El467 BACOLOD - KABANICALAN ROAD ( Bacolod - San Enrique Section) 10 XSACOL,OI) - ICABANI(ALAN ROAD ( Uacolod - San 13iriquc Scction) Public Disclosure Authorized 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Brief Inti-oduclion 'Thc Environmental Impact Assessrncnt (EIA) Study of the proposed Bacolod - ICabanIcalan Road (Bacolod - San Enrique Section) Project is presented in the form of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) document to secure an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) in accordance with the requirement of the revised rules and rcgu lations for the EIS System en1 bodied in the DENR's Department Adn~inistrativc Ordcr (11.40) No. 96 -37. Public Disclosure Authorized 1.2 Bricf Description of Mcihodology 'I'lic preparations of the EIS was carried out through the collection of primary and secondary data obtained from various sources sucl~as envirollniental reporls, provillcial and municipal profiles, ~ncdiunitern1 development plans, orlicr publisl~cd rcports and Ieasibility studies undertalten by the DI'WI-1. Site illspections and actual interviews with affected persons provided first hand information. Elldorsernent from tlle LGU's and public consultation documents were also gathered to establish the s~1pp01-tncedcd for the proposed project. 1.3 Scopc and Liinitatioln of the EIS study Public Disclosure Authorized 'file project involves wicicning or tlie existing two-lane road from Bacolod Cily to Sail Enriquc town proper. Thc BIA study focuses on the entire stretch of tlie road exccpt in areas wl~cretl~ere are existing ongoing works under tlie Regular Infrastructure Projects of tlie Bago and Bacolod City District Ellgineering Orfices. The stitdy also talces into consideration the social and pllysical impacts of the project specifically on affectcd Saniilics and structures due to widening. 1.4 Project Description and Scope of Work 'The project involves widening oftlie existing two-lane road into four-lane road (Portland Concretc Cemcn~Pavement or Asphalt Concrete Pavement). Total length of ll~cproject t- Public Disclosure Authorized road is 35.10 ltm. slarling at Jtrn 4 500 at the Bacolod Airport and ends at I<nl 37 + 000 at Sat1 Enrique town proper. ( Note that there are some ongoing worlts along the road scction and these are considered exeluptions from this project) The road generally runs parallel to the shoreline of Guimaras Strait, west of Negros Occidental. The project road is classilied as a national road. DPW1-I-E~~viro~imie~italand Social Serviccs Office b BACOLOD - KABANKALAN ROAD ( Bacolod - San Enrique Section) Aside lio~n pavcment upgrading, other scope of work are bridge rehabilitation1 improvemcnt ancl construction and drainage iniprove~nent. 1.5 Brief Description of Baseline Enviro~l~ne~ltalConditioll The Bacolod - lcabanltalan Road project, in particular the Bacolod - San Enriquc Sectioc starts at the terninus of Araneta Street right after the airport exit gate and onwards passing Barangay Sumag (part of Bacolod City), Bago City and the Municipalities of I'~~lupanclan,Valladolid and terriiiriates at San Enrique. Entire stretch of the road is characterized as flat to rolling in some areas. Prominent in these areas are trees and other perennials on both sides orthe road. Rich agricultural lands are also visible in the area. 'I'he project road is connccted with the Valleher~noso- Sari Enriq~~ecross lsland Link, which fiunctions as an interprovincial road ror the Negros lsland provinces. It also fornls past of tlie Bacolod South Road, which is classified as North - South bacltbone of the country's arterial road network. Since the project involves widening, it is expected that there will be minimal displacement or structures and other perennials, substantial trees to be cut and tc~nporary loss of vegetative cover due to road cut design. 'I'hc existing road is in good to moderate co~lditio~iand ~nostlyin flat terrain. l'he traffic co~iditionof the area is now becoming a problc~iland it is expected that traffic situation will aggravate in tlic near future. 1.6 Sutnlnary of Project Impacts 'I'able below shows Summary Matrix of lss~~esand Impacts ISSUES IMPACTS Land acquisition, Damage to structures and 1. For~naland informal setl.lers will be properties, Loss of properties affected by the project. 2. Com~nercial structures and other perennials will be affected by the project. due to Trees and vegetation will be CLI~to givc way to tlie road construction. during increased level of dust, air and noise level co~~str~~ction during construction. - -- -. 'Traffic obstr~~ction Increased level of traffic volu~nc during construction. -- Recruitment of labor for the construction of E~nployrnent of local- DPWH-E~~vironmcntaland Social Services Office 2 4 BACOLOD - KABANICALAN ROAD ( Bacolod - San Enrique Section) --- I'rcscncc of utility lincs within tlic I<ROW Utility lilies will be transferred oi~tsidc the RROW - Inappropriate disposal of spoils and Incidence of dumping spoils and construction wastc materials along slopes or gullies or in areas not specified by the Engineer. Inappropriate quarrying Incidents of violations of sound environmenta~quarry practices. I I Incidents of quarrying in 1,011-designated quarry sites. / Soil erosio11 I Incidents of landslides / sco~~ri~ig 1.7 Matrix of Environmental Managenrcnt Plan (EMP) and Enviroll~lielltalMonitoring Plan Sce Chapter 7 for the Ei~viron~~~entalIllanagement Plan and Monitoring Plan 1.8 Traffic Management Plan1 See Chapter 8 for the Traffic Management Plan IIPWI-I-E~iviro~i~iie~italand Social Services Office I BACOLOD-KABANKALANROAI) ( Bacolod - San Enrique Section) 2. INTRODUCTION 'l'lic I'roject 1'1.0poiicnt is thc Department oP Public Works and tlighway (DPWI I), IBItD-PMO, with address at 2"d street, J'ort Area Manila, Contact person is Director Baliamen P. Mainainte, Telephone Nun~ber304-30-00 loc. 378213793 . Tlic Govcrnmcnt of the Philippines has obtained a loan from the World Bank Sor assistance in 111ianci1igthc National Road I~nprove~nentand Management Program (NRIMP) of the DPWH. The Bacolod - Kabanltalan Iioad, (Bacolod San Enriqi~e Section) is OIIC of the projects being considcrcd under the proposed IBRD- assisted NlilMP Program whose objcctive is to be establish an environmentally, socially and l'inanc~ally sustainable management syslern for an improved National Roads Systc~ii. 2.2.3 Access to the Pro%jcctArea The provillce is accessible to key cities like Manila, Cebu and Davao through air and sca. Tlie project area call be reach through air and sea. Travel time from Manila is approximately 55 millirtes by air and 24 ours by boat. 2.2 EIA Pl'KOL4CHAND METWODOLJOGY 'l'lic preparation of this docu~nentwas carricd out through collection of primary and sccondary data or enviro~~i~lentalcondition obtained during visit to thc project alxa and to various agencies concerned. o Socio Eco~iomicPrifiles ii.0111 the Municipal Planning Develop~iient Coodiiiator (MI'DC) o Project related data from the PMO-Feasibility Studies, R-PMO o Geo-hazard datdmap from the Mines and Geoscience Bureau o NlPAS data from DENR-EMB Region V1 o Various Maps from NAMRlA o Prill~ary data obtained on-site through investigation, survey and i~lterview 0 Some baseli~~edata were talcen from the ElAPO data base -. IIPWI-I-Environme~~taland Social Services pffice 4 BACOLOD - KABANKALAN ROAD ( Bacolod - San Enrique Section) 2.3 EIA L'PBOCESS DOCUMENTATION EJA Preparation anad Review l'rocedurcs I. 'To implement the rcquiremcnls ol'the EIS System, the DPWH conducted lhc Initial Screening process prior to scoping to identiry whether the proposed pro-iccl is an Environmentally Critical Project or not. 2. Since the project involve the widening of the existing two lane to Sour lane road, thc proposed project is covered under the EIS system. 3. A I'icld vcriiication was conducted for the entire stretch of the road projccl in coordination with the DENR Regional Orfice. It included inputs Trom the locallaffccted communities, DEhIR Regional Oflices, LGUs, concerned government agencies ancl other concerned project stalteholders. '1-lie lield verification was conducted to: a) Identify the significant environmental management issues to be addrcsscdlresolved in the conduct of the EIA; fonnulalion of mitigatinglenl~ance~measures and implementation of environmcntal management activities b) Serve as the terms and conditions of work sub~nittedto the DENR and to bc reviewed by the members of the EIA Review Co~n~llittee(EIARC), barring exceptional or unroreseen changes in local conditions at the proposed project site Note: The above EIA process is described schematically in the attached EIA I'rocess Flowchart (Annex 3) of the Me~norandu~nof Agreement Between DPWI I and DENR. NAME: ROSEMARIE B. DEL ROSAlilO IIOSITION: SUPERVISING ENVT. MNGT. SPECIALlST, DPW1-I-EIAPO FIELD OF EXPERTICE: Inlpact Assessment and Mitigation (Environmental Management Plan) DUTIES: Supervision of Preparation of EIA Report a. EIA Approach and Methodology b. Delinition ofthe Scope and Limitation orthe EIA Study c. EIA Stildy Schedule DPWH-Environme~~taland Social Services Office 5 b BACOLOD - KABANKALAN ROAD ( Bacolod - San Enrique Section) .. .- -- -- N/ln/Il1:: WILFRED0 F'. GALANG 1)OSI'I'ION:ENGINEER 111, NCR(DI'W1 I)-Planning and Design FIELD OF EXPEIZTICE: Planning, Design, and Constri~ction Supervisio~~oT lnllastructure Projccls DUTIES: Preparation and Documentatio~iol'EIA Report a. DPW1-I Coordination with Government and 1Von- Government Agcncics b. Proicct 'Tech17ical 1,iason and Communicatio~~ DPW1-I-Environmental and Social Services Office 6 d BACOLOD - KAUANKALAN ROAD ( Bacolod - San Enrique Section) 3.0 I'IIOJECT DESCRIPTION BACOLOD -KAUANKALAN ROAD ( L3acolod - San Enriq~ieSection) 2. I'rojcct 1,ocation I'rovince of Ncgros Occidental 3. I1ro.jcct Proponelit DPtl W, IBRD - PMO Contact Person Dir. Baliamen P. Mamainte. CESO 111 Ilcsignation Project Director, PMO - IBKD Address PMO-IBIID, DPWtl 2'ld Street, Port Area, Manila 'I'cl. Nos. 'I'lic DPWI-I - Eiivil-oilmenlal Impact Assesslncnt Project Office (EIAI'O) in coordination with the PMO-1BRD and Mr. David Zoellner, NRlMP Consultant conducted Lhe cnvironmental i~iipactstudy of this projcct.
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