Henry Clinton Papers William L. Clements Library Contributor List The University of Michigan Finding Aid: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clementsead/umich-wcl-M-42cli?view=text Abercromby, Sir R[obert], 1740-1827; Cousseau, James Aberdein , Robert Acland, J[ohn] D[yke], d. 1778 Adam, W. Adye, Stephen P[ayne], d. 1794 Affleck, Sir Edmund, 1723?-1788 Allinson, George Anderson, John Andre, John, 1751-1780 Andrews, John Anstruther, William Arbuthnot, M[arrio]t, 1711?-1794 Archer, Mark Archer, Richard Argyl, [John Campbell], 5th duke of, 1723-1806 Armstrong, Williams Arnold, B[enedict], 1741-1801 Arnold, Mrs. M[argaret (Shippen)], 1760?-1804 Aubant, [Abraham] d’ Aubant, [Abraham] d’; Mercer, Alexander Axtell, William, 1720?-1795 A[yscough], J[ohn] Bache, Theophylact Baddeley, Tho[mas] Baham Islands. New Providence Baillie Balcarres, [Alexander Lindsay], 6th earl of, 1752-1825 Balfour, N[isbet], 1743-1823 Baremore, Mansfield Barkley, Andrew Barrette, Thomas George [Leonard] Barriedake, John, Viscount Barrington, [William Wildman Barrington], 2nd Viscount, 1717-1793 Barry, William Bartling, Barton, Thomas, d. 1780 Bate, Thomas Baynard, William, d. 1804 Bayard, William Bayard, John Bayarde, Bealey, Thomas Beauchamp, [Francis Ingram Seymour, 2nd marquis and earl of Hertford, 2nd earl of Yarmouth, 2nd viscount] 1743-1822 Beauchamp, [William Lygon, 1st earl], 1747-1816 Beaufort, [Henry Somerset, 5th duke of], 1744-1803 Beckford, R[ichar]d Beckwith, Sir George, 1753-1823 Benson, Rob[ert] Berdot, Frederick Berkeley, Lady Betts, Benjamin Biddle, John Biggs, Billopp, Christopher, 1737-1827 Birch, Samuel Birch, Tryce Birkbeck, John Black, Matthew Bland, Thomas, d. 1816 Blundell, Christopher Blunt, Charles Bowen, John Bowler, Metcalf, 1726-1795 Bowman, Bowman, J. Boyd, Sir Rob[er]t, 1710-1794 Brabazon, George Bradshaw, John Smith Bradstreet, Simon Brandon, John [Brenton, William];[De Lancey, Oliver], 1749-1822 Brinley, Mary Brooke, Hum[phrey]? Brough, Job Brown, John Hamilton Brown, [Thomas], d. 1825 Brown, William Browne, Isaac Browne, Montfort Browne, D[aniel] Isaac Browne, Montfort Brown, Peter; Boyd, John; Sandon, Thomas; Watson, John Brownlow, Charles Brownrigg, R[ichard] F Bruce, Andrew Bruce, James Bruce, John Bruere, George James Brunswick, Charles, duke of, 1735-1806 Brunswick, Prinz Ferdinand, Herzog von, 1721-1795Brunswick, Army. Officers; Hesse Hanau. Army Officers. Brunswick. Regiment von Riedesel Brush, Mrs. Margaret; Buchanan, Mrs. Frances Buckingham [shire, John Hobart, 2nd earl of], 1723-1793 B[ull], R[ichard] Byron, J[ohn], 1723-1786 Bryon, Jonathan Burgoyne, J[ohn], 1722-1792 Burke, Thomas, c. 1747-1783 Burn, Thomas Burnley, Hardin Buskirk, Abraham Cadogan, [Charles Sloane Cadogan], 3rd Baron and 1st Earl, 1728-1807 Caithness, John Sinclair, 11th earl of , d. 1789 Cambel, John Cambray, Chevalier de Cameron, Sir Alan, 1753-1828 Cameron, Angus Campbell, Alexander Campbell, Sir Archibald, 1739-1791 Campbell, Charles Campbell, John, 1723-1806 Campbell, [John]; [Smith, John] [Campbell, John], 1723-1806; [Burgoyne, John], 1722-1792 Campbell, Lawrence Robert Campbell, Patrick Campbell, Peter Campbell, Lord William, d. 1778 Carlisle, [Fredrick Howard], 5t earl of, 1748-1825; Eden, William; Johnstone, Grorge Carlisle, [Fredrick Howard], 5t earl of, 1748-1825 Carpenter, B[enjamin] Carson, Mrs. C[arter], E[lizabeth] Carter, Martha Carter, Thomas, d. 1782 Cathcart, [Sir William Schaw Cathcart], 10th Baron, 1st Earl, 1st Vicount, 1755-1843. Catherwood, John Chalmers, Hamilton Chalmers, James Chaloner, Walter, d. 1792 Chamier, D[aniel] Charteris, Francis Chevelier, Chs Chewton, [George Waldegrave, 4th earl of Earl Waldegrave], 4th Viscount, 1751-1789 Chisholm, Colin Chisholm, Duncan, d. 1782 Christie, G[abriel], 1722-1799 Clark, Richard Clark, Thomas Clarke, Sir Alured, 1745?-1832 Clark, [Jonathan] Clerk, George Clinton, Anna Clinton, Charles, 1690-1773 [Clinton, George], 1686?-1761 [Clinton, George], 1686?-1761; Ayscough, John Clinton, George, 1739-1812 Clinton, Sir Henry, 1771-1795; Clinton, Harriet Clinton, Sir Henry, 1771-1829 Clinton, Sir Henry, 1771-1829; Clinton, Sir William, Henry, 1769-1828 Clinton, Jeremiah Clinton, Lord John [Clinton, Sir] William [Henry], 1769-1846 Clossy, [Samuel] Cluny, Comtesse de Cochrane, Charles, d. 1781 Cockburn, James Cockburn, William Colden, Cadwallader, 1688-1776 Colden, Cadwallader, 1722-1797 Collett, John Collier, Sir George, 1738-1795 Collins, Joseph, d. 1825 Collins, W Connolly, John Connolly, Dr. John, 1750?-1830 Conway, R[obert] S[eymour] Conway, G[eorge] S[eymour] Cooke, Robert Cooke, Thomas I[vie] Cope, Joseph Corner, Adam Cornwallis, [Charles Cornwallis, 1st marquis, 2nd earl], 1738-1805 Cotton, James Cousseau, James Cox, John Cox, Richard Cox, Thomas Cox & Cox Cox, Cox, & Greenwood Cox & Drummond Cox & Greenwood Cox & Mair Cox, Mair & Cox Coxe, Daniel Cozens, John Cranes, Robert Crowe, Richard Crowell, Thomas Cruger, J[ohn] H[arris], 1738-1807 Cuffe, Otway Cumings, Thomas Cuningham, Robert Cuppaidge, George Cure, C Cuyler, Abraham C[ornelius] Dalling, Sir John, d. 1798 Dalrymple, [John Dalrymple, 6th earl of Stair] Viscount, 1749-1821 Dalrymple, W[illiam], d.1807 Darby, William John Darke, William Dastuge, Bernard D Davidson, Davis, Illedge Dare, Phil[ip] 1742-1813 Deare, Philip, 1742?-1813 De Gray, Thomas, 2nd baron Walsingham, 1748-1818 DeLancey, Oliver, 1749-1822 De Lancey, Oliver, 1717-1785 De Payster, Frederick Desbrisay, Thomas Dick, Sir John, 1719-1804; Molleson, W[illia]m Dick, John; Musgrave, Sir William; Molleson-William Digby, R[obert], 1732-1815 Dixon, Robert Dongan, Mrs. Frances; Watkins, Mrs. Elizabeth; Pollard, Mrs. Hannah; Barnes, Mrs. Mary; Grant, Mrs. Sarah, d.1787 Donkin, Robert, 1727?-1821 Donop, Christian Friedrich von Drewe, E[dward] Drummond, Duncan D[rummond], D[uncan]; R[eeve], R[ichard], d. 1789 Drummond, Duncan; Collier, W[illiam] Duberly, J. Dubois, Peter Duffield, Francis Dunbar, Peter Duncan, Henry Duncanson, R[obert] Duncanson, R[obertson] Dundas, Thomas, 1750-1794 Dundas, Henry [1st viscount Melville], 1742-1811 Dupont, Gideon; Greenwood, William; Hopton, John Duportail, Antoine-Jean-Louis chevalier le Beque, d. 1802 Duroure, Francis Eden, William, 1st Baron Auckland, 1744-1814 Edmondson, Joseph Elliot, [Andrew], 1728-1797; [Smith, John] Elliot, Andrew, 1728-1797 Ellis, W[elbore, 1st baron Mendip], 1713-1802 Elphinestone, G[eorge] K[eith, viscount Keith], 1746-1823 Emmerich, A[ndreas] Erkert, M B de[Leyfertitz] Erskine, Archibald Erskine, Thomas W Erskine, Sir William, 1728-1795 Erving, John Jr. Erwin, John Evans, Robert; Meredith, David; Bradbridge, Thomas; Charleton, Thomas Evelyn, W[illiam] G[lanville], d. 1776 Fanning, Edmund, 1737-1818 Farley, Henry Farrin, John Faucitt, Sir William, 1728-1804 Fenwick, R[obert] G[eorge] Ferguson, Robert Ferguson, Patrick, 1744-1780 Ferguson, Adam, 1723-1816 Ferguson, David Fetherston, William Field, John Fitzroy, C[harles], 1st Baron Southampton, 1737-1797 Floyd, Richard; Floyd, Benjamin; etc Ford, J Forbes, Arthur Forbes, John Forster, Thompson Fox, C[harles] J[ames], 1749-1806 Fox, Henry E[dward], 1755-1811 Foy, E[dward] Franklin, William, 1731?-1813 Franklin, William, c. 1731-1813;Elliot, Andrew, 1728-1797;Smith, William, 1728-1793; Smith, Fred Franklin, William, 1731?-1813 Fraser, Daniel Fraser, W[illiam] Fraser, S[imon], 1726-1782 French, [Christopher] Frevel, Friedrich Eugen, duke of Wurttemberg, 1732-1797 Fuser, L[ewis] V[alentine], d. 1780 Furye, Peregrine, d. 1792 Fyers, Wiliam G Gage, Thomas, 1721-1787 [Gale], Henry Galloway, J[oseph], 1730-1803; Allen, Andrew; Coxe, Daniel; Potts, John; Shoemaker, Samuel Gambier, J[ames], 1723-1789 Gambier, John Gardiner, W Gardner, V[alentine] Gates, Horatio, 1728-1806 per Livingston, Henry B Gayton, George Georgia. Council. Germain, Lord George, 1716-1785 Germain, George Sackville, 1st viscount Sackville, 1716-1785 Gibbon, [Edward], 1737-1794 Gibbs, Jos[ep]h Gibbs & Witherby Giekie, William Gilbert, Thomas Goff, Thomas Goodrich, John Goodricke, J[ohn] Gordon, Lord Adam, 1726?-1801 Gordon, Cosmo Gordon, David Gordon, John Gordon, Robert Goreham, Joseph Gould, [afterwards Morgan], Sir Charles, 1726-1806 Gould, Paston, 1731-1782 Graham, Charles Grant, [Alexander] Grant, Humphrey Grant, James, 1720-1806 Grant, John Graves, John Graves, Sir Thomas, 1st baron Graves, 1725?-1802 Gt. Brit. Army Gt. Brit. Army, Colonels. Great Britain. Army in America. Council of War Gt. Brit. Army, Lt. Colonels & Majors Great Britain. Army in America. General and Field Officers Great Britain. Army in America. General hospital, Surgeons and apothecaries of Great Britain. Army in America. Provincials. Emmerich’s Chasseurs Gt. Brit. Army, Officers Gt. Brit. Provincial troops Gt. Brit. Army, 17th Regt. F Dragoons Great Britain. Army, 43rd Regt. Foot Great Britain. Army, 53rd Regt. Foot Great Britain. Army in America. Army Under Clinton Great Britain. Army in America.71st Regt. 1st Batt. Grenadier Co., Officers of Great Britain. Army, 71st Regt. Foot Gt. Brit. Army, Regiments de Trumbach and Wissenbach. Gt. Brit. Commissioners Gt. Brit. Sovereigns George III, 1760-1820] Great Britain. Sovereigns George III, 1760-1820] Gt. Brit. Treasury. Gt. Brit. War Office. Green, James Greenwood, Charles [Grey, Charles, 1st earl Grey], 1729-1807 Grey, Thomas de [2nd Baron Walsingham], 1748-1818 Griffiths, John; Fraser, Daniel Griffiths, John Guarnsey, John; McGloughlan, William Gunning, J[ohn], d. 1797 Hadden, James Murray, d. 1817 Hake, Samuel Haldimand, Sir Frederick, 1718-1791 Halliburton, [John], 1739?-1808
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