Public Disclosure Authorized PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MIZORAM STATE ROADS PROJECT II Public Disclosure Authorized WIDENING TO 2-LANE, RE-ALIGNMENT AND GEOMETRIC IMPROVEMENT OF CHAMPHAI- ZOKHAWTHAR ROAD (00.000 KM to 27.247 KM) WITHIN MIZORAM STATE ROADS PROJECT II Public Disclosure Authorized ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 17 February 2014 Public Disclosure Authorized STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN Table of Content PAGE NO CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Project Objective, Location and Scope 1 1.3 Environmental Impact Assessment 5 1.4 Structure of EIA 5 1.5 Environmental Management Plan 5 1.6 Component and Structure of EMP 6 1.7 Proponent and EIA-EMP Consultant 7 CHAPTER 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 8 2.1 Proposed Improvement of Champhai-Zokhawthar Road 8 2.2 Corridor description 12 CHAPTER 3 Environnemental Management Plan 14 3.1 Environmental Management measures Proposed 14 3.1.1 Pre-construction Stage 14 3.1.2 Construction Stage 14 3.1.3 Operational Stage 15 CHAPTER 4 Reporting System 35 4.1 Reporting System 35 CHAPTER 5 Institutional Arrangements 37 5.1 Proposed institutional set up 37 5.2 Institutional arrangement for monitoring 39 CHAPTER 6 Training 42 6.1 Need for Training 42 6.2 Target of proposed training 42 6.3 Training for Capacity enhancement 42 6.4 Logistic support required 44 CHAPTER 7 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN 45 7.1 Environmental monitoring 45 7.2 Objectives of Environmental monitoring programme 45 7.3 Monitoring methodology 45 CHAPTER 8 ENVIRONMENTAL BUDGET 54 CHAPTER 9 SPECIFICATION 57 9.0 Specifications for environmental enhancement work 57 9.1 Jungle clearance 57 9.2 Uprooting of vegetation 57 9.3 Staking and disposal 57 9.4 Felling trees 57 9.5 Other Various Specifications 58 Annexures 68 Annexure-1: Guideline for camp locations and camp Annexure – II: Guidelines for identification of debris disposal sites Annexure – III: Guidelines for disposal of debris Annexure –IV: Location of dump sites Annexure V: Land slide prone area Annexure -VI: Drawings for high hill cutting Annexure VII: List of cross drainage Annexure VIII: Oil Interceptor Annexure IX: List of quarries Annexure X: List of water bodies Annexure –XI: Drawings for Water storage Annexure XII: Drawings for biodiversity rich area Tables Table 1.1 Proposed road under MSRP II Table-3.1: Environmental Management Plan Table 4.1: Monitoring and Reporting Process and Responsibilities Table 5.1 Institutional frame work for EMF implementation Table 5.2 Institutional arrangement for Monitoring of Environmental Issues Table 7.1 : National Ambient Air Quality Standards (2009) Table-7.2: Indian Standard Drinking Water Specification-IS 10500:1991 Table 7.3: Noise Level Standards (CPCB) Table 7.4: Environmental Monitoring Plan Map/ Figure Map-1 : Map showing the proposed road under MSRP II Map 2: Map showing the alignment of Champhai –Zokhawthar road and realignments Figure 2.1 : Features of the road in 5km influence area and 200m core influence area Figure 2.2 Map showing 1st Re-alignment (0.00 – 3.00 KM) Figure 2.3 Map showing 2nd Re-alignment (Km 7+640 to Km 9+200) Figure 2.4 Map showing 3rd Re-alignment ((Km 17+050 to Km 24+300) Fig 4.1 Proposed institutional set up for EMP implementation in C-Z road CHAPTER -1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The Government of India has requested World Bank for financing rehabilitation, widening and strengthening of State Highways and District Roads in the State of Mizoram. In line with this request, Mizoram State Roads Project II (MSRP II) is proposed. The proposed roads under MSRP II –RTCP is shown in Map 1.1 The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) within the Public Works Department (PWD) of the Government of Mizoram will be the implementing agency for the project. The PIU is located in the capital of Mizoram State, Aizawl. Implementation of the EMP will be the responsibility of the PIU and Contractor. 1.2 Project Objective, Location and Scope The proposed Project Development Objective of the MSRP II is to improve intra-state connectivity for Mizoram residents and regional road connectivity for Mizoram and North East (NE) India to Bangladesh and Myanmar. The project is to be implemented in two groups: Group I, and Group II Table 1.1 Proposed road under MSRP II. Table 1.1 – Proposed Project Roads under MSRP II Group -1 District(s) Length i. Champhai – Zokhawthar Champhai 27.5 km, (E-W road to Myanmar border) ii. Chhumkhum-Chawngte Lunglei 41.53 km, (part of original N-S road alignment) Group - 2 i. Lunglei - Tlabung - Lunglei 87.9 km, (E-W road to Kawrpuichhuah Bangladesh border) ii. Junction NH44A Mamit&Lunglei 83 km (Origination) – Chungtlang – Darlung – Buarpui iii. Buarpui – Thenlum – Lunglei 95 km PWD Mizoram 1 Zawlpui iv. Chawngte including bridge to Lawngtlai 76 km BungtlangSouth up to Multimodal Road junction v. Zawlpui – Phairuangkai Lunglei 30 km Champhai – Zokhawthar road The existing 28.5 Km long Champhai – Zokhawthar Road (C-ZRoad) is one of the Group I Roads proposed under the MSRP II – RCTP for improvement. The Mizoram Public Works Department has decided to upgrade the existing 28.5 km Champhai – Zokhawthar road from single road state highway standard to 2-Lane National Highway Standard. This road passes through a number of villages like Zotlang, Mualkwai, Melbuk Zokhawthar and part of Champhai town etc. This road is important lifeline for the people in the Easternpart of Mizoram and connecting to Myanmar . The road alignment passes through frequently cultivated Jhum land, plantation forest, habitation etc (Map- 2). The proposed improvements include expansion, widening, provision of cross-drainage facilities, curves and gradient improvements. In most locations centre line of the improved road is likely to remain within the existing Right of Way (RoW) except in few sections in which re-alignment is necessary PWD Mizoram 2 G Junction NH44A (Origination) – R Chungtlang – Darlung – Buarpui O U G P R - Buarpui – Thenlum – Zawlpui O 2 U R P O Zawlpui – - A Phairuangkai 1 D Champhai – Zokhawthar R S Lunglei - Tlabung - O Kawrpuichhuah A D Chawngte including bridge to S Bungtlang South up to Multimodal Road junction Chhumkhum-Chawngte Map-1 : Map showing the proposed road under MSRP II PWD Mizoram 3 Map 2: Map showing the alignment of Champhai –Zokhawthar road and realignments PWD Mizoram 4 EMP of Champhai-Zokhawthar Road Mizoram State road Project –II-RTCP 1.3 Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) along with an Environment Management Plan (EMP) report has been prepared in order to meet the requirements of the World Bank Policies as well as the EIA notification GOI, MoEF. The scope of EIA included: Assessment of environmental baseline conditions in the corridor of influence. Social baseline is covered in separate report. Identification and assessment of potential environmental impacts during construction and operation stages. Alternative analysis including comparison with “no project’ scenario (with and without project comparison). Development of measures for mitigation of adverse environmental impacts and enhancement of positive aspects Consultation with project affected parties and other stakeholders Development of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for mitigation of impacts and monitoring during construction and operation stages. 1.4 Structure of the EIA The EIA Report contains the following chapters: Chapter 2 Project Description; Chapter 3 Environmental legislation and policies; Chapter 4 Methodology; Chapter 5 Baseline Environmental Scenario; Chapter 6 Community Consultation; Chapter 7 Analyses the Alternatives; Chapter 8 Assessment of Impacts; Chapter 9 Avoidance and Mitigation of Impacts; and Chapter 10 Implementation Arrangements. 1.5 Environmental Management Plan Based on the findings of the EIA, the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) consists of the set of mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures to be taken during the design, construction and operation stages of the project to eliminate adverse environmental impacts, to offset them, or to reduce them to acceptable levels. The plan 5 EMP of Champhai-Zokhawthar Road Mizoram State road Project –II-RTCP also includes the actions needed for the implementation of these measures. The main objective of the Environmental Management Plan is to ensure that the various adverse impacts are mitigated and the positive impacts are enhanced. The objectives of the EMP at various stages of the project planning and implementation are as follows: Design stage To have minimum impact on road side trees, forestation and ground cover To keep land acquisition and building demolition at a minimum To provide maximum safety to the highway users and road side communities as well as segregation of local and slow moving traffic in the congested areas To develop a design that incorporates environmental safeguards and To provide mitigation measures to all expected environmental degradation Construction stage To prevent and reduce the negative environmental impacts of the project by implementing mitigation measures, to be carried out by the Contractor. To ensure that the provisions of the EMP are strictly followed and implemented by strengthening implementation arrangements. Operation stage To prevent deterioration of environment components of air, water, soil, noise etc. To improve the safety of the highway users and road side communities 1.6 Component and structure of EMP The EMP consist of the following component: monitoring during project implementation and operation, institutional capacity building and training, mitigation of potentially adverse impact, environmental cost estimates, and integration of EMP with project planning, design, construction and operation. Structure of EMP report. The EMP report is organized the following chapters: Chapter 2 Project Description, etc.; Chapter 3 Environment Management Plan . Chapter-4 Reporting System; Chapter 5 – Institutional arrangement, Chapter 6 Training, Chapter 7 Environmental Monitoring Plan, Chapter 8 Environmental budget, and Chapter 9 Specifications. 6 EMP of Champhai-Zokhawthar Road Mizoram State road Project –II-RTCP 1.7 Proponent and EIA-EMP Consultant Proponent.
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