Eastern Illinois University The Keep January 1997 1-22-1997 Daily Eastern News: January 22, 1997 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1997_jan Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: January 22, 1997" (1997). January. 7. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1997_jan/7 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1997 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in January by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Fir§t INSIDE . in hne y First .. Athletic -Helping Director t WEDNESDAY Eastern Illinois University cmulidate out·· Charleston, Ill. 61920 visits January 22, 1997 Weekend workshop to train Vol. 82, No. 83 participants for HIV/AIDS ~ 2 pages training cen ification. , · PAGE 6 "Tell the truth and don:t be afraid" AB .approves·. bylaw addition . to Provide funding to RSOs ·. ' SY ROB STROUD The b law :llidi tion tate' that \\ill he tal..en out or the acti ity and MINDY BUYCK an) R 0 intere:.tcd in funding for fee mone). '' hi h currently i. ib activitie mu t attend a hudget di,idell hct\\~en the !>cnatc. the -.cmimtr during the . l!cond wed Dl\ i,ion of Sport and The Apportionment Board of. eptemner. Rt•ereaiHlll. niH•rsit) ~oard. \londa~ pa:iocd'an addition to To be cligihk fl)r fumlin.g ramallc Performance., :uid the their b) Ia''" that ''oulu proviuc through the AB. the acll\ II) or 13 . lunuing fur ·.tcti\ i t t~.' and program . mu~t tal..e place ''" During the . ccnnd ''e.:!.. of pr,lgr~un~ :-ptHh\lr~d h~ rccog· cumpu' and prO\ illc cn!l!r­ 0Ltoher . .111~ RSO ~cel..1ng n11<.:U 'tuJent mganinttinrh. tanuncnt and/or cultural cnh<mcc­ tunJing mu'-1 'uhmit a \\llllen AB tce hair Jean•~· R1epl..a mcnt to a ..... igmficant" ponion or appl1c.1t1on The .tppllt:<ILion .... ud 11 the aliJitlllJI 1' apprll\CU h~ ihc Ulli\Cr'rT) ·, Cllllllllllllit~ . 'lmuld Ul.',cnht• rf1e pwgram ami the Studl.'nt Se1i.ttc it "1ll I! I' c The h) Ia'' "Ill crc<liC a nc" act I\ it~ .mu c\pl.un 11~ hcncfib R. ()... .the opp<)nunity ·w hT1~g a account Jll't for funll ing R. 0 and C<l,h.- " idcr ' :tnl.'t) llf acti\ itu.:" to thl' program... \lure than one The B would then form a un i' ef"it). organt/aCion can 'pon... or a :-in!!k 'uhco.mtnillcl.! con..,il>ting of three The h)i:m change \\ill he llll activit ~ or program and all profit, ''<l tlnl! AB mcmhcr~. headed by tht• 'cnnh.:-.; ugcnda tomght. hut it from the :Jcti' II) "!II go into the the AB vice chair. to re' icw the ·an not be apfHO cd until nl.':\t n:,ervc account. app l ica t ion~ . The •\ B will then wee!... The money fo r the nc\\ account t•e BYLAW page 2 More than 100 students may need to find alternative college fu.nding BY ROB Sl'ROUD waiver to family. friends and political allies. Staff writer Thi ~ caused the tate legislature to require the na mes of the . tude nt. who receive the. e The pos. ible elimination or the state'. legi. lati ve scholarship. to be made public. !>Cho4arshi ps may fo rce more th an I 00 Eastern " It ha cau ed e no ug h flac k that they " il l :- tudcnts to fi nd other meam. to fund their college probabl y do away with the progmm." Fl ynn said. education. The "tate hn allowed legi. Ia tor' to give out John Flynn. director of fi nancial aid . aid the cholarship to stude nts from their district :.ince ~ta t e' legi lati vc sc ho l a~h ip:. one type of a tu ition 1907. ,., ai,er from the tate. might not be a ail able for Flynn said more than 100 Ea tern tu denb are much lo nger becau:-e lllinoi Ho u. e Speaker receiving legislative . cho l ar:-hip~ this year. SARAH WONG!Associate photo edttor Michad Madigan Thursday called fo r an end to the "The ' II e ither apply to receive additional Waterworld state'.; legislati ve cholarshi p program. fi nancial aid or do without a tui tion waiver." Flynn A series of articles writt en by the As ociated aid. Sam Martin. a building . en·ice ll'orker. 11. es a ll'erldry racuum to pick • Pres. and the Champaign Nell's Gazerre last year Although the cost of going to college has tripled up water from melting ice in the hallll'ay outside Lam: Gym Tuesdav revealed that many state legislators were giving the See FUNDING page 2 afiemoon. Professors react to Edgar si_gning voting legislation Ea. tern profes or aid the thought parti an politic:. not a concern for improving the election proces . moti vated Go . Jim Edgar to :.ign lcgi ·Jation to end single vote, straight party balloting in .Il li nois. Edgar :igned the lcgi lation Friday. whi h will eliminate . traight party Ling from non-parti. an. primary and con olidated general election ballot:.. Current! . 30 tate already have put an end to the . ingle vote. -;traight pan. balloLo; . Political . cicncc profc or Richard Wandling said he th ught Edgar approved the legi~latio n in respon e • t.raight ticket oting in Cook Count) . '"hich lead to Republican!. lo')ing . eat. in the Hou ·e of Rcpre. cntative . "What concern. me i that it ' a. purely m th ated paniloan rea~;o n .- . and not in the spirit of governance." Wandling . aid. · " It' minor hara:.sment and revenge again. t thc emocrat. ... -;a1d Andre" Me itt. chair of ~he polit1cal ~<:ience department. ~~)'\~itt aiJ the legi!>lation would not ha c a great effect on t)Je make up of the :-.yne,legil>laturc. Melinda Mueller. political 'cicnce profe. or. aid the leg1 ·Jation ma) make voters rnukc more educated otc~ The profc •. o all aid the lcgi Iali n ' ould hurt vottng f< r ... rnallcr clecti n races bccau e pc pie are more likely to vote· for more high prolil' election. uch as go emor and senatorial race than for locai ra e .. Though the legi lation ma have been leveled at DemocraLS. the after !Te t. Small talk of the bill may al o affect the Republican Party. Wandling aid DuPage County ha. voted traight ticket Republican in the Stbdems gather at the Delta Sigma Phi house Tuesday night for f raternity n1sh. The fraternity welcomed about 20 inte~s ed students. Set EDGAR page 2 Gingrich to pay high price for ethical misconduct WASHINGTON (AP) - In a admitted it - but they clashed over spokeswoman, Lauren Maddox. under his name - denying his than using his own money. day of dishonor for Newt the gravity of his misbehavior. When admitting his guilt Dec. 21 , political organization's connection A vote to reprimand a member Gingrich, the House voted for the The pattisanship that permeated Gingrich acknowledged in a writ­ to the tax-exempt activities - were is reserved for "serious viola­ first time in history to discipline the two-year investigation was ten statement that he "brought "inaccurate, incomplete and unre­ tions" of the rules. The financial its speaker for ethical misconduct. undiminished Tuesday despite the down on the people's house a con­ liable." There were 196 Repub­ penalty, never before imposed, After months of prutisan strife, the overwhelming vote. At one point, troversy which could weaken the licans, 198 Democrats and 1 inde­ was to reimburse the ethics panel vote was a lopsided 395-28 to rep­ Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., faith people have in their govern­ pendent who supported the penal­ for costs associated with expand­ rimand Gingrich and impose a questioned whether Gingrich was ment." After two years of denials, ty. Twenty-six Republicans and ing the investigation after $300,000 penalty. "ethically fit" to continue as Gingrich confessed to committee two Democrats were opposed and Gingrich submitted his misleading "The penalty is tough and speaker. findings that he failed to "seek five members merely voted "pre­ statements. unprecedented," ethics committee However, most of the 435 seats and follow" legal advice that sent." Still unannounced is how Gingrich's lawyer, J. Randolph Chairwoman Nancy Johnson, R­ on the floor - and most in the visi­ would have warned him not to use Gingrich will pay the $300,000. Evans, and ethics committee spe­ Conn., said at the start of a 90- tors' gallery - were empty. tax-exempt projects to further par­ Some Republicans said he would cial counsel James M. Cole minute debate. Republicans and Gingrich was attending meet­ tisan goals. risk further political uproar if he watched from members' seats as Democrats agreed that Gingrich ings in his office and did not He also agreed that he should used campaign money or estab­ Mrs. Johnson told the House, ''No had done wrong - indeed he had watch the debate, said his have known statements submitted lished a legal defense fund rather one is above the rules." BY LAW from page one determine which groups will creative programs and will widen give presentations on why they what is available to students. need the funds. AB member Mike Callice said The AB will review the bud­ the new bylaw contradicts with gets according to AB policies an old bylaw, which stated the and guidelines. The AB guide­ funding for new activities cannot lines specify only activities that detract from continuing pro­ will improve the quality of stu­ grams or activities.
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