations of the United States, against the owner, operator or person in charge, as well mail which bears a Customs declaration, and as the master, of a vessel failing to come to a required mail with respect to which the sender or ad- stop and struck out provisions relating to the duty of dressee has consented in writing to search, may the customs officers to pursue such vessels. be searched by a Customs officer. 1935—Act Aug.
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