E84 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 16, 2014 Chapman, DeMarcus Clear, Jay Durant, Adam CONGRATULATING JUDGE RUS- political campaign in Memphis, including help- Levinson, Johnny Maran, Lance McCullah, SELL B. SUGARMON, JR. ON RE- ing me during my State Senatorial and U.S. Eduardo Romero, Craig Buckey, Paxton Gar- CEIVING THE 2014 BE THE Congressional races. I am honored to know ner, Rick Mosher, Bill Solan, Devon Pitts, Kirk DREAM MLK LEGACY AWARD Russell Sugarmon as an attorney, a judge, a Erickson, and Chris Figueroa. The 2013 CIF civil rights leader, an instrument of change Division I State Championship Driller football HON. STEVE COHEN and a friend. There is no doubt that his work team includes: Derrick Vickers, Lameshio Hill, OF TENNESSEE is worthy of this award named after Reverend Asauni Rufus, Johnathon Malone, Darias Dal- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mr. Speaker, I ask las, Nate Stancil, Amone Gragg, Jeremiah all of my colleagues to join me in congratu- Thursday, January 16, 2014 Reddick, Coleman Olivas, Joseph Conley, lating Judge Russell B. Sugarmon, Jr. on Joshua Maran, Kevin Hayes, Ryder Dilley, Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to being awarded the 2014 Be the Dream MLK Noah Holley, Desmond Stancil, Kira Burton, congratulate Judge Russell B. Sugarmon, Jr. Legacy Award. Keayr Gragg, Eddie Sanchez, Marcus Wat- on receiving the 2014 Be the Dream MLK f kins, Deion Nobles, Anthony Mackey, Desmon Legacy Award. This special award is given to McGhee, Bryson Briggs, Alex Fulmer, Ben those individuals whose lives have ‘‘embodied IN HONOR OF THE 175TH ANNIVER- Sanchez, Darrious Eaton, Nick Marchetti, the spirit and legacy of service, sacrifice and SARY OF GAY’S CHAPEL UNITED Nigel Flores, Brian Douglas, Marcus Bruce, hope’’ that characterized the work of Dr. Mar- METHODIST CHURCH Patrick Liles, Jake Vasquez, Chris Sierra, tin Luther King, Jr. As a trailblazer for African- Chris Agtang, Ethan Carter, Patrick Crowley, American stewardship in public office in Mem- HON. RICHARD HUDSON David Bonilla, Dimas Ramos, Greyson Burt, phis and a leader in the Civil Rights Move- OF NORTH CAROLINA Dillon Littles, Nigel Brooks, Paulie Salazar, ment, it is fitting that this award be bestowed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES upon Judge Sugarmon in recognition of his Brenden Hacker, Albert Salas, Joshua Nunez, Thursday, January 16, 2014 Benjamin O’Bannon, Seth Valdes, Jordan accomplishments and contributions. Beltran, Julian Sanders, Anastacio Barrientos, Judge Sugarmon was born in Memphis, Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Fletcher Dilley, Dyllan Guillermo, Cassidy Tennessee on May 11, 1929, and graduated commemorate the 175th anniversary of the Johnson, McKenzie McCoy, Robert Trujillo, from Booker T. Washington High School in establishment of Gay’s Chapel United Meth- Sergio Barriga, Daniel Schoene, Ulunder Mar- Memphis. He attended Morehouse College be- odist Church in Salisbury, North Carolina. tin, and Tyler Alvarez. You all have made our fore receiving his B.A. degree from Rutgers The commitment and reverence that the community so proud. Once a Driller, Always a University in 1950 and his J.D. from Harvard congregation of Gay’s Chapel United Meth- Driller. Law School in 1953. He then served in the odist church has shown is a great accolade to Army for two years, where he received a letter their shared faith, and I commend them on f of commendation for his tour of duty in Japan. this milestone. Upon returning to Memphis, in 1956, Russell Gay’s Chapel, established on January 17, DEATH OF ARIEL SHARON began his work in private practice and later 1839, has withstood as a beacon of God’s became a founding partner in the Memphis love and blessings in our community for 175 law firm of Ratner, Sugarmon, Lucas, Willis & years. It provides community members fellow- HON. DOUG COLLINS Caldwell, the preeminent firm for civil and ship and a place to gather together to worship human rights cases. This was the first inte- and grow closer to God. The congregation has OF GEORGIA grated law firm in the South. continually upheld Gay’s Chapel mission state- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1959, Russell Sugarmon became the first ment: ‘‘Follow Jesus, make disciples, and lov- African-American in Memphis to run for a ingly serve others through our gifts and tal- Thursday, January 16, 2014 major city office when he ran for Public Works ents.’’ The church has been an essential, de- Commissioner. While this race was marred by Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, on voted piece of the community for many years. heavy racial opposition to his candidacy, Rus- Monday, Israel laid former Prime Minister Ariel Mr. Speaker, as I work here in Washington sell’s tenacity during this campaign paved the Sharon to rest in a coffin draped in blue and serving my constituents, I rely on my faith and way for other African-Americans in Memphis white. What Ariel Sharon accomplished in life my relationship with God to help me make the to seek public office. Never one to be deterred is a compliment to how he lived it. right decisions and to guide my daily under- by racial injustice, Russell successfully ran for takings. I wish to honor and commemorate the Called ‘‘Bulldozer’’ by many, Ariel Sharon a position on the Tennessee Democratic Party 175 years of fellowship Gay’s Chapel United paved the way to maintain a strong and se- Executive Committee in 1964. Two years later, Methodist Church has offered to the citizens of cure Israel during his time in the military and he was elected to the Tennessee General As- Salisbury and Rowan County. government. sembly, becoming the second African-Amer- f Sharon is considered one of Israel’s most ican in Tennessee to be elected to the Assem- CONGRATULATING GEORGETOWN brilliant military strategists and finest field com- bly post Reconstruction. From 1976 to 1987, UNIVERSITY ON THE 225TH ANNI- manders. Sharon provided leadership in nu- Russell was a Referee in the Memphis Juve- VERSARY OF ITS FOUNDING merous Israeli conflicts, including the 1956 nile Court System before being appointed to Suez Crisis and the 1973 Yom-Kippur War. serve as a judge for the General Sessions court. Judge Sugarmon was subsequently After achieving the rank of major general, HON. JOHN D. DINGELL elected and re-elected to the bench and held he chose to serve his country in a different OF MICHIGAN his seat for 20 years until his retirement in arena, politics. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2006. Ariel Sharon bulldozed his way into political Over the course of Judge Sugarmon’s life, Thursday, January 16, 2014 power, with the same ferocity used to rout he has been an active member of the National Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, on January 23, Israel’s enemies, by becoming prime minister Association for the Advancement of Colored 1789, America’s first Bishop, the Reverend in 2001, with what was then, the largest elec- People (NAACP) and the American Civil Lib- John Carroll, S.J., secured the deed to a plot toral margin in Israel’s history. erties Union (ACLU). Working alongside nota- of land overlooking the Potomac River in the During his time as prime minister, he led ble Memphis pioneers and leaders in the fight State of Maryland to move forward in estab- with distinction and poise, with the protection for racial justice and equality, including the lishing what is today Georgetown University. of Israel as his guiding light. late Judge H. T. Lockard, Vasco and Maxine That was 225 years ago this month and it oc- Smith, and A.W. Willis, Judge Sugarmon was curred during the same year that these United My personal reflection on Ariel Sharon instrumental in using the courts to deseg- States were formed. That was more than coin- brings to mind a quote from General Mac- regate public transportation, restaurants and cidence, but instead a recognition that an edu- arthur’s retirement speech before Congress, in public facilities. He also made headway in de- cated population would be critical to the suc- which he said, ‘‘old soldiers never die; they segregating Memphis public schools. Both the cess of this new nation. just fade away.’’ NAACP and ACLU have honored Judge A few years earlier, Father Carroll had laid I am confident that this body will remember Sugarmon for his contributions to Memphis. out his vision for an ‘‘Academy at George- Ariel Sharon’s legacy, as well as this country’s Judge Sugarmon was often a behind-the- Town, Potowmack River, Maryland.’’ As he ex- commitment to Israel’s standing in the region. scenes strategist in nearly every progressive plained it in that document, Georgetown was VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:22 Jan 17, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16JA8.004 E16JAPT1 tjames on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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