UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 161 Date 06/06/2006 Time 11:29:28 AM S-0902-0008-01-00001 Expanded Number S-0902-0008-01 -00001 Title |tems-in-Africa - Question of Namibia - UN organs and sponsored activities - United Nations Council for Namibia - general Date Created 08/05/1972 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0902-0008: Peacekeeping - Africa 1963-1981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES TIONS. N. Y. 10017 REFERENCE: 22fB.4cimi.ber 1972 ~ Dear Sir, At its 164th meeting, the United Nations Council for Namibia requested me to draw your attention to the fact that, according to newspaper reports, and in spite of assurances given to your Representative whilst in South Africa, the South African authorities have undertaken mass police action resulting in the arrest of 10? Ovambos. At the same time, Members of the Council also requested me to d raw your attention to newspaper reports in which it was stated that the Advisory Council suggested by South Africa to your Representative, has been rejected by the Namibian leaders, Accept_, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration. Osman OLGAY President United Nations Council for Namibia The Secretary-General United Nations New York. Enc. / can Peoples Democratic Organisa- tion (N4PDO). •-'.-.-. \". : The m.u party aims at one united independent South West Africa; national unity among fh9 peoples of South West Africa; "WINDHOEK: South West Afri- pointed by • the United Nations day's meeting as historical, being interim administration of South ca's non-White political leaders and approved by the Namibians." the 13th anniversary of that fate- West Africa by the United Na- yesterday unanimously rejected • " At the .conclusion of the meet- ful clash. "The meeting honour- tions; immediate and uncondi- at a Rehoboth meeting, the pro- ' Ing, which was not attended by ed our beloved comrades who tional vrfhdrawal of South Afri- posed Advisory Council of the the Press but which in the words fell at the hands of the Nazi ra- ca's government from South West South African Prime Minister, Mr of Chiet Clemens Kapuuo of the cialists," the statement adds. Africa; direct negotiations bo- , B.J. Vcrster, for the Territory..//jHerero nation, was "excellently "The catastrophe that took tween the United Nations and the •' ," The Advisory Council envisag- ' represented," Mr Hirjevj- Veii or place at (he old location in Wind- peoples of South -West Africa, ed by Mr Vorster was one of Gerson Veii as he is known to hoek in 1959 is still fresh in our without a South African Govern- the points of concurrence be- the Press, was asked to issue the minds. The National Convention ment presence. In a statement, tween him and Dr Alfred Escher, written Press statement. remembers and honours those the par'y said that its organisa-" the United Nations Special South victims of apartheid," the state- tion would be carried on under' West Africr.n Council. In terms The National Convention yes- ment said. Deputy-Chairman J. Gawanab, of the 'aggsement' between the terday, according to the state- Also announced, during the and Vice-President Bernarus Na- Prime Minister and Dr Escher, ,ment, decided to create a trust weekend in Windhoek was the seb until the next party commit- an' • Advisory Council will be fund to cover expenditure by the formation of a new non-White tee election early in the ncx». created for South West Africa, Convention and to make provi- political party — the Namib Afri- year. to be chaired by the Prime Mi- /sions for future activities for of- nister, and to be truly represen- ficials of the body. '• tative of all the race groups in "These expenses include tra- the Territory. velling expenses and hotel fees for officials and delegates," the Gathering at Rehoboth yester- statement said. It gave details of" day, under the auspices of the the rejection of the proposed S.W.A. National Convention, the non-White leaders rejected the ^Advisory Council and then p:*id proposed Advisory Council and "homage to the "comrades" v.'ho added: "We do not see the need fell whon they clashed with the of another council because we Pclire on December 1Q, 195S in have a Council for Namibia ap- L ih-3 O!d '.VhH'hoc!' Location. \ The statement described ycster- UNITED NATIONS: The Secre- explain his views on these ques-'., Dr Escher's contract expires on *,M visit to New York by South tary General Dr Kurt Waldheim, tions^ in talks in Pretoria last Friday and is not expected to be Africa's Foreign Minister, Dr Hil- today resumed the talks with; month with 'the Secretary Gene- renewed. It was not disclosed gard Mtiller and a second trip to . South Africa about the future of , ral's personal representative, Dr whether-he sat in on the meeting South Africa by the Secretary South West Africa, in line with Alfred M. Escher, represented a with Dr von Hirschberg. General, or his representative !a?t week's - Security Council re- : major disappointment here/';•• , : . A UN. spokesman said lasl were mentioned as other possibi- B solution. ;..- t •.-••. - , In. its resolution :Iast Wednes- . week that the resumption of con- lities by the spokesman. .- '. • ;:;•;/- ';•-" A spokesman said'Dr Wald--' day, the Security Council re-, tacts with South Africa through ' hsim called in South Africa's affirmed the rights of the South the Amnassador was the first of \ Dr Waldheim will Visit India ••• Ambassador, Dr Carl - F.G. von and Japan in February'^s. U.N, . Kirs.ohburg. There were no details West Africans "to se!f-determina- • heim following, the Council's spokesman 'said today. Theresas '• inuiiVdiately from- either side a-. tion, national independence and adoption of its resolution renew- no word about other travel plans.. boutWhat was discussed, '•,'••• . the. preservation of their territorial ing his mandate until April 15. :' .'• , :-. '; Sapa/Reuter • s> -.. : integrity, on which any solution *• • -Buf^lhere was speculation that for 'Namibia' must' be' based,",, : VP'r Waldheim may have asked and rejected "any interpretation, ' |DT..von Hirschberg to try to ob- measure or policy to the con- • | tain from Pretoria a clarification trary." " . , '" '."-- •-•' . ID? what Jiis Government under-- Dr Waldheim was invited on ' . ^stands.-by the terms "self-deter--- • the foregoing basis "to continue mination" and "independence" -. his valuable efforts.', .to ensure. - find how these U.N. aim's for .,that the people of "Namibia", . (south West Africa may be at-"-•'freely and with•• strict regard to the principles of human equality, (i The ^South African Prime Mi- exercise their right to self-deter- \ nisrer, 'Mr Vorster's refusal to mination and independence.".. low the apartheid laws. : "In spite of the fact that Mr and not for the White and Co-; "We feel that the dialogue be- Vorster promised to do away ..loured who may travel as he.;' tween South Africa and the with certain stringent laws, pass- pleases." The passbook system United Nations must go on and laws have, become more 'strict. must be applied :: to; all '•' South Africa should state clearly ."After Dr Escher's departure 'Namibians' not only for thcY" Mr A. Nuwuseb, Vice- ; Chairman of the National Unity why the feelings and wishes of from 'Namibia' the Railways are White and Coloured;'"- ...'".; - Democraiic Organisation writes: the people are not taken into con- not prepared to issue a train sideration, and to state which • t'.'There must be equal pay for" •' ^"We -Associate ourselves with ticket unless the person is in pos- '"eq'ual work, equal education for ' the vieiva. of Headman Clemens apartheid laws they are prepared session of a.travelling pass. This ; all, European, African and Euro-", Kapuuo |i that we agree to an to do away with. is applicable only for the African ;' African. A United Nations- -re^.* Advisory Counsel only if it is •" presentative must be appointed r- tinder the supervision of the .£ and the office must be in Wind- '- United Nations, and the true UNITED NATIONS: Tanzania ,, hosk and not in New York.' • -'-'..;. leaders are chosen by the people has agreed to recognise U.N. and not by the South African.^ trave.1 documents held by re- i'' "All 'Namibians' -who have' Government. /y sidents of South West Africa. ';.: 'studied' in Europe must be al-;~ -'.lowed to come back without feai;'.' "The inhuman policy of apart- An agreement between :1 heid practiced by the South Afri- Tanzania and the U.N. Coun- - of prorecution-So that they can can Government in 'Namibia' is cil for .Namibia, announced '=;.aid the building up of Ihe coun-'" so deeply entrenched, that it is . ; try. South Africa has violated the yesterday, was similar to ones : difficult to believe that it will be* / signed by Zambia,- Uganda,.. ',( Charter of the United Nations: - done away with in every sense.. Ethiopia,, Nigeria and Kenya. On July 3. 1950. the World Court i. The so-called Advisory Counsel ^decided'.that South "West Africa: ; The Council is the U.N. 0 to be appointed by Mr Vorster's agency assigned with'respon- 7 fell under the International Man-' Government has already earned sibility for South West Africa. •date, this was already accepted the nickname of "stooges" among .... •'• •'• Sapa/A.P. ". by the Union of South Africa- • our people because they will re- • on December 17,,1920. By the '- ceive big sums of money to fol- ^ stubborr?_action 'of the Union of South,. Afric..-^ an;Ad Hoc "~: ^inittee had ia be• founded ^"consequently: -,'-" .-._". i,"The opinion' of •-•. (he World" - -.Court liad to; bs" impJemented.' " "Annual, reports had Jo be sub--. • mitted.'-" •'.-'. ..i DO• O§ ! <-S o .5C. a - . .sSr 5 •- C/5 t, 1 ^ o c o il1 03 l « „*> ^ Hi "O o, 0D < g-§ S a ',J v = u ra ft* a>:f *(u .«2 - •a S 3 0) Q.
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