D. Eydenzon, I. Ganieva, N. Shpak 115 Keywords: ecologically adjusted GDP, environmental damage, under-received income, forced consumption, natural rent, human development index References 1. Volkonsky V. A., Kuzovkin A. I., Mudretsov A. F. (2005). Prirodnaya renta i metody eye otsenki [Natural rent and methods of its assessment]. Problemy prognozirovaniya [Forecasting problems]. 1, 50-61. 2. Bobylev S. N. (Ed) (2010). Doklad o razvitii chelovecheskogo potentsiala v Rossiyskoy Federatsii za 2010 god [The report on human development in the Russian Federation for 2010]. Moscow, JSC Design Project «Samolet», 152. 3. Bobylev S. N. (Ed), Makeyenko P. A. (2001). Indikatory ustoychivogo razvitiya Rossii. Ekologo-ekonomicheskie as- pekty [Indicators of a sustainable development of Russia. Eco-economic aspects]. Moscow, TsPRP [Centre for Preparation & Implementation, International Project of Technical Assistance], 220. 4. Ryumina Ye. V. (2004). Ushcherb ot ekologicheskikh narusheniy. 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Experience of an integrated approach]. Moscow, Editorial URSS, 176. 9. Chelovecheskoye razvitie. Novoye izmerenie sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo progressa [Human development. New measure- ment of social and economic progress], Moscow, Prava cheloveka [Human Rights], 636. Information about the author Ryumina Yelena Viktorovna (Moscow, Russia) — Doctor of Economics, Professor, Principle Researcher, Institute for Socio- Economic Studies of Population of Russian Academy of Sciences (32, Nakhimovsky prospect, Moscow, 117218, Russia, e-mail: [email protected]). View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Electronic archive of the Ural State Forest Engineering University UDC (332.143:330.53):330.15 D. Eydenzon, I. Ganieva, N. Shpak SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF THE INDUSTRY IMBALANCES IN THE REGIONAL ECONOMY The paper presents an analysis of current socio-economic and environmental aspects of the industry im- balances in the regional economy by the example of Ural Federal District and Siberian Federal District. The main aim of it is to identify the actual socio-economic problems in the development of the regional economies. The authors analyze the economic, ecological and social aspects in the development of regional economies by the examples. They investigate the specifics of the correlation between industrial development, ecological problems and health problems of the local population. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of cor- relations between the mortality of the population and industrial pollution of air and water. The analysis has resulted in making proposals for optimization of the regional policy in the field of invest- ments, manufacturing and ecology. The special attention is given to environment-oriented projects. The most practicable way in solving the problem of these regional industry imbalances would be the de- velopment of regional diversification programs of the Siberia and the Ural economies. It has to support man- ufacturing and the largest public-private investment projects for the foundation of enterprises in agriculture, food and other industries. The most prosperous among them is the direction of bioenergy and forest-engi- neering-oriented businesses. The results of the research can be useful in solving the problem of the industry imbalances in the regional economic policy of the Russian Federation. Keywords: industry imbalances, regional economy, ecological problems, industrial pollution, population ЭКОНОМИКА РЕГИОНА № 4/2013 116 природНо-ресурсНый потеНциал региоНа Introduction start of an upward wave of the big cycle there is a The territory of the Russian Federation is enor- revival in the field of technical inventions. Before mous. The international division practice demon- and at the beginning of an upward wave a wide- strates the structuring feasibility of the national spread use of these inventions is observed...» [3, economy by the macro-regions. The division of p. 374]. This idea has received active development Russia by federal districts occurred in 2000 with in the works of Y. Schumpeter who saw an expla- the signing of the decree of the President «On the nation of the reason of long economic cycles in Representative of the President of the Russian the waves of technological innovation. Empirical Federation in the Federal District.» In accordance evidence linking long-wave production and inno- with the Decree on the territory of Russia, there vation are found in the works of the Russian scien- were created seven federal districts — the Central, tists Yu. V. Yakovets, S. Glazev, A. Akaev and their North-Western, Southern, Volga, Ural, Siberian foreign counterparts G. Mensch, E. Denison. This and Far East. In 2011, the Southern Federal District approach connects each Kondratiev wave with a was divided into two — Southern and Northern certain technological way of life. The research- Caucasus. The creation of the districts according ers point out that the rise of a new wave of devel- to experts, should in the future increase the effec- opment is damped if there are sector imbalances tiveness of state regulation of social and economic in the national economy, and in this case the new development of the regions of the country, also by technological system may not come in time. the way of working out the programs of socio-eco- The Russian economists such as D. Lvov and nomic development of territories by the Federal S. Glazev introduced the concept of a techno- District [1], [ 2]. logical system in the economic terminology. However, the problem of uneven development Technological system is a set of technologies spe- of Russian territories remains, it has not been cific to a particular level of production, scientific solved till now. In the western part of Russia most and technological progress. It is continuously of the country population is located, there are sig- moving the economy from a lower to a higher way nificant differences in the palette of industries: in of life, the basis of subsequent technological sys- Siberia, the Ural and the Far East mining indus- tem originates in the period of flowering and the try and forestry dominate; in the Central, Volga, previous order. Southern, North-Caucasian, North-Western dis- The Russian sectors of the economy are sub- tricts processing production, processing indus- stantially integrated among themselves and or- try and agriculture are popular. By the opinion of ganically integrated into the global economy, so many Russian scientists, «slide area to the com- the processes of globalization (including informa- modity slope» has significant socio-economic and tion), computer and Internet penetration have a demographic risks. In addition, in the Siberian seminal role. At the end of the XX century an im- (the SFO) and the Ural (the UFD) federal districts, portant role was played by information technol- which are the focus of our research, there are large ogies: devices and technologies for the collec- areas of uncultivated land, which involvement tion, processing, transfer of information, technol- into the economic cycle is the most important so- ogy and satellite navigation. Universal computer- cio-economic and geopolitical task because in re- ization of production processes and management, cent times in this area increased attention is paid the use of mobile electronic communication were to the densely populated region from neighboring a breakthrough for the industry but are still not countries, such as China. available on a mass scale for the rural economy of our country. Theoretical basis of the research We believe that in order to speed up the process Modern economists often discuss the prob- of innovation development of the entire national lem of uneven development of regions and sec- economy it is necessary to eliminate inequality tors against the background of the cyclical fluctu- in the development of individual sectors and re- ations of the economy. There is an extensive body gions. In the opinion of the authors of Moscow of evidence showing an indispensable worsening State University, who worked on the major project, crisis trends in the national economy, which do- «World Economic Thought. Through the Prism mestic economy is developing unevenly. As you of the Century» coordinated by G. Fetisovaand, know, increases, like phases of long waves, are A. Hudokormova, agro-industrial country like provoked by considerable innovative impulses. Russia, it is necessary to maintain a balance be- The Russian scientist N. Kondratiev observed the tween industry and agriculture
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