Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/newyorkgenealog25newy 0- THE NEW YORK GeNEALOGIC^J^ND BlOGRAPHICAL Record. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY AND BIOGRAPHY. I SSI ED QUARTERLY. VOLUME XXV., 1894. PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY, Berkeley Lyceum, No. 23 West 44TH Street, NEW YORK CITY. 4L28 Publication Committee ; Mr. THOMAS G. EVANS, Chairman. Dr. SAMUEL S. PURPLE. Mr. EDWARD F. DE LANCEY Rev. BEVERLEY R. BETTS. Mr. EDMUND A. HURRY. Press of J. J. Little & Co., Astor Place, -New York INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Amherst, Letter to Sir Jeffrey, from Col. John Bradstreet, 192. Baptisms, East Hampton, L. I., 35, 139, 196. Baptisms, Reformed Dutch (hutch Records, N. Y. C, 9, 67, 115, 166. Bermuda Islands and their Connection with New York. By Joseph ( >. Brown, 182. Bradstreet, Col. John, Letter from, to Sir Jeffrey Amherst, 192. Brown. Joseph Outerbridge. The Bermuda Islands and their Connection with New York, 182. Collegiate Dutch Reformed Church Records, N". Y. C 9, 67, 115, 166. East Hampton, L. I. Baptisms, 35, 139, 196. Fish, Hamilton. By Asa Bird Cardiner, 1. Cardiner, Asa Bird. Hamilton Fish, 1. Genealogy : its Aims and its Utility. By |. C. Fumpelly, 23. Genealogy, Kaye, 75. Genealogy, Mott, 49. Genealogy, Quackeubos, 17, 77. 133. Genealogy, Schuermans, 82. Genealogy, Van Caasbeek, 28, 56. Greene, Richard H. Kings (now Columbia) College and its Earliest Alumni, 123, 174. Kaye. Grace, Ancestry of. By A. II. Mickle Saltonstall, 75. King's (now Columbia) College and its Earliest Alumni. By Richard H. Greene, 123, 174- Marriages, Baptisms, and Deaths. East Hampton, L. I. 35, 139, 196. Marriages from Suffolk Gazette. L. I., 6, 89, 137, 161. Marriages. St. Dunstan's in the East, London, England, 194. Moore, Charles B., Biographical Sketch of. By Epher Whitaker, D.D., 105. Mott. Kate A. Descent of Major-General Gershom Mott of New Jersey, 49. Notes and Queries. — Barnes, 199; Bogart. 146; Bogai-dus, 147; Brodhead, 44; Clopper, Columbus Statue Campbell of Craignish, 197 ; Carpenter, 97 ; 99 ; Eliot, ; First Unveiled, 144 ; Cummings, 146 ; Drake, 99 ; Dwight, 146 ; 42 Church of Christ. East Iladdam, Conn., 198; Goss, 199; Graham, 98; Grantman, 199; Green, 99; Harrison, 44; Inscription on Tombstones, 66th St., Letter in N. Y., 143; Ketchttm, 98 ; King, 198 ; Kissam, 44; y the Holland Language, 44 ; Livingston, 43 ; Macintosh. 99 ; Members of Con- stitutional Convention (N. Y.), First Senate and Assembly, ; Meyer, 42 98 ; ; Saints', Moore, 94 Munson, 199 ; Old Print, 98 ; Old Register, All New- castle-on- Tyne, 198; Old Wills, New York, Kings, Queens Counties, 145 ; Pearsall, ; Provoost, 147 ; Prevost-Bartow, 43 ; Provincial Flag of Penn., 146 ; Staten Island 95 Schureman, Schuurman, Thomson, 97 ; Searing, 146 ; ull, Edwards, Marriages, 95 ; Tallman, 199; Terhune, 44; Tyng, Stewart, St Hunter, 19S ; Van de Wouwer, 44; Van Ttenhoven, 98; Vosburgh, 98 ; Walker-Odell, 146 ; YVilcocks, 147. oj Subjects. IV Index Moulton Genealogy, ; Notices of Books.—German Allied Troops in Am., 44 ; 45 Gen. Journal, ; Pratt Genealogy, 46 ; Cole Genealogy, 46 : Washington's 46 Rust Genealogy, Thomas. 46 ; 47; Greene, 46; Gen. Johnston, 46 ; Gen l'ennypacker Pedigree, History of the Town of Rochester, N. IL. 47 ; Lee Gene- 47; History of Braintree, Mass.. 47; Doolittle Genealogy, 48; Meigs, Webb Genealogy, of New York, 48 ; Willcoxon, alogy. 48 ; Clubmen the Holland Soc, 48; Poole Genealogy, 48; Plumb 48 ; Year book of Genealogy, 48; Burhans Genealogy, 99; Stoddard Genealogy, 100; Sulli- van and O'Sullivan Families 102; Cutts Genealogy, 102; Dolbeare Gene- or Allison, Genealogy, at Tarrytown, 103 ; Alison, alogy, 102 ; Washington Mrs.' David Hewes, 103; Collins Genealogy, 103 ; 'sharpes, The, 103; Gene- 104; Moses Genealogy, 104; Sherburne Souvenir, 104; Runyan Presby- Genealogy, ; First ; Moore 149 alogy. 104 ; Treat Genealogy, 148 Pelton Genealogy, 150; Mather terian Church, Paterson, N. J., 150; Barber-Eno Genealogy, 150; Gen. Scott. '151; Gen. Washington, 151 ; Sketches. 151; Ruiherfurd Family Genealogy, [51 ; Rose Neighborhood Soldiers of the Franceis, French, etc., 151 ; Records, 151 ; Notes on Francus, Revolution who applied for State bounty, 152; Sanford Genealogy, 152: Slukely Westcote, 152; Lincoln Co. (Me.) Probate Records, 152; Henry Pedigree, Macedon Academy, 152 ; Odell Crane, 152 ; Otzonachson, 152; Genealogy, 200; History of Erie Co., 199; Morton Genealogy, 199 ; Temple Scott. 200: Washington. 2cO ; Gen. Penn.. 200; King Memorial. 200 ; Gen. Nelson Genealogy, 200. King, J Moore, 42. ; Cotheal, ; I Obituaries.— Brown, 148 ; Buttre, 41 147 47 Paltsits, Victor II. Ten Brook Family Bible, 80. Proceedings of the Society, 41, 93, 142. its Utility. 23. Pumpelly, Josiah Collins. Genealogy : its Aims and Quarter-Centennial Anniversary, 93. Raymond, Marcius D. Colonel William Stephen Smith, 153. Reconl> —Reformed Dutch Church, New York City. 9, 67, 115, 166. Long Island (N. Y.) Marriages and Deaths from the "Suffolk Gazette. 6, Sq, 137, 16T. Ea-t Hampton (L, 1.) Marriages, Brptisms, and Death?, 35, 139, 196. St. Dunstan's-in-the-East, London. Eng , Marriages. 194. Ruggles, Henry Stoddard. Ruggles Families, 164. Stafford- Ruggles Families of England and America. Derivation from Ruggeley of shire, By Henry Stoddard Ruggles, 164. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle. Ancestry of Grace Kaye, 75. Schuyler. John. Contributor of letter from Col. Bradstreet, [92. Smith, William Stephen. by M. D. Raymond, 153. Ten Brook Family Bible, by V. II. Paltsits, 80. Van Gaasbeek, Dominie Laurentius and his Descendants. by Cornelius 11. Van Gaasbeek, Jr., 28, 56. and his Van Gaasbeek, Cornelius PL, Jr. Dominie Laurentius Van Gaasbeek I (escendants, 28, 56. Vermont Graveyard Inscriptions, 191. Whitaker, D.D.. Epher. Charles P.. Moore, 105. Wynkoop, Richard, nuackenbos Family, 17, 77, 133. Wynkoop, Richard. Schuerman Family. 82. THE NEW YORK Genealogical andBiographical RECORD. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF A M E R 1 C A X G E N" E A L G Y A X D BIOGRAPHY. SUBJECT-INDEX. Volumes I-XXIV. COMPILED BY THEODORE M. BAXTA PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY, Berkeley Lyceum, Xo. 23 West 44th Street, NEW YORK CITY. THE NEW YORK Genealogical and Biographical record. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY AND BIOGRAPHY. SUBJECT-INDEX. Volumes I-XXIV. Albany Records, xxn, 155 Early History of Hempstead, x, 5 Albany, First Stone House in, iv, 21 Early Immigrants to New Neth- erland, xiv, 181; xv, 34, 72 Albany Mayors, , xx, 42 American Lineages in England, 11, 113 Early Settlers—Hackensack, vn, 133 ix, An Antique Record, 11, 130 Early Settlers—Ulster County, 62 Anniversary Address by Henry x, 86, 107, 182; xvi, 25; xvii, 251 101 R. Stiles, 11, 71; in, 72 261; xvm, 13; xix, 22, 41, 69, Anniversary Address by Chas. 171; xxi, 58, 83, 118, 164, 185; xxn B. Moore, iv, 61 3, 151; xxin, 38 Anniversary Address by Dr. England, Passengers from, x, 66, 149 Wm. F. Holcombe, vin, 133 England, Public Records, ill, 85 Anniversary Address by Dr. English and Dutch Intermar- Samuel Osgood, ix, 97 riages, in, 153; iv, 13, 127 Anniversary Address by Genl. Exploration of the American Coast, xxn, 163 J. G.Wilson, xi, 101; xvn,78; xix, 89 Anniversary Address by Thos. Family Types, 11, 192 xii, First Century of Columbia Col- J. Rush, 53 Archives of New York, xx, 106 lege, xviii, 144 Arms of State of New York, xvi, 145 Fish, Fisheries and Fishermen xvii, 48; xix, 1-160 in New York in the Seven- XIII, 81 Bayard (Judge), London Diary, xxin, 1 teenth Century, Bibliography in re Military Bi- Fishermen from England, x, 66, 149 ography, v, 112 Fishkill and its Ancient Church, xxi, 51 Biographical Bibliography, Re- Fishkill, Historical Sketch of, xxi, 51 port of Committee on, 111,97 Genealogical History, XVII, 37 Books and Mss. for Pennsylva- Genealogical Work, Plan of, 1, 9, 17 nia Genealogists, iv, 271. Gravesend, L. I., xvi, 97 Buckeye Cane, xxn, 51 Groeningen Students, xxn, 156 Hackensack, Early Settlers, vn, 133 Chester Co., Penn., Long Island . History, x, Families in, IV, 188; vm, 9 Hempstead, Early 5 v, Chinese Emigration, xn, 53 Heraldy and Genealogy, 49 Clinton, Cornelia, Journal of, xx, 40 Heraldry of St. Paul Church, Columbia College, First Cen N. Y., in, 21, 117, 176 tury, xvm, 144 Holland, Knighthood and No- Days of 1813 xxiv, 179 bility, xv, 69 Diodati Tomb, etc. xxin, 149 Huguenot Builders of New Domesday Book, in, 85; XXIII, 38 Jersey, xxiv, 49 Dutch Aliases, x, 38 Huguenot Settlers, Monmouth "1," xx, Dutch Double xxiv, 149, 194 Co., N. J., 30 Dutch Homes, Old, II, 46 Immigrants, Early to New Neth- Dutch Names—Van and Von, xxiv, 170 erlands, xiv, 181; xv, 34, 72 } Inventories, Suffolk Co., L. I., ( xn, 132 Astor, ' xxn, 115; xxill, 15 Islip, I L. , Patent of Saghte- Bancker, 11,68 koos Manor, xxiv, 146 Bartow, m y Knighthood and Nobility in Bayard, v, 69; ix, 188; xvi, 70; xvm, '135 Holland, XVj 69 xx, 91 ; xxi, 26; xxill, 1 Laws of 1083—Old Records, xvmj Baird, 49 Rev. Dr. Charles W., xxi, 147 Loan Exhibition, x\, 07 Barbarie, John, v, 6 Long Island Families in Ches- Barclay, m> 2I ter Co .Pennsylvania, iv, 188; vm,g Beekman, xvi, 133; xix, 41, 126, Members of New York Gene- 173 Beers, XIII) alogical and Biographical 85 Bergen, Teunis G., xu, 149 Soi iety, list of, xxn, 63 Bergh, xix, 122 Mess Account at Valley Forge, Berry, John, xv, 49 xix, 126-173 Buckingham, Monmouth xvm, 73 County, N.J. , Hugue- Betts, xvi, 1; xix, 164 not Settlers, xx, 30 Bidwell, Marshall S. xxi, 1 New Jersey's Revolutionary Blauvelt, xvn, 55 Flotilla
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