Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 4-20-1988 Spectator 1988-04-20 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1988-04-20" (1988). The Spectator. 1803. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/1803 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. Non-Profit Org. PAID Seattle,WA. SpectatorPermitNo.2783 the April 20, 1988 SEATTLE UNIVERSITY Meet theCandidates Twelve students will compete for three executive positions in the Associated largegroupsofpeople. Students of Seattle University RepresentativeCouncil elections. Primary elections "I want to see better participation among occur today for the positionsof president and executive vice president with the top clubs and have them work better with one two finishers ineach category goingon to tomorrow's finalelections. another," saidPleskoff. Fivecandidates willrunfor president,five for executive vicepresident,and twofor Healso suggests a five-year plan "to help activities vicepresident. guide ASSUinto thefuture." Votingbooths will be setup throughout campus. Pleskoff intends to use his "enthusiasm, determination and creative ability" to Presidential candidates: encourage more "compatibility with the Senior Joe Levan,apolitical science and Universityandstudents." education major, is running for president Jim Davis, a junior philosophy major, after serving as ASSU executive vice is currently an at-large representative for president this yearandasenatorlast year.He ASSU.He sat on the restructuring commit- is chair-person of the financial and locker teelast year,and was involvedin writing the committees andhas servedon the restructur- new constitution. He alsosits onthe student ing,appealsandelection committees. recruitmentboard andhashelpedorganizea "I've had to deal with all the clubs and committee to look at the possibility of organizationson campusandI'vedevelopeda havingan SUradio station. good workingrelationship with studentsand "I'm not waiting until I'm president to administrators," said Levan. make things happen," saidDavis. He has also been captain of the tennis Next year, Davis would like to see the team for twoyears. students,staff andfaculty "come together to Levan's goals are to "carry on what has meettheir common needs.Iwant to use my started this year with the new structureand experience to help involve students in getmore studentson committees." making adifference with things like a four "I'd also put more emphasis on student to five year tuition plan." needs. Ihave experience, flexibility, and a James Hall is a junior majoring in strong desire for action, not just talk," he business for pre-law.He is running for pres- added. identbecause "studentneeds are notgetting Christine Marinoni, junior, is met." As a member of the Xavier resident majoring in political science and French. assistant council and the pre-law club,Hall She is running for president because she "has developed a great ability for "enjoys working with people and the diver- communicating with people. He is also sity of activities that go on is ASSU." involved in Special Olympics and has This year Marinoni b an activities as- vorkcdie abailiff for thf Seattle Municipal sistant for ASSU, which includes planning, Court. organizingand facilitating allASSUevents. He would like to use his communication Marinoni has attended every event, except skills "to let the administration know that one. the student body is the nucleus of this Uni- Her experience working in the King versity andneeds attention. County persecutors office talking to crime His goals include a tuition freeze for victims has helpedher "deal withpeople as seniorsand bringingNCAAathletics back to an intermediary." SU. Marinoni's backgroundin campus events "I'mhere to do a job for the students and includes playing intercollegiate soccer for get their voice across to the administration," three years, sitting on the constitution said Hall. restructuring committee, organizinga Yesler Executive vice president Terrace banquet for low-income senior candidates: citizens and volunteering for the prison Junior Brian Smith is running for ministry program. executive vice presidentafter servingon the Marinoni wants to encourage "more Xavier Hall Council and Honors Council. activities and involvement, and create a Active in organizing the Peace and Justice friendly atmosphere between SU and the Center, Smith is also president of the surrounding area," she said. AmnestyInternational chapter atSU. She describes herself as "enthusiastic and Smith, an English major, is interested in spirited, and good at getting numerous "how to make the structure ofSU workbest people involved in both social events and for thepeople." issues." His goal is to begin long-term projects Larry Pleskoff, junior, wants to use such as an SU radio station,a child care hisexperienceasan accounting major inthe cooperative and a four-year tuitionplan. He roleof president.As an employee at Touche plans to do thisby "including students,staff Ross, an accounting firm, he has had the and faculty on boards to look at the opportunity to organize numerous projects possibilities." and work withlargebudgets. "Ihave theability to be agoodleader and His experienceas a Demolay youth group can facilitate studentsin gettingtheir desires leader has taught him how to work with and wantsaccomplished,"headded. see 'ASSU* page two Awards will recognize student achievement votedon by the senior classin aspecial ByMICHAELABETOR have taken astanceon issuesofamulti- Awards such as the Good Samaritan poll,according to Grace. staffreporter cultural nature, was added to the wide and the Spirit of the Campus are often The StudentRecognition Awardsbe range ofawards this year inorder to in- presented to students behind the scenes gan four years ago when the Studen The Student Recognition Awards, volve "people of color" to the nomina- who quietly go about their work,often Life andStudent Leadershipoffices con presentedMay sth, are an opportunity tion process,Grace said. notexpecting to be publicly recognized sidered various ways to honor the SU for theadministration, faculty and stu- The Archbishop Hunthausen Award according toGrace. faculty and students whose deeds often dents of Seattle University to honor the recognizes the person in the SU com- Following the nomination process, gounnoticed,saidGrace. students,organizations andfaculty advi- munity who dedicates him or herself whichconcludes tomorrow,acommittee Theawards ceremony will be held in sors who contribute significantly to most fully toservice of others. made up of students, faculty and staff The University Commons in the Casey campuslife. The Student Leadership Award,pre- will look at nominations and try to Building. Only those who have been "The purposeof the awards is to rec- sented to the person mostactive in stu- make selection. There is the possibility nominated for awards will receive en- ognize themany behaviors that embody dentleadershiproles,isusually awarded of honorable mentions. gravedinvitations,butGraceencourages SU," saidGrace. to highly visible students, said Grace. Theexceptions to this process are the all students and faculty to attend the Multi Cultural Awareness Award, Past winners include Bill Moyer, coor- Outstanding Senior and Outstanding ceremonyandjointhe winners for coffee (The:signed to recognize individuals who Faculty Member awards, which are anddessert. VolumeLVIII No.88(478-800) NEWS Panel peers beyond Reagan years STEVECLARKE for a highlevelofconsumption." Staffreporter Youngnoted the national debtnearly History will wonder why America tripled in this decade. During the same said, elected PresidentRonald Reagan at all, period,he the U.S. went from the saidRichard Young, associateprofessor largest creditor in the world to the of political science, at a panel discus- largest debtor. America isnot investing sionlast Wednesday. capital in its basic institutions,Young Before a packedcrowd in the Engi- said. Hedeclared, "Thisprosperity has neeringAuditorium,Youngjoined three beenahouseofcards." other SU faculty for a discussion enti- Looking to the future, Young noted tled"MythsandMindsets -Beyondthe history shows "present trends never go Reagan Years," which concentrated on on indefinitely." He pointed to the suc- how American social values affect the cess of Dukakis and Bush as evidence present andfuture. the nation wants a genuine manager af- Much of the nation'sproblemscan be terReagan. blamed on greed, according to James But,some healthy developments did Sawyer, Ph.D., associate professor of occur during theReagan years,asserted political science, who discussed to the David Madsen,Ph.D. an assistant pro- effects of our values on economics and fessor of Matteo Ricci College.In his politics. opinion,one of these is a realization "Children have been the biggest that "we can no longer afford to be the .. greatreactionary." losers," hesaid.Sawyersaid children are world's five timesas likely to bepoor as senior Madsencited cases fromNicaragua to citizens. Noriega whereothers in the world "are Hecalled the 1981 taxcut theessence standingup to us." of Reaganomics. "Less powerful Another breakthrough,he said, is the groups, particularly the poor, suffered progress towards nuclear disarmament. substantially," Sawyersaid. Madsen said world leaders
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