1 - The BROWNSVILLE HERALD SPORTS SECTION - s--- defense, tackles be- getting many ; flat. Wilson walked out to the hind the line of scrimmage. Cow- center of the ring, grabbed Canales Six New COUGARS BEAT an also played well on the offense. Mission Rifles ilflNGHORNS TO Playground His blocking made the first El Jar- CANALES TO as If he were a sack of oata and dine touchdown possible. Rasco, a’, slammed him for the fall. Thu, right tackle, turned In a nice game. about four I took seconds. To Locals Ball Clubs Formed Capt. Kemper. Chitwood. Cowan, Play MERCEDES ‘B’ Canales won the second with a MEET PONIES Hanna and Morgenau were prob- MEET KALLIO ably the outstanding with Boston cradle. The Brownsville Civic Baseball no admission charge and the fans players The Mission headed was strong Rifles, arc to attend. the victors. Wilhelm head and In the semi-final. Kid Clark won has bcc* m order invited league revamped shoulders the best on the Wins by Ernesto Contreras, wtll play tBe Other clubs in the circuit are the Use Man player Monterrey Grappler I two from Harry Hudgins. Christiana Little two new clubs, the Ft. Tigers All-Valley straight Expect to taka in and Athletic club. field. Brownsville Pioneers here Sunday Legion Over Wilson Here He took the first with a body pm With Brown officers and the Elks. • • • But El Jardin Wins afternoon. It has been announced Trouble Baylor FIGHTS LAST NIGHT and the second with an aeroplane A new schedule has been for- ANOTHER LEAGUE by Manager Manuel Garcia Gome*. The Press) Thursday 1 BEING FORMED 18 to 14 (By Associated whirl and a slam. The game will get under vfy at Aggregation mulated and the previous games Okla. — Pcewee A second playground baseball TULSA, Terry, Chas. Heard and Russell Austui 3:30. will be disregarded. The season will St. Louis, Allen, to a draw. league is in formative stages. The outpointed Bobby Antonio Canales won the right to went 20 minutes The Mission grapefruiters are one under Chicago, (10). meet Gus 11 In the Kid Sevilla and of the best clubs in the get way officially tonight! Federals employes are ready to go Staff Member Kallio, opener. developed BY BILL PARKER V.F.W. By MASON CITY, la—Harold Hox- local who wanted this with the playing the B AP. A Courthouse team has been prac- champion, at the V.F.W. arena Jose Vega, boy* Valley year. ' Associated Press Sports Writer) MERCEDES, Oct. 28—The El vood. Des Moines, Kcn- and the Rotanans taking on the ticing this week, and Maurice outpointed Thursday night by tossing Benny to continue a private grudge, maoe They have on their roster: .tohi The Texas Christian University Jardin little class ! ny Austin. Central City, Neb «8*. in minutes. E. ! Kiwamans. Pipkin has a team ready to in Cougars, battling WiLson In a rousing slam-ban;,* a hit. Sevilla won five san. Najo. Contreras. Flores, H. will be after their third go Progs The Rot-Kiw game will be played the school “C” eleven, sacked their fifth PHOENIX. Ariz.— Young Peter bout. Garza. E. Flores Matty Garza, to- system. Tire fourth cluo up Southwest conference victory first and the V.F.W.-B.&P. Jackson. California, won by tech- not CiRlIi DOCKET Cannon. game for the prospective league is one of the season h*T Wilson did spare the horses VALLEY Guerra. Pena. I. Contreras morrow. The of Texas straight victory nical knockout from University second. The contests will get under formed at the Joe Lucero. when it came to the hou..' Friday and Walsh. being airport. a sensational rough Longhorns will seek their second Thursday by taking TucsAn. Ariz.. Bud Moore. The way 7:30 p. m. under floodlights to Effort* arp now made to stuff. He, was biffing C males ail Mercedes at Fdinburg. Brownsville roster: King. conference win. The wiseacres ot being 18-14 from the Mercedes Babe the side of Tucker field. There is secure contest Chicago outpointed Roberts. over the ring when the licr.terrey ROC. at P-SJ-A. Ramos. Aldape. Vargas. Sanches. R. will grounds for this circuit. football claim that both teams Mexico, (6*. Benito. de la -I second squad. i flash sprang up off the mat to Weslaco at San Rosa. Serrato. Rocha, Baker, realize their ambition. VALLEJO. Calif.—Ci«lrk Rain-s, on head V. After playing without a score the I dump him his and masb McAllen at Donna. Cavazos, Baker. I. Montalvo. A. Texas Christian boasting a power- St. Louis, defeated Sammy James. «ho'iT<1"r« Into the f1o*»r Harlingen at Mission. Montalvo. Maldonado, Champion ful first quarter, both teams cut loose senior team, meets the Baylor Sacramento. (10). The second fall came in notnmg • La Frrla at Lyford. and Rodriguez. University Bears at Fort Worth with thrilling attacks that made of The Texas Longhorns, with one ports the long end of the score shift fire the greatest backfields in history chats’: timea during the next three quar- m****mm* of the conference, entertains South- rff^rrffff r r ffff jir^ ters. ern Methodist at Austin. " Mercedes came near scoring sev- There will be two non-conference I With Hal Eustace eral times during the first half, but games. Texas A. and M. invades each time the ball was killed in the Shreveport to play Centenary col- end-zone with an incomplete pass. lege. Rice remains at Houston to The first score came early in the PEPPER was Battle Creighton University. Cen- MARTIN not a big local got lucky and drove one back second ouarter when, after a touch- sensation in baseball after tenary is favored over the Aggies. ms through, the pitcher’s box. Bea bark. Chitwood knifed through the Rice and are scheduled startling performance in the Card-A Tiger line. side6teoped through Creighton ducked. In off came world series. But. he a the flurry, for a toss-up battle. is mucn their backfield. ar.d with Cowan more her cap—AND CURLS. She duck- important figure around his warding off would-be tacklers, ran I rogs Krad> own household these days. The ed a beautiful lady and came up 80 vards across the goal line. The reason An : half ended eight pound daughter another mug ball player. El Jardin 6. Mercedes Alter a week of scrimmage ses- born Its o. Thursday. Papa Pepper Such gross was too sions the freshmen who deception against now. FYiends have suggested tha: much for us. used the Texas she lots of Baylor plays, J be named Paprika. But Mr.-. Just to make sure, we went to Fight Christian Huskies off today tapered Martin says her name will be Vu- the train to sec the club off. Sure .. The Tigers came back the second and for their conference battle. Tne Ice Water gmia Lee. there was •Bea" without l enough half with of fight and team- Progs have stopped Arkansas and • • • plenty the curls, and the big ham was work. Though Texas and Coach France Kemner and Mar- A. M. JOE PU TEG NAT has a tobacco. private chewing Benan at ends for El Jardin stoo- Schmidt has his cohorts ready, witn pep squad to cheer him in these % • ped the Tigers from circling the the exception of Lon Evans, who is playground baseball SHORT JABS games. G. C. wings, nothing could stop their nuraing a minor injury. He may Kerr is the cheer leader. Some of the boys are asking The thrusts inside end until they cross- ng start. Richard Oliver, leading soprano chorus is about that shift the Mercedes composed ot ed the goal line a to take for touchdown cdmerence scorer. Is ready Marion Knight. Jeff Lanier and O Tigers are using. and • • • extra point. Near the end of a few tears through the powerful F. Brenner. R. G. Delaney is being the third quarter Coach Schmat- Baylor line that stopped Texas a Mgned to Are they coining to a dead up carry alto althougn zreid sent in the team which nlav- and M. last week and earned a he claims to stop, or are they retaining mo- be a tenor. ed the first nuarter. Though scoreless is to mentum from the shift? fre«h. tie. Baylor expected were • • • they unable to withstand the unleash an aerial attack to gain GREAT SHADES of the Boston Ccugar drive with Chitwood. Hanna. with the brilliance Bloomer FERGUSON ME BOYS. FER- yardage, along Girls, the Kiwanians have and Vicars GUSON ME. I WAS JUST ASK- Armstrong canning 0! Prank James' punting. accepted the challenge of the ♦ he oval ING FOR INFORMATION. through Mlfs slashed bv Having tested their aerial defense "Skirts.” a playground baseball the • • • linemen. Tins touchdown end It the Texas team found airtight, composed of high school changed the score to The have to a Cougars 12 tmghorns are marking time until girls. Well girls, consider yourself Longhorns gone Tigers 7. 6-2-2-1 defense this rv can get at Southern Meth- fortunate because we have year. Again the private • € • Mercedes coach chan- f'\ -,i in an effort to a 9 to information that the Old Confed- avenge ■red his entire team and the rosv last The erate Home and the Blind After that Harvard debacle 7 defeat year. Longhorns Insti- hue of victory faded fast for wi tute were last season, in whieh the Long- beat Rice last week and left the prepared to challenge •birdin as horns used Wilhelm fall-Valley back condition to the Kiwanians after that a five-man line, game In excellent give game last year bl’ now Ineligible) en- to some of the boys were expect- the Mustangs a battle this week.
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