1Report OF THE Criennial Committee OF THE 3 .2 Granb Commanberp of Iknigbts Cemplars W: (IAXX/‘l/'1C(<(,)L& mad -4 OF / flbassacbusetts anb 1Rbobe 1l9lanb - ‘-\/«.'.(\.~'.-‘...‘.\ ’ FOR THE 26th Triennial Conclave of the Grand Encampment oi Knights Templar of the United States. held in Boston. Mass.. August 27th-30th. I895. Boston. ®ctober 31. 1895. {- ’ I ' ‘fin 73+/.Lf‘+ __? 2 " _, .\,,_J......,,{ ML\. \ la:/,|‘I {.10 PRESS OF‘ E. l.. FREEMAN I SON, CENTRAL FALLS, R. I. Dxqmzed by Report of the Triennial Committee. PI4 Entract from the Annual AIM/‘ass qf Ii.’£_(//a.t ]:'mimm.t Sir Samuel C’. Iawrence, Gram] ("m/nnamler,aml J!/xc report Qf the Trielmial Um‘/mu'ttee, made at the A nmml Conclave of (be (imml C'omm¢uulc1'y of K'nig/its Templars Q/' ilfasscac/tzwetls am] Ii’/wde Island, held October 31, I8!).5. >14 The Triennial Conclave. The recent Triennial Conclave held in this city, with all the stirring incidents which attended it, has left behind it impressions which will never fade from our memories. The presence of the Grand Encampment awoke to new life that feeling of loyal attachment which the Knights Templars of this jurisdiction have always entertained for the great gov- erning body of the Order; and in the magnificentarray of Templar chivalry, as the imposing column passed through the streets of the city, we proudly realized, as never before, the strength and dignity of the Order, and the high charac- ter of its membership ; for fine as was the parade, the steady march of the column and the rare precision of military move- ment, in nothingdid it excite more general admiration than in its personnel—presenting to the view some of the noblest iv REPORT OF TRIENNIAL COMMITTEE. types of American manhood ; never was ideal republican citizenship better or more fully represented. The presence of so large a body of visitors necessarily en- tailed a great amount of labor upon the committee——service most cheerfully rendered—and made heavy demands upon the resources of the city for the proper accommodationof our guests. Every needful arrangement was successfully carried out, and I think we may say that neither the Grand Commandery nor the Subordinate bodies failed in the duties of a generous hospitality. The warmest thanksof thisGrand Body are due to its Connnanderiesfor their prompt and lib- eral response to its call for contributions to the Triennial Fund; for their enthusiastic interest in the success of the event; for their full ranks and excellent military bearing on the occasion of.the parade and especially for the courtesies and civilitieswhich they extended individuallyand as bodies to the visiting Knights. Nor can we too gratefully recognize the friendly interest taken by the citizens of Boston in our visitors, to whom they extended a thousand attentions which are always deeply appreciated by strangers. All these kind- nesses were deeply felt and most gratefully acknowledged by our guests, and indeed we have every assurance that our visitors left us with the most favorable impressions of the warmth and sincerity of a New England welcome. It could not be otherwise; the Knights Templars of the whole Union are one in heart and purpose, and in whatever part of this broad land they meet, there they find a cordial greeting and a home. I am sure that intimate contact with that great host of Knights Templarsfrom other States, theconstant interchange of courtesies and kindnesses, and the enthusiasm which is always kindled by fellowship with those who are enlisted ill the same cause, have given us new inspiration and a fresh I1 REPORT OF TRIENNIAL COMMI'l'l‘EE. V access of the true Templarspirit ; and we may hope to real- ize from the occasion other benefits we have not foreseen. Apart from these considerations, I heartily congratulate this Grand Commandery and the Subordinate bodies upon the happy impulse which led them to invite the Grand Encamp- ment to hold their session in Boston, and upon the success which has attended their efforts to give the visiting Sir Knights a reception worthy of the loyalty and hospitality of the Knights Templarsof Massaelrusettsand Rhode Island. The duty they owed to themselves and the guests who hon- ored them with their presence has been well and nobly per- formed. The pageant has passed; the festal halls are closed and the lights extinguished; but the glow of feeling, the memory of the kindly faces and pleasant words of old friends and of friends newly fo11nd—tl1ese will remain with us, a present joy and “a possession forever!" As Chairman of the Triennial Committee I present a re- port of its proceedings: Bos'roN, October 31, 1895. To the Grand Commandery: The Committee on the Triennial Conclave respectfully submit an ac- count of their proceedings subsequent to the report rendered at the semi- annual conclave of the Crand Commandery. The committee were very busily engaged during the spring and summer months in the several departments of labor assigned to its members. It was determined at the start that no effort should be spared to make the event worthy of this Grand Commandery and its honored guests; but liberal as were the views of the Committee as to the scale of preparation, the lapse of time developed the necessity for its continual enlargement. Not only suitable quarters had to be secured for the daily increasing host of intending visitors, but ample provision made for their reception and entertainment. There were constant calls for information from all parts of the country, and countless matters had to be attended to which had not presented themselves to the minds of the subcommittees till they came to Vi REPORT OF TRIENNIAL COMMITTEE. a full comprehension of the demands of such an occasion. We can state, however, thatthe plans for the entertainment of our visitors were matured in ample season, and that every feature of the programme as announced was promptly and successfully carried out. Your Committee do not deem it necessary to enter upon a full detail of the work involved in the reception and entertainment of so great a multi- tude, nor do they wish to magnify their labors, they were labors of love throughout, and we can now cordially congratulate the Grand Com- mendery upon the result. We have the most gratifying assurances from every quarter that the members of the Grand Encampment and the visit- ing Sir Knights and their ladies were deeply impressed by the warmth and sincerity of the welcome they received in Boston ; thattheythoroughly enjoyed their visit; and that they left us with the kindest sentiments towards the Sir Knights of thisjurisdiction, The financial duties of the Committee were conducted under a careful system, appropriations and expenditures were rigidly scrutinized, and I am satisfied that full value was obtained for every dollar expended. We are happy also to state that in the list of expenditures covering the whole period, no charge has been made for the entertainment of the TriennialCommittee—all such expenses were met from private sources. The accounts of the Sub-Committees and of the Treasurer of the Trien- nial Committee havc been audited and found correct, and the report of the Finance Committee, giving a classified statement of the receipts and expenditures, has been approved by the Triennial Committee. The re- ports of several sub-committees, of the Treasurer of the TriennialCom- mittee, and of the Finance Committee, with the duly approved vouchers for all expenditures, and also the records of the proceedings of the Trien- nial Committee, are lodged in the Archives of the Grand Commandery, under the charge of the Grand Recorder, for reference. We give the following summary of the receipts and expenditures of the Triennial Committee : RECEIPTS. 45 as list ‘Contributionsfrom Commanderies, per appended. .$49,300 00 Profits realized from the Otficial Souvenir and receipts from other sources . 29,787 23 Total .......................................s79,oe7 23 " 81.63500 additional, paid since October 81. 18116. REPORT OF TRIENNIAL COMMITTEE. Vi] EXPENDITURES. Expenses of the Grand Parade, Receptions and Entertainment of the Grand Encampment, visiting Sir Knights and Ladies. $87,026 40 Balance in bank . .$l2,060 83 The following are the payments made by the several Commanderies : . Contribu- B Amount Nut: or Coanuxnxxr. tlon _§ I Pud 0 Asked ' ; a ' , l . .. ll . .. .. .. % 33 33 - Newbnryport... .. .. .. 148 715 00 715 00 .. 3131111:o r oun Y . 333 5.013.7 3 . I 83 570 mso 00 2.350 oo Spr1ngfle1d.. Dellolay. 522 2.010 on 2.310 00 3?" “°‘’“‘ % 1% 3 1% 33 ~ o .. .... .. 1-123$. :-m . (s:t;.lBe111a.rd. .. 8? I-gg ‘fig 1.%5 00 1.3385 00 085 00 Q 00 1.330 00 7% (I) 1.245 00 - 1.245 00 710 00 - 710 00 1.140 on 1.140 00 1.35 00 _ 00 ‘ 1.805 1.155 W 1 1.155 (D 650 00 650 00 I no oo . 405 00 % 00 % 00 1.150 00 I 1.150 00 1.115 00 1.115 (I! 570 N 570 00 1.120 00 ' 1.1% 00 8115 00 815 00 586 00 585 00 900 00 '. ooo oo 845 00 845 00 740 00 ' 740 00 1.865 00 ' 1.865 00 850 00 850 00 1.(fl0 oo 1 1.070 oo 550 00 550 oo 1.235 oo ;_ 1.235 oo N0 00 &l0 00 440 00 440 00 1.135 00 l 1.135 00 as no 625 00 805 00 | 805 00 865 00 I 35 00 895 00 ' 895 00 We submit herewith the following report of the Executive Committee viii REPORT 01:‘ TRIENNIAL COMMITTEE.
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