FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND A PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: ABBOTT H. HOFFMAN HQ FILE: 176-34 SECTION 5 OF 10 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION LEE. THE BEST COPIES OBTAINABLE ARE INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THE FILE. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ R ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION AND OR COLOR OF THE ORIGINALS &#39; PROVIDED. THESE ARE THE BEST COPIES AVAILABLE. L SUBJECT ABBOTT H. HOFFMAN _ FILE_ V l929&#39; 35. SECTION 5/ OF _ Z _; Z_ i TI ----u 92|92-- I-il-IQ , 0 Iglhlnllolnln. I0 . no-no _ , < UNITEI!STATESC. - {__RNMENT &#39; Memoran um &#39; - 7° = Assistant Attorney General care 5/13/59 e i n CBIIIRAL DIVISION &#39;-I-ROM: Director, FBI L&#39;I.I&#39;EN&#39;1ION:B. I 3 sulUI1Cr=Ii0i&#39;ii&#39;ii£iiu l iii _ l.n.§I=.L:.;.&#39; &#39;u~.&#39;...+LA§92l¥£n MlE Y i Reference is!made toII memorandum dated glgggg Q1 your file e is enclo one copy of the report of Special I g dated £5553 " at . .1 no furtherA.actgon This concerningcoversa the full preliminary investigation investigation bewill takenand by this Bureau unless the Department so directs. B. xj The investigation is continuing and you will be furnished copies of reports as they are received. +_I; C. The investigation requested by you has now 2 F . been completed. Unless advised to.the contrary no further in : 54:- -&#39;?&#39;I"".* _ L u quiries will be made by this Bureau. ..2-:_= £_ ..-_. 2, D. [::] Pursuant to instructions issued by the Depart- Id ment, no investigation will be conducted in this matter unless .< _-. specifically directed by the Department. F qr-A _ . E. [:1 Please advise whether you desire any further in- .1.-rJ.- vestigation. j ..__..-_ -&#39;|"&#39;_T-&#39;~-J&#39; J58-»&#39;-". _. F. [::]This is submitted for your information and you :- .. will be advised of further developments. G i iThis is submitted for your information and no > further investigation will be conducted unlessspecifically re- 31._-.--,_- quested by the Department. " &#39; _ - 1 .-. &#39;.-r 9 H. [:;]This coversthe receipt of acomplaint no and further action w ll be taken by this Bureau unless the Department 1"? so directs. a..¢&#39; ==:&#39;.x _ -. T -53 , Iota: A100 enclosedis 0. copy at all article In En¢- 3 lnnnmd 1; thl 4,/80/69 talus 0! the lpokolngn-Q3 II. .~I&#39;.--.: Q .,.- . t &#39;1_.--.!_ _-1., - ;&#39;i§a&#39;Q,],;Iuhiuton newspaper. /Wt 73- _n&#39;.&#39;.! 3" -qzz-;¢=_- _,;~;__ - I92=- &#39;.&#39;_=&#39;.&#39;.E: ,; . _.__-W _.._- _ _ ._~ ~ &#39;..____;~_ _ ;__ :_ .._7_ ._. ._ ._.___e_l __ &#39;_e~e_7_4__-_..___~_ .____ -_-_-._._ -.-_ -_-$5.1.-e-._, . .. _. .. _. - . .. ..._ 1-: .v _ Ii- I , -~ . " . , i. .-.~ _ _: .._. , __A.-,,___,__i _.___;_;_,L_!- ,1,, -1..-__-, "_a.-;l&#39;:"92¢"&#39;-, .&#39;-_,,.. V ..&#39;- e - . ._H ~ i. * §¢Il92"I-.._.&#39;. :.92..-,_.~_~.1... 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L- L-! i Db It-ZIEDERALBUREAU umOF .£STlGATION -IEPOFITING W OFFICEOF OFFICE Oll92G92:l-J li{élT/69 4/29/30£IiV£5;lGl&#39;IlVE PERIOD - 5/1/69 TITLESEATTLEOF CASE CHICAGO-.92 C izwonr av7 Cunoc 7 jfvrzoav ABBOTT HOWARaka &#39;cnAnAc1siz0|=t -AOFFMAN,* b usevac I/617/81 ANTI RIOTLAWS . PRINCIPALSUBJEC&#39;i!&#39; CLLSS.EXT. ¬ 8&#39;. BY/ A SECURITY KEY ACTIVIST!:- ANARCHIST MATTER5 REASON-FCIH.4.2 , 11. RACIAL MATTER- BLACK PANTHER PA;&#39;>.T. DATE OFBEVIEI 92 = REFERENCES:Chicago airtelto Director 4/ 5/ &#39;, W NewYor - >.&#39;-_ < airtel to Director 4/17/69. , A r I _/ . ALL INFORHATIOFCONTAINED - HzR£11:1:;1--~1r;>~r1EDPE.~1{.EF&#39;:: - -r=~--Ii &#39;- *3}-"II 1&#39;°SUR§§ ornm.-.-_>;L § &#39; I -.= &#39;_Z[*OWTIi{ECI{§CAG_Q_,__A@_*Yo_m< BUREAQL f _1§1s;w Two !copies eac of news i+emfromu + F/30/69issv7. Spo1esva~?eview "ewspaper,Spokane. avg Was 0*. O-." ;_-/ - ,.,._ "I/:1-,i._&#39; ADII IITISTRATIVE --1 ACCOMPLISHMENTS é K ,1-_§ NONE ACQU92T- cn: an nzem 4 we AUTO- rue. nuts &#39; snvmcsI llzcovzmzs TAL5o wluomc ovzn outvzsnE] E V ovtn rlmomva rnostcunonam non-msEjvzs][:]uo __ -A: :;i:Tnov£owsI unols:_ CL ,f,;j,;,:§§:&#39; L I nouotJ - vmrre nusncejs R anew? 1 !§,- Bureau 6-34 i921Q3? _:;¥i-fjfj> Q 82Eli i 92 Chicago 76-28! W &#39; 30-449923! Enc .2! 92 L -T-I j :1.-W. 3.- 76-5 Sub C! Enc.2! MY £21969 - USA, Chicago! I 2 - NewYork 76-6! E .§_!_i- ___{&#39;1 I_,__ Seattle00-161§45! 76-21!..__;;]&#39; lnfg! 92 nc §1 ,_ 9292 &#39;1 2 A l 7 K Disseminationolilm-ache!Report _Rncord"l J lvloiciions :Q__»92§92 Q9 Agency _t-, 92 I 9292 _____.__- C 7 - : E..:_e!&#39;$i-n,:}."$- Request Rccd. -A L7 &#39;~£:f</A-"L;L...J 92 &#39; A Dale I-wd. C C :2J -.4 0" 92 .L; &#39; How Fwd. A STAi/S!!71&#39;- , ._ T L, ii " &#39;&#39;* ,1 upo =1l0 @.t > SE bi-.|=,11> I 5 i Ev.» *3 -- smm D AT SPOKANE IA tant matter attemptwit oto 1n c r ns on 0 su ec s andspeach a 1. - -->4 >1 - F I ¥ - 3* .. QQVER PAGE @II&#39; * .._.». 4+ 1 FD-204 an». a-a-an A UN: 1 ED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ..USTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION -1- Gwyn: 1 - United States Attorney, Chicago < "&#39;P°"°= L 05;, Seattle, Washington Dig; May 6, nnaona.rn.u= SE 176-21 lmnmFnl:176-34 100-449923 Tum ABBOTT HOWARD HOFFMAN Chums: ANTI RIOT LAWS PRINCIPAL SUBJECT!; D SECURITY MATTER ANARCHIST KEY ACTIVIST!; RACIAL MATTER - BLACK PANTHER PARTY 5vI92wIl== -,,_-_,- Subject made a spegch 4/29/69 to approximately 500 persons at Gonzaga University, a Catholic Church affiliated institution at Spokane, Washington. Persons in attendance were mostly students and subject&#39;s appearance was sponsored by the Associated Students of Go t ASG I Subjectirs" week&#39;s .remarEs weirie inoicular 1y n amm ory but obscene and vulgar and information re ceived subsequently indicates he was considered somewhat ridiculous r and some students were resentful that he was invited to the campus. _ p - DETAILS: Enclosed for the United States Attorney, Chicago, 4 is one copy of news item from April 30, 1959, issue of "Spokesman-Review Newspaper", Spokane, Washington. i;¢ &#39;-92 ., ,_ V All liéifmih-N BQNTAINHI l¬E¬1iEEiiS UNBLASEIHED - llAT£_1Ja11&=BY_.za2e;z:9 is-V This document cantata: neither recommendation: not conclusion: of tho FBI. ll Ll Ibo WOPIIIY 0| the FBI and In lochid I your agency; it and u contents an not to be dilulbutod outta-In your agency. 1 - - _ .._-_ ; A---92---A-_ eve - -- - man: law. 4-1:441 _ _ - , - - -. &#39; 1 - 1 -&#39; i &#39; ..i~ nsnrsnm. aumslu or 1Nvss11c.;!.os » J u I &#39; &#39;l . 7- .5... e .ua.t6._ _1969_ U s - 1 On April 29, 1969, ABBOTT HOWARD HOFFMAN appeared before approximately 500 persons in the Student Union Building on the campus of Gonzaga University, a Catholic Church affiliated institution at Spokane, Washington. Those in attendance appeared to be 90 percent students of both BGXGS - HOFF%§N was not introduced by anyone. He introduced and had shown o short films, one entitled "Off the Pig", showing objectives of and demonstrations by the Black Panther Party, and the other, described as the official statement of the Youth International Party, consisted mostly_of scenes of police battling rioters and scenes apparently from old silent movies. _ I f HOFFMAN&#39;s speech, which followed the films, was one and a half hours of disjointed and rambling statements relating to him being charged with conspiracy at Chicago, Illinois, and his coming trial. He talked about the alleged attacks of him and other persons at the Democratic Convention in Chicago during the summer of 1968, and of his fighting in the streets for"What he Believes In". He was particulary critical of police in general and educational systems. are HOFFMAN&#39;s statements were frequently punctuated with obscene and vulgar words and sacreligious statements. &#39; Specifically, HOFFMAN stated his trial in Chicago 3 &#39; scheduled for September 24, 1969, will he a "succuss"; that . they will be defended by the greatestassemblage of legal 1-: &#39; A:/_ . i &#39;talent this country has ever seen.
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