Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-14-2000 The BG News March 14, 2000 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News March 14, 2000" (2000). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6621. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6621 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. WEATHER TUESDAY Partly (March 14, 2000 • Cloudy VORLD NEWS 2 High, 50 JPINION Low, 29 AMI'IS The BG News SPORTS 8 www.bgncws.com Volume 88, Issue 38 ^4 daily mdependem smdem pxess BG headed to NIT after NCAA snub UAO cleans up PETE STELLA face the victor of the Southern through it, I had a real good feel ASSISTANT Sn>(ri s EcriCM Illinois/Colorado contest after that [seeing other teams in "I lake the NIT as an oppor- BG's situations win big games organization N tunity to win a championship in or tournaments| that this was Silence can mean several I things. a tournament." BG coach Dan going to be something that was CRAIG GIEEORI) It can mean you agree or dis- Dakich said. a long shot " STAFF WRITER agree with something but you Despite not making it to the ESPN Analyst Dick Vitale. don't open your mouth to voice "Big Dance." Dakich is happy who according to Dakich served UAO is being restructured for your opinion. It can also mean with what his team has accom- as one of the Falcons best "PR" ncxi school year in order lo better T sadness, respect and fear. plished this season. He also guys this season, felt the Mid- accommodate the needs and desires After the BG men's basket- knew the results of games earli- American Conference got shaft- of the student body. ball team was not called as one er in the week had made the ed with only Ball State making chances of the Brown and it in. The restructuring of UAO will Of the 64 teams headed to the involve cutting back the amount of NCAA tournament, their silence Orange making it in slim. "The Mid-American is one of committees in the organization from was all that lingered in the Sta- "We're obviously very disap- the most underrated conferences 13 to nine. dium Club Sunday night. pointed, but yet, very proud." he around." Vitale said. However, the Falcons found said. According to Jennifer Joyce, "When you look at it and go Pout they will head to Provo, See BASKETBALL, page 7. president of UAO. the purpose for Utah on Wednesday to cutting back on the amount of com- tangle with the BYU mittees is because some committees I 'ougars in the National were "overlapping " Invitation Tournament. One of Ihe main purposes for Ihe • Game lime Is set for 9 restructuring, according lo Jason p.m. Bozzone. program advisor for stu- -aw The winner will then dent activities, is UAO members and Associated Press Photos the student body were frustrated NIPPED — with how organization was run. C(left) Miami's Anthony Taylor loses control of In order to avoid Ihe overlapping. the ball as he goes UAO will be combining some of these committees including the con- k toward the basket temporary issues committee with against Keith McLeod cultural awareness and publicity i ' Sunday in the quarter- \ with public relations. 1,M final round of the MAC The organization will also be tournament, combining the special events com- (right) Craig Thompson, chair- mittee and homecoming committee man of the NCAA Division 1 into one. which will be in charge of i Men's basketball Committee homecoming events. Welcome looks on as the selection begins Week activities. Sibs and Kids Weekend and UAO contribution lo for 64 teams Thursday. dance marathon Joyce believes that this will help some of the committee chairs due lo Ihe fact that they will belter know USG declares organization out of money; co-sponsorships may go unpaid their roles and be able to focus more on their individual committees .SARAGR\/I\\() ular, USG allocated $6,000 lo UAO going 10 accuse anyone, but at that it's not like. Oh no. we can't do that foi further funding, but other mem- SIM I WRIT] H 10 tiind a bid lor a ■spring concert. point, the budget was in disarray." now." Fngelman said. bers had different suggestions. "Il will give the directors more This $6,000 w ill no longer be able lo "My frustration is that in the bud- When asked by USG members USG vice president Christie focus because it is hard to figure out I he i Indergraduate Student Gov- be paid. get we were presented with, the where the money went. Gresko Chipps suggested having USG whal lo do without stepping on some ernment announced yesterday Ihej I lie decision to allocate $6,000 to money was there." represenlalive repeatedly pointed to the fact that he members do their own fundraising. one else's toes." Joyce said. UAO for the concert was made Ian will not have enough money 10 tul Julie Rinehart said "We didn't think was previously not the treasurer and "If we each raise $50 ourselves. UAO believes thai the restructur- 26 using bud s thai turned till its financial obligations this we were doing anything rash." walked into the problem. I'm personally willing to do that and ing of the committees will allow semester out lo IK- inaccurate The treasurer UAO concert director and USG "I got this budget in shambles," I hope the rest of you are loo," them lo better serve the needs of the who provided these numbers, Jill Dining spring break, USG mem- at-large representative Brian Fngel- Gresko said "All I could do is my Chipps said. "Do your own fundrais- students. bers including treasurer Nick Whyde. latet resigned Gresko was man said UAO was counting on job when 1 came in here, with the ing. We have a debt and it needs lo then appointed treasure! receiving the $6,000 from USG. money I had." be paid " "1 think il will help us stay in Gresko worked to find out how 1 much money USG has remaining in "Iins was nisi a mess, Gresko That money in a way has A >»,000 trip several USG mem- At-large representative Greg touch wiih the students because the its bu.l said "When I gol this, I knew already been spent We had to count bers took to a conference in Texas Amend proposed taking $2,000 directors will have more freedom lo (iiesko announced ai last night's away, 'Whal are we going :>> do? on that." Engelman sard. "To go may have contributed lo the budget away from USG's awards banquet lo do what the students want lo see." USG meeting that the Why are we gi\ ing $6,000 when we back on this alter it was passed by discrepancies. USG also went over give to UAO. Joyce said. currently has $5,445.76 This don't have ii' the legislature, and put in writing. I budget by about $1,000 for office "We need lo hold ourselves Bozzone said Ihe students will amount has been budgeted to cover Gresko and other USG members have a very strong dissenting opin- supplies. accountable." Amend said. "For us benefit from the changes. i si is operating costs foi the rest ol s.ud the decision to allocate the ion on that." USG began to look for other to turn away this organization and the seine.lei $6.00X1 was made using faulty num- Engelman added, however, that ways to give USG the $6,000 they hold a banquet. I think it's just con- "Il is a belter means for better This amount does not include cc- bers I ISt I's allocation would not make or promised. ceited. If we give $2,000. we arc programming on campus so thai the sponsorships thai USG has "The numbeis were break the concert Gresko suggested asking the Stu- entire student body can benefit." approved, but not yet paid In partic- fetched," Gresko said "I'm not "We do have a backup plan, so dent Organizational Funding Board See USG, page 7. A task force comprising of under- graduate students and slaff members was responsible for bringing about the restructuring of UAO. University post office announces future location According to Bozzone. who was JENNIFER LULEY tions, particularly residence halls. a member of the task force, the STAFF WRITER As ii exisls now. the University's group of sludenis and slaff looked postal service is responsible for dis- into areas of UAO including role, Changes in both location and ser- tributing all of the mail with the Uni- purpose, missions, organizational vices may be coming in the future versity's zip code. 43403. The idea structure, number of positions posi- for the University's Postal Services. being considered is to change the zip tion description, selection and train- The first change will be the relo- code for residence halls from the ing of committee members, name cation of the post office's University University's zip code to the Bowling and programming focus headquarters from University Hall to Green city zip code.
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