Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 41(1), 2005, pp. 257±259 q Wildlife Disease Association 2005 New Distribution Records of Echinococcus multilocularis in the Brown Lemming from Barrow, Alaska, USA Denver W. Holt,1,9 Cyd Hanns,2,6, Todd O'Hara,3,7 Kathy Burek,4 and Rita Frantz5,8 1 Owl Research Institute, PO Box 39, Charlo, Montana 59824, USA; 2 North Slope Borough, Veterinary Clinic, Public Health Department, PO Box 925, Barrow, Alaska 99723, USA; 3 North Slope Borough, Department of Wildlife Management, PO Box 69, Barrow, Alaska 99723, USA; 4 Alaska Veterinary Pathology Services, PO Box 773072, Eagle River, Alaska 99577, USA; 5 Barrow High School, Barrow, Alaska 99723, USA; 6 Current address: North Slope Borough, De- partment of Wildlife Management, PO Box 69, Barrow, Alaska 99723, USA; 7 Current address: Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska, PO Box 757000, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-7000, USA; 8 Current address: North Slope Borough, Department of Wildlife Management, PO Box 69, Barrow, Alaska 99723, USA; 9 Corresponding author (email: [email protected]) ABSTRACT: We identi®ed Echinococcus mul- During our study of the breeding ecol- tilocularis for the ®rst time in brown lemmings ogy of the snowy owl (Nyctea scandiaca), (Lemmus trimucronatus) from Barrow, Alaska, USA. Of 467 brown lemmings trapped between lemmings were snap-trapped during June 1995 and 2000, two males and two females and July 1992±2004. Between 1995 and (0.9%; 95% con®dence interval50.960.9%) 2000, 467 brown lemmings and 17 col- were found to be infected with metacestodes lared lemmings (Dicrostonyx rubricatus) of E. multilocularis. No metacestodes were were trapped and their internal organs found in 17 collared lemmings (Dicrostonyx rubricatus) also trapped at Barrow. In humans, were examined for metacestodes of E. E. multilocularis causes alveolar echinococco- multilocularis and other taeniids. Suspi- sis, which is potentially fatal. Knowledge of the cious lesions on internal organs, especially distribution of this parasite is important to pro- liver and kidney, were noted, and these tect the public health. organs were removed and placed in neu- Key words: Alaska, alveolar echinococcosis, brown lemming, Echinococcus multilocularis. tral buffered 10% formalin. They were shipped to the Alaska Veterinary Pathology The cestode Echinococcus multilocular- Services, Eagle River (Alaska, USA) for is is the cause of alveolar echinococcosis, gross pathology and histopathology. He- also known as alveolar hydatid disease in patic lesions observed grossly contained humans. It is a potentially fatal disease that metacestodes of E. multilocularis. Brood primarily affects the liver of its host capsules containing protoscolices and cal- (Rausch, 1967, 1986, 1995; Rausch et al., careous corpuscles were present. Normal 1990a, b). In natural cycles, transmission hepatic parenchyma was signi®cantly re- is governed by predator±prey relation- duced. ships. In North America, the ecology of E. Infection with E. multilocularis was multilocularis has been thoroughly studied found in two male (82 and 108 g) and two in the Arctic, particularly on Saint Law- female (50 and 60 g) brown lemmings cap- rence Island, Alaska, USA (Rausch et al., tured in 1997 and 2000, respectively. The 1990b; Rausch and Fay, 2002). Herein, we four were captured within 4 km of the report the ®rst identi®cation of E. multi- neighborhoods of Barrow and Browerville. locularis in the brown lemming (Lemmus Prevalence over 5 yr was 4 of 467 (0.9%; trimucronatus) from the tundra near Bar- 95% con®dence interval50.960.9%). No row, Alaska, USA (718189N, 1568409W). metacestodes were found in collared lem- Barrow is located on the northern coastal mings. plain and lies about 15 km southwest of Infection of brown lemmings by E. mul- Point Barrow, the most northerly point in tilocularis has rarely been described in the Alaska (Brown et al., 1980). It is the largest wild, although they are readily infected ex- Eskimo village in Alaska, numbering about perimentally (Rausch, 1995). Despite ex- 4,600 people. tensive research on brown lemmings in 257 258 JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES, VOL. 41, NO. 1, JANUARY 2005 Barrow from 1949 to 1974, metacestodes present this manuscript. We are very of E. multilocularis were not reported grateful to him. (Rausch, 1950; Pitelka, 1973; Rausch and LITERATURE CITED Fay, 1988). Indeed, of 421 brown lem- mings examined speci®cally for helminths BROWN, J., K. R. EVERETT,P.J.WEBER,S.F. from 1949 to 1960, none were infected MACLEAN,JR., AND D. F. MURRY. 1980. The with metacestodes of E. multilocularis, al- coastal tundra at Barrow. In An Arctic ecosystem, J. Brown, P. C. Miller, L. L. Tieszen, and F. L. though other metacestodes (Taenia spp.) Bunnel (eds.). Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, were found in 1953 (Rausch and Fay, Stroudsberg, Pennsylvania, pp. 1±29. 1988). The collared lemming apparently is OHBAYASHI, M., R. L. RAUSCH, AND F. H. FAY. 1971. not a suitable intermediate host in the wild On the ecology and distribution of Echinococcus spp. (Cestoda: Taeniidae), and characteristics of (Rausch, 1995) and also appears to be re- their development in the intermediate host. II. fractory to experimental infection with E. Comparative studies on the development of the multilocularis (Ohbayashi et al., 1971). larval E. multilocularis Leuckart, 1863, in the in- Echinococcus multilocularis is a public termediate host. Japanese Journal of Veterinary health concern. The pathway to humans is Research 19(Suppl 3): 1±53. PITELKA, F. A. 1973. Cyclic pattern of lemming pop- most commonly through ingestion of eggs ulations near Barrow, Alaska. In Proceedings of from feces of dogs (Rausch et al., 1990b). the 25th celebration of the Naval Arctic Re- Humans are believed to be infected at a search Laboratory: Alaskan Arctic tundra, M. E. young age and preclinical periods can be Britton (ed.). Arctic Institute of North America Technical Paper 25. University of Calgary, Al- 20±30 yr. The median age at which alve- berta, Canada, pp. 199±215. olar echinococcosis was detected during RAUSCH, R. L. 1950. Observations on a cyclic de- the Saint Lawrence Island study was 53 yr cline of lemmings (Lemmus) on the Arctic Coast (Rausch et al., 1990b). of Alaska during the spring of 1949. Arctic 3: Detection of eggs of E. multilocularis in 166±177. 1967. On the ecology and distribution of canid feces is dif®cult; however, detection Echinococcus spp. (Cestoda: Taeniidae), and of E. multilocularis in the local environ- characteristics of their development in the inter- ment is possible by monitoring small ro- mediate host. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine dent hosts such as the brown lemming. et Comparee 42: 1±63. 1986. Life cycle patterns and geographic Public health measures could be initiated distribution of Echinococcus species. In The bi- thereafter. For example, treatment of sled ology of Echinococcus and hydatid disease, R. C. dogs with praziquantel reduced infection A. Thompson (ed.). George Allen and Unwin, rates of E. multilocularis by 83% (Rausch London, UK, pp. 44±80. , AND F. H. FAY. 1988. Postoncopheral de- et al., 1990b). Thus, responsible animal velopment and cycle of Taenia polyacantha care and monitoring of small rodents may Leuckart, 1856 (Cestoda: Taeniidae). Annales de be important measures to prevent human Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee 63: 263±277 infection with this parasite. and 334±348. We thank J. Petersen-Parett, L. Parett, . 2002. Epidemiology of alveolar echinococ- cosis, with reference to St. Lawrence Island, Be- A. Paulson, and M. Seidensticker for help- ring Sea. In Cestode zoonoses: Echinococcosis ing trap and dissect lemmings. We thank and cysticercosisÐAn emergent and global prob- the UkpeÇagÇvik InÄ upiat Corporation for lem, P. Craig and Z. Pawlowski (eds.). IOS Press, permission to work on InÄupiat lands. Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 309±325.. ,F.H.FAY, AND F. S. L. WILLIAMSON. 1990a. D.W.H. thanks the North Slope Borough The ecology of Echinococcus multilocularis (Ces- Department of Wildlife Management for toda: Taeniidae) on Saint Lawrence Island, Alas- support of the research on snowy owls and ka: IIÐHelminth populations in the de®nitive lemmings. We thank E. Layne for review- host. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Com- ing the ®nal version of the manuscript and paree 65: 131±140. ,J.F.WILSON, AND P. M. SCHANTZ. 1990b. helping with terminology. Finally, R. A program to reduce the risk of infection by Rausch made signi®cant efforts to help us Echinococcus multilocularis: The use of prazi- SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 259 quantel to control the cestode in a village in the nococcus and hydatid disease, R. C. A. Thomp- hyperendemic region of Alaska. Annals of Trop- son and A. L. Lymbert (eds.). CAB International, ical Medicine and Parasitology 84: 239±250. Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 89±134. 1995. Life cycle patterns and geographic distribution of Echinococcus species. In Echi- Received for publication 6 May 2004..
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