Key words, general index (1/1991-3/2016) The number on the left indicates the initial page of the original article, whereas the number on the right of the bar-line indicates the year of publication of European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology. The numbers followed by “t” refer to the page of the Practical Pediatric Dermatology; the numbers followed by “d” refer to the page of the Pediatric Dermoscopy Book. They are followed, after the bar-line, by the year of publication. Absorption, percutaneous, and psoriasis 120/09 Angioma, flat, midline 81/03 newborn 157/91 henné 93/03, 55/11 and lateral 149/99 Acanthosis nigricans 85/03 propranolol 122/14 Angioma, lobular, Crouzon, syndrome 209/96 topical corticosteroids 29/01 eruptive 481t/00 Acitretin 151/09 Allergy, rubber 215/01 palmar 91/06 Acne 337t/98 Allergy, food Angioma, microvenular 33/97 port-wine 256/11 alternative medicine 165/03 Angioma, port-wine 156/10 violinist 120/11 Alopecia, androgenetic 56/16 Angioma, tufted 210/03, vs angiofibromas 135/99 Alopecia, break dance 92/06, 254/15 154/09, 233/12 Acne Alopecia areata 63/09 Anhidrosis cystic rosacea-like 7/13 dermoscopy 132/09, 133/09 peripheral neuropathy 237/12 Acne, neonatal Down 7/14 Anisakis retinoids 81/98 incognita 187/14 atopic dermatitis 109/08 vs atopic dermatitis 10/92 neonatal 56/11, 252/14 Anitis, streptococcal 19/09 Acne, steroid 282/12 tacrolimus 227/07 Anonychia, congenital 253/08 Acne, vulgaris 185/10 Alopecia, androgenetic Antimycotic drugs 33/00 Acremoniasis 71/11 tricho-rhino-phalangeal s. 75/16 Antihistamines 161/00 Acrocyanosis 842t/06 Alopecia, localized of the scalp 201/92 APEC 133/94, 21/96 Acrodermatitis, Alopecia, triangular, Aplasia cutis enteropathica 209/99 congenital 57/11, 132/09 antithyroid drugs 117/05 73/07, 178/08, 211/12 dermoscopy 133/09 bullous-like 148/10, 174/15 transient, premature 13/94 normal tuft 273/10 familial 50/13 Acrogeria 107/10 Alopecia, universalis gangrenous 91/09 Acropustolosis, infantile 201/12 mental retardation 29/92 pseudohermaphrod. 169/98 Actinic comedonal plaque 223/12 Amniotic band 582/02, xipho-umbilical 180/114 Adalimumab 221/06 Appendix, angiofibr. subacute lupus erythematosus-like Anagen effluvium 606t/02 lip 215/06 190/16 Anatomical variants Ash, dermatitis 734t/04 Adenoma genital and anal 29/13 Atenolol 179/12, 90/16, 178/16 pleomorphic 175/12 Angiofibroma Atopy Adenomatosis, erosive (vs) acne 135/99 warts 223/93 nipple 62/13 Angiogenesis 39/99 Atopic, dermatitis 150/04, 154/04 AIDS 33/99 hemangioma 45/99 angioma, flat, midline 50/11 skin disorders 21/93 Angiokeratoma 68/09 antibiotics 77/96 Alagille, syndrome 35/91 circumscriptum neviforme 217/14 antinflammatory, topical 157/98 Albright, syndrome 141/96 diffuse, unius lateris 214/06 CD23 19/95 ALDY 182/16 tongue 233/05 extrinsic, intrinsic 103/07 (vs) superficial morphea 132/16 Angioma, eruptive face, tinea-psoriasis-like 55/124 Allergic contact dermatitis satellitosis 207/10 foods, contact dermatitis 85/91 152 Atrophoderma, Pasini-Pierini Dermoscopy house dust 157/95 C7, deficiency 121/87 vs genital warts 4/91 hypopigmented, vs vitiligo, Cafè-au-lait spots 209/95, 99/97 Chondrodisplasia punctata pityriasis versicolor 218/02 Calcified nodule of Winer 61/15 ichthyosis 221/02 infections, early 101/06 Calcinosis Chromhidrosis, apocrine interleukin 18 71/15 systemic sclerosis 179/08 ectopic 26/04 irritability, cutaneous 13/93 Calcinosis cutis universalis Contracture, ischemic 19/11 laboratory, examin. 213/95 Idiopathic 188/13 Corticosteroids and macrophage-derived chemokine 71/15 Candida rugosa tacrolimus 101/03 management, onychomycosis 53/11 Crohn, disease 796t/t/06 allergologic 149/98 Candidiasis, congenital 312t/97 Cutis laxa 81/91 minor diagnostic criteria 79/16 840t/06, 145/06 Cutis marmorata 4/14, 249/15 mites 51/91, 41/91 Candidiasis, chronic muco-cutaneous 124/16 Cutis marmorata telangiectasica congenita natural history 145/98 skin cancer 225/02 153/97, 93/98, 803t/06, 242/08, platelets 21/16 Capillaroscopy 156/10, 276/12, 4/14 posthytis 162/12 neonatal hemangioma 89/98 unresponsive to premature 121/92 Carcinoma propranolol 182/13 prevalence 140/14 basal cell, pigmented Cutis verticis gyrata 157/99 psychosocial, consequences 97/08 nevus-like 29/06 Cyst, nasolabial 31/14 quality of life 147/04 Merkel 192/14 score 145/04 squamous cell 145/92 Dacryocystocele 247/05 segmental 199/11, 161/12 Carcinoma, verrucosum Darier, disease summer 149/95 EBDR 251/11 segmental 151/91, 39/09 tic, hand extension 211/10 Cardiofaciocutaneous, syndrome 14/16 Defluvium, traumatic 610t/03 topical treatment 154/98 Carney, complex 9/16 Demarcation lines 70/14 vs acne, neonatal 10/92 Carotinoderma 9/95 Demodicidosis, HIV 25/99 vs keratosis, follicular, Cartoons, dermatology 89/03 Dermapedia 201/15 rubra 68/11, 202/91 Carvajal, syndrome 201/07 Dermatitis, atopic and vs herpetiformis, dermatitis 74/91 Cefdinir serum sickness- psoriasis, hospitalizat. 97/96 vs scabies 202/91, 10/92, 33/95, -like reaction 242/12 Dermatitis, artefacta 127/13, 203/13, 6/03, 614t/03, 648t/03 Celiac disease 87/95 256/14, 60/16 Atrophoderma, Pasini-Pierini 154/11 Cellulitis, septic pseudotinea 255/13 neonatal 119/09 Dermatitis, lichenoid 59/13 Baboon syndrome, Chalaziosis, linear 183/05 Dermatofibroma 212/10 children 9/08 Chewing pads vs satellitosis 41/07 Balanitis xerotica, pachydermodactyly, knuckle pads multiple and LES 77/03 obliterans 197/12 230/12 Dermatofibrosarcoma Beckwith-Wiedemann, Child abuse vs protuberans, congen. 219/06 syndrome 90/04 trichotillomania 134/93 multiple 77/03 Bite Chocolate, hypersensitivity 29/94 Dermatology, internet 107/95, 165/96 human 222/12 Cholestasis Dermatomyositis 137/93, 105/08 Blaschkitis 25/11, 115/16 chronic 35/91 amyopathic 245/09, 159/08 Blaschko lines Chronic granulomatous disease 196/14 celiac disease 153/06 hyper-pigmentation 73/94 Collagenosis, perforans 147/11 Dermoid, cutaneous ocular 144/10 Borreliosis, Lyme Condylomata acuminata 198/08 Dermoscopy dermatomyositis, type 9/93 vs flat, luetic 4/91 non melanocytic pityriasis lichenoides, type 77/94 vs epidermal nevus 4/11 hyperpigmentation 189/05 Bruising, accidental 68/14 vs pearl-like papules, penis 154/02 pediatric 1/07 Buschke-Ollendorf, syndrome 77/00 Condylomata, flat, luetic Phthirius pubis 54/11 153 Dermotic Hair xanthogranuloma 111/12 systematized 213/14 vs hemangioma 5/01 Dermotic 105/05 Epidermolysis bullosa 276t/97 Gangrena, neonatal Diaper rash 17/00, 43/09, 225/08, carcinoma, squamous 251/11 protein C and S deficiency 157/09 136/16 Dowling-Meara, type 89/93 Gardner-Diamond, syndrome 135/13 acanthosis nigricans, (vs) linear IgA d. 132/15 Genital warts 91/14 Down, syndrome type 7/14 dystropic, dominant 161/02 Gianotti-Crosti syndrome 22/96, 93/94 dystrophic, recessiva inversa 138/91 177/05, 143/09 chlorhexidine and bacterial flora dystrophic recessiva vs epidemics 159/06 213/96 epidermolytic hyperkeratosis 197/00 betahemolytic streptococcus prevention 225/91 dystrophic, group A 151/11 Didymosis 272/10 self-healing localiz. 115/13 classification 218/15 aplastic, sebaceous 158/08 simplex Gingivitis, Digital clubbing 242/14 pyloric atresia plasmacellular 278/10 Dimples, shoulder 163/02 and muscular dystrophy 17/16 Glioma, nasal 169/92, 167/06 Dowling-Degos, syndrome 17/94 treatment, hands 160/11 Glomangioma, familial multiple Down, syndrome 167/98, 7/14 Epstein-Barr virus 138/13 Down-Turner, mosaicism dermatitis 25/94 Gloves and socks, syndrome 23/96, and psoriasis 77/97 Eruption, Afro-Caribbean 197/01 834t/06 DRESS, lamotrigine 7/11 Eruption, lichenoid, Goltz, syndrome 213/97, Dysplasia, ectodermal actinic 73/01 148/09, 120/10 hypohidrotic 201/98, 73/95 Erysipelas 250/14 Gorlin, syndrome 218/04 Dysplasia, tibial, NF1 59/09, 49/16 Erythema ab igne 168/12, 54/16 Gougerot-Carteaud, syndrome 122/5 Dysraphism 159/14 Erytrokeratodermia Graft versus host disease 13/96, variabilis 253/12, 113/14 124/11 Ear Exanthem Granuloma fighter 668t/03 atypical 19/96, 19/96 annulare 125/05, 188/14 red, syndrome 174/07 paraviral 25/16 deep 253/15 EBV 199/2015 Exostosis 196/13 generalized 57/14 palivizumab 199/15 subungual 252/09 calcium, extravasation 820t/06 Ecchymosis, plantar Eyelashes, ectopic 184/08 Granuloma, eosinophilic (vs) melanocytic nevus 6/95 monostotic 61/11 Eczema-like 117t/94 Fibrohistiocytoma, Granuloma, idiopathic Eczema, nummular 21/06 benign 187/11 faciale 164/12 Eczema, segmental 199/11 Fibroma, non ossifying of the bone (and) chalazia 188/15 Edema, hemorrhagic acute 168/13 Granulomatous, chronic 812t/06, 71t/94 Fibromatosis, digital, disease 369t/99 EEC, syndrome 246/08 infantile 141/94, 489t/00 Granulomatosis, Ehlers-Danlos, syndrome 137/03 Fifth disease 187/05, 141/06 lymphangiectatic 263/12 68/114 Folliculitis Granulosis rubra nasi 214/13 Elastoma, juvenile 201/03 acne infantum-like 275/10 Griseofulvin Encephalocele 212/12 due to olive oil 121/15 newborn 24/15, 60/15 Encopresis, eosinophilic 153/07, 205/96 Groove perineal 16/15, 245/15 perianal dermatitis 169/07 superficial of the buttocks 126/16 Enteropathy, protein losing Frey’s syndrome 174/08 Hailey-Hailey 705t/04, 191/15 epidermolysis bullosa 33/06 Frontal whorl 113/13 Hair Epidemiology 191/10 autocombed, syndrome 93/07 Epidermal nevus Game of the funnel 128/14 inherited skin disorders 73/98 syndrome 210/14 Gangrena, gluteal uncombable, syndr. 209/94 154 Hair casts Ichthyosis, harlequin Hair casts 79/09 urticaria-angioedema 124/13 Langerhans and alopecia, traction 21/03 vs gluteal gangrene 5/01 non-Langerhans 157/07 vs nits 134/07 vs venous malform. 70/06 vulvar involvement 147/93
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