For Value • Shop The Advs Astride AH The Acttvltlc •r-p The Town With Your The Largest And Best Shops And Of Home-Town Paper Services In The Area Are Our Advertisers! Patronize Them! XXXHI-NO. 49 r (EartmCARTERET, N. .1., FRIDAY, MARCtH 2. i, PRICE EIGHT voi. Hospital Map Plans to Aid P. A. Hospital Guild St. Mark's Leads Red Cross Campaign Set EasUvr From Bedside; Aides Busy Auxiliary At Jubilee CARTERET — Directing the ter than for the same period Vigil For 1955 Red Crass fund camrJhtun last year. from his bedside, Arthur Ruck- He said that about 50 volun- Meets On May 29riegel, general chairman, an- teer workers are busy in the nounced yesterday that a total drive and promised to obtain as St. Joseph \)i $760 has been contributed so many contributions as possible. Bishop Banyanl Will far. Carteret's goal this year Is They realize, he said, the im- Bishop Ahr Grant* .-I'M' j $3,700. portance of Red Cross services OnllinM; IJle Annul Anniversary; Mr. Ruckrlegel, assistant su- to the community. Permission for New of Ilii- Guild list Easter Rites perintendent at the American Most of the contributions so Watch Night Service \V,,ii Oil Company, Who has been con- far have come from the Indus- : Mrs Edwin s fined to his home because of CAHTERET - Rev. Orville N. trial division, Mr. Ruckriegel CARTERET — This year _. .... rUa-m-\ - - ' illness, said that the amounted l)nvi(!.\on, rector of St. Mark's said. Reports from the others will reach its climax for 'the par- L i, Hi Ciirtrret Avenue, en- collected to date is slightly bet- plin . ,,„. board of directors Episeoiml Church announced to- are still awaited. lshloners of St. Joseph's church fltlU : f i.,,-1 Auxiliary of the :lay thiit May 29 has been set as on the night of Holy Saturday, if » General Hospital April 9th, and the early morning 'I'll!' hm dale for the 50th anniversary |.|ild this week when wlcbration. of the parish, The Rt. of Easter Sunday. Instead of the mtlmeil for a borough- Show Religious Salary Ordinance usual Holy Saturday morning serv- linn- •'•' Rev L. Banyard, recently elect- H-i-.ship drive. ices this new night watch will be 1 ed bishop of the diocese will at- flit' '•"• observed by permission of the the meeting were tend. ' Movie on Monday Action is Slated AM<" Hiiib, Mrs. L. S. Har- Most Rev. George, W. Ahr, Bishop II- •'" Edward Burns has been named ,.,,1 Nnmish, Mrs, Frank CARTERET — The Holy Name CARTERET — When the, Bor- of Trenton, ai announced by .Ml- LAUNCH MEMBERSHIP DRtVE: Directors Ot the Carteret Auxiliary, Perth Amhoy General general chairman for the cele- Father U M. Oortney, O.0.M., >!:> Edward Kuclnskl Society of the Holy Family Church ough Council holds Its next regu- Hospital Women's Guild, map plans to jet ntw mw»l)ers. Shown, from left to right, are: Mrs. Jo- bration. There will be a special Pastor of St. Joseph's. The serv- <,,ri Grohman. will sponsor a showing of the film lar meeting, Thursday night, M- seph* Hlub, Mrs, L. S. Harris, Mrs. John Nemish, Mrs. Edwin S. Quin, Jr.. Mrs. Frank Barbato, Mrs. golden jubilee service In the ices will begin at 10:30 P. M. the ,,, told of the work of King of Kings, which was pro- April 7. it is likely that an or- Edward Kucliuki and Mrs. Karl Grohman. Missing from the picture arc Mrs. Bercy S. Galbraith morning. Confirmation service evening of April 9. which she said WBB duced and directed by Cecil B. De- dinance will be Introduced pro- and Mrs. Max J. Gruhin, has been set at 4 P. M. that day In the year 1951 Pope Plus XII, i,,.foip the Institution Mllle, on Monday evening, March viding for an upward revision of and a banquet will follow in the upon the request of the Bishops n i he need for a hos- 28, at 7:30 P. M. at the Holy Fam- salaries of borough employes. Pro- , <it!i was realized back social hall to be served by mem- ily School Hall. of the world and the heads of the Kindergarten Registry vision for the Increments is pro- religious orders allowed this serv- { „„.,s the women were the Irish Program Special Program bers of the Altar Guild under the King of Kings is an inspired vided In the 1955 budget. j1 ',','./ •Hhat made the dream Set for Next Week direction of Mrs. Davidson. great motion picture, reverent in ice to be held again after many A public hearing will be held centuries at Its original and ap- Meanwhile plans are progress- concept, this film presents the im- CARTERET—School Superin- on the ordinance prohibiting all propriate time. His purpose Is to i:l,l she said, is a llve- At Nathan Hale Set for Sunday ing for the Easter holiday. Next mortal story of the life, crucifixion ,:n/,ition composed of tendent Edwin S. Quin, Jr,, and the resurrection of the King vehicles exceeding 15 tons in impress upon all the Faithful the irr Sunday is the start of the Pas- weight from using Middlesex fact that Easter, the feast or the i, n from all walks of CARTERET — An Irish pro- called attention of parents that CARTERET — The First Pres- of Kings. The sense of "realness" ,301 sion Sunday. Avenue, Hudson Street, Union Resurrection of Christ, is the most in the hospital service gram was presented by Mrs. Mar- registration for kindergarten byterian Church will have its reg- is intensified by the absence of The program follows: Tuesday, important feast of the year, and •• riivotf their time and pupils will be hfld next week— ular monthly evening service this spoken dialogue. The printed titles Street, Chrome Avenue, Mercer lon Ryan's music classes during to give them a more vivid appre- • • i- promotion and ad- from Monday, March 28 to Fri- Sunday at 7:30 P. M. A special March 29, holy communion, 6:30 are quotations from the Gospels. Street. Edward Street, Salem the assembly of the lower grades elation of their own baptism. ,i n( the hospital. day, April 1. program has been planned. The A. M. and 9:30 A. M.; Wednes- In the opening scenes Mary of Avenue and Bergen Street, .ex- at the Nathan Hale School. Fol- Shorter Service i,nil is Outlined The registration will be held film, "The First Easter," will be day, March 30, in evening, a Magdala sets out to And Judas who cept for pickup and deliveries. lowing the opening exercises To make it as popular as pos- ,,, :.- threefold, she ex- from 1 to 3 P. M. at the Cleve- shown. The film Is a portrayal of record of the Seven Sacraments has left her to follow a new King Violators may be fined $50 or giv- which consisted of the Flag salute, sible, the hour for the service is :i:-t interpreting the land and Washington Schools. ,hc \yhole Easter narrative. Spe- by the Rt. Rev. James deWolfe, of the Jews expecting fame and en 15 days In jail. Psalm and Lord's Prayer, the moved closer to the actual hour Children must reach the age of 5 ial music for the evening will be bishop of Long ' Island; Palm fortune. Mary meets Christ and is .. the public; second. cpenlng number was presented by At,the regular meeting of the of Christ's Resurrection, It Is to by September 30. Vaccination provided by Mr. and Mrs. John Or- Sunday, April 3, holy communion converted. The miracles of the •r :f , I:-.- hospital and the the four (trades boys from Mrs. Borough Council last Friday be In the «vemng, when the Enster ,.:.d third, fund raising and Immunization papers are ban, of Rahway. They shall sins at 8 A. M. and 9:30 A. M. and blind girl given sight and the »• [>!'.' Ann* Durst's Mrs. Minnie Kaplan night, the 1955 budget, which cleaning and chores ire done and required. three duets, and Mrs. Orban will blessed Palms will be distributed raising of Lazarus are seen. The • ;i: harmony with the anil Mrs. Edoa Mlnnls's classes "A provides for an estimated tax rate the people are more free to come sing the solo, "Grant Me Lord, at both services. Monday, April plotting of the High Priest leads : !»..ud and community Great Day for the Irish," and con- of $12.75, an Increase of 120 In great numbers. In the past the Deep Peace' of Mind," by Stickle. 4, holy communion, 7 A. M. and to the betrayal of Jesus. We see the Inn- sisted of the following partici- points, was adopted. There were Holy Saturday morning services The Rev. Malcolm G. Browri will 10 A. M.; Tuesday, April 5, holy trial before Pilate, the Crucifixion, Fr •• I;,:: l;uv 15, 1951, to Jan- pants: Francis Sulek, Gerald no comments on the budget from were long and scantily attended. Local Group will conduct the service. There will be communion, 6:30 A. M. and 9:30 and the Resurrection. A stirring fin I.IS -he said. 697 volun- Fcldheim, Joseph Comba, Frank the Council or the public. Coun- The new evening service Is consid . ivi'ti u total of 28,092 hymn sing also. A. M.: Wednesday, April 6, holy musical background is present Hodroskl, John Skerchak, Albert throughout the picture. cilman Joseph Synowieckl voted erably shortened because /of the f.ui!teen different proj- Thi,i evening members of the communion at 10:30 A. M.; against adoption of the budget less leisurely habits of modern Holdcrlth.
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