20170828 subscribers_cover61404-postal.qxd 8/22/2017 3:17 PM Page 1 September 11, 2017 $5.99 TheThe Little Nazis KE V I N D . W I L L I A M S O N O N T H E C HI L D I S H A L T- R I G H T $5.99 37 PLUS KYLE SMITH: The Great Confederate Panic MICHAEL LIND: The Case for Cultural Nationalism 0 73361 08155 1 www.nationalreview.com base_new_milliken-mar 22.qxd 1/3/2017 5:38 PM Page 1 !!!!!!!! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! "e Reagan Ranch Center ! 217 State Street National Headquarters ! 11480 Commerce Park Drive, Santa Barbara, California 93101 ! 888-USA-1776 Sixth Floor ! Reston, Virginia 20191 ! 800-USA-1776 TOC-FINAL_QXP-1127940144.qxp 8/23/2017 2:41 PM Page 1 Contents SEPTEMBER 11, 2017 | VOLUME LXIX, NO. 17 | www.nationalreview.com ON THE COVER Page 22 Lucy Caldwell on Jeff Flake The ‘N’ Word p. 15 Everybody is ten feet tall on the BOOKS, ARTS Internet, and that is why the & MANNERS Internet is where the alt-right really lives, one big online 35 THE DEATH OF FREUD E. Fuller Torrey reviews Freud: group-therapy session The Making of an Illusion, masquerading as a political by Frederick Crews. movement. Kevin D. Williamson 37 ILLUMINATIONS Michael Brendan Dougherty reviews Why Buddhism Is True: The COVER: ROMAN GENN Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment, ARTICLES by Robert Wright. DIVIDED THEY STAND (OR FALL) by Ramesh Ponnuru 38 UNJUST PROSECUTION 12 David Bahnsen reviews The Anti-Trump Republicans are not facing their challenges. Chickensh** Club: Why the WHO NEEDS ADVISORY BOARDS? by Reihan Salam Justice Department Fails to 13 Prosecute Executives, Trump should take the opportunity to rethink the Right’s relationship to by Jesse Eisinger. Big Business. CONSERVATISM IN THE DESERT by Lucy Caldwell 40 A SALZBURG TRIO 15 Jay Nordlinger attends the Salzburg Senator Jeff Flake makes a Goldwateresque stand against Trump. Festival. THE USES AND ABUSES OF CULTURAL IDENTITY 17 by Saagar Enjeti & Marshall Kosloff 42 LOVE AND ITS COMPLICATIONS Look to Corey Stewart’s near-win in Virginia. Ross Douthat reviews The Big Sick. THAT MAGIC FEELING by James Rosen 19 43 DOWN THESE LONELY A day at Abbey Road Studios. STREETS Richard Brookhiser remembers the neighborhood. FEATURES 22 THE ‘N’ WORD by Kevin D. Williamson They hate Jews and adore swastika swag, but don’t you dare call them that . SECTIONS THE CASE FOR CULTURAL NATIONALISM by Michael Lind 27 2 Letters to the Editor It’s time to start taking E pluribus unum seriously again. 4 The Week MONUMENTALLY NAÏVE by Kyle Smith 33 Athwart . James Lileks 30 The Long View . Rob Long For the Left, taking down Confederate memorials is just the beginning. 34 36 Poetry . Li Po 44 Happy Warrior . Heather Wilhelm NATIONAL REVIEW (ISSN: 0028-0038) is published bi-weekly, except for the first issue in January, by N ATIONAL REVIEW, Inc., at 215 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and additional mailing offices. © National Review, Inc., 2017. Address all editorial mail, manuscripts, letters to the editor, etc., to Editorial Dept., N ATIONAL REVIEW, 215 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. Address all subscription mail orders, changes of address, undeliverable copies, etc., to NATIONALREVIEW, Circulation Dept., P. O. Box 433015, Palm Coast, Fla. 32143-3015; phone, 386-246-0118, Monday–Friday, 8:00A.M . to 10:30 P.M. Eastern time. Adjustment requests should be accompanied by a current mailing label or facsimile. Direct classified advertising inquiries to: Classifieds Dept.,ATIONAL N REVIEW, 215 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016 or call 212-679- 7330. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to N ATIONAL REVIEW, Circulation Dept., P. O. Box 433015, Palm Coast, Fla. 32143-3015. Printed in the U.S.A. RATES: $59.00 a year (24 issues). Add $21.50 for Canada and other foreign subscriptions, per year. (All payments in U.S. currency.) The editors cannot be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or artwork unless return postage or, better, a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed. Opinions expressed in signed articles do not necessarily represent the views of the editors. letters-FINAL_QXP-1127940387.qxp 8/23/2017 1:02 PM Page 2 Letters SEPTEMBER 11 ISSUE; PRINTED AUGUST 24 EDITORINCHIEF Richard Lowry Masked Media Critics Senior Editors Richard Brookhiser / Jonah Goldberg / Jay Nordlinger Ramesh Ponnuru / David Pryce-Jones Managing Editor Jason Lee Steorts I have enjoyed NATIONAL REVIEW for nearly four decades. Even when NR Literary Editor Michael Potemra Vice President, Editorial Operations Christopher McEvoy gets it wrong (in my view), they almost always do so thoughtfully and from Executive Editor Reihan Salam sound conservative principles. Roving Correspondent Kevin D. Williamson National Correspondent John J. Miller In the current issue, you presented me with an exception to this rule. I refer Senior Political Correspondent Jim Geraghty Art Director Luba Kolomytseva to your (admittedly mild) defense of CNN’s “doxxing” (or, rather, threat to Deputy Managing Editors do so) of a young “Redditor” who created and posted a video graphic of Nicholas Frankovich / Fred Schwarz Robert VerBruggen CNN being beaten up by Donald Trump. Rather than focusing on CNN’s a) Production Editor Katie Hosmer Assistant to the Editor Rachel Ogden inability to take a (kind of lame) joke, or b) devotion of investigatory Contributing Editors resources to such a trivial matter when there are other obvious issues that Shannen Coffin / Ross Douthat / Daniel Foster could benefit from such “sunlight,” you said: “Why should political social- Roman Genn / Arthur L. Herman / Lawrence Kudlow Mark R. Levin / Yuval Levin / Rob Long media posts be anonymous? . The identity of social-media pundits is a Mario Loyola / Jim Manzi Andrew C. McCarthy / Andrew Stuttaford matter of public interest. Let the sun shine in.” NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE Here’s the problem: Anonymous speech is an integral and fundamental Editor Charles C. W. Cooke right tied to the right to free speech itself. If this were not inherently obvious, Managing Editor Katherine Connell Deputy Managing Editor Mark Antonio Wright please note that our nation’s civil-rights jurisprudence recognizes this fact Senior Writers Michael Brendan Dougherty / David French explicitly. The modern-day political climate is such that a person’s life can be Critic-at-Large Kyle Smith destroyed for even trivial transgressions of the current liberal pieties. More National-Affairs Columnist John Fund Reporter Katherine Timpf grimly, leftist mobs roam the land ready to destroy property, pepper-spray the Associate Editors Molly Powell / Nick Tell Manager, Office & Development Russell Jenkins objects of their unhinged hatred, and worse. There are sound reasons to Web Editorial Assistant Grant DeArmitt Web Producer Scott McKim remain anonymous when being provocative, and weighing these against the ludicrous idea that some guy with a GIF editor is a “pundit” of any stripe does EDITORS- AT- L A RG E Kathryn Jean Lopez / John O’Sullivan not exactly scream out for “sunshine.” BUCKLEYFELLOWSINPOLITICALJOURNALISM Of course I am aware that the First Amendment applies to state action and Alexandra DeSanctis / Theodore Kupfer thus says nothing about whether CNN is permitted to deploy resources to COLLEGIATE NETWORK FELLOW cause someone harm as a penalty for mocking it. The “civil rights” argument Philip H. DeVoe is just a parallel: This is the powerless standing up to the powerful, some- Contributors Hadley Arkes / James Bowman / Eliot A. Cohen thing liberals claim to admire (until the moment it’s something that gets their Dinesh D’Souza / Chester E. Finn Jr. / Neal B. Freeman own panties in a bunch, of course). Combined with CNN’s willingness to die James Gardner / David Gelernter / George Gilder Jeffrey Hart / Kevin A. Hassett / Charles R. Kesler on the barricades to protect the anonymity of someone making up fake-news David Klinghoffer / Anthony Lejeune / Alan Reynolds Tracy Lee Simmons / Terry Teachout / Vin Weber allegations against Republicans, I think the real story here is the appalling hypocrisy on display. Vice President Jack Fowler Chief Financial Officer James X. Kilbridge Accounting Manager Galina Veygman J.D. Baldwin Accountant Lyudmila Bolotinskaya Circulation Manager Jason Ng Via e-mail Head of Integrated Sales Jim Fowler Senior Account Executive Kevin Longstreet PUBLISHERCHAIRMAN E. Garrett Bewkes IV John Hillen HE DITORS RESPOND FOUNDER T E : You’re welcome, and thanks for your support. We William F. Buckley Jr. agree that CNN deserved at least mild criticism, which is what we think we PATRONS AND BENEFACTORS gave it. We agree as well that anonymous speech is constitutionally protected. Robert Agostinelli Whether it should be celebrated is a different matter. Sometimes “the power- Dale Brott Mr. and Mrs. Michael Conway less” are just the cowardly. Mark and Mary Davis Virginia James Christopher M. Lantrip Brian and Deborah Murdock Mr. & Mrs. Richard Spencer Mr. & Mrs. L. Stanton Towne Peter J. Travers Letters may be sub mitted by e-mail to [email protected]. 2 | www.nationalreview.com SEPTEMBER 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 base_new_milliken-mar 22.qxd 8/22/2017 11:41 AM Page 1 ContractsNo Bigger Buttons FREE Car “My friends all hate their Charger Say good-bye cellto everything phones… you hate about cellI love phones. Saymine!” hello to the Jitterbug Flip. Monthly Plan $14.99/mo1 $19.99/mo1 Here’s why.Monthly Minutes 200 600 “Cell phones have gotten so small, Personal Operator Assistance 24/7 24/7 I can barely® dial mine.” Not the Long Distance Calls No add’l charge No add’l charge Jitterbug Flip. It features a large keypad Voice Dial FREE FREE for easier dialing. It even has a larger Nationwide Coverage YES YES display and a powerful, hearing aid 30-Day Return Policy2 YES YES compatible speaker, so it’s easy to see and conversations are clear.
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