. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. I BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. APARTMENTS . UNFURNISHED. APARTMENTS . UNFURNISHED. | APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. Above SMh St..Mb Av. lo North Klver. i Above SStli St..otll At. to North ltlver. Aboie Mill 61. to i9lh St. (Inclnslie). Ahote 14#*i St. to 5?W1i St. (Inclusive), Above Hth St. to 89th St. (Inclusive). bit Kivrr to North Uiver. East River to North River. loton H§lawson Eitiil River to North Itlver. Company LOFTS Hotel Esplanade 171 MADISON AVENUE -/nE'NEWTORK Opposite the Schwab Mansion OFFICES and JO 305 West End Avenue at 74th Street Per SHOW ROOMS Square HELPFUL HINTS Foot The Residential Hotel Within a few blocks of $1 For Renters Of Business Quarters With Grand Central Terminal Suites of one or more rooms ELEVATOR SPRINKLER and Superior Hotel Service Sub-rentals often furnish the only opportunity to secure, Immediate Possession at any price, an especially desired business location. Often, too, Apply to For Immediate or from October First a sub-lease is procurable at a lower rental than a lease direct. HENRY HOF, Occupancy 567 - 3rd Avenue (Between 37th A 38th Sts.) Resident Manager.Telephone Columbus 7200 Special Listings For Sub-Lease Telephone Murray nil! 8994 9474. OK Stores Lofts MARK RAFALSKY & COMPANY to East River Above 59th St..5th At. to Kant River. Above 59th St..5th A v. 21 East 40th St. Tel. Vanderbilt 2027 315 Fifth Avenue. .One block above the 450-454 Fourth Avenue. West side near Textile Building. About 2350 sq. ft. of net SlstSt. Entire 4th floor. Building 60x75 ft. usable space. 100 ft. of windows. 15 ft. ceil¬ Sprinklered. Elevators. Steam heat. No LEASE ing. Private stairs anil private elevator to base¬ Sublease until Feb. 1, 1924. FOR 5200 ft. manufacturing. Van Nostrand, Morrison ment, containing about sq. Vaulted Can be seen jaines, under sidewalk on both avenue and street. only by appointment. INCORPORATED. *10 WEST 81 NT ST. Extension of can 25 East 26 St. Tel. Mad. Sq. 337. CORNER BROADWAY. Sublease to May, 1925. tprm 99 Madison Avenue. .N. E. corner 29th St. or Warehouse 7 ROOMS AND S BATII8. be arranged, Suitable for subdivision to whieh Garage, Factory GRAMONT tl ROOMS. 2 BATHS. Entire 6th floor. 75x100 ft. Fire¬ SPECIALISTS owner's consent is procurable. Immediate pos¬ Building 215 Wot St. 41 OKI VK Its IDF, DRIVK. session can be proof, Sprluklered. Light manufacturing In Gramercy Park Properties. 98th CORNER 118TH ST. given. Under Slawson Immediate Possession » ROOMS AND 3 BATI1S. permitted. management. Apartment*. Furnished £ Unfurnished. N. E. Corner Broadway 417 KIVKRSIDE DItl\ K. 3 West 50th Street..SI x 100 foot building. Possession can be given July 1, 1921. Sub¬ T«oni; or Short l.eases. CORNER 114T1I ST. Just west of Fifth Avenue in the exclusive lease to Feb. 1, 1924. Inspection by appoint¬ 7 rooms, 3 baths, corner apart¬ 7 ROOMS AND 2 BATHS. retail section. (irCTund floor, 2nd floor with St. 740 WEST END AV. ment 440 East 91st and Blver. CORNER ST. only. 438 50th St..5th Av. to East ment, exceptionally large foyer. 96TH show windows, also basement. Must go to¬ Above 5 ROOMS AND 2 BATHS. Rental 4 gether. Sublease procurable until October 64-6 Nassau Street. Entire 2nd floor. Re¬ $4,000. ROOMS AND BATll. 1,1927. Possession 30 days. Can bo inspected of Construction; High Ceilings; HIGH CLASH FIREPROOF ELEVA- thru this office. modelled building. Size about 59x85 ft. Building Heavy TOR APARTMENTS, WITH EVERY only by arrangement Elevators. 44 ft. of show windows fronting Excellent Light; SO x 100. LEXINGTON AVENUE GRAMONTANNEX MODERN IMPROVEMENT. 429 Fourth Avenue. .Between 29th and 80th on Nassau Street. Immediate possession* and ELEVATOR In the 60 s A. H. O'BRIEN on East side. Store 82x88 ft. Base¬ STEAM HEAT 2 rooms, kitchenette and bath. *299 BROADWAY. Streets Sublease to Sept. 80th. 1930. Very attractive apartment, 12 rooms Phono 2897 Schuyler. ment 22x100 ft. Sidewalk lift. Sublease to own Broker or and S baths, unfurnished; very light. Rental $1,200. on Premises, to your AT ONCE. Oct. 1927. Possession can be 492 ftill floors for man¬ Apply POSSESSION 1, arranged. Broome Street..Five L<'£u«« 3 ynars. Both Immediate Extension of term of lease if required now ufacturing. Sise of building about 40x75 ft. john a. McCarthy, Occupancy Washington Heights. Above can be arranged. Can be seen by appoint¬ Electric Steam heat. Bronx. Phone Mott Haven 1125. GEO. R. READ & CO. West of 8th Av. ment only. Sprinklered. light. 149 St. A Hajrlem River, 3 East 35th St. 30 Nassau St. Elevator. 137 lb. floor loads. Immediate *l2.7no. possession. Premises have been used for cigar THEREXFORD Offices be sublet until Feb. 1, 1925. New Jersey. New Jersey. factory. May . 453 be taken or will lease 2nd or 940 PARK AVE.. 230 West 79th St. West 148th St. May together Holland Building. Southwest corner 5th 6th floor Ave. & 30th Street. new Textile separately. Inspection only by per¬ Corner 81st St. S. E. Corner Broadway Opposite mit from this office. HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY, Building. 1900 sq. ft. on 2nd floor, facing 5th Modern fireproof apartments ready for Beautiful Avenue. Has facilities, orcupancy, 7 rooms, 2 baths, $.»,000. one 7 rooms, 3 baths. shipping especially SPACE FOR LEASE left; 3 rooms, bath, $1,700, one left; 4 desirable for showrooms. Sublease for two or WAREHOUSE bath, one left, $2,400. All house¬ Apartment warehouse building, lsrge ele«tric rooms, Possession three term. Immeduite can sci. ft- modern, reinforced concrete, keeping apartments. May 15th, year " possession 106,000 6 car can loading platform, railroad siding. rapacity, on Premise*. Six be arranged. "Helpful Hints'* freight elevator, sprluklors, St. Kernel, term Apply for Kental Wonderfully light apartment Rooms and Bath accessible to Hudson Tube. Barclay, Christopher and 23rd Northwest corner of 17 th 60c sq. ft.. Immediate possession. Will lease separate on 11th floor. Rental $4,000. Everett Building.. lease arranged, rental per In a private house on an exclusive St. and 4-th Ave. 8400 sq. ft. on the corner of We are mailing "Helpful Hints" in floors, consisting of 21,000 sq. ft. each, If desired. quiet street with good surroundings. the 11th floor. Spacc has 51 windows. Served TO 122 EAST 82D ST. on or In the best section ot Washington 5 and 8 elevators. Sub¬ form, each month, to more LIBERAL COMMISSION BROKERS Inquire Premises, Heights, within three minutes of sub¬ by passenger freight pamphlet Modern Fireproof Apartment Tel. Lenox 9000 way unci "L," an apartment is of¬ lease procurablo to May 1st, 1923, at about ten renters For particulars apply Building. fered that Is half the square foot rates. Imme¬ than thousand of business of prevailing MOXLEY & CO. Apartments MODERN IN EVERT RESPECT diate possession. No manufacturing allowed quarters in New York Buildings. H. L. 5 & 6 ROOMS in but space may be used for show¬ Exclusive Renting Agent or 1st. Intercommunicating telephone, gas building, Immediate Possession October and room purposes. Apply on premises or electricity. Diving room, spa Names of business concerns not 103 Park Ave. clous dining room, kitchen and maid's already Tel. 1507 Franklin New York N. A. BERWIN & CO., room on 3000 ft. in 321 Broadway City New Buildings "Parlor" floor, with sleep¬ Flatiron Building..About sq. apartments on next floor that art our list will be there ing the triangular corner on 11th floor. Fronts upon mailing put 1229 PARK AVE. JUST COMPLETED larger than ordinary, with connecting on 011 and on Firee lavatories and bathroom. Big roomy 5th 23rd Street. Ave., Broadway upon and without Borough of Brooklyn. SOITTHEAST CORNER DOTH 8T. closets. Outlook upon beautiful gar¬ Divided now into 8 private offices and 1 gen¬ request obligation. APARTMENTS TO LET. Hlgli class elevator apartments. NOW LEASING dens, $250 per month. eral office. All outside. 28 windows. Full T and 8 rooms, 2 baths. Please use business when Buildinj? or A. BRANDSTEIN, rhunr stationery Ridgewood Theatre a v. Apply Superintendent 105th St. & Riverside Drive 399' Audubon. office service. Building has six elevators. To be KIT". Myrtle »v. near Cypress 133 18th St. Tol .1 Uirlern_151H._ FERGUSON sublet to Mav 1.1925. Possession 1, 1921. us. Building East_l 5 and 6 Rooms. May writing Borough Park Theatre Above 5Bth St..Sth Av. to North River. 4, 51st st. ami 12th nv., Brooklyn. large, light floors and offices to F.legunt for any purpose. 220 WfcST 71ST ST. 3530 let In above buildings; good St., F.nd Telephone Murray Hill Inquire LEVY BROS., 1R9 Montague Bet. Broadway am! At. Brooklyn. Main 745. SLAWSON&HOBBS 3 and 4 Rooms. Borough of Queen*. 162 West 72d St. Tel.7,240Columbus 884 West End Avenue Ready for Occupancy THE HAMILTON IV. K. Corner lOild St. ELEVATOR APARTMENTS ltd Riverside Drive, 114th Street Overlooking the Hudson. Above 14th St. to 50th St. (Inclusive). Above 14th St. to 59th St. (Inclusive). f Mfh St. f« Wth St. (InclmWe). Corner Apartment 6 and 7 Rooms to North River. Emit Klver to North Kher. 6 Rooms, 8 Buths, (3.100 Reasonablo Rental*. Beautiful Homelike Dwell¬ 1'nit River to North River. Knat River to Lease Immediate Occupancy. ings. Every Modern Space have 2.',000 sq. feet, entire second floor; 345 WEST 88TH STREET These apartments large Improvement. % frelRht elevator, docking facilities, Near Riverside Drive. rooms, closets and every mod¬ NEW BUILDING 14 cell¬ 4 Baths. *7,000. & adjoining 92d st. ferry; foot 11 Rooms, ern reasonable ing. sprinkled, steam heat, electric Sublet at once. improvement; electric power, 25 horse d.
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