Annual report 2011 The Netherlands Red Cross Immediate Help ALPHEN AAN DEN RIJN - JAPAN - FIRST AID - DISASTER RISK REDUCTION - HORN OF AFRICA www.rodekruis.nl Mission AND VISION The Red Cross was born of a desire to bring assistance – without discrimination - and it has pursued this mission since its foundation in 1863. However much the world may change: there always will be people in need. The mission of the Red Cross therefore remains, in essence, the same. And it is this mission we dedicate ourselves to, every day, as volunteers, professionally. Aim Vision voluntarily. That we are a global Movement Our aim is to contribute to a peaceful, Our vision is that our voluntary assistance of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies tolerant and humane world by assisting must and can strengthen communities with equal status that help and support those whose life, health, well-being or in a way that enables them to respond each other. dignity is under threat. independently and justly to human suffering by offering hope and respect for the dignity Task Mission of each individual. The task of the Red Cross has been speci- Our mission is to prevent and alleviate fied by international legal mandate and human suffering, wherever it may be Fundamental Principles - specific to the Netherlands Red Cross - found, to protect life and health and to In our work we are guided by seven stipulated by Royal Decree. ensure everybody is treated with respect, Fundamental Principles: in particular during armed conflict and Symbols other emergency situations. To this end, UÊ Õ>ÌÞÆ we mobilize the power of humanity and UÊ «>ÀÌ>ÌÞÆ Three symbols are used in this annual solidarity; we bring volunteer aid workers, UÊ iÕÌÀ>ÌÞÆ report: donors together with people in need, UÊ `i«i`iViÆ and put into practice the responsibility we UÊ 6ÕÌ>ÀÌÞÆ This Red Cross activity all have to help others. UÊ 1ÌÞÆ relates to restricting the UÊ 1ÛiÀÃ>ÌÞ° consequences of emergency situations. To us these principles mean that everyone has a right to be treated with respect and Through this activity, the dignity. That those in greatest need should Red Cross intends to be the first to receive aid. That assistance improve the resilience of should be given regardless of one’s religious people and communities. beliefs, nationality, race, class or political opinions. That we take no sides in hostili- This activity helps to ties, other than the victim’s. That we do not increase respect and a let ourselves be guided by governments willingness to help in the and their preferences. That our assistance community. is prepared professionally but offered 2 FACTS & FIGURES 2011 Foreword 2011. It was a turbulent year: for the people In this annual report, you can read about of Japan, for large parts of the Arab world some of the gestures we have made over and for the population of Alphen aan den the last year–help that we could never have Rijn. It was also a year of hope, of support provided without our members, donors and of help. Offering hope, support and and volunteers. 2011 was the European help is what has driven us since 1867, both 9i>ÀÊvÊ6ÕÌiiÀ}°Ê6ÕÌiiÀÃÊ>ÀiÊÌ iÊ in the Netherlands and in distant countries. driving force behind the Red Cross. They make sure that we stay at the grass roots Giving hope and support: you can do it in of villages and urban neighbourhoods. Inge Brakman, Chair small ways. With an arm around some- Thanks to them, more people are able to one’s shoulder, with a blanket or a cup of fully participate in society. Together, we coffee. Gestures that help people get their ensure that nobody stands alone in times confidence back and pick up the pieces, of need. In 2011. In 2012. And in the years smoothing the way for themselves and their to come. Q loved ones, however difficult that might sometimes be. We are happy to make that small gesture. Our strength lies in our ability and willingness to magnify it. 25 April 2012 Cees Breederveld, Director General Table of Contents Go straight to: Section 1 – A Review of 2011 7- World map 30 Section 2 – The Netherlands Red Cross in 2011 15 - The Director’s salary 39 Section 3 - Finance 43 - Organisational chart of the Netherlands Red Cross 44 3 Facts & Figures 2011 The Netherlands Red Cross An organisational chart is shown on page UÊ iÀ}iVÞÊ>`ÊÊ`Ã>ÃÌiÀÃÊ>`ÊVÀÃiÃ°Ê As an emergency aid organisation, the 44. In total, the Netherlands Red Cross Emergency aid volunteers have various Netherlands Red Cross has been part of has 292 departments (including six Carib- specialist skills: the International Red Cross Movement bean departments) and 60 districts. This - Medical aid. Better known by their since 1867. Four years earlier, in 1863, the means that the Red Cross is represented Dutch acronym of SIGMA teams, International Red Cross was established across society and understands the impor- these are rapid deployment groups for out of a desire to give help impartially. All tant issues affecting communities around medical assistance, acting in support over the world, the Red Cross works on the country. In emergencies, thousands of of the regular emergency services. the basis of seven fundamental principles well-trained volunteers can quickly spring - Information on relatives in disasters. (see page 2). The Red Cross is strictly into action. Also, social aid volunteers know 6ÕÌiiÀÃÊ i«Ê«i«iÊÌÀ>ViÊÌ iÀÊ neutral. This means that it operates inde- the area and the people where they live. loved ones. pendently of the government, does not The Red Cross makes use of these local - Relief and care. The Red Cross sets take sides in conflicts and always defends neighbourhood networks when providing up relief centres and cares for the the interests of casualties. The mission of assistance. people who stay in them. the Netherlands Red Cross is: to prevent UÊ ÛiÌÊ>ÃÃÃÌ>Vi°Ê/ iÊ,i`Ê ÀÃÃÊ and ameliorate human suffering everywhere, Auxiliary role provides medical first aid at major to protect life and health, and to safeguard As an auxiliary to the government, the sporting events, demonstrations, music respect for human beings. Special attention Red Cross provides emergency aid in festivals, etc. is given to those who are most vulnerable: crises – supporting, supplementing and, UÊ ÀÃÌÊ>`Ê­Ìi>V }®°Ê6ÕÌiiÀÃÊ«ÀÛ`iÊ people who, without our help, would be if necessary, taking the place of the civil first aid and automated external unable to survive or would be in dire need, authorities in disaster relief. This special task defibrillator (AED) courses. or whose health would be endangered is laid down in the Geneva Conventions and UÊ -V>Ê i«°Ê/ ÃÊVÕ`iÃÊ>Ê`ÃÊvÊ without assistance. the additional Protocols and Statutes of activities to help vulnerable and isolated the International Red Cross Movement. people get involved in society. In this way, Organisation For the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the the Red Cross makes sure people are The Netherlands Red Cross is an associa- role of the Netherlands Red Cross is also not alone in their time of need. tion consisting of 585,358 members and laid down in a Royal Decree. In 2011, a UÊ `ÕV>ÌÊ>`Ê>Ü>ÀiiÃÃÊ«ÀÌ°Ê donors, and 35,294 volunteers. The high- revised Royal Decree came into effect (see 6ÕÌiiÀÃÊÌi>V Ê>LÕÌÊV>ÌiÊ>`>«Ì>- est body is the Members’ Council. The the inset box on page 19). A number of tion, international humanitarian law (the members of this council are elected from the Red Cross’s tasks in the field of inter- laws of war), international cooperation, the departmental and district councils. The national humanitarian law (education and etc., and give general talks on the Red Members’ Council elects the association’s advice), plus tracing and assistance, are Cross at schools and service clubs. ÝiVÕÌÛiÊ >À`°Ê6ÕÌiiÀÃÊ>ÀiÊÃÕ««ÀÌi`Ê also defined internationally. in their activities by around 500 professional To provide social help, the Red Cross has a workers. They work at the organisation’s Assistance in the Netherlands number of vacation facilities for people who vwViÊÊ/ iÊ>}ÕiÊÀÊ>ÌÊiÊvÊÌ iÊÀi}>Ê and the Caribbean are elderly, chronically ill or disabled. These service centres in Amsterdam, Apeldoorn, In 2011, the Netherlands Red Cross was VÃÃÌÊvÊÌ iÊÛ>V>ÌÊà «Ê°ÊiÀÞÊ Õ>ÌÊ Breda, Leeuwarden, Eindhoven, Rotterdam active in the following areas: >`ÊÌ ÀiiÊ ÌiÃÊ­ÌiÊÃÃiÛi`ÌÊÊ7iâi«Ê >`Ê1ÌÀiV Ì°Ê >`ÊÌiÃÊ6>iLiÀ}Ê>`Ê*>>À`iÃÌ>ÊÊ Rheden). 4 FACTS & FIGURES 2011 1`iÀÊÌ iÊ>iʼ>««>Ê`½]ÊÌ iÊ,i`Ê biggest disasters for which the Red Cross Red Cross Princess Margriet Fund was set Cross runs three hospices for seriously ill made resources available. up in 2011 to support projects of this kind. children in Wezep, Waalre and Rijswijk. The Netherlands Red Cross has a special Internationally, the Netherlands Red Cross The Netherlands Red Cross also manages ¼+ÕiÌÊ Ã>ÃÌiÀ½ÊvÕ`ÊvÀÊiiÀ}iVÞÊ is active not only in emergency assistance an archive containing the personal details situations that get little public attention. but also in helping sister organisations in of over 1.5 million casualties of the Second / iÃiÊ>ÀiÊvÀiµÕiÌÞʼÃii«}½Ê`Ã>ÃÌiÀÃÊ other countries improve their quality and World War. and structural problem situations to which effectiveness. The Netherlands Red Cross the media devotes less attention than to has substantial expertise in water, sanitation International aid >VÕÌiÊV>>ÌiðÊÀÊÌ Ãʼ+ÕiÌÊ Ã>ÃÌiÀ½Ê and basic health care. It has also amassed The Netherlands Red Cross provides inter- fund, the Red Cross annually makes about a lot of knowledge and experience concern- national emergency aid following disasters € 1.5 million available for assistance.
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