JUSWAT KITO-RBCORD P~ PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY, AUGUST 22. 1946 also take advantage of the says, "Two years ago my ! administration «f the State Law 241, or slltfhyy less than the av- eran himself is concerned, Library whether a lender procures In- educational provisions of the for disability benefit was which makes it possible to guar- erage $2,941 i>er loan for the act, provided they meet the SUPPORT THE Sliow Similar K ;mtrv b'isinp.y louns to veterans counry as a whole. surance or guarantee on his nied. Can I apply to have"it (Continued from Pag»* Nine> eligibility requirements. In reconsidered?" 'Round TRENTOV. AUK 11 -ho «'•• r^Ment-s M this State. New Jersey and the federal gov- GI loan. such case, the husband would w VATION ARMY 1 1 ernment havp had almost identi- of tl ' **-•!<•• -,\ Tho v«'*^rnn^' Administration A. There is quite a difference to get the $90 a month main- A. A veteran may reopen hia cal pxperiecc with borrowers who employed a "churm string" as a • <-«•• :•-, iH^iimrH tlmt throilgh- you. Only 15 per cent of the tenance, because his wife claim at any time. There isD o TAMPATON fall to me**t payments on thelj Rahway !•;• h< co-.'iit'y 1G.000 vpfrfins means of making smail Elizabeth obligation is charged against would be classed as a "depen- limit .on the number of tin*, v loans and force the federal or the entitlement of the veteran dant," but she, if taking a he may request a reconddera- thn O T B:M. , -:• > >\ •:> t • <• nm hH • •> l>Tr«>v ».<) s*8000 0O0 in uis stay put. Her collection today is By TH* BOCMDSMAN pecotb StaU* gov'nment to pay off the •.• -^ '.MIL N'«-v .Ti'T-i'v, v U-h ap- if the obligaion is handled by course in education, would get tlon of a previous denial. How. New© built around an anchor butt6h Kim ran tee. Bc*th agencies regard the lender under insurance the $65 a month maintenance ever, his claim will not be ^ "Wli.i* p '' .*'''•'•'' SM V ;v Ji • i'v :i ;>; 11\ UHT'-'v !l 5 p'-I ffll* Of the which came to IIT in a little ba? MerglnR the Rahway Record, Est. 1822 with the Rahway News Eat. 1930 : L thp v*ttoran as a gooH risk. In each Questions anil Answers Economic conditions in any en.*'1:;;- m '.'.,. n N II' »(• Psi" ; i'n' p<in:i ;]i i)n n 'i.'ht be nxprr'f-cl provisions, whereas he charge while attending school, since considered unless he submits case, do-faiiius have amounted to Published Every Thur«Jtty- 00 »«r tn Mv«»nrf 1 of pillow ticking picked up at a community can be safely be mea- 125—No. 8 RAHWAY. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AIGI'ST *?9. 1946 I-tx-al PER COPY FIVE CENTS U,r of "• • I -i •? V. •. • ..- fit ' ' I- ill'' ' '•'•<' ;\ pr f)pr>i ' ol ' ! ? A reader in Essex County says, may be as much as 50 per cent the smaller amount is given to new and material evidence 1 two-tenths of one per nent, or sured by tax collections a"i tax ."("u '-KIM- but acUmllv 6 ' sale of household roods from Uie "I had some X-rays taken a of the .obligation, if guaran- v those without dependents. that is, evidence which has not' proport'onately $10^ 341 'or the teed. The result is that more Other provisions, as to unem- previously been subn*f - i *ilfs so say the oldtlmpr* ThPV » ' }•'••<•' •- ! • • • ;•-•• • »•• I home of a d*»ar olfi couple who few weeks aRO and I am won- govprr">°nf nnH $^9,504 of the entitlement Is used up ployment compensation, re- nfe probably right. <»>'KHir' of .Jersey. could no longer battio thn world dering if the government pays M _ in a loan transaction by guar- view of discharges are Avail- • — .-? -? 7 Welfare Post t (. nri<; b<-« alone Qnd.ft*erc "breaking .UP" to all. or pcyt of th£ cosL to CouncHmen In Tustle Twenty-two Veterans Named For Units While figures were not available them. I am an honorably antee, ordinally, and so less able to each veteran regardless If u* collections are the bar- J on the number of O.T. loans re- move in with the children. The remains available for future of whether they are husband MI88 HOLEWYN r of prosperity or depres- charged veteran." f paid in full, the -State .reports 165 bag f*ost her five cents: in to- transactions. and wife. LEAVES SERVICE -hen Rahway is riding on a This column has warned vet- Court Tangle veter<in5 in New Jersey have re- day's market it would be worth has been received her? wave. In 1933 a tax sale Over Welfare Dispute paid a'l that they borrowed. The erans on several-occasions that Q. A Navy veteran in Morris Q. From Montnouih County here sold 4,000 parcels of p-op- In Housing Development! 0 Undecided possibly $100 00 Mrs. Piddle likes County asks, "Can a man and that Petronella L. Holewyn. chuj. sl?e.of such loans ovpyaged about they should not undertake veteran "inquires, "Is It advis- erty -this year the day of the the Rms* befnc $^40,650. best In >i«r colwtion the little medical treatments on their wife, both veterans of World able for me to hire an attorney ghter of Mr. and Mrs, Martin Seen Certani n f sa]P f- nnd only 20 parrels on ti,r 'incil President Donovan and Councilman Tf" ' y Announces Croup to "calicos." small rhina buttons own Initiative, assuming that War n, receive double bene- to represent me in presenting Holewyn of 1963 Lufberry street, T,p<non Home Servos The *-Uthility of Now Jersey's fits and privileges?" v venture 'n guaranteeing business stamped with oali^o prints. of*en they can .send the bill to Uncle my claim or appeal end what this city, has been honorably di$. J>"Mna ' i Dispute Over Appointment of ^ «•' 'Vrupv Temporary Sam. The government, thru Every veteran who meets the fee Is he entitled to?" Retain* on*1 \n vpt^rans is inc*'rated by used to tho c''o^s Just let •^HpibiUty requirements o^ the chaiKed from the U.S. Nnv:u p^. r.i« J Frank's Fox who f:u«* I>W- ctor State Funds HHd Up Here rlw 7 the Veterans' Administration, A. It is not necessary that the took onV" in ?.,,! 'i with 'oan ex * folks know you am interested in sonnel Separation Center, n R Na. PatFcn ' 1 will pay for such X-rays, and net is entitied to a guaranty veteran procure the service in t *? entire rou»>try butt' n.s." ny^ Wrs Firldlr "i>nd 1931, doe- not of rx>litif*s if T other treatments and examin- of a loan under the O.I. BUI of an attorney in'the prosecu- val Barracks. WashinRton, n c f<'M«l .loll Twenty-two veterans H( d bell/' f»s To PXthn- y T>me frn'Ti nonr "nrl frxr tr np*>(l any book ations, only 'f they have gran- A husband and wife, both of ion of his claim. However, if having service In the WAVER ^ connection with i )f thr '*? Depart nfmed last night to occupy pl:iin'c t bar the f hiM'e a nlnro in ? our ( 'ilW'ion whom are eligible veterans on economics to In 'ho Veterans Temporary HoUS* :i ted previous authorization for he desires to he must hire one November 18, 1943. She ^ know the ex*»?nt m f>»t weir hm ' • ; h\ c •iiru il T T^«iHnnt n«*nnis F tnbf Wttskn, 4 >4 Hamilton i-rrw-nt nor the StnM of New ' it Jo nil crrat '"in nn( the /'nv may use their guaranty joint- last ft ri T n me rvvlorrn^nt now being con- them. If * ou w^nt more in- who has been * admitted to on duty at the University of of thp cycle we itie**' \\p i i" tnip <1 forr**nr udu v T .'ike ]on'^ tr vctY"ins The I your T«putn'inn tnvk '\hen--1 of formation about the medical ly or separately. If it is used practice pension matters with and Councilir^n Josepph stT'ictod fn Hopkinson street Just ]onn through you to i our bndirp u'.imr nrtrf you Jointly, the maximum may not nsylvania, Navy V-12 Untr have * raveled Burina durinc "n othTwisn drab .Ipnip*; F Prtter of tlm low firm off Enn Hazc'wood avenue. Thw bMil: <'Y other loMdmn agency care nnd health benefits to the Veterans' Administration 1 find Ow> 'gir!^ flutohirT the bMt- whirh you arc entitled, con- exceed 50 per cent of the face By law, the fee which an at-delphla. Lhroup' for the council me"ttriB which was d»nwn BAT^D CONCERT rvf Patten Ar Patt-n, Perth Ambov thtff. colored veterans who' will nrw thf>T- mn-.' havp n nort*on of on *heir jm^'ie^t blouse or 1 of the obligation of $5,000 past f i 1 t^»(*n o«it over a fo"> hour pp>'od RaJlway Lodpn c* Tlks sp"n (u-c- py tl" units being constructed 1 B sult th* nearest ar*?a Office torney may charge in connec- 1 to him war t l (mn xnteed by U fede- for fear you nro out. rmain They may not buy two sepe- H' saw CouncllrnBJi Donovan charfied the finit.
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