This ii the Sworn Average The. Average.. Circulation. Circulation of the Star for ol Ihr Star for 1906 Rep." the Year 1006 •. mtnU 20,000 Readers i': 111 40TII YEAR — NUMBER i*7 WASHINGTON. .WARUE.N COUNTY, N. .1 . TH1.K.S1JAY, 'SliPTliMMiR, 12.'. lil()7. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 1'1-R YEAH THIS YEAR'S TAX RATE RESULTS OF THE PRIMARIES ! 0BJECTS T0 CL0SED | ; It< lit«<l a full lijMitrtnit'iii j ' ~;- TII.V Ilimril ANIIIIIIIIIH"! As%ii»iiifiil»'In rrinw Iti-fusr No Oppuslll (Inly « !•, wliii*' z U-.l'iT feminine war !';innei'mi l'«ift t'l.Iileri ltu:ul Tln'enl- llur Vlirimis Dlstrlrts (if tin-t'ntiMly j • Unlit Vulc Was I'ollrd— . .i*1 lu>; .illvv.with fvllU ami luck* v en* l.i-ajil Ueili'i'-- Itcuni-e "I* —IViifliiiviluii's Hiili' SI i.I". i J."". In lii'alMTOIImi. il In-ui.-ljlrh.'s uml.tUniiivr* '• ttiut I frubuwtl JM-wtYiwh'tm'.. • E^ TO PAY L As iv was absolutely >•• I....-I-; .l.icc.- and d di.>,-dr.m-,vtitehe.-<s Itches,. illill.-; lilies MIo ' JI..,,,,,. smith r-cdve.1. lil.t Turn's- IS AI'I.T lii.lilllig •••liny IIli-.t!liKs ivlth As lll-lv WHS iilwnlllliily II" "I'li'i'l- ', lilt- si-wra! iiss.-ssrirs ..I" |hi> cninity II'Mll.uiI I" !lnany MI,if1 111'Hi.*• Ii"- ll'lilti'SII. Inti'S.. tin: : |JI-I|irl- :! . : i «»lfli Jinn. » Iw i.-rio- • ta/.c.l ,|aytiny. a;t raiheratherr rr*. ninrliabl r.iariiahlc e bb tier tt.i, \ liro-|i:'"-, jf - ,. — : Matter Is Discussed at Length iiinl Klvhic riirnfiil. iilli'iilliur l" llm nniri- "I'liTtiiiiw in u-ashini.-t.iii. mi iThese Cheap Shows Are the "I"'"- : uwini.'.-iiiiisr HIIIIIM«uiiiiiii-Ii tinill--ti't-iii' do-iui;'•'•y ..rf il>-iii'- - I-:.I.-K;t.-1. IntelligentlIntelligenl y Handled, Faimers by Common Council. iixsi-.-.siiii-nlr< III I'licli Imvn IIMII town- Well With Them. ship, tin: ISnanl for tin: KnimllKatinn o:'> Tax.* wiiN ul'l''. in it nn-.MliiK li.'lil In rlillllii.-l.niK )v»t..i'.lus-. lo iin- nee the tiital nsscsstiicnts nnd |;||;i|ngf,£^ MAY INFORGE OLD the in* r.iti' In.1*10 various district*;. l ll l n 1 ll I l l l l Some Other Small Matter. Whkhp|htil ]| '|(i^ )! ];ii;t / ;i tr!^ ;!( 1'|'r '"^I?* *.:!»V- \i*hi'"| rf<*ii!'\vt' HS|ili''fil ft idlicial'h'Ui- I The Story of the "Dead" Trolley Car— ' Incld.-mally, v.i.uldn't tills I'nrnMt | -fiie lilrl.-ctiniis i<. the cln-i;i" nt' tin- Some of the Advantages of Early Lambs l 1 1 Came Before Boiough Father* on -^,..Mi,-nth' llieiv Is a decrease in tin- ors lii-'mir; will be his running mat-. | The Mysterious Vallf* and lu : " " -n-uudwork '•'JV^' "'""". /'"" I .ulv..rt w'.-r.; that Air. P.-tte -wun]*} 1.-j «nH How (o Fa Urn Them Quickly .. cles 111 Ci.linr-11 . , ,-,* rl..i:-ly iiie'inv«-nl<nre(| In traveling i For an Early Market. • Night. ' CV? rates in alni'.si .-r-rv dlsiHel. Sev- Interesting Contents. l i 1 1 eral »f th.' t'MVIMhip* "•"d-d '" '. .!'" ' f". '! !•""'""•" n his I'iinn :tnd U'n^'iniri. 1 IIT el. II CO Hi I. lliil'lt I • • *. I. IIMIIIII." <. | int*-Fllll]|l II'J • I .I I je.T M .I.S.l.F. \.l*l pH|| )""-.-*•' 11. i"-.•"., .T.^I.I..-...-!, ...... : .». .~ , mt... iiuii .. >ui . v ."r .---..-.. ---..-, . ^ .F. .- [• .' • J -.—,---..-.. -- -- — . ,...-.... -± ,_.,.. _.-.-• 1 ( th licence Tec'Vri-MUtr-d' ••" aV shnws I '."^im!''d'V-i^i"r^it-n!>!<"|1"V•-^-.'."''AV- :"* I ^' "I'IIV. ili-k>• is .'.iyl »eie nearly all i \\\', ir ^uW.vUy! Tii.'r- 'II-'• r Un- u I Wa-hin^m. an.) r-invs. iitiitiv-s n|-|i,'H(|' elns.''d' ill- ' ••olv.-rt"'without ih'e j " "'Kiiltir pasture to one u'h-re th- nd i.il.lMtl.ms ..th.-r .him th-.se cm- j ^' i(! "'„\ n /„,.,.,...;„;. .^ '*S.V.-fi'.i«| j MIn.lpl.i pa.-.y Meke.s. In tin- Has.,,-,, ! a tin..- when ., l..-rs..n ......M ---t >-M'u- i:iver,l.le T.,,ni, Club m" liHvi- i.-.,,m,ilV ,,-:,<.,,(: if with <he C«..i.- "•;"«;«• '« '™»«''; and more iuxurhuH 1 etc. Wv li'.-al i.r^-inl^ath.ns and ,,v! .,.,.,, ..,.,.. dbiriet nnly ..m-.l.alh.i .,r each, party Lmu.-h -• -at. rtainn.'-nt .^-r.;-.. ..rdekel. : '"..re,.. .. ! ci]'s...,ms.,nt. .ihcii the otlkhils ..f the I!'.'»! •P»l»i»!. '"- M.y >; *»"»!" h.',v.-,-nc.h 1 1 h( 11 I t il tl Il> swn lil ll",st..Knu..|. n,. W chariii.hle ..,• re-j Tlll! :.„,;,, '^,VA,lwm ,w ^mips- j wa* sera.ch.-l, In the We^eri, -Us- j whkh l<'th- j .r.-vulllnv l'^ »>*]»;|- | ^ ™'- I^; ^^ '",,.-,!;!!'.'^'™ \h<m '"'[""^ ' !'| " ^' '-' ' ^ '" ; [ mnVmVVhi.'"' Jli.^ ilvv will ",.^'"!ii i 1<>1 iiivIii i ii N > n rt ^'"mSir^ur.. -hnW-."Hi i..m-i;:;"2ro^p,i^M£. V..i;?'h^ '" " " \ """ " """"1;:.^ ami".;. s ih!rh""'i>- ^'iv/-!ue! i;nd;eu''uK ]'!w. an^ r nilIi c.nducl.d lio n-»l .-....• in r lliJ-[ M j l.lc l.v .li-.^e wl av- had ..ceiisi.m t- AIIII.V ..IH.TI»I-MIIK III- n win. u-t Int.. | 'T»r- l-layer- »vre i:cv. 'Mafry .\|. !i:il|ni:m' i-a-lv- lai'i their.setvt- "|."li I - > Suiid. il was HiHtiuht m-e.--..-nry ... Im- I ' TI,,, hlinyil h)H notified • «*<..,».. •'"»><' "1 V«n- him In liis cni.i.eity ,m , ,;.- I.HMII.-^ ••arlyhav- nti.d.- », L'.t ..!'; lirm-it and Mr. Mfiv.i ('raue. ,, in.ii.nnvnt, „./.„ . ~ ~ f. .. ,. Kl 1 !lM hf! ! !,,<..-, llcen-e H.iw-ver, Hi- .j.H's- ! ,„•* n,t •„„„', v-flli t h.-rn ihVw k -.ml •"•n.mllUni; nmulMrntf.' . iii.-iny -nt «( t'i-'.' "h- a|. .-h-w.--. It |y I . The twu ll.-lvideiv t-nnN exiKsrts Seri-m.- tn iv.-iil.-i^-..- tn Air. IVtty, [ " >. " "" Worth d.-uMe til-- 1 1 i,.'n n-tt krMiiL'lil •>>•> a- to -win' Ihev ,-,,:...>.... ,i..-h- dimli.••.!.- Th- n t- N*" lml-!»-u.!- nt lli-kcl bus y-t h. ..n f i^, u,,,,, -, v,it!- .-In;..- :: Tr< IIINII .-..11- ! IMV II tv|.atall..n tli>i. Is IIIUIMSI na- \,y ,-ra-.n ,,f the interi--r.'iice with the I""' ''- ' '''•«'"'H-e.| |.,r later .<-r r-timnier !v"re V.W1P..I h. 1-i.l - Hfnse" wh^li - ,1.''^j!; Vj „.."" " i/ii^.n •£ j", |. f v named, this ,,,r.y l...lnK 1,'ivilc^d t,. ,.-„. .,,.-n.,i ,, ,.!;..,- in Kurfmi m.-l | H'-n..! and .w.,y,urs ,,^. -hey vM.,,1 .Mlwry " ..f " |,h ..mil. was an-.th-r >»»"". ' ic,,.,"..,-- ,(,.- lni|...ri.uiiv »f iravllnir' c.n|»iuii..; wh- a|.jM..r .lu ..^riuw:' WnsiilmilMn. Prl.inv i.rt.-r- n-nilnat- l,y ,,-tkion. whhrl, s .,.., |'m ,..|d 1I..11 th- ..w,,.r- have alr.ady ! W1M1I11KI...1 mi.l nnuh: the Iiom- tei.m suhject Jteau..! and one that .the., law-, f" "K. th.' cw.'s ..o hrced. Ciirly In th" Hie (ii-ra I1<MIX- ar- iill<>w,.l ti"i shi.w n(111r,. |.nd lKlvlder-. Strturility inr.nt- | tiiivi* l" !»• iiled until "within I •". days m!t,|- s.,m- >ix .,r .'ttflit in-.u-am! .I..1-} 1<»-1« yi> ,hea|.. 1 h.-y and thliice I!' • ->-{y,.,r --r ,thr-a.etu hr-atenedi t -n,- ... the alien- *^x* "Ii. A 'j''-^"'^ "1 tliicc i-u| . t-- ^.tnj. y parts hran ami two pares u'rniuid "•"tl'rtTi'i'l.era H.-u.—':ir'>n|.es show on "TI,- r.-tlowim,- tal-le -ives the In- '" "" '-'V'-rt t>. se.inre hest |n.ssi- phi.-es In Ka-t.m iin.l "nvh \< d'.inv a j M-ct.'.l |.. s. .- Hi,. Ihiny *\miv over ] ,(.-r c|.,s.d1 witwith [hihe smfm-nsmi..m-nt t thathatt "iltits J'*-'fuel1' ila1t ""tin*' "ranllc ; "nrf o"'--MUnrt.»«ii..-qu:irt.'r t ; 1 * Kin 1 ul an i.-i-f-nnii:.p-i-cnnii:.-. l.a^lsha^ls. ih- i.roc-^l|.roc.-*Hlss beJntr I ,.,-,.„«,n-.-jis-. .Itlnt .,.;-ea.-L1-ih| .i^n-iedistricit ati.unld ihil. - u.v ''I" I'-nn nt local K<>v»riini"iit, tin- IK- liiu l.usln.'.-s. wilh n-. intlle(1li..n- -.t' ;i »KH in the sum- way la*i Saturday, m ,-;!— th» I'W1n refuserefused Mt.i acactt iin tthh e 1»»""" p.-I "'r ' da"">'..Vy o"n a" KW"in»l t-|.«''"y».*. r <ir . Km this I s i.asturewill have a spl--n.lid .-f- -hared with th- i.witvr t.f tlK- huikl- \ rll|,.. f-'nur ol" l!iu rllsmicis—I'olliitciuiK. .-lump in -.. .Mr. i'eu.v .n-'.iiid ta.Ne • U-^n •e.-jaud tin- expertuess nf the luejil in^. Miiiislli'KI. nml I'lilni- Chanj-"e: i.f pictiir-.s ai'v ylv.-n u\x<n his <twn iiccouni. iVct mi hrltiftliih' tlu- .-wr-s in h.-at, b.- The nuttier was d!s| -.l ,,f for ihi< rry—hml ii'it d-i'ide.l ii|..in as Ifiey iM>] in MM- last I' liiu-s a v •el;. Hi.- til" ' ' .\lay.-r Smith auVw-red tin sides with thirlr systems In a -.niinliifv tiin.. ht'lns: wltli tin; understaudkiK amouiu nit'cm'i'l Tor local |u HSMII is iin uniisimlly • r.-niii! nf lilrns.
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