14-1-933286-05-9 index 4/24/06 11:43 AM Page 461 Contributors Nicole Ball Theodore H. Moran Center for International Policy Georgetown University Susan Burgerman Martha Brill Olcott Columbia University Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Sheila Carapico University of Richmond Arvind Panagariya Columbia University Pierre Englebert Pomona College David I. Steinberg Georgetown University Adam Isacson Center for International Policy Milan Vaishnav Columbia University Carol Lancaster Georgetown University Jeremy M. Weinstein Stanford University Peter M. Lewis American University David W. Yang United Nations Development Program Andrew Macintyre Australian National University 461 14-1-933286-05-9 index 4/24/06 11:43 AM Page 462 14-1-933286-05-9 index 4/24/06 11:43 AM Page 463 Index Abacha, Sani, 33, 87, 90–91, 93, 100–01, Africa: flow of arms to, 4; democratization 106. See also Nigeria in, 289; educational levels in, 352–53; Abioloa, M. K. O., 93, 105, 106. See also peacekeeping in, 423, 443; poorly per- Nigeria forming countries in, 10, 11–12, 13; Abubakar, Abdulsalami, 91, 106. See also reversal of state failure in, 302–03; social Nigeria sectors in, 56; trade issues, 322–23, 327; Accords, 32, 33, 396. See also Cambodia; underdevelopment in, 95; U.S. aid to, El Salvador; Guatemala; Nicaragua 286, 288, 290. See also individual Aceh (Indonesia), 121, 123, 134 countries ACOTA. See African Contingency Opera- Africa Center for Strategic Studies, 420, 443 tions Training and Assistance Africa Crisis Response Initiative (ACRI; ACP countries. See African, Caribbean, and U.S.), 423, 424, 427 Pacific countries African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) coun- ACRI. See Africa Crisis Response Initiative tries, 318 AFDL. See Alliance of Democratic Forces for African Contingency Operations Training the Liberation of Congo and Assistance (ACOTA), 423, 424 Afghanistan: al Qaeda and, 1, 231, 415; Bud- African Growth and Opportunity Act dhist statues in, 233; Central Asia and, (AGOA; 2000, 2003), 6, 37, 317, 318, 147, 175; crime, conflict, and corruption 320, 322–23, 345 in, 163, 167, 224; economic issues of, 47; African Leadership forum, 107 as a failed state, 292; military and police Agence Nationale des Renseignements (ANR; issues, 417, 419; political issues of, 2, Congo), 61 174; reconstruction of, 175; recruitment Aggarwal, Mita, 349–50 and training of terrorists, 1, 3–4, 146; AGOA. See African Growth and Opportunity U.S. assistance to, 39, 175, 286, 301, Act 414–17, 418, 444; U.S. disengagement Agro Management, 359 from, 1; warlords in, 442; Yemen and, AIG risk insurance, 355 184. See also Taliban Akayev, Askar, 152, 156, 162–63, 172. See AFPFL. See Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom also Kyrgyzstan League Albright, Madeleine, 229 463 14-1-933286-05-9 index 4/24/06 11:43 AM Page 464 464 Index Alemán, Arnoldo, 270. See also Nicaragua Asia, East, 329 Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA; 1789), 336 Asia Foundation, 438 Alliance for Progress, 288 Asian Development Bank, 211, 347, 355–56 Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Libera- Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, 420 tion of Congo (AFDL), 70 Asia, South, 314 Al Qaeda: Afghanistan and, 1, 231, 415; Asia, Southeast, 212, 230, 347 Congolese view of, 71; in Kenya, 421; Assessing Aid (World Bank; report), 289 massacres of, 231; Pakistan and, 443; in Association of Southeast Asian Nations the Philippines, 230; in Singapore, (ASEAN), 216–17, 226, 227, 228, 231, 230–31; in Somalia, 4; U.S. and, 415; 235, 237–38 Yemen and, 183, 184, 186. See also Ter- ATCA. See Alien Tort Claims Act rorism and terrorists ATPA. See Andean Trade Preferences Act Andean region, 5. See also individual countries Aung San (General), 219. See also Myanmar Andean Trade Preferences Act (ATPA; 1991), Aung San Suu Kyi, 209, 216, 225, 226, 229, 317 230, 234, 238. See also Myanmar; Angola: AGOA and, 6; Congo and, 57, 59, National League for Democracy 73; Nigeria and, 104; security sector Authoritarian regimes. See Political issues reform in, 438; U.S. aid for, 432–33 Azerbaijan: aid to, 422, 424, 425, 426t; cor- ANR. See Agence Nationale des Renseigne- ruption in, 152; economic issues, 151; ments ICITAP and, 437; peacekeeping and, Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League 423; strategic importance of, 421, 422 (AFPFL; Burma), 210 Apparel and textiles, 37–38, 318, 335, 341, Babangida, Ibrahim, 87, 90, 93, 100, 105. 350, 351, 359 See also Nigeria Arab Fund for Social and Economic Devel- Baker, James, 195 opment, 199 Bali nightclub bombing, 2002, 33, 230 Arabia Felix, 189 Ball, Nicole, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46, 412–60 Arab-Israeli conflict, 192 Bangladesh, 218, 221, 232–33, 313, 345, Arakan Rohingya National Organization 349, 357 (Myanmar), 231 Banque du Zaire, 56 ARENA. See National Republican Alliance BCP. See Burma Communist Party Aristide, Jean-Bertrand, 41, 385, 389–90. See Belgium, 66, 71, 76 also Haiti Bhagwati, Jagdish, 326 Arms and weapons: arms transfers and races, Biafran civil war. See Nigeria 443–44; Chinese assistance to Myanmar, Biggs, Tyler, 352–53 227–28; illicit trade networks and, 4; Bin Laden, Osama, 1, 71, 163, 184, 231–32 North Korea and, 443; Saudi assistance to Blair, Dennis, 239 Yemen, 193; U.S. sales of, 412; U.S. secu- Blair (Tony) government, 112 rity sector assistance and, 39, 442; USSR Bolaños, Enrique, 270. See also Nicaragua assistance to Yemen, 191, 192, 197; Bolivia, 5, 42, 293 weapons of mass destruction, 1–2, 44, Botswana, 20, 288, 298. See also Africa 442–44 BP. See British Petroleum ASEAN. See Association of Southeast Asian Brazil, 132, 328, 439 Nations Bretton Woods, 102–03, 310, 311 Asia: FDI of, 337; financial crisis of 1997, British Petroleum (BP), 194 30–31, 123, 126, 128–30, 139, 218, Brown, Mark Malloch, 377 226, 228, 235, 337; flow of arms to, 4; Brussels Round Table (1960), 65 U.S. assistance to, 3, 13. See also individ- BSPP. See Burma Socialist Programme Party ual countries Buddhism, 210, 219, 220, 221, 222 Asia, Central. See Central Asia Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce, 379 14-1-933286-05-9 index 4/24/06 11:43 AM Page 465 Index 465 Buhari, Muhammadu, 87, 90, 100. See also Carnegie Endowment for International Nigeria Peace, 379 Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Carothers, Thomas, 379–82, 403 Enforcement (U.S.), 44 Carrington, Walter, 106 Burgerman, Susan, 32, 245–84 Carson, Johnnie, 390 Burma. See Myanmar Carter (Jimmy) administration, 66, 67, 272 Burma Communist Party (BCP), 225 CART Tajikistan (airline company), 166 Burma Socialist Programme Party (BSPP), CBTPA. See Caribbean Basin Trade Partner- 210, 211, 216, 224 ship Act Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of CDU. See United Democratic Center 2003 (U.S.), 234 CEMEX cement factory (Indonesia), 128 Burundi, 6, 70, 73, 297, 298, 302, 432–33 Center for Global Development, 321–22 Bush, George H. W., 66, 194 Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, 420 Bush (George H. W.) administration, 68, Central African Republic, 428t, 429, 430t 251, 265, 273 Central America: crime, conflict, and corrup- Bush, George W., 74, 107, 287 tion in, 275; democracy and democratiza- Bush (George W.) administration: ACOTA tion in, 275–76; emigration from, 275; and, 423; categorization of states by per- free trade accords, 32; government and formance, 291; interest in Myanmar, governance in, 275–76; overview of post- 233–34; interest in Yemen, 182, 187; conflict period, 247–52; peace accords in, intervention in failing states, 301; JCETs 265; political issues in, 275–76; postcon- and, 426–27; Millennium Challenge flict reconstruction in, 32, 34; regional Account and, 5–6, 8, 10, 76, 285, 377; peace process, 253, 276; social and civil National Security Strategy for Africa issues, 276; terrorism and, 252; trade (2005), 3; trade issues, 322, 331; U.S. issues in, 327; U.S. and, 246, 249, security issues, 45, 417, 443, 448 251–52, 265, 275. See also Latin Amer- ica; individual countries Cadot, Olivier, 325 Central America Free Trade Agreement CAFTA. See Central America Free Trade (CAFTA), 252, 275 Agreement Central Asia: aid to, 152, 153t, 172, 417; Cambodia: civil war and peace accords, 397; cause of poor performance of, 152–57; crime, conflict, and corruption in, 398, collapse of the Soviet Union and, 144, 399, 400–01, 402; economic issues, 213; 145, 150; crime, conflict, and corruption ethnic and minority issues, 399; perform- in, 152–53; demographic factors of, 150; ance struggles of, 13; postconflict rebuild- economic issues in, 145–46, 147–48, ing, 18; security sector reform in, 438; 149, 151–52, 156–57, 158, 172, social and civil issues, 215, 397, 398; 175–76; ethnic and minority issues of, training issues, 431, 432–33; USAID 145; foreign aid to, 251; government and strategy for, 41, 44, 385, 396–403 governance in, 154–55, 156; interna- Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), 398, 400, tional attitudes and effectiveness, 28, 402–03 148–49, 152, 172–76; military and Cameroon, 421, 422, 425–26 police issues in, 417; political issues in, Canada, 74, 314, 355, 356, 358 149–50, 172; population of, 157; reform Canadian Occidental, 194 trajectories in, 28, 29, 148–49, 176; secu- Carapico, Sheila, 28, 30, 182–208 rity issues of, 146–47; trade issues of, Career Judicial Service Act (Guatemala), 264 156–57, 169, 175–76; U.S. assistance to, Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act 39, 174. See also individual countries (CBTPA; 2000; U.S.), 317 Central Asian Cooperation Organization, 156 Carnegie Endowment and Fund for Peace, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA; U.S.): in 293 Afghanistan, 442; in Guatemala, 265; 14-1-933286-05-9 index 4/24/06 11:43 AM Page 466 466 Index Mobutu, Joseph and, 67; in Myanmar COMIEX, 60 (Burma), 224; in Nicaragua, 267, 273; Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group, Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruc- 107 tion and Stabilization and, 35; strategies Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), for failing states, 301; study of failed 167, 169 states, 21 Communist Party, 120, 124, 441 Cerezo, Vinicio, 265.
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