UNITED NATIONS • NATIONS UNIES I NTtROFFICt MtMORAN DUM TO: Mr. C.V. Narasimhan oate:_=2=0_N=ov_,_e=mb=e:::.;r:......:l::.9~6:::.:1=---- Under-Secretary for Special Political Affairs FILE NO.: _____---.,. ___ _ FROM: ~· ~~ SUBJECT: UNCURK In response to your request for a summary of current developments with regard to UNCURK, for the information of the Secretary-General, the following is submitted.: 1. The major development is the visit to the United States of Chairman Park. As UNCURK had hoped, an announcement has been made regarding a measure of clemency w.l. th regard to some of the top officials of the former regime, including the former Prime Minister and 23 of his colleagues. The members of UNCURK had hoped that more extensive clemency measures would be taken, as these would have an important bearing on the supplementary report which the Commission intends to submit. Some 20 top officials, including the former Foreign Minister, Chyung Il Hyung, remain under arrest. 2. In its Annual Report, the Commission indicated the intention to comment on the treatment of members of the former regime in a supplementary report on this question as well as on progress towards democracy in Korea. ' The Commission hoped that Chairman Park would also make an announcement about future elections so that this point could also be included in the supplementary report. 3. The UNCURK' s plan at present is to have a working paper prepared by the Thai delegation and the Secretariat. It will cover recent developments in the Republic of Korea, including statements on the problem of reunification and the situation of political prisoners. While no date has been fixed for submission of the working paper, it is now understood that the supplementary report will be submitted in early December. Pending the reconvening of the full Commission, the Committee of UNCURK continues to meet in Seoul and follow current developments. 4. The only pending question is the enension of the assignment of Mr. Rezek, Economic Affairs Officer, until February 1962, and the appointment of his successor at that time. U I 0 I l AT I IT I IT I I I A 0 u 0 0 , r I I ' I AI I T • TH I • 0 I • 0 IU. T T A I A T I c c • 1 1 1 l 1 UNITED ~~ AT I 0 N S Pre~s Serv:J.ces Of'fice o:f Pl'Jlic InforrJation U-:1i t~d Ne.tions 1 N, Y. (For use of information r::edia -- not. en official record) (Doc. A/C.l/1.306) Press Release PM/4119 12 December 1961 'I.!:IE KOREAN ~S!IO~~£T~OF Ti:iE UNITED N.«\TIONS COIOO:SSION FOR ----UiUFICATION ANJ R!':R•\BILI'l'ATION--- OF KOREA C.recce ond ~hsiland: amenemzr.ts to the draft resolution sub::nitted by ------------ --..... ~~~ ~..;;.,.;;.;;.;;...;...;.;._~=;..;....;.~__.:~ ~~~olia (A/C.l/L.300) 1. I!l the first preambular p~regr.aph delete "without", "there" and "no"; insert 11 11 after fruitful" the words "in the ; ar.d add at the end of the paragraph: "only in accorC.unce with the co4ldi+.ions set foz·th in resolution A/C .1/837 adopted by 11 the First Co!llr.:ittee at its 1146th meeting, • 2. Insert a new second prearubular paragraph as follows: n!~nt~_n£ that the Republic of Keres has repeatedly stated its acceptance of these con:lit!.ons,". 3. At. the end. of the operative paragraph, add the following: "provided, in the case of the former, that it first unequivoco.lly accepts the competence and authority of the Tnited Nations Withi~ the terms of the Charter to take action on the Korean qu-stion aa has already been done by the Republic of Korea.". * *** * ; 1 1/ l T 0 l/ I tTAT HIS E A MI 1 AI T 0 lC IC ( A) IAT . A 0 0 1 C A A CO 171 p I R c T y IC I 7 T AT OLO A I u c 0 E T I T U v c I c I 0 1,; 0 L T RA 1 ALL L D I Fl ;, T I co 10 U T 0 T U OL 1 171 1 IC.tl l T T A I T I I tl 1 t t ----·--· --- -------~-~---~--~· ---------~----------------~~~~ UNITED NATIONS Press Services & Office of Public Information United Nations, N.• .Y .. .,... l · .·. (F6f ·us·e· 'of i nformat-i. on.. media ··-- ~. t... au . 9tf~1.~.:J.~l ..~ec~~d) ., : . Doc. Aic ·~ i/864 . ... ., .Pr.ess; Release PM/4125 ' . 19 December 1961 .. THE KOREAN t::'UESTION: REP<RTS OF .THE UNITED . NATIONS COMMISSION . FCR THE UNIFICATION AND Rl!."'HABILiTATION oF KOREA .. Cable dated .19 December t961 from tbe .Minister for. Foreign·Affe:irs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea addressed to the Acting S.ecret:ary-General of the United Nations ' ' ' . I have the honor t o transmit to. you the enclosed Statement of the· Ministry. for Foreign Affairs of t he Democratic Peop.le's Republic of Korea., dated ·19· Deeemb~r · of this year, as a reply t o your cable of 13 December .of this year informing· me · · of the· resolution. .. of the First. Committee of. the . sixteenth session of the United Nations General As s embly aQ.opt.ed a.t its 12l7th me.eting. I request ~ou to communicate without de~ this. letter and the enclosed 3tatement. to all the delegates of the Unit ed Nations Member States as an ·official:. iocument. (Siglled) Pak SUNG CHUL Minister for Forei gn Affairs Democr atic People's Republic of Korea . 2 Press Release PM/4125 19 December 1961 Statement o:f the Ministry "for Fo:::-eign Af'f'airs o:f the • Democratic ?~opie•s Re~ublic o:f Korea. At the meeting on 13 December o:f the First Committee o:f the United Nations General Assembly at its sixteenth session, the unjust resolution on the . "ccod.itiona.l" participation o:f representatives of' the Democratic People's Republic of' Korea in the discussion of the Korean question was again :forced through by the despic&ble maneuver of the United States. It is an unjustified and shameful act, entirely contrary to the principles of the United Natio~s, to attach any "conditions" to the participation of parties concerned in the discussion o:f any question at the United Nations. The Government of' the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has always respected and recognized the United Nations Charter designed :for international peace and security and has never viole.ted it. The main culprit is none other than the United States Government that has systematically and brazenly violated the United N~tions Charter and has continually impaired the authority of the United Nations. The Korean questio·o, which' is originally one of the questionssubject to post-war settlement, is by no means a question to be discussed at the United Nations. The purpose of' the United States Government in taking the Korean question to the United aations :for illegal discussion every year is to cover up with the United Nations emblem its criminal acts perpetrating aggression against Korea, obstructing the peacef'ul unification of Korea and converting South Korea into a colony and military base. The :fact that the United States has arbitrarily had a r epresentative of' the unlawful South Korean military :fascist regime take part in the discussion of the ~orean question at the current United Nations session constitutes a still more flagrant def'ilement of' the United Nations principles. The present military terrorists who, without any 11 lega.l11 State apparatus and under rigid martial law, have completely wiped out even elementary norms of democracy and dissolved with ~ayonets all political parties and soci al or ganizations , and who harshly suppress Gbe speech; arrest, imprison and massacre patriots and innocent populations at ~andom, and run amuck in their desperate efforts :for war preparations. Such a nilitary :fascist clique in South Korea cannot repr esent anyone of the Korean - .3 - Press Release PM/4125 19 December 1961 ' people, and fundamentally it cannot even be a~ o~ject to be dealt with by the United Nations. It is also a ~ockery of the United Nations Charter that the United States speaks about "unification of Korea 11 while continuing to station its aggressive troops in South Korea, exercising colonial rule over there and scheming to perpetuate the divisio.::l of Korea. Th.e question of the peaceful unification of Korea should be settled only b~ the Koreans themselves, compelling the United States troops to withdraw from South Korea. The Korean people consider that the United Nations should no longer be abused by the Unite~ States imperialists as their tool of aggression against Korea. Without the-participation of the representatives of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, any discussion of the Korean question is only futile. Since the Korean question is discussed at the United Nations, the representatives of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea must take part in it. The Gover~~ent of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea will not recognize and will declare null and void any resolution to be adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its unilateral discussion of the Korean question without the participation and consent of the representatives of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Pyongyang, 19 December 1961. * *** * ETATPI I OR ITI UNAT I NEWYORKs . UNKO 3.5 NAIAS I MKAN FROM KKA LIDI. CHA I RMA N PAR ISSUED NEW ST TEMENT OF ~ LICY T NATION LATi SATUR DAY AFTIRN N WMICH DEC LAR ED INTER ALIA T AT I N DDt ENSURE BIRTH OF SOUND CIVILIAN ~ ER ENT ,IT VAS NECESSARY 'lllANS ITORY P I OD MILI TARY R LE , ANI) T R OLutl~ N Y Ci ERNMENT• WO LD , AT IA LI EST POSSI BLE DATE ASK WI LL OF PEOPLE TKIOU REFERENDUM AS TO EXTINSIO OF MI LITARY RULE FO ANOTHER FOUR YEARS CHA IRMA N ALS O STATED RECENT UNFORT UNATE EVENTS IN FI ELD 1 P LITICS AND SOC I ETY WIR ENDANGER ING ESTABLISHME T OF SOUND CIV ILIAN GOV DNMINT , HE WENT ON TO SAY THAT IF• PJ- HIS PROPOSALS F R IlTENSION OF MILITARY RULE WilE APPROV ED THROU H REFER DUM JOLLOWI ; POLICIES WILL BE DEVISED OLON ONE f ORM OF liVOLUTIONARY POLIT I CS WILL i BROADENED AND W DE RAN~ E OJ PERS A'ES.
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