Ur. Howard M. Chapin H. I. Historical Society 68 Waterman St. Providence. R. I. THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND Entered as Second-Class Matter, Nov. 7, 1929, at the Post Qf. Vol. III. No. 17 fice at Providence, R. I., Under the A ct of March 13, 1879. THE JEWISH HERALD, PROVIDENCE, R I.. JANUARY 22, 1932 5 Cent· the Copy I ~~~~~~~~~, IANNUAL LUNCHEON­ DR. LEFKOWITZ OF Pro-Palestine Co11imittee By the Way ~ MEETING OF LEAGUE DALLAS TO PREACH TO BE HELD MONDAY AT BETH-EL, JAN. 29 Tidbits and News of Fornie<l by Outstanding Jewish Personalities Repor1s to be Rendered by I7 Mem- Noled Preacher and cholar Pr id d ber Club Pre idents; Meeting at Rabbini a l Com.•ention .8 re By DAVID SCHWARTZ Open to the Public in Jone, 1030 U. S. Gover1i1rient Officials Final arrangements have been made Dr. David Lefkowit.z o Da!Jas, Vi· for tho annual lunch on and meeting T xas the first vic;iting pr acher of Pr . id nl f.ur1i, Ht"ad · Group of I\-(o. t Inffuen- Intermarriage of the League of Jewish Women's this s ason at T ,mple Beth-El. will The rate of intermarriage between Clubs, to be held Monday, J an. 25, al tiul 1,1 1nbf'r, at Dinn r in Wa ... hin~ton · Jew and non-Jew in Russia is ter­ 12:30, at the Narragansett Hotel. Hoo rific, Mr. Morris Waldman of the The meeting, which W11J begin al 2 r · ·nd' e ·sag(• American Jewish Committee tells o'clock, is open to the public, and a me. most cordial invitation is ext.ended lo - ~hty ,-:roup ( th t' ' d w - Whether you think that is a good all the members of the seventeen OU ~•fl l!I l.o b< owl­ thing or not, depends, of course, on member organizations and every u c ond ap ·h - your religious or racial view points. I other woman of the community. In­ • wl u, do not set up as either a religious teresting resumes of the year's activi­ un teacher or biological expert, so I have ties will be read by th Presidents of y ·- no expert opinion to express. the · respective organizations. Y. our po•r:,pJ,. 1n ha of In America, I should say that the Mrs. Warren Haskell. Pr sidenl of lion nf .a u melting process seems just a little bit the Federation of Women's Clubs of ,. J WI fo h extra-hazardous', to use insurance Rhode lsJand and Mrs. Ca sar Mfach, c, f th1 •1 l ,. _ phrasoology. Of course, I offer this will be the guests of the League. Al h,d l f)P 1f y1,u merely as an unexpert reflection. the luncheon, an exceUent program of pr ·.,•·n my c tin It, 1tllcndmg th W h- selections will be rend red by the ' well-known violinist, Benjamin Pr-e­ ot ·l, n ,m Jan 17Lh c, ,1 . A Second mack. e urlJ. prl ." Mrs. Milton Fuld, who is chairman t o upr · unv, n Victim l of arrangements, has devoted invalu­ ·I ry in I I(- But take the recent case of Dr. a ble time and effort, to .m ake this af- , A~1cul cl, and n11ii Tbomashefsky, son of the famous oth r le fair a success. The following ne.ttly lt · · w fo~ follow- Jewish actor, Boris Thomashefsky. elected officers wilJ b€ installed: Uo You recall that as the result of the ing 1Llon of lh · · lt- Mrs. Edward Finberg, P resident; Thi.! Li n oI u Uon, wl lh pa.rti n t1J little triangle, in which he was play­ Mrs. Samuel Wach nheimer, First ing the central role, he was shot and kin d ·d f ~ ~~= ~ Vice President; Mrs. Benjamin N. by UC f F ~r of lfar- now lies paralyzed for life.. Kane; Second Vice Pr ident; Mrs. But there was a sequel to the story, Amcr-i rom v r y, Mr. and Jack Davis, Recording Secretary; Mrs. DR DAVID LEFKOWITZ Pr· 1d1.,n io Dr ad, V. S on r which was never printed in the Alex Kleinberger, Corresponding Sec­ newspapers. After the shooting, the occupy that pu1pit on Fnday ev - Erru u;;I N o lamn . Tbc g will retary, and Mrs. Morris B~ber, bf..r of thl: . t,v • we:d by arwtbm- meellnr( to bf­ brother of another nurse visited the Treasurer. ning, Jan. 29. hospital. This visitor was a non-Jew, Dr. Lefkowitz is favorably known and J Ag1-ocy for (·n- ' occordlng to an announc:•·m, nl whose sister had married a Jewish ---01---- as the person who presided over th · don.i pu of it- by Sennlor King, nL a.n P"arly datn for physician on the staff. The Jewish Central Conference of American Rab­ , w--~ d by &:natnr William H th · purp() of P'.>rfect.rng t.h • •>rgflni• · l- ;ihysician and his non-Jewish broth­ bi during lts conv ntion, to whsic.h · o cled l(J,, z..,Uon and the elcctlon ,~f c.iffo..:f-1 er-in-law, got into a discussion of the RABBI LEVITSKY TO Temple Beth-El was the host in Jun , folfo : The ba a for the :fonna r th Thomashefsky case, the Jewish phy­ GIVE TRAVELOGUE, 1930. to karn thtil o Am rican Palesllne Co w 1 sician siding with Dr. Thomashefsky, Anticipating Dr. Lclkowitz's par­ ---------------- provided in the joint r u ron of and his non-Jewish brother-in-law EMANU-EL, SUNDAY ticipation in lhe session of th Ex- BU INE. HO Congr adoplE:d in 1922. arguing for the non-Jewish girl, who cutive Board of the Unfon in rew M embel"! af Committu did the shooting. The discussion end­ York City, J an. 31, Rabbi Gup ex­ ed with the brother-in-law shooting Rabbi Louis M . Levitsky of Wilkes­ tended him an invitation to visit CO-OPERAT G WITH Among those who join d th1· the Jewish physician. So there are Barre, Pa., will lecture on the sub­ Providence again. JEWISH FOOD Am n ' tn Palestine C-Ommlt · a th,: now two Jewish physicians at the ject, "Footprints of a Wandering Peo­ Dr. Lefkowitz is one of the most fayflow ,r Ho ·1 are: Senator WH - hospital, lying in the patients' wards. ple," Sunday evening, J an. 24th, at distinguished Rabbis in the country, 11 m £. Borah, Chalrman, Forr·lg:n Narragan tt Electric, .PJ'ovid'!nce Ga l<itions Committee; Secretary of Which d! ;:oes to prove, that we are an effective pr acher, scholar and a and ~:15 o'clock, a t T mple Emanu­ M. Winer Son , Giv Jo aluabJ Agricullure, Arthur M. Hyd>?; Sen<1- all still a little too touchy on the man possessed of unusual chann. His si ·tance; To be Held Mar. l , 2, 3 ques:ion of race relations-in other El. post in the Southwest is singularly to Wall.er F. G orge, Georgia; Rob­ words, there are still seemingly many Rabbi Levitsky comes here under influential. TI1is announcement of his ert F. Wagn r, New York; Tom Con­ Plans for the Providence J wis h nally, Texas; Thomas J . \I a l.sh. Mon­ pitfalls to intermarriage. the auspices of the Institute of J ew­ coming should persuade the members Food Show and Hous hold Exhibit., to set aside the dale. Dr. Lefkowit.z tana; Gerald P. Nye, Nor h Dakota; ish Studies of Temple Ernanu-EJ as which is being sponsored by the Sis­ Royal S . Copeland, New York ; Wil­ deserves a c .rowded Temple. terhood of Temple Emanu-EI in asso­ When Stalin part of the adult e ducational pro­ Every family in the congregation ham H. King. Utah; Robert M. La ciation with The J ewish Herald. are FolJ tte, Wisconsin; A H. Vanden­ Raged gram.' Rabbi · Levitsky is a young together with their friends of other proceeding rapidly with much prog­ Temples and Synagogues are in­ berg, Michigani Thomns E. Wa n , Talking about Russia, and who isn't vited. ress. The exhibition will take place Republican maJority lead r, Indiana; these days-there is the story told to afternoon and evening on March 1, 2 ---01--- BL1rton K Wheeler, Montana; Hous • me by Leo Glassman. and 3, at Infantry Hall, and will be Majority Leader, Henry T Rain y, It seems that one day, the watch­ featured by The Jewish H rald Cook­ Ulinois; Congr...,., ..."" .. ,, J . Charl s Lin­ man guarding Tovarisch, Stalin's CMfi>AlGN WORKERS, ing School, conducted by Heins Win­ thicum, Maryland; Chainnan HoUSl-' quarters, heard an uproar within. genfeld, a ch f of international repu­ Foreign Affairs Committee, Pa ul John Stalin's voice was booming like a JOINT DISTRIBUTION tation. Kvale, Minnesota; Carl R. Chindblom, couple of cannons. The guard listened COiVIMITTEE, MEET Infantry Hall will contain exhibits Illinois; Luther A Johnson, Texas; and he heard Stalin giving someone showing the latest modern home ap­ John Q. Tilson, Connecticu ; istant Hail Columbia. pliances and Kosher food products. Secretary of State, J ames Grafton "You offspring of a pup," shouted Disco Plans for Local Campaign to The Narragansett Electric Company, Rogers; Greene H. Hackworth, Solici­ Stalin-"you crook, you insect, you Start Here Monday; First the Providence Gas Company and the tor of the State Department; John blankety-blank, blank blank - you Drive in Eight Years M. Winer Sons Company, operators Lord O'Brien, Assistant U. S. Attor­ ought to be torn from limb to limb.
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