Reallgnnent 2-16-64 117544 1 Receiving Sta "D" 5-27-63 113584 H Ccl Diet lines #5-11- "anoho Pk i Resol 9o1 - Grant of Right const ' C of C urge re National Blvd-Motors storm drain across prop-W&P Dept\ Av«! Beverlv Glen fc nthnrs - i Reapportlonraent 7-20-61 103027 Reoelving 6-I8-63 113938 (spec) l5 Cciraunlc Olsts- Station •ft"-W&P Hesol #1033 auth,^' Bionchard rao Chtr amend on ballot .. acq prop along "B" St adj Harbor \ 6-5-62 ^ St».am Plant site. , . "^ Heaooortlonment 3-26-52 105964 • Receiving Gta "D" 9-12-63 115283 of Senate unler Assembly amend #5 Access Road\to Tower 141? - State Legis- SCfiPA Corat rept rec \ V/&F resol 179 eminent domain odoot r\r.nflrra nnn ..arnol Reaoportlonraent 4-4-52 107il9 Reciprocal Library 5-4-62 107535 Gtbson resol comraend Supvsr Franl Servlcea- Atty sub agrrat City Boneill-Jesae Unruh-Mayor Yorty as\ Inglewood 3 yr period- & other renre.^entotive Govt-State Senate towne^. , " , . _ Reapportlonraent 14-15-62 91045 ilociprocol ' llrl2-53 107535^ Gibson rewol support pet for Librory Sorvioe - City Inglewood Collf State Senate -, Atty oub Agmt -3 yrs -Eff 6-30-6) Reoppo-tlonmont i2-5-62 91045 Reolaraotion Site 11-24-64 121560 of Senate- Mayor outh Atty flle Toyon Cyn Pork- BPW app constr suit test constitutionality servloe fao - approp $9,254 Reannroprtfltion Fds 7-5-6i 96945 Beomssiflcatlon 9-21-64 120805 Can Imp Exp prog- CAO rec to var of positions-grant auth to Civil ' proj - i966-6i unexpended bal Serv Dept & CAO-Char & Adrain Code • Comt Reapportionment 2-24-54 117544 Reconveyance 7-3-51 i02705 Col Olsts Unas var ats Ccl Oist opplication- BPW oraend Ord 5-11- Westwood Gardens Clvlo Asaoo 96847 ext period- CAO •i- nnmniiin Reapoortlonment 3-14-61 91045 Heconveyance -^-c-6i 103316 In LA baaed on population- -Tom Bpeclal assmnt prop portn Ut 8 ^hepard req Chatter amend on May Blk 36 Hancock Survey to ballot J Frankiln for n00.64-Ed AWkp. Heoonveyanoe 8-18-61 103503 Reapportionment b-i4-5l 1023^7 Deed-Irwln X Desser-N'rf ptn atudy Coman-senute-Brown mo Gov ) Brown' app isupvsr Frank Boneiii as • Ut 59 Blk 2 Ivanhoe Traot Mh— Reapportionment 8-5-64 120132 Reconveyance 11-9-61 104764 - J Drown-Mo-urge opposition to Soec Assrat property to McGowan Senator Dirksen's proposal Lot 5 Tr 10093 - BPW Reor Yordfl 1-9-53 96251 •Reoeaveyanee il-l6-5i 104878 Bldgs-ownings etc-CAO rec omend Speo Assrat prop Ut 89 Runter Tr^ to reduce restrictions re loo - Eddie Johnson »?2.37- BPW app Como "onlnn Plon- Moyof Recall Election 10-17-51 IO44OO Roconveyonco 12-26-61 105447 Joseph HolUngaworth- Corat for spec assnt prop to Prod M Sayles lOth Dlst recall- D C Glass notiee if45.57 - Lot 455 Tr 1601 - BPW Tnt clT'niil»t« oet recon ono , \ Recall 5-24-52 104400 Reconveyance 2-1-52 10B973 I pet Joe Hoillnr.awworth-Clty Cier'. Spec Aasnt Lien fri35.86- 13072 j Van Nuys Blvd- BFW epp to M L ". certify insufficiency T:dwt.r<1« . , , \ Recoil" ' 6-1-62' ib!'u96 leconveyonce 2-1-62 105972 E Burkholter-Roybal resol supper Spec Assrat lien on prop-5675 3/4 t — nhr* Tnt tr. o-r.rorAititro flindo- So Bdwy- BFW opp S58.79 to Plorenee-, R«o fr' \>\r Bond Waaiernon > Recoil 5-14-62 104400 Recrnveyonce 2-5-52 105898 Cclraan loth Dlst-Atty opinion re Spec a^amt lien prop N/S Yucca St Inaufrleent pet -City Cierk , at Vine St- BP* opp reconvey crrtJfv- thx..iH M Scnwartz spec osant lien Recoll 1-2-53 110472 Reconveysnce 2-13-52 105123 or noralnotlon petitions- 96370 Spec aaamt lien prop Lot 23 Amend Sec 5 Chtr re redistrieting - Tr 9063 to H Horria e44.56-N/S _ of sienotures U5th St Wiy Wadsworth Ave- BPW geoEiU 8-13-63 114828 Heconveyance 4-b-62 107132 Karl L Rundberg Cclman llth Dlst. Ut 50Tr 15?5- BF'rf reo 846.13 Corat for Responsible Oovt-Notlce Spec Aaamt prop to Ailen Wotspn- of Int Recall 6-20-53 114828 Reconveyonce 4-10-62 i0?2l4 Rundberg anawor to Nte of Int Spec Aaamt prop NW cor Mott St & V/hlttler Bivd- BPW app to Jess for his rooall Ramos £ti3.52 Recalicall 4-<: 4-64 -l--U^OOl O Reconveyance 5-1-62 68229 F Bray cltizen-Ntc lnt prcds jurla aewer easmt to W&P fr BPW Cclmap Shepard re Fnclnltas Ave & Opo Grande Se-iier Dlst- CAO Receiving Hoapital 1-12-51 99639 Reconveyance 12-10-52 110641 Supt-Pub Hlth & W Comt rept rec Spec Aaamt prop Ut 53 Tr 11009 nnnt Dr Mlirond X Andnrnon- BPW app ro Wra Brown $40.93 Miir ,1, 1051 'Receiving atatlon 5-i2-5l 101639 Reconveyonee 2-25-53 112033 "p"- W&p reaol 6i2 auth acq prop , City Int por 1609- 1453 W 60th Read 813 acq prop r/w fr Hoynes St- P Cotton $43.65 trans ilne to Rec bto- - Receiving Statns 10-16-62 IIOI53 Reconveyonee 2-28-53 112095 •J" & "K" trans line r/w at spec ossnt prop SW cor Hauser Vanowen 3t & Wilbur Ave-BPW Blvd & Clpnnie Une to Guyden & St> maintaln-W&P Dept Besol 3O6 Kecelvlng Sta "T" 5-7-63 113270, Reconveyonee 6-22-63 114963 '.V&P Rasol 902 auth emin uoiuain prop 2822 W Jefferson St to Ollie acq prop Deering Circle Matson - |?6.91- BPW a •1 Heoorda " ,,. 2-10-61 100323,4" Beoonveyanoe IO-I-63 115499 31 B&S outh destroy — opec assessment prop at , I obsolete- — Atty / 174? W 39th St to C 0 Hagene for \ 1953-55- r 551.63 A ,Records 2-20-51 IO0403, Reconveyance 12-6-63 115530 B&S outhdestroy obsolete for Uts 4-7-22-23- bet Commerolal St ] 1944-1955 fc Jackson St-to So Pao Rwy- prop - \ of.Oon Manuel .RoQuena- ,^tty^,,,^ 5 I Records ' 2-I4-61 100344 Reconveyance 4-27-64 11866^ BPW rec $258.35 Chas Jones Spec obeolete-Treoaury Dept outh Assmt Prop 830 E 90th St Lot 3? deatroy thru 1955 ' Tr 6631 Hecords 2-2l-6i' 100452 k Reconveyance 5-12-64 118920 obsolete-Clv Service Dept outh 5i re Lot 73 In KcCray's Moneta Ave , Tr for ^66.40 BPW appr to S Luban • destroy for 1955- Atty ' Records 2-24-61" "10u5l5 Heconveyance 9-24-64 120855 Spec Assmnt Llen-1937 W Jeffersor obsolete p"lor 195o-Hlth Dept ^Ivd to Uucllle L Johnson 848.32- So Dlst outh destroy- Atty Bd P WkB Heconveyance 10-15-64 121112 Records" " 2-24-61 100513 Spec Assmt Lien prop loo at Hlth Oept outh destroy obsolete • II6O8 Woodcock Ave to Bobert H'4 for 1954-55- Atty Vlvlnn, A T^ti fon See no _nBU,, Recorda 2-24-51 100514 Reconveyance U-19-54 121540 obaolete WLA Hith Center -Hlth spec assmt prop to C V/ashlngton Dept aiithdestroy prior 1955- Atty- Lot 549 at 2223 S Cloverdale - , BPli' Records " 3-3-61 10o539 ' Reconveyance 12-8-64 121772 1 Hlth Dept outh destroy obsolede ' Spee Assmt lien $54.50 tc Annie Hollywood-Wilshire Dlst & Son I Evans - W Adams Blvd - BFW Pedro Hlth Conter - Atty, Record 2-26-53 112083 Records 3-3-51 10054? , of Elect fc oppt-City offlolols- ' obsolete records Pol Dopt Record F Bowron opprop fda compile rooord" & Tdontlf Divan Troff ropt8-l955» - for Library. Doot Atty . ,. Records^ ^, ^ 7-11-63 ^114300 Arrast - Clv Sorv inves which Records 3-3-61 100541 deny employmt with City - obsolete Fol Dept Recorde & ,VJ'yman - "esol Identlf Divsn auth deatroy for Record Annex 5-16-52 10790? Records 3-3-61 100540 to City Howthorne-U Co Bndry obsolete Bur Contract Adraln- Corasn notice 1954-55- Atty outh destroy Records 3-9-51 100776 Reoords Management 9-21-62 104523— obsolote-Hlth Dept SW Dist outh i Pilot Study for City Depts- CAO destroy prior 1955- Atty reo Records '12-29-64 ' 122050 Recorda 3-15-51 100876 Public - Req new fee fum micro­ obaolete Hith Dept SE Diat outh film & other type records to pub deatroy prior 1955- Atty -BFW Recording 12-19-51 101153 Records 3-l'-5i 100875 instrument ot time petn for Pol Comsnrs outh destroy 1911 Act Aosmt work filed obsolete recorda 1950-1956 -Atty E Bernordl - Motion Hocording & 7-30-53 114589 Recorda 3-29-51 10UG3 Photographic Equlpnt Acct-City 01 obaolete-Bur St Mtnce outh Pd - provide f/2 Ccl offioen deatroy for 1952-55- Atty City Clork Redirdings "" io-6-64 115663 Recorda 3-22-51 100959 S-- Tape - Wyman-Mo-estab policy- obsolete- Health Dept auth procedure-charges- nade by Ugd.io - destroy 1952-55- Atty - Wilmington a TV Programmer Ccl- 94451-96272 Health Center Hecords 1-5-51 99773 Records 4-11-61 iOi35l obsolete- City Ciork auth dostroj BPW outh destroy for St Tree re Issue subpoenos- 1935-55- Atty ' Divsn i955- Atty Records 1-15-61 99801 Records 4-5-51 ' 101213 f Pub Defender outh d estroy obaolete-Hlth Dept auth deatroy '•t prior 1955- NE Diat- Atty , obsolete 1951-55- Atty Records 1-27-61 100105 Records 4-24-61 10i522 obsolete-B&S outh deatory 1952- obaolete for lv5b- B&S Dept 1955- Atty Eiectrlcol Divan req euth deatroy Recorda 2-5-51 100219 Recorda 5-6-6I iOi747 obaoiete-W&P Comanra reaol 476 obaoiote-pollce Dept auth aeatroy auth-leatroy- Aqueduct Divan 1928- for i955- Hecords & Ident 1955 Records 2-5-51 100212 Records 5-l5-bl iOi663 obaoleto- Heolth Dept NE Dlst- obaoiete iV5o-55-Hith Dept outh Atty fl uth destroy prior 1955 deatroy- Atty Records 5-18-51 101956 Recorda 2-5-61 100211 , Van Nuys Hith Center auth obaolete prior 1955-Hlth Dept destroy obsoiete records i940-55- SE Dlst outh destroy- Atty , Atty .\ Recorda 2-3-51 1002*0 Records 5-i6-t>l lui957 , obsolete prior 1955- Venice Hlth obaoicte Hith Dept Central Dlst- Center outh destroy- Atty auth to destroy prior i956- Atty Records' 2-3-61 , IO0209 Records 5-25-51 102075 Westchester Hlth Center auth Atty outh destroy obaolete destroy obsolete 19^Z-$$- Attv recorda Von Wuys Hith Center prior J Records 5-1-51 102163 /; Records 4-12-62 10?25l 24 ebaolete-Att-i auth destroy for i ' , - Obsolete-Wllnlngton Hlth Center- ' Vhn Nuys Hith Center \! Hith Dept suth destroy for 1955-57 I Records 6-9-61 i622<J2 Records 5-4-62 107639 obaoiete-poilce Uept auth obaolete-Hlth Dept So Dlst autb destroy for Juvenile Divsn \ destroy obsolete prior 1957- Atty Records 5-19-bl 102422 Records
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