THE EVENING STAB. WASHINGTON. P. C.. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 25. 1020. 21 Valley Forge was visualized, accom- ] panted by a carillon of bells on the OPENING ATTRACTIONS IN WASHINGTON Washington Memorial Church pealing | forth “Adeste Fidelis." Edison, facing j jj THEATERS a barrage of cameras on his eighty- second birthday, describes the new proj-1 Special! ect he Is about to undertake, sponsored, A New Product That Is A “Sunshine” Cake — I IQW WHERE J|j ? H POLES George White's Scandals. j ties, and what could be presented was 5 by his friend, Henry Ford. There Is \ T,c is a ”, The search for something new, so done so with an undampened ardor. also a glimpse of the ambulance carry- ?« Wonderfully Good! pr]C£ re woni1erf opportunity QUALITY § . t j forcefully pursued and diligently im- 1 Ruth Hamilton especially put overr ing King George from foggy London to } t J l plied skit with a real pep and an the seashore, and other interesting in the old term “variety,” her comedy l M to is eye for the humor the situation afford- • | news. w ifers buy Loose-Wiles “Son- | ,®J suggested with equal emphasis in the n 119 0 I leaders! Office and WareHou.e ninth edition of George White's Scan- ed. and with Buddy Paige, as a master r | /k £% T~ shine" Cresme Wafers and Brown dals. ceremonies, stage honors. I* Sc amJaS avt' s/fifk which opened a week’s engage- of carried off COLUMBIA—“The Trail of '98." 4thst. it a special low price. ment at Poli's last night. Marian Lax. late of the "Princess Fla- The spectacular n.e. »«| film version of the ** oearasiev 1 cast, sang remarkably and a s Thrtf Price* Prerail in Wa.hinaton «n< Suburban Store* Indeed, pulchritudinous at | J a chorus via" well Klondike gold rush, according J ||J Jj the very outset speaks a little piece, in : clever dancing team avoided the wet l to Robert which it quaintly intimates that the spots with no little skill. W. Service’s original story, which Clar- i audience itself may not be new. In • Blindfold.” the feature picture, stars j once Brown directed for Metro- j other words, it may not be so good as Lois Moran and George O'Brien and I Goldwyn-Mayer, under the title “The j it was last year. Like some individuals gives the rest of a well chosen cast a i Trail of ’98,” is playing its second week ! Brown Edge in quest of rejuvenation, the Scandals' I chance to make it a “good crime story" at Columbia, with Dolores del Rio and i I PIGGLY WIGGLY plot. cleverly FISH Is I may overstepped Ralph FILLET outfit have the bounds lof unusual twists. The ’ j Forbes in the chief dramatic j i presents I? « J_ of caution and adopted remedies which worked out and the amnesia j roles. :! Beardsley's Fish Fillet is the meatiest | jJ have than is usually i jj MT (fj3 increased the ache of tired joints theme with more logic ' ilt doesn't really matter a great deal !:] part of the finest Haddock, caught in the | failed produce a of transformation plays JJ and to real revival done. Miss Moran's who these roles—they are obvi- ! 44 cold waters, immediately dressed, p ( O drooping spirits. the a enough girl to a I I ously simply good Maine I anr*V V*V*/YIC k, inr h W W GL& V/l O fC2 At any rate, show from sweet, pretty i cinema names. The j then delicately cooked and carefully hast- seems somewhat mechanical this year. fascinating, reckless foil for a gang of11 real appeal in “The Trail of ’9B” is in | ?J ] * *<*• »« died paper lined tins he- , u a **» m It is perhaps suffering from overstimu- crooks is reasonably accounted for in i Brown's handling of his crowds on the i! and packed into rp» ’ ip 53 lant. There are some good songs, already the opening sequences and gives her long trail and his choice of Incident j M fore any of the richness and freshness of KIDC 1 OlTiatOeS IDC CreSlTie WafeiTS t j become familiar, and the usual line of later actions the stamp of plausibility and detail to drive home ti)e spirit of 1 }{ the fish is loss. j , K patter and stage tricks, which, at times, George O'Brien, representing the “ j the story, the hardship, the madness, 1 Hcad 3 are decidedly suggestive. There are a strong arm of the law. is given a chance ’ the frustration. Forbes has done much »C Beardsley’s Fish Fillet is good either Iceberg Lettuce 10c You may buy either Cresme or Ip" strong jj number of pretty scenic pictures. emphasize the arm. films, . __ Tom as usual to | better in some of his earlier and hot or cold in sandwiches, ala Xrwburg _.. - .. Brown Edge W aters j__ * > separatelv or as- |jJ3 ratricola. Ann Pennington, Eugene and Th? O'Brien status as a real actor was ; i one need mention only “Resurrection” J* any way fresh might Harry M and other fish he ; sorted this entire at spe- Willie Howard. Frances Williams, raised high in "Sunrise" and this pic- ; in Miss del Rio's case for a comparison • IMoiTOlk K.ale 4 ZSC week this * -44 served. _:_i 7 Richman, et al„ with their usual sing- ture does little to alter it one way or •of what she is capable of doing with U Lb‘* ing and dancing numbers, interspersed the other. His work is thoroughly satis- what she does in “The Trail of ’98." If * jj ~ with tableaux, reflect principally those factory. ! it is sufficient to say that Miss del Rio , p. Fresh Spinach 3 25c 11 phases of modern life produced bv syn- A new “crook" type is splendidly done is consistently lovely and that Mr. fact, thetic gin. In the bit which pro- by Frit.?, Feld, and Earle Foxe wears | Forbes is infallibly handsome, even in * ° voked most applause last night was a his b ard with real effect. Marie Alba ! the roughest of clothes and under the Tin We tem B Xed APP IeS 3 25c scene in which home brewing and gin do, even then proves II FUh FiUeV has little to but ] most unfavorable of circumstances, then V7 drinking furnished the principal motif. for. ™ C 11 was worth sending to Spain | both of these players may be said to I#C she Wynn’s Mary." a slap- Lb. Ed “Manhattan which The picture ends in somewhat jbe entirely adequate. For those of us II Fresh Peas 15c contained plenty of advertising matter vein, should please those -- -~ 11 stick but it who would like a semblance of realism m - - --•- - - for the Scandals, had apparently ab- who like to see their two-fisted heroes j in our acting, to match the uncompro- -1 53 sorbed the best features of the current given a chance. I raising realism of most of the trail George White productions, leaving little A very interesting Movietone news- ! sequences in “The Trail of ’98.” the star that does not belong in the category of reel features the “back-home” folks of ! leads might have been truer to their stereotyped musical revues. President-elect Hoover, and it includes first accomplishments on the screen. On the other side of the matter be it everything from the signing of the pa- The background in the film is its chief I'¦ said that parts of the production are pal pact to a looming ring champ’s and final recommendation. decidedly entertaining. “Pickin' Cotton." GREEN BAG 3-year-old program offers, Our Famous COFFEE | his son. The Columbia in addi- i 39c movement with i «,« ebly sung and danced by Frances Wil- tion to the big feature, movietone —— chorus, clever, a liams and the is a catchy j PALACE—“The Case of Lena Smith.” novelty built about Johnny Marvin’s I number. “Where You Carved Your virtuosity on the steel guitar, a special Name.” Perfect, Esther Ralston is featured in "The with Rase was another Paramount pic- talkie reel on the opening of Mr. Loew’s offering unusual merit, and the show- Case of Lena Smith." London, of ture, This new Empirp Theater in the Fox strikes a popular chord in a sort of at Loew's Palace this week. News, was under the direction Movietone M-G-M News and an for the lato Victor film produced memorial number of Josef von Sternberg, well known i ochesiral overture under Claude Bur- Herbert, featuring his song. “Kiss Me ! rows. Again." as the director of "Underworld” and TRUSTY FRIEND Products! I Tins "The Last Command.” As usual, the costumes are attractive the LITTLE THEATER—“Behind the Ger- and daring and the stage settings elab- In the chronological beginning of 25cl picture Miss Ralston appears as a man Lines." 1 an unusually orate. The show drew Hungarian country lassie, who. An official German pictorial rec- large and friendly first-night audience. winsome with two girl friends, leaves the simple i ord of the chief battles and campaigns War, II FOODS! Chipso 9 of the World under the title of Are GOOD Large pleasures village and stolid i of life a I pkgs Lines," if BELASCO—Savoy Musical Comedy but adoring peasant sweetheart to seek “Behind the German occupies Proctor & ® ( ... j A verv popular brand of Gam- 4.1 r [LJ Entertaining good the place of honor on this week's pro- J! > jjj j A JL lines and several excitement and fortune in Vienna.
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