1886. OONG;RESSION AL RECORD-HOUSE. 463 STATE OF OHIO, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. OFFICE OF GOVERNOR, Columbus, December 10, 1885. WEDNESDAY, Jan?fary 6, 1886. sm: I have the honor to inform you that, in acceptan~ of the invitation con­ tained in section 1814 of the Revised Statutes of the Umted States, the State of The Housemetat12o'clockm. Prayerbythe Chaplain, Rev. W.H. Ohio in pursuance of an act ofitB General Assembly, has caused to be made by MILBURN, D. D. the s~ulptor Carl H. Niehaus, and placed in the old Hall of the Honse of ~epre­ The Clerk proceeded to read the Journalofyesterday's proceedings. sentatives, in the Capitol of the Unite~ Stat~, in the custody of t.i;J~ Architect ?f the Capitol a marble statue of that illustriOus and lamented mt1zen of OhiO Mr. BEACH. I ask that by unanimous consent the reading of so James A. ~rfield, late President of the United States. mnch of the Journal as relates to the introduction and reference of This work is now presented to the Congress of the Uruted States as one of the bills and resolutions be dispensed with. statues contributed by the State of Ohio in pursuance of this invitation. I_t is hoped that it may be found worthy of acceptance and approval as a fit contnbu­ There was no objection. tion from this State to the United States, in who e service President Garf:!eld The J onrnal was read, the portions indicated being omitted, and was passed so much of his life, and whose chief executive officer he was at the ttme approved. of his death. Very respectfully, ESTATES OF KICKAPOO INDIA. ~g IN KkNSAS. GEO. HOADLY, Governor of Ohio. The SPEAKER laid before the Honse the following message from Hon. JoHN SHERMAN, the .President of the United St..1,tes; which was read, referred to the President of the Senate of the United Stn.tes, Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed: · Washington, D. 0. To the Senate and H ouse of Representatives: Mr. EZRA B. TAYLOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask un:mimons consent tha.t I transmit h erewith a communication of the 15th instant from the Secretary of this resolution and the letter of the governor of Ohio be ordered printed the Interior, submitting, with a ccompanying papers upon the subject, a draught and laid on the table for the present. of a bill "to provide for the settleme nt of the esta~es of deceased Kickapoo In­ dians in the State of Kansas, an·d for other purposes." There being no objection, it was so ordered. The matter is presented for the favorn.ble COl)Sideai~v:Ekccf£v~LAND. FEES .FOR RETURNING EVIDL~CE, ETC. EXECUTIVE MANSION, Dece~el_" 21,1885. The SPEAKER also laid before the Honse a letter from the Attorney­ General, transmitting a letter ftom the United Sta.tes d~trict a~tor~ey" MISSIO~ INDIA •s IN CALIFORNIA. for the northern district of New York, and recommendrng leg1sHttion The SPEAKER also laid before the House the following message providing for the payment of fees for returning to United States dis­ from the President of the United States; which was read, referred to trict attorneys evidence taken before United States commissioners where the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed: parties arrested are held to bail; which was referred to the Committee To the Senate and House of F.epresentattves : . on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. I transmit he'rewith a communication of the 15th instant from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting, with accompanying papers upon the subject, a dra~ght REAPPRAISEMENT OF CERTAIN IMPORTED MERCHANDISE. of a bill for the relief of the Mission Indians in Ualifornia. The SPEAKER also laid before the Honse a letter from the Secretary The subject is presented for. the action of Congres&ROVER CLEVELAND. of the Treasury, transmitting, in response to a resolution of the House ExECUTIVE l\IANSION, December 21,1885. adopted December 21, 1885, copies of letters and documents relating to the application of L. Lehman for a reappraisement of certain im­ TIMBER DEPREDATIONS. ported merchandise; which was referred to the Committee on Ways The SPEAKER also laid before the Honse the following message from and Means, and ordered to be printed. the President of the United States, which was read: PROPOSED BUILDING AT WILLETS POINT, NEW YORK ITARBOR. To the Senate and House of Rep-resentatives: The SPEAKER also laid before the Honse a letter from the Secretary I transmit herewith a communication of the 15th instant from the Secretary of the Interior, submitting, with accompanying papers on the subject, a draught of of War, transmitting plans and estimates of proposed building a Wil­ a bill t<> amend section 5388 of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating lets Point, New Yo.rk Harbor1 for the nse of the engineer battalion; to timber depredations upon lands reserved or purchased for military, Indian, or which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered other purposes, &c. This is an important subject, and is commended to the early attention of Con­ to be printed. gress. PERM.ANIDiT WIIARF AT FORT MONROE. GROVER CLEVELAND. EXECUTIVE l\lANSION, December 21.1885. The SPEAKER also laid beforetheHouse aletterfrom the Secretary of War, transmitting plans and estimates for the construction of a per­ The SPEAKER. The message which has been jnst read relates to manent wharf at Fort Monroe, Va.; which was referred to the Commit­ timber depredations on the public lands, on lands reserved for military tee on :Military .Affairs, and ordered to be printed. purposes, and also Indian lands. The Chair thinks the proper reference will be to the Committee on the Public Lands. QUARTERS FOR KEEPER OF MONUMENT AT YORKTOWN, VA. The message was referred to the Committee on the Public Lands, and The SPEA.KERalso laid before the Honse a letter from the Secretary ordered to be printed. of War, transmitting reports and asking a.n appropriation to provide quarters for the keeper of the monnmentat Yorktown, Va.; which was YAK.AM.A. INf>IAN RESERVATION. referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, and or­ The SPEAKER also laid before the Honse the following message dered to be printed. from the President of the United States; which was read, 1·eferred to FUNDS OF Miilfi INDIANS. the Committee on lndian A..ffu.irs, and ordered to be printed: ·I'he SPEAKER also laid before the House a. letter from the Secretary To the Senate and House of Rcpresentative3: of the Interior, transmitting a. report from the Commissioner of Indian I transmit herewith a communication of the 15th instant from the Secretary of Affairs concernihg moneys alleged have been improperly taken the Interior, submitting, with the accompanyingpapers, a draught of a bill to ac­ to cept and ratify an agreement with the confederated tribes and bands of Indians from the fnnds of the Miami Indians of Indiana and KanSa.s and paid occupying the Yakama reservation in "\V ashington Territory for the right of way to other Indians; which was referred to the Committee on Indian .Affairs, of the Northern Pacific Railroad across the said reservation, &c. and ordered to be printed. • The matter is presented for the consideration and action of Congress. GROVER CLEVELAND. STATISTICAL ABSTRACT. EXIX:UTIVE MANSION, December 21, 1885. The SPEAKER alBo laid before the Honse a letter from the Secretary WYOMING LEGISLATURE. of the Treasury, transmittiug the statistical abstract prepared by "the The SPEAKER. The Chair also lays ~fore the Honse, in accord­ Bureau of Statistics; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and ance with the Rule, the bill (S. 602) to legalize the election of the Ter­ Means, and ordered to be printed. ritorial Legislative Assembly of Wyoming. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. The bill was read a first and second time, referred to the Committee 1tlr. CAMPBELL, of Ohio, by nnanimons consent, obtained leave on Territories, and ordered to be printed. of absence for three days, on account of important bnsi.Dess. STATUE OF .JAl\IES A. GARFIELD. CALL OF STATES .AND TERRITORIES. The SPEAKER. The Chair also lays before the Honse a concurrent The call of States and Territories for the introduction of bills was resolution pas;sed by the Senate, and in connection with it a letter from then resumed, beginning with the State of North Carolina. the governor of the State of Ohio, which will be read by the Clerk. The Clerk read as follows: T. W. LONG. lli. HENDERSON, of North Carolina, in trodneed a bill (H. R. 1737) lN THE SENATE OF THE UNI'l'ED STATES, January 5, 1886. first Resolved by Ote Senate (the Houu of Representatives concurrinu), That the thanks for the relief ofT. W. Long; which was read a and second time, of Congress be presented to the governor, and through him to the people, of referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Ohio for the statue of James A. Garfield, whose name is so honorably identified with the history of that State and of the United States. .JOICY RICHWINE. Resolved, That this work of art is accepted in the name of the nation, and as­ lli. HE~ERSON, of North Carolina, also introduced a bill (H. R. signed a place in the old Hall of the Honse of Representatives; already set aside by act of Congress for statues of eminent citizens; and that a. copy of this reso­ 1738) granting a pension to Joicy Richwine; which was read a first and lution, signed by the President of t;he Senate and the Speaker of the Honse of second time, referred to the Commi'.
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