MatterNeighbourhoods Issue 13: Summer 2021 Report Annual Summary enclosed Customers‘extremelyhappy’with newwindows Biodiversity Groupreceives£1,500funding Garden Competition winnersrevealed Cheddar,Axbridge and North Sedgemoor Villages Hello... Burnham-on-Sea, Highbridge, Welcometothissummeredition of ournewsletter. Brean and Berrow Thepast18monthshavebeen Communities areattheheart incredibly toughfor everyone of everything we dosoIam Hamp, North Petherton, South in allsorts of ways so Iwould delightedthatcommunity Bridgwater Villages and La Ciotat like to sayabig thankyou to Walkaboutshave recommenced. you allfor helpingthe Homes Gettingout andabout meeting in Sedgemoorteamduring youisanimportant part of our Sydenham and the Levels thesetimes –whether it is role so Ihopeyou areabletosay respondingtosurveys,joiningin hello to ourteams when yousee virtualevents, looking afteryour them in thecomingmonths. neighbours andneighbourhood At theend of this newsletter Woolavington, Puriton and or just beingalittle patient Polden and Parrett Villages youwillsee asummary of our if your call has takenlonger annual reportonthe last year. to answer. This showsyou some of the Bridgwater Central and Thankyou to this year’s Garden highlights of last year,how we West Bridgwater Villages Competitionentrants,the judges spentour moneyand howwe had ahard choice deciding the performed againstour targets. winners. Well done to everyone Ihopeyou findthisuseful. Corporate News whotookpart. Ialsowantto Finally, youmay have heard the sayathankyou to everyone outcomeofthe recent review of at HomesinSedgemoorfor localgovernment in Somerset. working so hard to maintain TheGovernment hasdecided services during thesedifficult on asingleunitary authority times. On services generally, forSomerset, whichwillmean HomesinSedgemoor youmay have seenour mini anew councilisformed.At roadmap. Although restrictions this very earlystage we do not @HomesSedgemoor regardingthe wearingofface know theultimateimpacton maskshas eased,inviewof HomesinSedgemoorbut we customer.services@ thehighinfection ratesand arecommitted to continued homesinsedgemoor.org ourprioritytokeepyou and closeworking with Sedgemoor ourteams as safe as possible, District Counciland allSomerset www.homesinsedgemoor.org ourteams andcontractorswill councils to support anychanges continue to wear face masksin ahead. We will always champion 0800585 360/01278552400 your home forthe foreseeable your voiceand theserviceswe future. We will keep this decision providetoyou. Homes in Sedgemoor, under regularreview andlet you Iwould like to wish youagreat Bridgwater House, King Square, know of anychanges. summerand Ilookforward Bridgwater TA63AR To make surethe services we to seeingasmanyofyou as provideare what youwant, we possible outand aboutoverthe need to listen andlearn.Iam coming months. Don’tforget to follow therefore pleasedtosee some us on social media and Best wishes, check our website! of ourlearningfeaturedinthis newsletter.Toensureyour voiceisheard even louder,you Peter will also read aboutthe new PeterHatch, SedgemoorTenantsAssurance ChiefExecutive Committeeand howitwillhelp Resource Reg. No. 2110 improve services. 2 Garden Competition Corporate News 2021winners We’reexcitedto Each entrantalsoreceived have incorporated this into the announce this year’s ahand-carved garden dibber competition,withtipsincluding: Garden Competition made by PorterhouseWood •Use waterbutts where possible 2021 winners! Artand wildflower seeds to replace usinghosepipes donatedbySeed of Hope CIC. Preparations startedfor this •Reducethe useofchemicals year’s competitionway back Thejudges were very lucky as much as possible in September2020whenwe with theweather in late June when visiting all27entries. •Use companiongardening– were luckyenoughtohave make useofplantsthat support from threeofour board Each year,the competition reducepests on otherplants members, allofwhomare keen is developingand,aswell gardeners: CouncillorJanet Keen, as recognising thosewho •Createahavenfor beesand Councillor KathyPearceand take prideintheir space, butterflies within planting ourcustomer representative, we arealsotakingintoaccount helpingtonaturally propagate MarieHide. themanydifferentaspects •Takecuttingsfromcurrent We worked withanumber of what gardeninginvolves. planting andcollect seeds. of contractorsand suppliers There is so much publicityatthe Thejudges were privilegedto to sponsorthe competition, moment abouthow important visitsomewonderfulgardens whichmeant lots of lovely wildlife is to ourgardens as againthisyearand wouldlike prizes to be abletodistribute. well as sustainabilityand we to thankeveryonewho entered. Ourwinnersare: Best LargeGarden Best ImprovedGarden Best CommunalGarden MrsHooper, of Cannington Ms Turner,ofBawdrip Mr &Mrs Stephenson,ofCannington Best SmallGarden Best BuddingGardener (Under 16s) Best Veggies Mr Cook,ofHighbridge Mary Louand Analise, of Bridgwater Mr &Mrs Cadwallender,ofAxbridge Congratulations!Goodluckfor next year. We look forwardto Judges specialprize seeing your entriesfor 2022! goes to Mr Edenborough, of Bridgwater Thank you to our sponsors: Best Containers/Pots/Balconies MrsTanner, of Bridgwater Neighbourhood Matters Issue 13: Summer 2021 3 Bridgwater Central and West Somerset Villages Bridgwater Newwindows Foodbank donation at Taylor Court Equans, formerly named Engie, pleased to support this project CustomersatTaylor Court, contractorsfor ourprogrammed with theworktheyare doing Bridgwater,havebeen works in theSouth,made the with families in thelocal area. following donation to the enjoying theirnew windows. “Working alongsideHomes in Bridgwater Foodbank: Sedgemoortosupport local Thepreviouswindows at Taylor •£50 worthoffood communityprojects is important Courtwere brownaluminium, to me personally andtoEquans.” both internallyand externally, •£150Morrisonsvoucher andhad come to theend of their •£100payment TheBridgwater Foodbank is naturallifecycle.Thisgaveusan findingdonations arereducing. exciting opportunity to replace This generous amount has been There areanumber of different theold windowswithmodern raised by Equans’ site team and ways to help your localfoodbank, Unplasticized PolyvinylChloride itscontractors to help provide includingutilising supermarket (uPVC) windows. nine families withfood. drop offpoints andbydonating uPVC windowshavearangeof Equans’ Resident Liaison Officer, asupplyoffood directlyatyour benefits, includingreducingnoise Kim, said:“Equansisreally closestbranch. andcreatingaconstant internal temperaturethroughretaining indoor heat. We askedcustomers living in Taylor Courtfor their feedback. Onecustomersaid: “I’m extremelyhappy with theway thenew windowslook, andhow much warmer they are.” Anothercustomersaidthe windowswere “a marked improvement”and that they received“greatservice”. Bridgwater Rangers MaDfunding 1stBridgwater Rangers, who received£1,500throughour Making aDifference fund,has said amassive thankyou. Thegroup said:“This is goingto make ahugedifference forus andweare extremelygrateful.” 4 Neighbourhood Matters Issue 13: Summer 2021 Damp Corporate News Condensation can andmould be reducedby: Producing less If youhaveany issues or concernsaboutdampand 1 moisture in your home mouldwithin your home,thenpleasedocontact us and Stoppingmoisture we willarrange forour surveyor to attend andinspect. 2 spreadingaround your home Themostcommoncause you’re in your home for Keepingyour of mouldgrowthwithin our most of theday (particularly 3 home ventilated propertiesiscondensation, common with recent Government due to moisture in theair. restrictions), then condensation Keepingyour 4 home warm Condensationtends to be a will form. seasonal problem that is worse Everyhomegetscondensation in thecolder months –October- at some time -usuallywhenlots Othercausesof April, andduringthe warmer of moisture andsteam arebeing moistureand damp summermonthsthe problem produced -for example, at bath canbeseentogoaway. times, when amainmealis Whilst themostcommon causeofmould is During thewinter,the house beingcookedorwhenclothes arebeing washed. condensation, therecan tends to be notsowellventilated also be otherunderlying due to windowsand doorsbeing It is quitenormaltofind your causes,such as: closed andthisallows abuild-up bedroom windowsmistedup ! of moisture within thehouse that in themorning afteracold night. Leaks–via roof,guttering, cancause condensation. There is nothingmuch youcan windows, doorsetc ! Condensationisnot aproblem do to stop this. Penetratingmoisture that canbecompletelycured, Please visitour websiteor throughthe walls as there is always goingtobe contactusfor more information ! Rising damp moisture in theair,but we can andtipsfor reducingmoisture If youthink that your home help to managethis. andcondensationinyour has anyofthese issues,then home – customer.services@ Theaverage householdcan please do contactussothat homesinsedgemoor.org produceapproximately 24 pints we canarrange forasurveyor or 0800585 360. of moisture everyday,and if toattendand inspect. Twopeopleactivefor oneday 3pints Cooking andboiling akettle 6pints Having abath or shower 2pints Washingclothes 1pints Drying clothes 9pints Usingaparaffinorbottled gasheater 3pints Totalamount of moistureproduced 24 pints in your home in oneday Neighbourhood Matters Issue 13: Summer 2021 5 Corporate News Unitarycouncil decision TheGovernment hasannounced itsdecisionregarding localgovernment reorganisation in Somerset,and theoutcome is in favourofasingleunitary authorityfor theareacurrently served by fivecouncils.
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