BOUTON, BOUGHTON and FARNAl\1 FAJ\1ILIES Compiled by Willis A. Boughton 1949 Copyright 1949 by Willis A. Boughton Page Introduction ......... ... .............. ........ .............................................................. v Bouton Ancestry . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. 1 Table 1. Eleazer Bouton and Descendants ........ ............ ....... ....... 7 Table 2. Asahel Boughton and Descendants ................................ 10 Table 3. Dinah Boughton and Descendants ................................ 12 Table 4. Deborah Boughton and Descendants ............................ 16 Table 5. Linus Boughton and Descendants ................ ·········-·---·--- 23 Table 6. George Boughton and Descendants ·-··----··------ ····----------- 1'4 Table 7. Caleb Boughton and Descendants ---····-···-··--·--------------·---- 29 Table 7A. Walter Boughton and Descendants ................................ 31 Table 7B. William Boughton and Descendants .............................. 35 Table 8. Alden Boughton and Descendants ··········-· .................... 39 Table 8A. Charles Boughton and Descendants ................... ........... 41 Table 9. Theodocia Boughton and Descendants .... ···············-···- 46 Table 10. Myron Boughton and Descendants ........ .. ...................... 47 Table 11. Nathaniel Boughton and Descendants ··-····· .......... ........ 54 Table llA. Levi Boughton II and Descendants ............................... 60 Table 12. David Bouton and Descendants ···········- ...... --···-------··-··-·· 64 Table 13. Eugene Bouton and Descendants ---··················-···-·····-···- 68 Table 14. George Bouton and Descendants ·····················-·············· 70 Table 15. Samuel Fletcher Bouton and Descendants .... .. ............ 72 Table 16. Homer Boughton and Descendants ........ ... ···············-··-- 75 Table 16A. Charles D. V. Boughton and Descendants .. ............... 77 Table 17. Jehiel Boughton and Descendants ···························-···· 78 Table 18. Judson Boughton and Descendants ................................ 80 Table 19. Julius Boughton and Descendants ···········- -··················· 83 Table 20. Orris Boughton and Descendants ............ .................... 85 Table 21. Samuel Boughton and Descendants ···- ........................ 96 Table 22. William L. Boughton and Descendants ···- ·····-··············· 99 Table 23. The Delano Line .................................... ... ........................ 100 Table 24. The Scudder Line ............................................................ 101 Table 25. Jeffrey A. Farnham I and Descendants ........................ 102 Table 26. George Washington Farnam I and Descendants ·····-·· 111 Table 27. George Washington Farnam II and Descendants ........ 113 Table 28. Benjamin A. Farnham and Descendants .................... 116 Table 2·9_ Reuben Farnham and Descendants ................................ 118 Table 30. Roswell Farnham and Descendants ........ .... ............ 120 Table 31. Samuel Farnham and Descendants .... ... ....................... 122.' Table 32. Eliab Farnham and Children ................. ...... .... .. .... .... ... 128 Table 33. Benjamin Tracy arid Children .... .... ............................ 129 Notes. Boughtons in Michigan ........................ .. ........................ 130 Known Direct Ancestors of Willis Boughton -························--········· 137 The Boughton Family in Victor, N. Y. ................ ................................. 155 Catalog or Documents with Index of Names....................................... 160 General Index of Names .......................... .. ...... ............................ 168 Additions and Corrections, with Index of New Names .................... 202 INTRODUCTION The genealogical data given in these tables are usually limited to the dates and places of the births, marriages and deaths of direct descendants, together ""ith the full names of tbeir husbands and "·ives and for these the dates and places of births and deaths and the names of their parents, or as much of this information as is available. Few bio­ graphical notes of geuel'al interest are included. The facts are believed to be accurate, but the com­ piler can not be held in any way responsible for errors or misleading statements. Anyone who has attempted gen­ ealogical research will realize that exact information about ancestral data often can not be obtained. Earlv• records may be confused. Spellings of names and even places are vari~d. \ 1 ital data are incomplete, or may be based on hearsay or guess, and often are in error, or missing alto­ gether. A search into a genealogical record may be made hy a number of persons independently, and the results may be discussed publicly or privately before even a partial consensus of opinion is developed, and this later may be found not to express the truth. ~-,or such reasons the in­ formation given herewith is often not as complete as de­ si1·ed, and may indeed contain misstatements. Authorities and sources are in general omitted as being of little use to any but the professional genealogist. All data have been triply checked from original sources. In general, if errors are found, I should like very much to learn about them; and if additional related data are known or become available·, I shall be glad to receive them. But in order to be of use they should be as accurate and complete as possible, with connections to names listed here or in the BOUTON-BOUGHTON FAMILY book correctly indicated. The receipt of friendly informative letters will be acknowledged as soon as possible, but for obvious rea­ sons any argumentative correspondence is to be avoided. y The nu1tt0r of thfl h(lst arrnng0n1ent for tabulutinA the ,·arious lines of descent ,Yas most carefully.. eousidered. Th<.' method finally adotlted is believed to be elear and com- prPhe1u~i ,·p, although it does not follow th(l orthodox pat­ tern. Briefly, the ancestral line and the 1u1mP of th(• ori~­ iual stated aneestor head the first section of earh ta hlt'. (~hildren are identified by large Roman numerals: g1 and­ children by Hmall Roman numerals; and so on, through capital letters, small letters, Arabic numerals, and ciomhiu­ ations of the latter t,vo. Children of anv., descendant are tabulated in a subordinate position. When there haH hePn more than oue marriage the order of marriages is sho\\·n hy an Arabic numeral in parentheses; and the name of eaeh child in such a case is when needed preceded hy the same numeral in parenth(1ses as that of the respertive "~ife. .l\_ brief examination of the tables will, it is believed, make the pla1i <]nite clear. The abbreviations employed throughout the tables should be easil .Y understood. B. or b. mpans born; ~r. or m., married; D. or d., died; bur., huried ~ hap., haptised; T,vp., tcnY1ud1ip; Co., county; B.B.~ the Bouton-Boughton F"'amily hook, by ,James Boug-hton, described else"·here . ..A.8 a rule, data g-iven in the Bouton-Bou~·hton I?amily book are repeated here only "~hen additions or corrections are made, or to show a family line or connection, or for some other obvious reason. I am deeply indebted to a gTeat many near and dis­ tant relatives and other interested per~on~ for most of the informatioJ1 included. They have been patient and helpful under the cross questioning t hn t Rcemed to be neces~ary in order to obtain as complete information as possible, and I hope that the lists thus g-radualiy gathered "~ill be of inter­ eHt and value to them and their familie8. Each such con­ tributor rece_ives a grati~- copy of this book, as a small re­ \Yard for t11e assistance giv-en. Copies " 1 ill also eventu~Hy go to many libraries and organization:; interested in gen­ ealo~~l records. ()nly a few· copies will be reserved for ' ' vi later distribution and, to receive these, ,applicants must show a special need.. No copies will be plne~d on public sale.. \'1.ILLIS A. BOUGHTON Fort Lauderdale, Florida 1948 vii Origin of the American Family In 1890 Jan1es Bou.td1ton publisht~d a book of g·enealog­ ical data called the ··Bouton-Boughton lf'amily.'' It con­ tains a great amouut of infornu1tion and is ,Yithout doubt as complete as "·a8 possible at the time. lJnfortunately it also includes errors, both clerical and in fact, many of them not the fault of the compiler, so that its information can not he wholly tru~ted. For example, the list of chil­ dren of Eleazer Boughton III does not include either Al­ den or Tro,vhridge, ninth and tenth children, although Myron, the eleventh child, is listed. The account given in that hook of the orig·in of the Bouton family in .. A_merica is colorful, but later research has sho"yn that it is not correct, and the information given there about the first ,John Bouton and his son and g-rand­ son, both named John, is inaccurate. Frank 1\llabeu, a descendant of Deacon John Bouton of the fourth g·enera tion, and himself for many years a professional genealog·iHt, g;ives the follo"·ing information: "John Bouton I had none of the wives assigned to him, but instead m. Alice -- and d. before 1647 when his widow m. Matthew Marvin. Alice was b. about 1610 and made her will Dec. 1, 1680." Their children were: i. John Bouton II. Not mentioned in the B. B. book. M. (1) Jan. 1, 1656 to Abigail Marvin at Norwalk, Conn., and had John III. ii. Richard Bouton. B. 1639-40. M. Ruth Tunney (Turney). D. June 27, 1665 at Norwalk. She was the daughter of Benjamin Turney. iii. Bridget Bouton. B. in 1642 at Hartford. M. Daniel Ke .. - logg at Norwalk. iv.
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