THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 2X, 1900. 8009 Micbaelstone-terrace, Somerset-place, Ebbw Vale- specified time, and a copy of this advertisement as row, Merthyr-row, Tyisha-row, Victoria-terrace, published in the London Gazette will be deposited, Woodland-row, Miners-row, Colliers-row, Park- on or before the 3Qth day of November instant, row, Copper-row,- Engine-row, Tir Arthur-row, for public inspection, at the office of the Clerk of Tewgoed-row, Undeb-row, Ynisavon-row, Hazel- the Peace for the county of Glamorgan, at Car- ; wood-row, Gower-street, Pelly-s'reet, Tymaen- diff, in the said county, and at the Rural District slreet, and St. Davids-row, Cwmavon ; Station- Council's offices. • terrace, Standert-tetrace, Gethius row, Penybank, And notice is hereby lastly given, that every Brynbedd, and Brick-row, Seven Sisters ; Front- local or other public authority, company, or per- row, Onllwyn; Station-road, Crynant : Railway- son desirous of bringing before the Board of terrace, Cory-street, Yeo-street, Company-street, Trade any objection respecting the application Lyons-row, a new street in course of construction must do so by letter addressed to the Board of from Station-road to west of Companv-street, to be Trade, marked on the outside of the cover enclos- known as John-street, Resolven ; Oddfellows- ing it " Electric Lighting Acts," on or before the street, Bethania-street, Abernanl-terrace, and 15th day of January, 1901, and a copy of such White Hart-row, Glynneath; Railway terrace, objection must also be forwarded to the under- Venallt-terrace, Cwmgwrach. mentioned Solicitors or Parliamentry Agents. Railway Bridges. Dated this 5th day of November, 1900. Dynevor Station, Great Western Railway. CUTHBERTSON and POWELL, Neath, Soli- Ty Du Bndge, Great Western Railway. citors for the Ordtr. Resolven Station Bridge. SHARPB, PARKER, PRITCHARDS, BARIIAM, Canal Bridges. and LAWFORD, 9, Bridge-street, West- Aberdulars Lock, Tennant Canal. minster, Parliamentary Agents. Dynevor Wharf, Tennant Canal. In Parliament.—Session 1901. Briton Ferry Road, Tennant Canal. Dorking Urban District Council Water. Lamb and Fhg, Glvn-Neath, Neath Canal (Transfer of Undertaking of Dorking Wafer Navigation. Company to the Urban District Council of Dork« Reaolven Bridge, Neath Canal Navigation. ing; Winding-up and Dissolution of Company; Al erdulais Bridg^, Neath Canal Navigation. Maintenance and Improvement of exist ing- ' Eagle Tin Works, Neath Canal Navigation. Works ; Supply of Water; further Provisions 1'ont-y-Lady, Neath Canal Navigation. and Reg-illations as to Supply of Water'; Rates Great Western Kail way. and Charges; Borrowing of Money ; Power to- The level crossings of the Great Western Rail- enter into Agreement with Dorking Rural- way at Neath Abbey Station, Dynevor Si lings, District Council; Appointment of Joint Com- Penrhiwtyn, Eagle Tin Works, Melyncrythan, mittee, &c.; Repeal, Amendment, and Incor-' Clyne Tin Works. poratioii of Acts.) Rhomlda and Swansea Bay Railway. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that application is At Cwmavon Station, Church-square, Tymaen- .Li intended to be made to Parliament in the streut, Pelly-street. Gower-street, London-row. ensuing Session by the Urban District Council of Neath and Brecon Railway. the urban district of Dorking, in the county of At Sunny Bank. Surrey (hereinafter referred to as ''the Council"), - Main Colliery Company Limited Railway. for an Act for all or some of the following pur- At Burrows-road and Main-road, Skewen. poses and objects (that is to say):— Wright, Butlers Railway. To authorise and empower the Council to At Cwmavon Station, Cunard-row, Pwllyglaw, purchase and acquire, and to provide for the- Steel Works, Danycoed-row, Steel Works, Copper transfer to and vesting in the Council, of the Works, Cwmavon Sidings. undertaking, works, lands, mains, pipes, ease-- Rio Tinto Copper Works Railway. ments, property (both real and personal), rights, -. At Pwllyglaw, Copper Works, Cunard-row. powers, and authorities of the Dorking Water Messrs. Copper Miners Tinylate Co. Railway. Company (hereinafter called "the Company"), At TJT Owen-row, Express Steel Works, for such price or consideration and upon and Market square. subject to such terms, conditions, and stipulations Messrs. Byass and Co.'s Brick Works. as may be expressed in or provided by or under E. Evan Bevans Sidings at Seven Sis'ers. the provisions of the Bill, or as may be agreed Onllwyn Colliery Sidings, Onllwj n. upon between the Council and the Company, or Crynant Colliery Sidings, Crynant. as may be settled by arbitration, and to autho- Aberpergwm Colliery Railway, Glynneath. rise or require the Company to sell and transfer The Neath Corporation Tramways and the tram- their undertaking, property, and rights ac- ways of Neath Abbey Iron Works, Main Colliery cordingly. Company Limited, Joshua Williams and Com- To confirm and carry into effect any agree- pany, Messrs. Daniel Bros., and Abernant Brick ment between the Company and the Council with Company. reference to any such purchase and sale which And notice is hereby given that the draft of the may have been entered into prior to the passing- Order will be deposited at the office of the Board of the intended Act. of Trade, on or before.the 21st day of December To provide for the distribution of the purchase next, and printed copies of the draft Order, when money and assets amongst the shareholders of the Company, and any other persons entitled or deposited, and of the Order when made, may be interested therein, and to provide for the redemp- obtained (at the price of one shilling for each tion, cancellation, or extinction of all mortgages,1 copy) at the offices of the Council (Orchard-street, debentures, ordinary and preference stock "and Neath), at the residence of Edward Powell, Esq. shares of the Company, the employment of or (Coedinor, Skew en, in the rural district of Neath), compensation to officers and servants of the and at the offices of the undermentioned Parlia- Company, and the winding up and dissolution of mentary Agents. the Company. And notice is hereby further given, that a map To empower the Council to carry on the showing the boundaries of the proposed are.a of undertaking, and to maintain, alter, improve, supply °and the streets in which it is proposed and enlarge the existing waterworks of the that electric lines shall be Inid down within a Company, or some of them, and to authorise No. 27251. 2 B.
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