THE BAGPIPE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2017 14049 SCENIC HIGHWAY, LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, GA 30750 VOLUME 64.2 New DC System QEP Summary Greatest of All Time Mr. Pim Open Letter to Bladers Revision places Discipleship Coor- Because Covenant doesn’t read Tom Brady’s road to Super Bowl LI Covenant College Theatre presents There is no glory for you, says Will dinators under Chapel Department good A. A. Milne’s Mr. Pim Passes By Friesen Page 1 Page 2 Page 4 Page 5 Page 8 THE EXECUTIVE ORDERS by Greer McCollum With about three weeks under his belt as the Pres- ident, Donald Trump has signed numerous execu- tive orders and memoran- dums, some of which have passed through rather un- noticed, while other con- troversial ones have gar- nished criticism. Some of his first execu- tive actions came on Jan. 23, NPR reports, just a few days after his inau- photo by Reed Schick guration. The first rein- stated the “Mexico City” policy, which bars feder- al agencies from funding international nongov- PAUSING FOR DAY OF PRAYER ernmental organizations that perform or advo- by Teresa Harwood for several decades. At its the president of Rock City to go to the overlook each cate for abortion. On the beginning, the campus Gardens, nor does he, and semester.” same day, he also signed The darkness hung low encouraged various de- asked if we could come to a memorandum that of- like the slate grey clouds partments to meet at sun- Rock City for prayer prior Now, the sunrise service ficially withdraws the US in the air as cars trans- rise on campus. Howev- to their opening.” functions as a moment in from the Trans-Pacific ported students to Cove- er, when recently-retired time where students can Partnerships—although nant College’s bi-annual professor Dr. Rulon was a “I guess other groups join with one another to the US’ participation was Day of Prayer sunrise ser- relatively new professor at dropped out of meeting at sing praise to God, pray in never passed by Congress vice at Rock City on Feb. Covenant, he began tak- sunrise, and so eventual- his name, watch the prom- under the Obama Admin- 7. Around 7:15 a.m., Luke ing psychology students ly our group became the ise of light spread into the istration—and one that Harvey (‘17) led his fellow early to watch the sunrise only group advertised to sky, and celebrate the hope institutes a federal hiring students in song. Steadi- off-campus. meet for sunrise,” Rulon the light symbolizes with freeze, except in the case ly, the sun tinted the dark continued, “Psi Chi stu- donuts and hot chocolate. of military hiring. world with white and yel- “Our group was probably dents took over publiciz- low light. less than 20, but we were ing and running it, and After song, prayer, and A day later, Trump signed informed that location somehow it became the eating donuts, the students an order that initiated the Hosted by Psi Chi, Cove- was private property and only thing publicized at steadily dispersed from start of a couple weeks’ nant’s psychology honors had to leave after praying,” sunrise and so it grew. Bill Rock City, many joining worth of controversial ex- society, the sunrise service Dr. Rulon remembers, “I Chapin has been extreme- their halls for breakfast ecutive actions. With this has functioned as the be- don’t recall how I made ly generous with opening down the mountain while order, he approved of the ginning of Day of Prayer contact with Bill Chapin, his gates and allowing us CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 the hall council, therefore and supervision of such a to December last semes- implementing RHPs (Res- large DC staff. He quoted ter. A final conclusion was COVENANT REVAMPS idence Hall Presidents) John 14:12, which states, reached to elect one Stu- and Vice Presidents. The “Truly, truly, I say to you, dent Ministry Coordina- question then became, whoever believes in me tor per residence hall, and THE DC SYSTEM “How do we utilize com- will also do the works that these coordinators will be munity coordinators?” Ka- I do; and greater works considered interns in the by Mackenzie Jones In previous years, one tie and Nate thus became than these will he do, be- chapel office. ARD existed to help responsible for the follow- cause I am going to the Fa- For those students who feel each RD in the residence ing three tasks: working ther” (ESV). These positions will be like the continual changes halls. The ARDs were with retention rates and paid and regarded as a fif- to Carter Hall have stolen to help with supervision academic success, over- By dividing and conquer- teen hour/week work study the limelight from other of the RAs, hall council, all campus programming, ing, so to speak, Wylie position. Isaiah Barnfield, residence halls, change and DCs. However, as and supervising DCs. was confident more disci- the RD of Founders, said, is coming. While Carter the enrollment numbers pleship and servanthood “I am looking forward to continues to remain a vi- dropped at Covenant over Another issue rose to could be more effectively seeing the Student Minis- sual reminder of external the past two years, the sys- the surface. Katie and accomplished. He said, try Coordinators compen- change on campus, more tem was revamped to pro- Nate, only two people, “Discipleship is what this sated for the work they revision is in the works vide money and resources became managers over college is about.” will do.” within all four dorms. back to the college. The thirty-eight DCs. When ARDs were cut, and two explaining the dilemma, One of the staff members As for responsibilities, the Interviewing Jonathan of them became graduate Jonathan Wylie referenced Wylie consulted was Dean Student Ministry Coordi- Wylie, the Associate Dean assistants. how although Jesus had Voyles, who noted how nators will be attending of Students for Residence These two people are Ka- twelve disciples, Jesus es- the DCs were under the RA and Residence Hall Life, provided disclosure tie Tingle and Nate Allen, pecially poured into Peter, authority of the chapel of- President meetings as on the process of shifting whom we know as Com- James, and John. Wylie fice. This is where Chap- more of an informational the roles of ARDs (Assis- munity Coordinators. wanted to resemble this lain Lowe stepped in to duty to make sure events tant Resident Directors) smaller community with- help evaluate the situation. will not overlap. The RAs and DCs (Discipleship Meanwhile, the Student in a larger community This decision was in the and RHPs will consider Coordinators). Senate took on the re- by readdressing the time works through September sponsibility of overseeing CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 NEWS 02 because institutional data showed that students of- ten come to class without SO WHAT’S THE completing required read- ing assignments, accord- ing to the READ Covenant QEP AGAIN? document. by Anna Smith said, “because on one lev- Implementation of the el, having an awareness QEP will begin gradually, In the past few weeks, helps you benefit more. with a smaller, pilot group signs asking, “What is the There’s a pedagogical as- of professors (about 10- QEP?” peppered campus. pect to this campaign.” 15 percent of the faculty). In chapel on Wednesday, Students can join in and This percentage will in- Jan. 25, Professor Sarah be conscious of what is crease each year, and the Huffines, director of the going on. Another reason target goal is to have 50 percent of the faculty par- faculty members. and seniors will see some QEP, answered that ques- for the signs and videos is but not the fullest impact,” tion: Covenant’s newest that a visiting committee ticipating in READ Cove- nant. In addition, all Cul- All participating facul- Huffines said. “Student Quality Enhancement from the accrediting agen- ty will assign at least two Development will play a Plan, READ Covenant, cy visited campus on Tues- tural Heritage of the West (CHOW) classes will be course preparation assign- role too, hopefully. Hope- will launch next fall. day and Wednesday, and ments (structured reading fully, even if you’re not in they expected the campus READ classes. responses) per semester, a class you’ll still feel ef- A QEP to improve stu- community to know about but other changes to im- fects.” dent learning is required it. “It’s very early in the Faculty will attend work- shops and presentations prove reading and discus- by Covenant’s accrediting process but that’s why we sion are up to individual The QEP committee will agency, the Southern As- did the big roll-out,” Huff- for training on teaching reading skills and en- professors. For example, track the progress of the sociation of Colleges and ines said. in Huffines’s Introduction QEP by using various as- Schools Commission on couraging discussion. In the committee’s research, to Creative Writing class, sessments such as end-of- Colleges. The new plan The process of identify- she breaks students up course evaluations, fac- will focus on “improv- ing a QEP topic began in they learned that “facul- ty development in a small into small groups to facil- ulty surveys, and student ing the way students read 2014. The QEP Topic Se- itate a larger class discus- assessments. and interact with texts,” lection Committee chose number of faculty actually ripples across the curric- sion. according to Covenant’s to address reading in the “It’s not the goal to over- website.
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