Oak Leaves Newsletter of the ELS Historical Society Volume 16 February 2013 Issue 4 ELS Members Honored at the 38th Annual CHI Awards Banquet Compiled by Carolyn Harstad using her article in the newsletter of Heritage Lutheran Church, Apple Valley, MN, and an article in Bethany’s student newspaper, The Scroll , posted on BLC’s web site Telling the Next Generation Concordia Historical Institute on the campus of Telling the Next Genera- the Concordia Theological Seminary in St. Louis, tion , published by the ELS Missouri, is the premier institution for the study of Lutheranism in North America and the preser- Historical Society, “pre- vation of Lutheran records and documents. Each serves a distinctive ap- year a field of applicants and nominees is consid- proach to education, one ered for awards for outstanding contributions to that stressed both the Word the field of Lutheran history. 2012 recipients re- of God and the liberal arts, ceived a personal certificate of commendation catechesis and academics,” and a handsome, bronze medallion commemorat- says Dr. Gene Edward ing the 450th anniversary of the death of Dr. Veith, Jr., provost at Patrick Be Martin Luther and bearing the inscriptions Henry College in Pur- thou faithful unto death Rev. 2:10 and The right- eous shall live by faith Romans 1:17. ceville, Virginia. The book “offers a harmonious chorus, singing about ideas Among those and issues relevant to the Lutheran task of telling honored at the the next generation about the permanent things of Institute's 38th confessional piety,” notes Dr. Mark A. Kalthoff, Annual Awards professor of history at Hillsdale College in Hills- banquet and dale, Michigan. ceremony on The editors were assisted by ten Bethany students November 8, who completed internships at the Evangelical Lu- 2012, were Bethany Professor and History Chair theran Synod Historical Society and service- Dr. Ryan MacPherson, ELS Archivist Rev. Paul learning assignments in History 460, Religion in Madson, and Bethany alumnus Peter Anthony for American History over a five-year period (2006- the book Telling the Next Generation: The Evan- 2010): Abigail Bourman, Jeremy Costello, Kyle gelical Lutheran Synod's Vision for Christian Damiano, Paul Gunderson, Philip Kaminksy, Education, 1918-2011; and alumni Dr. Peter T. David Reagles, Stephen Sielaff, Andrew Shoop, Harstad, author, and Karyn Lukasek, illustrator, Annie Williams, and Josiah Willitz. “It was my for the book Store Per: Norwegian-American pleasure to serve as mentor and managing editor,” “Paul Bunyan” of the Prairie . says MacPherson, a charter member of the ELS — Oak Leaves – Page 1 — Historical Society, and who has served on the preservation and proclamation of our history of board of directors since 2004. Lutheranism in America? It is for the sake of the preservation and proclamation of the Gospel." The ELS Historical Society presently is collabo- rating with the synod’s centennial celebration So at this festive gathering Rev. Preus asked each committee to produce a pictorial history book listener to rejoice in history, but also to "give and video marking the 100th anniversary of the thanks to God for His Word, to rejoice in His synod’s formation (1918-2018). Today, the synod Doctrine, and to express our infinite gratitude for numbers about 17,000 souls and operates Beth- the salvation He has poured out on us in Christ any Lutheran College as well as several world His Son." missions and over a hundred domestic congrega- tions. Soli Deo Gloria Store Per: Norwegian-American “Paul Telling the Next Generation and Store Per are both available for purchase at the Bethany Lu- Bunyan” of the Prairie theran College bookstore and online at Dr. Peter T. Harstad re- www.els-history.org/books .■ searched and wrote, and Karyn Lukasek illustrated Larry Lumpke (far left), executive director of Concor- dia Historical Institute, and board member Rodney and designed this collec- Rathmann (far right) present awards to Peter Harstad tion of history and legend (center left) and Ryan MacPherson (center right) at the concerning Peder (“Big institute’s November 2012 banquet in St. Louis. Pete”) Tjernagel, a nineteenth-century immi- grant whose journey from Norway to America with “his bride, his Bible, and his violin” captures the story of Norwegian Lu- therans in the New Land. "Store Per makes a wonderful contribution to the story of our forefathers and their brave journey across the stormy Atlantic to make their home in America," according to Dr. Odd S. Lovoll, pro- fessor emeritus at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. Peter T. Harstad and Ryan MacPherson enjoy their moment with C.F.W. Walther in the museum at the Concordia Historical Institute. The Rev. Daniel Preus, banquet speaker, stressed that in order "to be a good church histo- rian one needs to love doctrine . more than his- tory." As an example, he noted that "Dr. Harstad's work about Store Per speaks about a Lutheran married couple's journey, struggles, perseverance and faith. Journey, struggles and persever- ance—that's history. Faith—that's doctrine." He went on to say, "It is crucial to know and un- derstand the doctrine that history is meant to teach," and asked, "What is the purpose of our — Oak Leaves – Page 2 — News !om "# building for use as a residence and a chapel in Redruth. Convention Daily , Thirty-Fourth Regular Convention Yet, the following year, the situation had not improved Norwegian Synod, Synodical Conference and Missionary Petersen reported to the 1954 conven- Mankato, Minnesota tion, “I feel strongly that our church has a God-given mission in Cornwall, but we must be reconciled to the Sun., June 17, 1951 fact that it is a field for native workers.” Desmond Jose Arrives From England A welcoming delegation of six pastors and laymen scurried by car to Minneapolis Saturday evening to greet Meanwhile, there Mr. Desmond Jose on his arrival from Cornwall, England. was a native of Mr. Jose will enter our Bethany Seminary in the fall to train Cornwall who was a for the Lutheran ministry. He will then return to Cornwall to student at Bethany bring the Gospel of free salvation to his countrymen. Mr. Jose, who is 26 years of age, was introduced Lutheran Seminary. to the Synod Sunday worshipers attending the English serv- Desmond Jose [pro- ice in the Bethany chapel. He is to speak to the synod dur- nounced JOES ] pre- ing the Monday sessions. Jose arrived in New York on Tuesday, June 13, viously had been a aboard the Queen Mary. ...We welcome you, Desmond member of the Jose, and wish you God’s blessing in your life and work. Church of England. Desmond Jose and Joseph Petersen He had become a Synod Mission Work in Lutheran under the instruction of Joseph Pedlar and Cornwall, England enrolled in our seminary in 1951. Four years later he was ordained on Synod Sunday and commissioned by by Rev. Craig A. Ferkenstad the ELS as a missionary to Cornwall. At this same time Pastor Petersen’s visa expired and he returned to The Evangelical Lutheran Synod the United States. The synod continued to subsidize made its first efforts with independ- the salary for Pastor Jose. ent foreign mission work in 1951 when Joseph Petersen was commis- The members of the synod provided financial support sioned as a missionary to Cornwall, for the work in Cornwall. In 1951 the contributions England. were nearly double of the need. During the ten years the “Cornwall Mission” account existed, there were Lutheran mission work had already approximately $22,677 in contributions and $22,237 in started in Cornwall county in the extreme southwest disbursements. corner of England by Mr. Joseph Pedlar. In 1948 the ELS received an appeal concerning work in Cornwall. Even with the arrival of a national pastor, the size of the The following year, the Board for Foreign Missions Cornwall mission did not grow. Pastor Jose felt the lack recommended a missionary be sent to work with Mr. of a “proper church building” was a hindrance; but the Pedlar for at least three months with the expenses be- cost of a building was estimated at $30,000 and would ing covered by special gifts. Rev. Joseph Petersen, need to be the sole financial responsibility of the synod. who was serving Pinehurst and Ascension Lutheran An arrangement was made with the Evangelical Lu- Churches in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, spent three theran Church of England (ELCE) to allow for a one- months in England. Upon his return he urged the year vicarage for Desmond Jose under their supervision. synod to send a missionary. The 1951 convention At the conclusion of his vicarage, he accepted a call to concurred with the recommendation. serve an ELCE congregation. Our synod did not feel it was in a position to send another missionary to fill the Several calls were extended by the board until Pastor vacancy at Cornwall and at the 1959 convention re- Petersen accepted the call and was commissioned as a solved that work in Cornwall be terminated. The synod missionary at large in September 1951. The center of also expressed its concern about the spiritual welfare of Missionary Petersen’s work was in Redruth [ re- the people in Cornwall and resolved to ask the ELCE to DRUTH ] which was the largest urban area in Cornwall. take over the work in Cornwall. ■ Work also was conducted at Goonhavern and Fal- mouth. The work progressed slowly, in part due to a The above is selected and condensed from “A Half- Century of Mission Involvement: ELS Foreign Mission reluctance to receive a foreign missionary. Upon urging Work prior to 1968” which was printed in the Decem- from the missionary, it was determined to purchase a ber 2012 issue of The Lutheran Synod Quarterly.
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