Indian State Railways VICTORIA STATION, BOMBAY Ridding the Household of Insect Pests, The Witch of Endor, The Questioning Soldier, European Children in India, Habit Formation, Hunt- ing for Sodom and Gomorrah 14-W'RLD In the opinion of Prof. W. Meinardus, of the Univer- After 122 years, during which time only Colgates have sity of Goettingen, there is enough ice piled around the directed and only Colgates have managed their perfume, antarctic regions to cover the entire surface of the world to dentifrice, and soap company, precedent has at last been a depth of more than 100 feet. Its weight is estimated at broken and the office of vice-president, director, and general twenty quadrillion tons. manager of Colgate & Co. given to Wallace E. McCaw. There was opened recently, under an arm ofSan Fran- cisco Bay, a vehicular tube wider than Holland Tunnel, The Pan-American "Peace Tree" flourishes in Havana, Cuba, where it is growing in soil brought from the twenty- 2,400 feet of It beneath the water. Instead of being bored one nations represented at the recent Pan-American Con- through the earth of rock, it was built of precast concrete in gress. Dr. Bustamente, president of the congress, mingled sections, and sunk to rest on the estuary bottom. the soil and christened the tree, which is a ceiba, with a life span of 400 years, " El Arbol de la Fraternidad Americana." The new Shakespeare Memorial Theatre at Stratford on Avon is to be built from the designs of a woman archi- tect, Miss Elizabeth Scott. The young lady, who is only What is your best day for working ? Don't say that twenty-nine years old, comes honestly by her talent for you suppose " one day is just like another; " it isn't. architecture, for she is the grandniece of Sir Gilbert Scott, According to Professor Winifred Collis, " that Monday- the eminent church architect, and the cousin of Sir Giles morning feeling, is a defihite scientific fact. None of us," Scott, who designed the striking cathedral at Liverpool she declared recently, " works so well on Mondays." when he was hardly more than a boy. Usually, according to this authprity, the best working days are Tuesday and Wednesday. And this applies not only in the workshop, but in the home. All restrictions on the export of rubber will be abandon- ed by the British government on the first of next November, according to a recent announcement in Parliament by The British Postmaster-general has made announce- Premier Baldwin. This means the end of the Stevenson ment that officers of his department are to visit the United Restriction Act of 1922, which was adopted by Great Brit- States in order to study American methods in telegraphy. ain to curtail the production of crude rubber, keep its price The explanation of this4 proposed visit is to be found up, and retain a monopoly on the trade. The United States, mainly in the two following facts ; First, the handling of which uses 70 per cent of the rubber output of the world, the telegraph system is one of the many functions of the was particularly affected, and her manufacturers took British pat office department ; and second, during the last measures to enter the production business themselves. fiscal year the British service incurred a deficit of £1,571,000 These proved so successful that Great Britain's monopoly or approximately 7 pence on each telegram handled, while policy has been discontinued perforce. one Americain company reported for the nine months, ending last September, a net profit of £ 2,250,354. To accept the bare but extraordinary contrast of these results without Because Germany learned during the war what it meant examination as to the why and wherefore, is not to be to be dependent on other nations for raw material supplies, thought of. German scientists and inventors timed actively to work upon synthetic processes when peace came again. Now she Sawdust, which many people consider pure waste, has announces that she will produce synthetic petrol at the rate so many uses in industry that large concerns gather, classify- of ten thousand tons a month during 1928, and market this and sell it by wholesale lots. Some 30,000 tons a year are production in the face of the drive being made by the United used in meat curing—hickory mainly, but also oak, mahog- States, Russia, England, and Holland to capture the any, and other hard woods. For filling plaster board more German motor fuel market. Obviously, if a satisfactory than 22,000 tons is used, and much more in composition synthetic substitute is at hand, crude oil production will no flooring is being put into large buildings. Thousands of longer be a dominant factor in the price of motor fuels, and tons of spruce and Douglas fir dust are used for packing the German discovery will have a far-reaching effect upon grapes, and in the shipping of nursery stock. the oil market of the world. The laundry work for the royal family of England keeps The one hundredth anniversary of the man from whose a good-sized laundry busy and prosperous. The king and idea grew the greatest humanitarian organization of the queen, and children as well, so long as they are under ages, the Red Cross, was recently celebrated by fifty-six the royal rooftree, sleep every night on freshly laundered nations. Jean Henry D u n a n t, citizen of Switzer- sheets and pillow slips. Before the World War there was land, was the man. He lived a quiet life and died in also a fresh tablecloth for every meal, butsduring and since -obscurity, but every Red Cross flag that flies around the that time, for the encouragement of national economy, one world is a symbol in recognition of his memory. Dunant's cloth is made to do for the three meals of the day—unless 'horror at the heartlessness with which wounded soldiers company comes or there- is some untoward accident. The were left on the battlefield after a great battle led him to linen at Buckingham Palace is estimated to be worth £ 8,000. write a book in which he urged the formation of volunteer Two maids give their whole time to looking after it. One so:ieties to succour the wounded in time of war. and to give of the finest and most valuable pieces in the collection is aid in epidemic or national disasters in time of peace. The the linen table cover made especially for the coronation of idea was heartily received, such an organization was formed, Queen Anne in 1702. The largest piece is the cloth on which and to-day more than 20,000.000 people in many nations was served Queen Victoria's wedding breakfast, where there are enrolled under the Red Cross banner. were 170 guests, presumably all at one table. Page Two 74IMRIENTAL WATCHMAN AND HERALD OF HEALTH `‘uniO' T VOLUME 4, No. 10 • • • OCTOBER, 1928 Green Leaves for Correcting Extensive National Deficiencies By H. C. Menkel, M. D. HE Bible has for two tho isand years These substances are so minute, representing contained the suggestion that green about five to six parts in 10,000, that they are leafy foods are valuable for the correc- difficult to separate or demonstrate. Their presence tion of extensive deficiency disorders. or absence from any class of food substance is This suggestion may be founi in ascertained m -dilly from observable effects of that Revelation 22: 2. "And the leaves of the tree particular food when experimentally fed to animals. were for the heal- The matter of ing of the nations." greatest impor- The value of tance is that many this statement is c hronf e invalids, more fully appre- who find little ciated since the relief from medical discovery of the treatment, a r e remarkable food such because their factors called fooi does not pro- vitamins. T h e vide the full com- green leafy vegeta- plement of the five bles in their raw essential vitamins. state form one of These minute food the most impor- factors easily oc- tant food sources cupy a place of for vitamins and first importance in for this reason food requirements. they a r e called Vi•amin A protective foods." This vitamin These findings is very essential to no doubt explain Vitamins are found in fruits the child. It the meaning oRthe maintains normal text above referred to. It is the vitamins in development and resistance to infections in chil- the leaves of the tree" which will be effective dren and adults. in the healing of the Nation's physical and Deficiency of this vitamin in the diet results mental defects.: in eye trouble, retarded growth, loss of weight, The dietary practises in India are very largely lack of interest, susceptibility to infectious and of a nature making it impossible to obtain the respiratory diseases. vitamins necessary for growth and health. This Food Source of Vitamin. A.—Whole milk, is conspicuously so in Central and Southern India. butter, cream, cheese, codliver oil, fresh green Likewise the diet of most Europeans in India is vegetables, tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, defective in these respects and account for much green peas. ill health that is usually blamed on climate or hard work. Vitamin B For convenience in checking your daily This vitamin is necessary for the maintenance dietary I have arranged an outline of vitamins of life and health at all ages. Deficiency results in known as A. B. C. D. & E., giving the functions loss of appetite, retarded growth, serious digestive performed by each in maintaining balanced nutri- and nutritional disorders, diarrhoea and mucous tion ; the result of a deficiency in quantity, and colitis, constipation, beri-beri, neuritis.
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