Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 2-28-1997 The iH lltop 2-28-1997 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 2-28-1997" (1997). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 182. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/182 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " 1 '!Ume 80, No. 21 Serving the Howard University community since 1924 February 28, 1997 This Week's Highlights: Historical Society seeks to a I CAMPUS reco gnize Emancipation Day I the consciousness of the By Karen Thomas ( international community 10 the t Hilltop Staff Writer importnncc of observing Aug. I."' Obika said. "All people should The year was t 984 when the rejoice at the celcoration of i Caribbean Historical Society freedom." celebrated its 150-year anniversary The author and political nc1ivis1 ' of the abolition or chancl slavery told the audience the time has ll'Nlerick Oou~ass• great• and the first anniversary of come for the in1crna1ional Emancipation Day in 'Trinidad and community 10 recognize the .itat-gnmdwn visited the Tobago at the Blackburn forum a1 abolition of chancl slavery. It is an Howilrd Univer,,ity. hiMoricat omission that must be "cldcrick OougJa...,, Honor 11 wu, then 1ha1 Nyahuma included in the calendar of Obik,,, a m.:mbcr of the society. historical holidays, Obika said. Sociel) on Tuesday. 1,mnchcd hi, book, "Jntn'l<luc1ion 10 "Emancipation Day is a for the Life and Times of Uriah more important day than what we A2. Butler." at Howard University. call Independence Day." said Butler was a unionist in 'Trinidad Ransford Palmer, dean of the and Tobago. Almost I 3_years later Department of Economics. the CHS and the Caribbean "Freedom from sla~'Cry was a far Photos by Pedro de Woavor CA!\.IPUS PLUS SIU dent A ,socintion launched an greater thing." Author and political activist Nyah uma Oblka told the ,n1crna1ional in11ia1ive 10 have The group argues that since the Caribbean Hlsto rlcal Society It Is time the wo rld acknowledged Faculty and administra­ Aug. I observed and celebrated movcmc111 10 aliolish slavery was Afr icans as free people. Right: Nyahuma Oblka"s painting. internationally as Emancipation international, the process of I.he • t!"Jm up to implement Da:i commemoration and celebration but as free people. II must also 'Trinidad and Tobago, TransAfrica, CHS offic,ah said Aug. I is of Emanci pntion Day must also be inform the world that ne,·cr again the All African Peoples and ':mgcs in libl"'.try system. one of the most significant clays in international • because should racism, hate and greed be Revolutionary Party and the the emancipation process of the emnncipa1jon has significance for the motivating factor in the embassy of Jamaica. A3. African race worldwide. everyone. building of notions." Leo Edward, chairman of Cha11cl slavery wa, abolished "'Emancipation did not only free The event included n series of ThmsAfrica, said in Iigh1 of recent 163 year, ago in the Bri1ish the enslaved. it freed I.he enslaver," poems. songs and congra1ula1ory world events leading to the 21st Empire. signaling the dealh knell Obika said. "Aug. I must seek to remarks from several century, Africans need 10 return 10 LOCAL of slavery a, an ins111ution. inform the world that Africans did organizations, including the ··we hope our effort will further not come into the world as sla,'Cs, embassy or the Republic of Please see CARIBBEAN, Af!,, l\il.l<>n\ re-.taun.ml sen-cs bnme-cookcd meab and Elections committee friendly !.ervice. AS. v erifies student NATIONAL government slates share the same purpose of improv­ lbck pol.iticions are fight By Kacee D. Wilkerson ing the effectiveness of the role of Hilltop Staff Writer the undergraduate trustee. to abolL,h southen1, Brandon Broussard, a junior dou­ Students will have fewer than ble major in political science and mci,t CIL\tOms. three weeks 10 decide whom 10 vote French. is a candidate. His plat­ for from a ,izable pool of candi­ form. "Empowerment," is coupled ,\6. dates as the General Assembly with a mission statement, "the day Elections Commi11ee verified 11,000 students rise and speak as almost 20 slates that arc vying for one voice:· a total of four student leadership Waladeen Norwood, an electrical t l\TERNATIONAL slots for the 1997-98 school year. engineering major. ha..s named his Although the original date 10 platform "Transcend." This name Gtorgeto\\11 Unh'Crsity begin campaigning was more than symbolizes I.he need for students 10 two weeks ago. th e elections join and rise above what currently 'ii its first Black History Jll'OCCSS is now officially under way. exists on campus and to excel, Nor­ GAEC Chairwoman Kimberlin wood says. conference. Love held a confirmation meeting College of Fine Arts Student Monday for eligible candidates. Council Prcsidelll Anthony Santa• A7. "We arc trying to incorporate the gati is also in the running for under­ Photos by Rashida Harrlnton president's [H. Patrick Swygert] graduate trustee. He said he is Oanlele Pressolr arranges flowe rs at Lee's Flower & Card Shop Inc. It has been on U theme, 'Leadership for America.' geared toward the voting student Street for 50 years. and we hope to help him produce body, giving them a challenge 10 TEMPO those leaders that will lead Howard "pay careful a11cntion 10 who they University into the 21st century," are elcctin_g and ask the tough ques­ '!Udents and fucuJty face Love said. tions." Hts standing principle is T he GAEC comminee mainly that "boys run to oc something, lbt Unh'Crsity changes Remember When. wants to increase voter turnout. men run to do something." "We hope 10 get a higher voting Christopher 'fyson, the cun-cnt Mr. that Uc ahead. level than previous years, and we Howard, ,s runnin~ for this position arc truly stressing an ethically as well. "Elevate' is the name of Bl . sound process," she said. lyson·s platform. He said it is a call U Street bounces back; Four slates arc running for the 10 action for the student body after positions of Howard University "a lull in student leadership' and a Student Association president and "rise in student apathy." PULSE residents recall its hey day vice president. Ton undergraduate Tijan Wan, a junior mathematics trustee and three graduate trustee and computer science major, has a Rosewood' reconstruction candidates arc also in the race. sim,PIC reason for running. J. Logan Campbell and Lindell R. "Im dedicated to help create pol­ 1morc Hollywood than By Keya Graves Williams Jr. are running for HUSA icy 10 keep Howard a premier uni­ Hilltop Staff Writer president and vice president, versity in line with the role of listorical docwnentary. respecti,'Cly. The only all-male slate undergraduate trustee," he said. Billie Holiday's sweet lullaby, in the running, the two juniors ha,'C "Classic Blue and White" is the B2. "The Man I Love,• flowed down come together for what they call slated name for one of the two the historic U Street as hundreds I.heir mission for Howard Universi­ female undergraduate trustee can­ of people -- young and o ld -­ ty. didates: Thrshima Williams. A strolled m and out of I.heaters "Our mission is 10 give Howard juniorpsichology major, Williams WEEKENDER along the busy corridor that was University a year of solid student said 1ha1 'the rorc or undergraduate once known as the "Black government and student leadership trustee is a guardian of unilergrad­ WEEKENDER Spotlight: Broadway." wi1h a focus on unifying the uatc students; a position of great Jazz cats like Cnb Calloway Howard community. thus the name dignity and should be treated as \llttlback concert at the and Duke Ellington stoic the ofour platform [is] 'Howard Unity,' such.' stages on both sides of the a government o(the students for the Four other candida1cs arc run­ 9:30 Club. thoroughfare. igniting an students." ning for this position, including econonuc boom lhat laMcd for "Resurrection 97" is the name for incumbent Shawn Jones. The other 83. decades. HUSA running mates Cavin three candidates are Isa Abdur­ U Street was the Harlem of Edwards and Constance Cunning­ Rahman, Joseph Spence and the District of Columbia. the han1, bol.h juniors. They define tl1e1r Clarence Watson. They were nucleus of Black social and chosen name and purpose as "des­ unavailable for comment at Hilltop HEAI.;fff & economic activity. The key clubs ti ny through legislative l,)l"Ophccy." presstime. to be lounging included Crystal The next slate campa1gnmg for Caverns, Casbah and the Ben's Chlll Bowl, also located o n U Street for several HUSA positions is Jonathan Hullo There are three men compctmg for FITNESS and Shawn Harvey, b~inging 10 the position of graduate trustee. original Rer.ublic Gardens. generations, continues to serve good food. Adam Levi, a second-year law litam.ins are t11c best diet But unlike Harlem, where campus the "Nation T ,mc" con­ U Street for 50 years. "I can cept. This slate said its purpose is student, wants to see changes in the Blacks moved into what was at she reminisced about life in the role of the graduate students. ~upplement one time a pn.>dominantly White 1950s on U Street.
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