University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1978 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 10-17-1978 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 082, No 40, 10/ 17/1978 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1978 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 082, No 40, 10/17/1978." 82, 40 (1978). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1978/119 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1978 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. l'aw· 12. !\t·\\ ,\1Pxit·o Duil) LOBO, Oc·tolwr l!i. l!J'ik ,u, l:,lt'llt·at ~.Jl.H\ lur ~~n lutil: v.or!.. !\pph rn ',(JH HI! I \ftrJII k .,l,••u.,t.k d,ul, ,u ,) '"''' ~I• j\Cf'-"'1 un1) 1u 11watrt' -l!W4 ( un '1'• ! 'I,' I ••:11,1:·~~ '>'•I: l ~.\j JlJuo)j\'.'~' )J:";' 6. EMPLOYMENT 1\rlaJHl cntral L,f· il J':' lluw.d,t~. CJ~1 I'J. ]1}7X !Jum J.Oflpnr·41ll1pnr lb \\ t;I{!o,. 0\ [ R'"il ·\\l...,,h.,: i't'il~~-( "tP'· 2"'-r ~ 1)0'~ puv.t't ul '''-;upcnmm" ~~ >.nminf! un ~Hung' HI I I I !It U ~.c i1 ', il." tlfJ n~~l IJl(Jc K- I ..._~1. 1.! {)( .IHI· Hlt1\!'1[) Tlli·ATRE· 1~ IIlli~ t:.tk1ng ilp­ •Jt.,"lh" <11' l•hk•l -·~· II,,{, 1(1 lf, l Jill '-.I·\ f1U-f 1 1Ji \,1,-;nt­ ph~mrun~ lnr part-tim!! hcll"' o\pplll<lllt ttHN he ahlc lllit '•'\If ·~~v:-"-l<!IIIII t;,,u•· ':.~~"u-~l~.~r;; ·~ 1i- Jidp v.;rnl\·~ p•·r.,,rh .r.••t;t)H' )4 I"~ h1t1ll. l11llor fhHillltil:', 1la'i nr rr~ v.ork v.ccl:mghr~. \H'c~crrr.l~ .•~no ltllhdrt\\ On­ C,r.d'<t .11!'•1. fi'''"I'PI!knrtuiii•UI}! (;tfj2Wo"'HJfi llij-'l<L 't1111 l-,;1, i1111 Ill'\[' 'io;! f1~ h<HH o\pri~ Ill p~·r~oll ~;lttr.ilflJl C hn~tm<t~). { or.ll tor mll'T\tC\~ ;.lp{omtrnent 1/1 11-1 ,Jt C , •t•Jir,Jdo ( t'Jllt·r 10 J(, al!r.:r (r:ml p.nl. till I~. 26."-4:"'7"' HJ. 19 ]{! J(J\1\f·\ II tCJ '->JI.\i{[ 1---v;--tr f!t~c)r-J~-j f--,-yl-lt~l Ai.-HHl._,--\1 ;\l".ll R fullltmc.-1 urnpc, 1.) Ill J1 \[ ~·I ~IJ Ill" pill"- <11,11\W. !\i('.tf L<.illljlll Jllt'kr 7. TRAVEL 1\!iwn~.r. ,\u•.u.dJ'-1. A•,,a, ~'ll. All held.,, S"if}(J-$1200 .trl.' ,,,, ,!!Jo~orry • .:flt liJ(,~,rl!~·r ( (JCJ [/J. ]JJ nl•'r>th\~, ~·xpt.·tt'C', r<ud. ~lVhi~L·cJn)!. I·rce mlo. I -\\111 \1,-Jil PAY OAS 1u, ffllm 1.11' < rucc'l if )'11u Jn, t ~,-J/I !J -~i TJrrct,-"cclrt~•~;;;:p~~.;;·p~~n: \'-.. rl!l' 1mcrr.lltoJial ft•l> ( r:111er. l)(n. 441XI-NB I ruck. wrll help 1m: move n wa~lwr to Albuquerqul lt·w • •I, bd· . J1t1 . '£11~ ~62 \7~ I Valk \ l{l.'flt.d•, '$ 't; lk!kdt·~.(AI)4':'04. IO,z~ ~· . I~W <all!\1;nQ•2915522. l0il7 cMt!'.A---;;(J(·t.; PlHHriV\M ( O()RIJINArOR Fire code not enforced II~! II i_t.J{~I~Ilrl>~~,JN[" t~;~;;~~ AI l IN J I:RGAl A( "11<. TRA Y~LLERS lnnd ~nur nvcJcd. !'vlnH'lllr.'llt l wlnr;iJJtlll ant.! Bcgmnmg 1 ;qlph.ur,·~"., ~<HrwH·•J h1lh ~hip~ m UNM O~CJuhcr 2.0-21; 19713 Horncwmrns lfJII~IJ 1<.1·) , ~~ \J{ !Jud.. )'"ml (J!I pti'<t' ul ·-111Jtk·"· opt; 'vlmr pard. CoHllll<l•ll\~. >llt<:rnnm1~ '$l 2~ 'hr. lnqutrc. Height\ ( e\ti~rti<:~- Rcmemhcr, < lo~e ~llC(~\lrliCf!. of the 11c~l l. PEUSONALS lt'•llh<'l\'"•1~ ( ],lltlt~1.ltltoll}{,Ul(IJC, 10 17 ~ft;_ J~(f,\alkvHt•JJJ<il"'-~l'i.h·r: 1fJ 2CJ 'l: MC A, 26"' lo(r'l )0: 17 Kind. 10. lf1 ICilr"<IJ f(C)-Cd -['') Ill! '•·\l HI\ -.t;td ~,;,.;.;t rT!Iil,, -~i-t-.o( K\ JC!l7~1:;;;~icl'Y~·dl...;;; By PAUL SCHERR •rr~.J-\f J',"' l'flll'•lll~r. ,~,.·.rut JJn~t.. W1lRI '-1~1 Rl., W1V"-if! D IMMl·DIATFI Y! Wurk the same thing happened each time. violations on campus do exist - a yellow. city Fire Prevention Department b~·drorllU liulht'. '11110 (<Ill Ur:Z 17<:.1, Valh:\ R~·nt:rt~ W!hluutk. 111 \J;t·ttd! 11-tll fiN (Lttlll Hm !!)<._ .11 hnnw 11n cxrt,'rlt'llt:\' nc~c~~ar." ·· cx ... c\lc;-nt pay. r 1 •. f IJ•~"• ,,[I ••!IIJ• IJ!T .lf,E, I~HMo J1 IJf "!-l.o; Jn· · Ill- 20 8. MISCELLANEOUS Last Friday in Mitchell Hall, Nothing. chair blocking a doorway, a can of While it is the Albuquerque Fire Assistant Chief Herman R. Bishop \ldrtnu I l:LII IO IK \,1,-ru~· 1\rn~·rr .. ;ltl...,L't\tlt', 11150 l'nrk Laue, Suitl' 12':', I'Jill,'<\'·,1 \ 11'•11'""(' '\~!> •l>llu.•lmy, pliuw· There was no fire and an alarm paint left out in the open - but if fCJ\ "')) l"'i BIOI fHrY l;tttl-thlW- I hl.ttt·, 1 ·vr~;r:;, t N\-1 o\1-ti ~ \t..1A_i_i ht;;;;- <-;-;;,at" l~rr-12 r~''il~ D;Jlla~. ·1 X 1<;2] I II/OR English teacher Patricia Smith Department's job to extinguish to help out with an inspection, 'I' l>~I'J IIJ·,l·1 Cllf!\P Wl\lERBf·DS J\1 Wau.•r 'Trip~. $99 buy~ lurpl.Jlt' "rfu•,Jh lurnl'-ht•r.l l 1 nlrtrc~ r.ml ~111<. O(J llfiCJKfll\( K w )l,,,k. rwuli' \1t'll'"' ~[nld PHAR"'-IAC"'r' lNH:RN WANThD.I·'<Lt:llcnt hourh ypu ( !) Any-..iiC dark wa1nu1 ~lnincd frame, (2)sufcly finally, legally and responsibly would have been a false alarm. But these examples arc indeed fires on the UNM grounds, it is the Bishop said he helps out when he \!II H\11 l..._ICJJ('vti\IICII\; i\JHJLIJ ••Ill lllr•hHil'f $JIJ(J 00Jt'l1U'.Il. 2(12 ()(J[•1. 10 17 '~\\I '\II II (Jr,lltPt' .utd Vi]llfl· nvlntl JA! k.l ( 1-1-agc~ illttlt l)o~c l~ro,!!t:unl <om act: l'r:rn\!'c~ I. lllurr, liner. (.')foam lll\Ulmcrl l."mnfort p<:\d, (4Juny 'lllc ·•·•· · ,.,,,.u rt~llrl.rfr"rl. ·lhnrlr"rr Htvht trr broke a childhood admoniton and no alarm at all has raised some dangerous, the official respon­ New Mexico Fire Marshall's can but," We have a limited staff \'·IIIJJII:u·, ..,w 1 f\ 1 r J{ J.tt kt'l. Pl.L·Ih btkr! uo r 11 r ft~l ·-,l-i c)6(·-,·6·~'v11~~rJ nn~ • ,, ,.,·' .''11 trl 'I II 211 llm'LWr ul Plrurmac), P.O. Bo"< 118R, New Ml.'xjco nuULtC'o'- "'·uh 3-yr. grwrautce. $99 m W;:ucr Trrp~. questions about possible fire code sibility for corrective action is \1nt' ltnt<'' \I.;'/\ I C II Ydlttv. ,111d v.ltJt{' 11 ~luullll' h lwtlflllllll Tv.tn o1 r.lllltl1lt• !wth 'f!i'J'i indudt". lit ate 1\m.prtt\1, 1 (!~ Vcg.il~, .~c.,.. \-Jcxlt.:uH17fll or ~·ull: ,407{ cnlr<ll Nl:. 2S.S-221HI, 03121 pulled a fire alarm. In fact, she and responsibility to make inspections, ourselves: there arc 4,000 oc­ '.~Itt I', \\lin \\lor--.cr rurh-111'· .rpplr~<tll1ll1'• .lrt' r AI' i'.ttwrb;l• ~ "fmro tu .<\lf!JHI\hm~·· c ],Jim m rurlllll"", V.thrt_'r llwrw 141 ( rJlumi"otii ~ f 2fJ!I·tl'i2t; I 4~"- (1711 ht :!20. IOIZ('i ti!;IM Sm'"t;Cf rc-::~m p\a~ingStll!C totrrnamcnt. Sklllful her students, smelling something violations and related safety on the vague and elusive. It's like trying to locate violations and issue reports cupancies within the city limits that ",\ l'·lliotlolo Ill FIJo 'll•ldi'lll i\1[1\llW'> ( t'll(l'f ,lfld 1\tolu;•~ uiiLtt' Ill I~ J(Ji\7 ]IOI"'-,l·Sl"l I I·R HJR ~I·MJ·SI E-R IHH~I\K, I ung· player\ wmnctl. l'all2.~~·3B$3, 2!'15·0608. lOll 9 •f•,d• 111 r,.,,,.IUHlt'lll nlll<r'•, flm• d.rll" r·. Ortuht•r }l like "burning rubber," and fearing UNM campus. determine at which point the name calling for compliance with the tire we haven't ever inspected yet. 1 cJ"',J -i i oN1 "lDAY. ~-Jc 1Ni r Y 1\hl~-~~ru { ,;,tp-~1· 11 (Ji.JIN( f~ $i2TCJNTim·KJ~;;;-c,sM.· u.•tm J\lhuqu~·tquc rJ.">ldent. 842-8-56'\. 10120 IJIIu '-.rmhul A,u~llll"•( I'IJit'l )n4i()(, ]{) n li\~'f CHANCl:d TO reclaim poetry ~ubmiucd to Unquestionably, fire code - . -· . -- -. -·- 'TTMJI Wtntdt'l\ LOY [ltll'.t' llll •I 1\-h(•f.'l'> (t!i;'-lt '•l:ll I ·UIIIrc~ rndw.ktl, 2~~ 16'1(,, J(J,- 16 a fire, pulled three more alarms and turns from blue to orange to code. "And since we have no authorily . - P/\R I· IJ\·ll, Rl"TAJI ~ale~ pl'T\nn~ rtceQcd. U~:bc(~ Con~·cptron~ S. \V ,'<, [;t"'t h\ue. ( ome by Marron Hall .., 11~1 1\~~ HOt J( 0..,1'1 r J) rr.rdrr•, m·r·rkLI Jor un ltllii'Uioll \ .thH.' ,1"'174(,(r6, M·l Ill\ HI !1 1 j{.6{j\:i- I Of{ Rf "-./f.~ 'i[lilr~~~wu~;;- "'"lth 1;umly 292 I u~:~~;Jpc OutlcL 293-0817, 243 4242 10•20 IO"i he lOre noon through Oct.
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