LIMPOPO MIRROR 24 August 2018 15 MIRROR CLASSIFIED Quality Act, 2004 Norman Tshivhula o is hereby given in terms MASWANGANYI MUNYAI on this the 20th August fl oor SERVICES (Act No 39 of 2004). tewaho sa mune wa of Regula� on 41(2) INC. 2018. P O Box 4439 Na� onal Environmental tshitentsi Erf 804, Louis published in Government Executrix A� orneys TSHIVHIAHUVHI P THOHOYANDOU/0950 Management Protected Trichardt, ndi kho u No� ce 326 under Sec� on to Mrs.Tshikororo ATTORNEYS TEL: 082 045 2871 Areas Act, 2003 (Act nekedza nothisi, hu tshi 24 of NEMA intending to Nkhangweleni Beatrice, Erf 670, Thohoyandou FAX/E-MAIL 086 464 6644 No 57 of 2003). Water tevhedzwa tshiga tsha carry out the following Offi ce no: 103&112 P-West, Munaka E-MAIL: tshivhiahuvhip. REPAIRS Use Licence Applica� on vhu 22 (Clause 22) tsha ac� vity: 1st Floor, Old Mutual Madilonga Medical a� [email protected] • All appliances: in terms of Sec� on 21 Makhado Land Use building, Thohoyandou centre, Offi ce No: 8 First REF: TP/EST/M0005 Tumbledriers, washing machines, of the Na� onal Water Scheme,2009, malugana The proposed Tel: 015 962 0223 microwaves, fridges, freezers & ice machines Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 na khumbelo ya special construc� on of a fi lling REF: MMM/003/EST • Refrigeration instal lation & repairs. of 1998). Mining Permit consent uri ndi kone sta� on with underground LET YOUR • Airconditioning, instal lation, sales & repairs Applica� on in terms of u relexa density u dva fuel tanks of 79 000 MAVHUNGU MASIBIGIRI Sec� on 27 of the Mineral kha 20 units per ha uya litres of petrol and 26 INC. ATTORNEYS BUSINESS BE SEEN and Petroleum Resources kha 45 units per ha kha 000 litres of diesel which LTT Radio & NOTICE IN TERMS OF Development Act, 2002 tshitensi tshi no wanala makes the total capacity SECTION 35(5) OF ACT 66 (Act No. 28 of 2002). kha 41 Kleynhans street, of 105 000 litres. The Electrical Centre OF 1965. Heritage Resources Louis Trichardt. Khopi fi lling sta� on will cover an Tel: 015 516 0751 • Munnikstr. 90, LTT Kindly take no� ce that Permit Applica� on in ya zwidodombedzwa area of more than 200m2 in terms of sec� on 35 of terms of Sec� ons 34, 35 zwa khumbelo ya on an area of 10000m2. (21) days, calculated from Act 66 of 1965, the First and 36 of the Na� onal special consent tsha The proposed fi ling the date of publica� on and Final Liquida� on Heritage Resources Act, Makhado Land Use sta� on will include the hereof. and Distribu� on account 1999 (Act No. 25 of 1999). Schem, 2009, dzidovha following infrastructures: Signed at Thohoyandou of late THITOVHOWI Contact us at 015 516 4996 to th Register as a Interested dzihone malugana na Automo� ve Services 55 Commercial Rd on this the 13 August SHOREFIELD MPHAPHULI and Aff ected Party: utola musi utshi toda (repairs), Car wash and 2018 Estate No 1337/2018, advertise in the Classifi eds Louis Trichardt The public is given 30 u bvisa vhupfi wa hau, Supermarket/ Convenient A R MADIA ATTORNEYS who died on 28 May 2018 days from the date ubva nga dzi 20 Thangule shop. The development Offi ce No: G21 is lying for inspec� on NOTICE OF MEETING of this publica� on to 2018 nga tshi� inga tsha triggers NEMA Paper, Stationery, Old Mutual Building at the offi ces of the register as an Interested mushumo tsha Masipala Environmental Impact The Limpopo Department of Rural Development THOHOYANDOU/0950 Master of High Court, Cartridges, and/or Aff ected Party wa Makhado. Malugana Assessment Regula� ons and Land Reform together with SILVER TEL: 015 962 3001 Thohoyandou and the by: contac� ng the nau toda utola applica� on of 2014 as amended, GN SOLUTIONS 3329 CC Property developers, Stamps E-MAIL: Magistrate offi ces, consultants directly vha dalela Masipala wa No. 327 of 07 April 2017, invites you, the community, to attend a meeting. armadiaa� orneys@gmail. Thohoyandou for a period (contact details below), Makhado, Town Planning Lis� ng No� ce 1, Ac� vity com of 21 days as from date of SUBJECT OF THE MEETING: Long term lease submi� ng a wri� en Offi ce: E023, 83 Krogh No. 14 and requires 015 516 3981 publica� on hereof. agreement between SILVER SOLUTIONS request by submi� ng Street, Louis Trichardt, an Environmental DELTA BEC MAVHUNGU MASIBIGIRI Property developers & the Bungeni Traditional your name, contact husa athu � ela maduvha Authorisa� on INCORPORATED LEGALS NOTICE OF APPLICATION details (address, a 30 ubva 20 Thangule LOCATION: The Authority in respect of land located on a Part of ATTORNEYS FOR FOR ENVIRONMENTAL telephone number, fax 2018. Nnyi na nnyi ane asa development is situated Portion 1 of the farm Piesangfontein 71-LT KHETHANI ANZALUSHAKA A R MADIA ATTORNEYS AUTHORISATION AND number and/or email tendelane na khumbelo at Nkuzana Village on (NJAKANJAKA village). NATURE OF THE MPHAPHULI-EXECUTOR CHANGE OF LAND USE address) and interests iyo kana ane a toda u the Farm, Piesangfontein DEVELOPMENT: Shopping centre (already NOTICE TO CREDITORS 219 OLD MUTUAL FOR THE PROPOSED with regard to the project. pfukisa vhupfi wa, u tea 71 LT along R587 road IN TERMS OF SECTION BUILDING, developed). MUSINA-MAKHADO You will automa� cally be u tou swikisa nga uto from Elim to Giyani 29 (1) OF THE THOHOYANDOU DETAILS OF THE MEETING: SPECIAL ECONOMIC invited and informed of nwalela kha muhulwane within LIM 345 Local ADMINISTRATION OF TEL: 015 969 1002 • Date : Sunday 16 September ZONE (SEZ), LIMPOPO the date and venue for wa Masipala kha address Municipality of Vhembe ESTATES ACT 66 OF PROVINCE the public informa� on itevhelaho Private Bag District in Limpopo • Venue : Njakanjaka Khoro, Njakanjaka 1965 MAVHUNGU MASIBIGIRI Nature of Project: sessions to be held, if you X 2596 Makhado,0920, Province.The geographical village, Limpopo In the estate of the late INC. ATTORNEYS A Scoping and register as an interested husa athu � ira maduvha co-ordinates for the • Time : 9h00 MPHAPHULI Environmental Impact and/or aff ected party. a 30 ubva nga dzi 20 proposed development THIKHATHALI GODFREY, NOTICE IN TERMS PURPOSE OF THE MEETING: Assessment is required Contact Details: Ronaldo Thangule 2018. Address are: 30015’59.706’’E and of ID. NO: 570202 5311 OF SECTION 35: The purpose of the meeting is to take a in terms of the Re� ef Delta BEC ya mui� wa khumbelo: P.O 23012’36.477’’S 08 1. Date of death: 26th LIQUIDATION AND Community resolution (Land Rights Holders Environmental Impact P.O. Box 35703, Box 498, Louis Trichardt, Interested and Aff ected July 2018, and surviving DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT resolution) in terms of the Interim Procedures Assessment Regula� ons, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0180 0920. Par� es (I&APs) are spouse Azwihangwisi LYING FOR INSPECTION 2014 (as amended) Tel: 012 368 1850 invited to par� cipate Kindly take no� ce that Governing Land Development Decisions (in terms Selina Mphaphuli of for a change of land Fax: 012 348 4738 by providing comments of Act 31 of 1996). Before the applicant can enter ID. NO: 600605 0207 LEGAL AID SOUTH in terms of sec� on 35 of use for the proposed Email:ronaldo.re� ef@ and raising any issues Act 66 of 1965, the First into the above mentioned long term lease (rental) 08 4, of Stand No: AFRICA Musina-Makhado Special deltabec.com of concern that they 2013, Tshilungoma, and Final Liquida� on and agreement, a so-called Land Rights Holders Economic Zone (SEZ) NOTICE TO CREDITORS may have regarding the Thulamela District, Distribu� on account of resolution has to be taken. within the Limpopo MAKHADO LOCAL IN DECEASED ESTATE IN development. To register , Limpopo Province. late NDITSHENI HERMAN Enquiries: Mr Rikhotso – Cell: 0798904143 or Mr. Province which will MUNICIPALITY SECTION 29 as an I&AP, and to receive MAMAFHA Estate No Master Reference: In the Estate of the late Theo Kotze, DEVELOPLAN Town Planners, Tel: comprise of mixed land a copy of the Background 1355/2018, who died on 1810/2018. All persons SPECIAL CONSENT IN uses and infrastructure. RAMBAULI NDAMULENI Informa� on Document 11 JUNE 2018 is lying for 015-291-4177 having claims against TERMS OF CLAUSE 22 OF The purpose of the SHADRACK I.D.Number (BID) and the Basic inspec� on at the offi ces the abovemen� oned THE MAKHADO LAND proposed development 390223 5072 083 Assessment Report (BAR), of the Master of High estate are requested USE SCHEME, 2009 will entail an energy and who was a resident of please contact: Court, Thohoyandou and to lodge their claims I, Humbulani Norman metallurgical complex Makwarela Loca� on MABYOKO the Magistrate offi ces, within thirty (30) days of Tshivhula, being the near the Waterpoort Limpopo Province who ENVIRONMENTAL Thohoyandou for a period publica� on hereof with authorized owners of Railway Sta� on between died on the 06 / 07 / 2018. PROJECTS of 21 days as from date of the executor’s agent, Erf 804, Louis Trichardt, Musina and Makhado Estate number: 1741 / Cell: 083 390 3751 publica� on hereof. whose par� culars are as hereby give no� ce in (Louis Trichardt). 2018. Master’s offi ce: Fax: 086 602 3065 MAVHUNGU MASIBIGIRI follows: terms of Clause 22 of Applicant: Limpopo Thohoyandou. All persons E-mail: INCORPORATED. Signed at Thohoyandou the Makhado Land Use Economic Development having a claims against the mabyokoholdings@ ATTORNEYS FOR DIKELEDI on this the 14th August Scheme, 2009, that I have Agency (LEDA) above-mentionedestate gmail.com JERTINA MAMAFHA- 2018 applied for relaxa� on of Environmental are called to lodge The I&AP’s are therefore EXECUTOR.
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