eMisa Ellxabeth Daly’s eighth Pfe. Burdett F. Webb Jr., son of grade mathematics classes will Mr.,and Mrs. Burdett F; Webb, 181 near a flannel board talk on " ^ e Glenwood St., participated in am­ SPECIALIZIMG IN Banking Story” Wednesdiy mom-, phibious ship-to-shore maneuvers •ft# Jfau%ehHter PTA. CWincU ing at the high school. N. William with the 3rd Marine Regiment. 3rd CUStOM BUILT HOMES TPrin aoMt tonlllit at 8 o'clock in Knight.' public relations officer of Marine Division, on the Island of •The Community' Youth service, auditorium of the n w Keeney the' Manchester Trust Co., will Okinawa on Jan. 25. sponaored by the Manchester GENERAL contracting St(«et School. make the presentation.' Christian Youth Council. Will be VOL. LXXVI, NO. 101 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1957 tCiMainad AdverUshig ea Page U ) PRICE -FIVE CENTB St. Ftancls Xavier Mothers held at the Emanuel Lutberap REMODELING AND REPAIRING Tlte OoamopOlttan Clutt will meet Tiie Rev. Joseph Leo of the Pas- Circle w ilP ^ld a meeting at the Church Sunday gt 7 p.m. Friday at 2 pan. In the Federation Sionist Monastery in Farmington home of Mrs^Theodore Kasek, 78 The Rev. Eiarl Modean of the FREE e s t i m a t e s — MORTGAGES ARRANGED of Center Conyrefatlonal will address the Catholic Young Oliver Rd., a\^8:15 Wednesday Christ the King Lutheran Church. ' Legislators Asked Adult Club of'^Jttrtford Wednes­ night. Co-hostessM will be Mrs. Windsor, will deliver the medbage.' if Church. Miit Jean Campbell, ex- John Smith.and MrK James Toner. ecutiW director of the-Manchester day evening at lk30 in St. Ann VConalder Your Call.” which la the , ERNEST A. RITCHIE To Legislate Joke Girl Scouts, and Miss fimily Smith Memorial Hall. HarCTm-d. The topic theme of Youth Week thla year. Army Unveils 16 LIBERTY ST. — TEL. MI .1-8172. MANCHESTER of his address will bes^'A Report Taking part in the worship serv­ ■will talk hnd shoa* slides of Troop state Capitol, Hartford, Jan. 29 ra’ trip to Ekjrope Jast summer. from Fatima.” , Parisian ChoiiK^ ice W'iU be Elwood Lechausse, Richard Erickson and JJsle Bivwn. UP*—A representative of the State Senators Schedule Review The Army and Navy Club . Ushers will be Lee Bogli, Gary Development commission asked a Major Anna Andreas^n and Cap­ lary will hold a setback To Give Concert Dougan, Peggy Gustafson and legislative committee today to ap­ tain Blanche Chavarry of the Wil- the clubhouse tonight at 8:50. Carolyn Johnson. Better Missile prove a bill which, he' said, would limantlc Salvation Army Corps At High School Edsel Isaacson, assistant to the JUST ONE WEEK LEETf ‘‘take attention away from a verj-! will be guest speakers at the week­ XI Gamma Chapter of Beta Sig­ pastor at Bhnanuel Lutheran old joke” reflecting no credit on ly meeting of the Women's Home TO STOCK UP DURINO HALS'S ma Phi will meet tomorrow at 8:15 The fJttle Singers of Paris, one Church, will be in charge of tha of­ New York, Jan. 29 (iP) ■—an; unreveallng view of the mil; Connecticut. League tomorrow at 2 P-m. in the p.m. at the home of Mrs. Esther Bile- in the proceaa of fabrication. The bill, heard by the JudiciatT,' of E uro^ s most famous choral fering. Brenda Ann Cole will be in The Armed Services shed, local CiUdel. They will present the Bissell, 304 School S t charge of the music, with Cynthia Karlier Air Force plana to ahow and Governmental Functions com­ devotional message and a program groups, wilKpresent tw’o concerts Falint Photo John Jay Photo new light on their missile pro­ Of U.S4 Policy in Mideast Joyce M. Ottone Barbara J. Hills Treggor playing the violin. flbns of the Thor being loaded mittee, provides that in ail unoffi­ of vocal and instrumental music. President Lucille Hlrth. Florence Wednesday sjNthe high school. The offering this year will go JANUARY WHITE SALE grams today by announcing into'a Cl 24 cargo plane for ahip- cial. referencea Connectloit be A social hour will follow, with Mrs. Streeter, Jane Fortin. Lillian Lind­ The group wilnappear under the to help support: the local Youth hitherto unidentified projects ment from am them California to "known as "The Constitution Anna Addy, Mrs. Lucy Richardson Announce Engagements Council as well as, to aid the Con­ STOCK UP OX SHKET.S, CASKS. BLANKETS, ers, Eilla Brimble, Helen Beebe, auspices of the Mm^hester PTA BED PILLOWS, SIATTRE8S PADS. AND and showing motion pictures the testing center at Patrick Air State,” a reference to Its claim to and Mrs. Mina Metcalf as Mary Leduc, Muriel Auden and necticut and national branches o f - Force Baae„ Florida,'were dropped, poaaeSsing the world's first written hoMtesaes. Friends are invited. Laura Ecabert attended the quar­ Council, < Mrs. Ida A. Ottone. 20 Victoria Mr. and Mi’s. Willard B. Hills, the organization. COVERS, CURTAINS, DRAPES, TOWELS, Etc, of some of them publicly for and the display was limited 'to the Constitution. terly meeting of the VFW Auxilia­ This company of sih^qrs In­ Rd., announces the engagement of ' 29 Phelps Rd., - announce the en­ All are welcome to attend the the first time. leas revealing film. DonaI<^ Perry tolil the committee Manchester Lodge. No. 75, A. F. ry Department held yesterday in cludes 32 boys, ranging ilv^age her daughter. Miss Joyce Marie gagement and coming marriage of aervice. ” ThU dlzclMurea occurred at the Inquiry Will Cover and A. M;, will hold A special com- Schriever described the X17 as a that the (development commission Meriden. from 10 to 16 years, and is di« Ottone, to Edwrard A. Bachl. son their daughter, Mias Barbara J. annual meeting of the Institute "re-entry teat vehicle deaigned to munieatlen at the MaaonicJTemple of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bachl, ! Hills, to James. P. Hagerty, s^n of torhorrow night at 7:30. The Mas­ ed by Msgr. Fernand Maillet. Another Shipment! of the Aeronautical Sciences. , provide information on problems (CawHwued o« Pag. Thirteenl St. Elizabeth's Circle will meet Two identical concerts will be Layton St., West Hartford, j Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hagerty, MaJ. Gen.iB'.n.ll A. Schriever, boas which arise when the wai head 'OT'' ter “ Mason degree will be le wedding will take place ;72 Stanley "St., East Hartford, exempUfled by. the officers of the at the home of Mrs. .John Schei- presented, the first at 10:30 a.m. '^7iSsCWPTIONr^^ of the U.S. Ballistic program, a. ballistic missile reenters the at- Period of 11 Tears benpflug. 281 School St., Wednes­ and the second at 1:15 p.m. SattiKday, June 1. i Miss Hills, who was graduated EVERY SHIPMENT A tOMPLETE SELLOUT! said the program was “ beginning moaphere." ' v" - lodge, aaaiated by the members of from Manchester High School In "Fro* piek'iip - the Felloweraft Club. At the con­ day at 8:15 p.m. All children in Grades 4, 5 and 6 BE HERE EARLY! to psy dividends”— and that the He said the XlO was a reaearrh Gotham Timis June 19,53 is .employed In the medi­ and dMivtry’' T h o C ' 1.500-mile Intermediate vehicle for the North American clusion of the meeting., there'will at St. James’ Parochial School cal department of Pratt and Whit­ Navho, which is a supersonic Wa.shington, Jan. 29 <JP)— The Senate Foreign Relations be a social hour and refreshments.. ' Our Lady' of the Most Holy have been invited to attend as New Affency Set Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) and Armed Services committees voted unanimously today to Rosary Mothers Circle will meet ney Aircraft. Her flance, a gradu­ hall entered its flight teat phase, guided miasile as distinguished Cold Shoulder/ guests of, the PTC Council and ate of the University of Connecti­ Arthar Drag Stores^ from the nonguided balliatic mia- conduct a complete review of U.S. foreign policy in the Mid­ at 8 o'clock Wednesday night at have accepted. For Pkone Bills while the Atlas and Titan 6,000- the home of Mrs. Joseph Ramon- cut in 1956, is pre.sently employed PEPPERELL, NYLON and RAYON BLEND mile Intefciiintinenta’ Ballistic ailes. dle East over the last 11 year.s. The vote was ,30-0. detta, 17 Nye St. The concerts will be in the audi­ in the purchasing department of Fired Many Times ' Charge torium, and a group of mothers of Missile (ICBM) programs had met On King Sand Senate GOP Leader Knowland • (Calif) and Sen. Wiley Tour Manchester telephoiiiL aubscrib- Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. He Is "major niilestraes on schedule.” Of the X17 Schriever said "the The Immaculate Conception studenU attending the concerU era will be able to payNbitla in a past president of Alpha Sigma full atoiy of this highly successful (Wi.s), ranking Republican memlier o f thfl Senate Foreign FreseripUona Ttvo Resesrah Vehicles New York. Jan. 29 — King Here Mothers Circle will meet Wednes­ have been asked to usher at each person -at a new payment agency Phi Fraternity. , ' At the Same time Schriever an­ re-entry test vehicle cannot be told, Relations committee, said the White House and State Depart­ performance. The wedding date is set for Sat­ aihee its flights are providing data Saud of Saudi Arabia got an all- day night at 8 o'clock at the home beginnlitg Friday, it was nounced the exiatrace of, and ment had no objection to the inQuiry. « of Mrs. Bernard Fogarty, 111 The Uttle Singers’ repertoire is urday, June 1. of considerable military aignifl- out welcome from the U.S.
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