Kresge College Renewal and Expansion Project Final Environmental Impact Report SCH#2018042015 prepared by University of California, Santa Cruz Physical Planning and Construction 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, California 95064 Contact: Alisa Klaus, Senior Environmental Planner prepared with the assistance of Rincon Consultants, Inc. 437 Figueroa Street, Suite 203 Monterey, California 93940 February 2019 Kresge College Renewal and Expansion Project Final Environmental Impact Report SCH#2018042015 prepared by University of California, Santa Cruz Physical Planning and Construction 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, California 95064 Contact: Alisa Klaus, Senior Environmental Planner prepared with the assistance of Rincon Consultants, Inc. 437 Figueroa Street, Suite 203 Monterey, California 93940 February 2019 This report prepared on 50% recycled paper with 50% post-consumer content. University of California, Santa Cruz Kresge College Renewal and Expansion Project Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... i 1 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Project Description .............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Alternatives ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Areas of Known Controversy/Issues to be Resolved .......................................................... 1 1.4 Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures .................................................................. 1 2 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 17 2.1 The EIR Process ................................................................................................................. 17 2.2 EIR Certification Process and Project Approval ................................................................ 17 2.3 Changes to Project Description ......................................................................................... 17 3 Response to Comments ................................................................................................................ 19 3.1 Summary of Comments Received ..................................................................................... 19 4 Corrections and Additions to the Draft EIR ................................................................................ 168 5 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program .......................................................................... 188 Tables Table ES-1 Summary of Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures, and Residual Impacts ........ 3 Final Environmental Impact Report i University of California, Santa Cruz Kresge College Renewal and Expansion Project Table of Contents This page intentionally left blank. Final Environmental Impact Report ii University of California, Santa Cruz Kresge College Renewal and Expansion Project Executive Summary 1 Executive Summary 1.1 Project Description The project would involve demolition of nine existing buildings; construction of a new cluster of residential buildings, and academic building, and multi-purpose assembly space; and renovation or reconstruction of most remaining existing buildings at Kresge College. New and renovated buildings would be reprogrammed to increase the functionality of the residential, academic, and student support spaces. In addition, the project would include improvements to and new construction of outdoor amenities, circulation features (including bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure), storm water management system components, landscaping features, and utilities. 1.2 Alternatives As required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this EIR examines alternatives to the proposed project. Studied alternatives include the following four alternatives. Alternative 1: No Project . Alternative 2: Renovate, Reuse, and New Construction . Alternative 3: Partial Demolition . Alternative 4: Off-Site Lecture Hall Refer to Section 6, Alternatives, in the Draft EIR for analysis of these alternatives and a discussion of the environmentally superior alternative. 1.3 Areas of Known Controversy/Issues to be Resolved The potential for impacts to historic resources could be an area of controversy, given that the project would entail demolition and renovation of Charles Moore and William Turnbull-designed buildings. The EIR scoping process did not identify any other areas of controversy for the proposed project. 1.4 Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures Table ES-1 summarizes the environmental impacts of the proposed project, proposed mitigation measures, and residual impacts (the impact after application of mitigation, if required). Impacts are categorized as follows: . Significant and Unavoidable. An impact that cannot be reduced to below the threshold level given reasonably available and feasible mitigation measures. Such an impact requires a Statement of Overriding Considerations to be issued if the project is approved per §15093 of the State CEQA Guidelines. Final Environmental Impact Report 1 University of California, Santa Cruz Kresge College Renewal and Expansion Project Executive Summary . Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. An impact that can be reduced to below the threshold level given reasonably available and feasible mitigation measures. Such an impact requires findings under §15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines. Less than Significant. An impact that may be adverse, but does not exceed the threshold levels and does not require mitigation measures. However, mitigation measures that could further lessen the environmental effect may be suggested if readily available and easily achievable. No Impact. The proposed project would have no effect on environmental conditions or would reduce existing environmental problems or hazards. Final Environmental Impact Report 2 University of California, Santa Cruz Kresge College Renewal and Expansion Project Executive Summary Table ES-1 Summary of Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures, and Residual Impacts Impact Mitigation Measures Residual Impact Aesthetics Impact AES-1. Scenic vistas are not available to or from None required Less than significant Kresge College. Therefore, project implementation would not block or impede views of scenic vistas. This impact would be less than significant. Impact AES-2. Designated scenic resources on the UC None required Less than significant Santa Cruz campus are not located in or immediately adjacent to the project site. Therefore, the project would have a less than significant impact on scenic resources. Impact AES-3. The project would substantially alter the None available Significant and visual character of Kresge College and degrade its high unavoidable level of visual quality, primarily by the demolition of historic buildings with unique architecture and the construction of new buildings that do not conform to the site’s original design. These physical changes would result in a significant and unavoidable impact on visual character and quality. Impact AES-4. New light and glare sources from the None required Less than significant project would not adversely affect views in the area with adherence to campus design standards and mitigation measures in the 2005 LRDP EIR. This impact would be less than significant. Impact AES-5. Cumulative development would not None required Less than significant result in significant cumulative aesthetics impacts, and the project’s contribution would not be cumulatively considerable. Agriculture and Forestry Resources Impact AFR-1. The project would remove approximately None required Less than significant 176 trees; however, this tree removal and other project improvements would not conflict with existing zoning or cause rezoning of forest land, or involve other changes in the existing environment that could result in the conversion of forest land to non-forest use. Pursuant to Final Environmental Impact Report 3 University of California, Santa Cruz Kresge College Renewal and Expansion Project Executive Summary Impact Mitigation Measures Residual Impact approval of a Timberland Conversion Permit and a Timber Harvesting Plan, impacts would be less than significant. Impact AFR-2. Cumulative development would not None required Less than significant result in significant cumulative agriculture or forestry resource impacts, and the project’s contribution would not be cumulatively considerable. Impacts would be less than significant. Air Quality Impact AQ-1. Implementation of the project would not None required conflict with or obstruct implementation of the 2017 Less than significant AQMP. Impacts would be less than significant. Impact AQ-2. Project construction would not generate None required Less than significant pollutants in quantities that exceed MBARD significance thresholds. Therefore, the project would not violate or contribute substantially to the violation of an air quality standard. this impact would be less than significant. Impact AQ-3. Project operation would not generate None required Less than significant pollutants in quantities that exceed MBARD significance thresholds. Therefore, the project would not violate or contribute substantially to the
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