A Family Newspaper i Subscription Price $1.50 Dare to do Our Duty • Job Printing "Let us have faith that rfgfet We ire equipped to do youf makes might, and in that faith job printing at the right prices* let us to the end dare to do our Call and see samples. Our typ4 dnty as we understand it." is of the latest design and thf Abraham Lincoln. printing is up-to-date. VOLUME IX. ASKOV, PINE COUNTY, MINNESOTA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25. 1923. NUMBER 21. from the. boat. The wireless out C. Sebald ..... 167.82 1 NEWS AMONG fit aboard the vessel, unable to Franklin Anniversary Celebrated Chris Flint 165.60 PINE CITY FOUS work for some time, is non Chris Morgensen 159.W SCANDINAVIANS functioning regularly onse more. U A. Poulsen . 131 sr DISCUSS TAX ISSUES Ancient Cloak Found. Jeppe Sorensen ; 115.9S hteresting Items From Far American archaeologists have Mrs. Mary Swanion 130.50 Herniation Pasted Agaiast Tire# Vilhelm Nielsen 121.20 '^ml Near About People been informed that a woolen gar­ I ty Million Dollar load Soren K. Christensen 141.66 to the Xwtfc. ment discovered by peat cutters Petersen Bros. ^ , 169.98 —Other BeaoNtkwM. in Goran Fen, near Skara. r ' Sweden, is probably the oldest Henrik Henriksofc .., 118.92 John If. Larsen, New York >4 piece of clothing ever found in N. C. Pedersen 159.48 WwlaXor and airplane manufat A mass meeting of taxpayer# Europe. The garment which is A. P. Jensen 128.61 ffarer, who recently arrived in was held at the village hall in supposed to have been a cloak, Arnold Sorensen 124.32 Denmark, his native country, for Pine City Monday afternoon, afc is estimated to be 3,000 years old. Mrs. Andreas Jenaen ,,,, 128.82 a visit, has been appointed a tended practically only by men It was well preserved. A. C. Jorgensen . ^. 112 OS of that immediate community kfiight of the Dannebrog order Jens Arnbol Excursion Abroad. 208 8<> about 100 being present. Count by King Qiristian the Tenth Jacob Christensen ....... 155.70 Definite plans have been for­ Commissioner Frank W. Stepai Mr. Larsen is expected to re­ H. Voefcmann 181.08 and the editor of this newspapeff turn to the United States some mulated by the Racine, Wis., Clemen Christensen ..... 164.91 were the only two present from time this month, and may then lodge of the Danish Brotherhood 112 Magnus Hansen ........ .«>* the northern part of the county make an attempt to cross the for an excursion to Denmark dur­ If. P. Nedegaard ........ U*70 Pacific ocean by airplane. ing the summer of 1925. Ar­ MM»TtD J. C. Hancock, commissioner frwH the Beroun vicinity, was alsi Is Hack From Russia, rangements have been made with UøMSWfO« WW3 the Scandinavian-American line Declamatory Ctaitest Ml present. J. J. Madden wag Dr. Lauritz Larsen, a promi­ Ksssysr for the chartering of an ocean Mumnr ;W Haadxton* chosen chairman of the meeting nent member of the Norwegian liner for the voyage to Denmark and W. S. McEachem secretary. Lutheran Church of America, and and return. Eight girls are taking part in Mr. Madden in a quiet and d#» president of the National Luthe­ Painter is Honored* the elimination declamatory con­ liberate manner, yet with thi ran council, has just returned test of the Sandstone High School force of authority, explained for Jonas Lie, a Norwegian painter from a visit to Russia where, he tonight to see who will represent what purposes the meeting had living in Plainfield, N. J., recent­ reports, economic and industrial that school in the district contest been called - to discuss tax proto ly was honored in an unusual conditions still necessitate the at Cloquet. on Feb. 9th. lerna county ami state- espe#» extension of practical n*éffeaa way when his fellow-citizens lu many rillen of the l ulled State«, rihI nl«o In Knjrlmiri and France,i Walter Kvans is automatically i ally several measures now, of purchased for $5,000 one of his øther countries. there were elaborate celebration« on Wednesday, January 17, the iXMMh anni­ selected for the boys district ora­ soon to come, before the stat* paintings which has been placed versary of the birth of Franklin. The Illustration »hows the Rtutue of Fratik Plan New Bant. torical contest at Cloquet from legislature. He said that all me#» in the Plainfield city hall carry­ lln In Philadelphia, marking the spot where he stood when lie tie« n kite In a Plans for the opening of a new thunderstorm to discover secrets of electricity; and hla original electrical ma­ the Sandstone. High School on ac­ sures should be discussed froali ing the following inscription: Scandinavian bank in New York chine, now- In the Franklin institute In I'htladelpiilH. count giving an angle of bettering condition! "Donated by Jonas Lie's fellow of the other boys have been perfected, and an up. and not that of fault finding and citizens in recognition of his art, effort will be made to interest as also suggested the passing of and for the decoration of the wished to make a success of po­ second daughter May being the many prospective stockholders in several resolutions so that repr*» city halL" tato farming. Among the|»oints first girl born in the town. JONER 18 NAMED ACTIN* it as possible. Most of the capi­ sen tat i ves of the people migh$ brought out were: Crop rotation, Since leaving here. 13 years ago FARM BIREAt SECRETARY tal so far has been subscribed by Breach of Promise Suit. know how the. Pine City comnu|> fertilizing, treating seed, spray­ Mr. and Mrs. Clewitt have spent persons of Swedish descent, and Peter B. Erickson, a Swedish nity stood on various public que#* ing, soil condition, seed plot, two years in South Dakota and the initiative has also been taken resident of Los Angeles, Cal., is J. & Jones, organization direc­ tions. The chairman also sug* seed, plowing, cultivation, etc. the balance of the time in Ker- Swedes. being sued for $25,000 damages tor for the Minnesota Farm gested that like meetings be held by In speaking of crop rotation Mr. rick, Minn., where they are now for alleged breach of promise. Bureau, has been named by the in other parts of the county May go to Bornholm. Brown advised rotating potatoes residing on a farm. The plaintiff is a widow who says administrative committee to act where people could get together Ole J. Stevns, who a number of with clover, alfalfa, rye, etc., but Mr. Erickson had promised to Those present from a distance as secretary to fill the unexpired and discuss public matters tft years ago was president of the not with rutabagas or other root to attend the happy event wen1 mary her, and while he does not term of F. L. French, who resign­ mutual benefit and advantage Danish folk high school at Tyler, crops. He strongly recommend­ deny that, he alleges tliat he dis­ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clewitt of ed early in the month. Mr. and thus not be in the dark so Minn., will take over the leader­ ed to cut down on the acreage covered she. had noit obtained a Lakes Andes, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. French's term expires April 1 much on important legislation. ship of the Ekkodal high school and increase the production by divorce fram her first husband at Alec Clewitt of Blairstown. and Mr. Jones has been connected Resolutions should also be passed* on the island of Bornholm, Den­ giving the smaller piece more the time the promise was given. Mr and Mm. Ben Kraft of Cedar with Farm Bureau work in the at those meetings so the people's mark, some time this spring, ac­ fertilizer, treating the seed, but Rapids. state since shortly after the representatives may know what cording to a report just received Mu sic Through the Air. not in sacks nor using Ihe same Letters and cards of congratu­ federation was organised three they want. ,*• In America. The Ekkodal school Recent Copenhagen newspa­ solution more than two or three lations along with numerous gifts years ago. ' Among the matters for discus­ for many years was under the pers tell of dancing being ar­ times, deep plowing and thorough from many old time friends, help­ sion at the Pine City meeting M direction of N. P. Jensen, who in ranged in Danish cities with disking, etc., etc. Mr. Brown al­ ed to .make the day one of joyful suggested by the chairman wen 1905 went on a lecture tour music furnished by radio tele­ HAS m "xoomjr so explained that a small healthy remembrance- for tike happy the following: Twenty million tlirough Danish settlements in phone from London, Paris, and potato was jusrt as good for seed couple. Berlin. Also, it is claimed that a dollar road bonds, county poor America. as a large one. A man who had never driven young man in Roskilde recently farm, too much aid for Stat# Sue for f"l0,00e, Several questions were asked BASKKT BAIX RESI'LTN an automobile, recently purchased heard President Harding deliver Fair and the beautifying of Min­ Edwin Haugdahl and Tom by the audience and promptly a high-powered car. After a few an address in Washington, the nesota lakes. Moen, Norwegian-American resi­ answered by the speaker. The Sandstone High School lessons he was full of confidence words being carried all the way John Nordstrom, numbered dents of Minot, N. D., are suing quint did not play last week but in his ability to manage it alone across the ocean through wire­ among the oldest settlers in the the Great Northern railroad for is scheduled to play Hinckley at He started out for a ride and got less.
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